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Business Ecology and

The Business Ecology Initiative 2011

Abbie Lundberg
Executive Director, BEI
Spring 2011

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2011 Object Management Group

What Is Business Ecology?

Business Ecology is a management imperative to

optimize business operations and foster innovation. It
views organizations as living organisms in which all
aspects of management, operations and process
interact and interrelate, and which operate within a
dynamic business ecosystem.

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2011 Object Management Group

Business Ecology Goals & Practices

The goal of Business Ecology is to make business

more responsive, effective, sustainable and secure.
It does this through business-technology
convergence, better decision making & design,
business process excellence, removal of waste from
business practices and technology portfolios, holistic
risk management, and real-time insight and action.

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2011 Object Management Group

Business Ecology Initiative

The Business Ecology Initiative is a non-profit, memberled organization committed to breaking down silos and
promoting Business Ecology practices both within
organizations and among them. It provides thought
leadership, education and advocacy and a platform for
the development and sharing of case studies and
practices among business and technology leaders.

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2011 Object Management Group

responsive, sustainable, secure


Draft framework

BEI Activities & Benefits

Activities include:
Member-driven communities of practice
Working groups focused on key enablers
Practice contributions and exchange
Development of white papers and case studies
Conferences, webinars, virtual meetings and online discussion
Advocacy and industry outreach

Interested members gain exposure through...

Presenting at meetings

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Participating in webinars, podcasts and white papers

Case study awards program
Contributing to BEI Blog
Participating in press announcements
Displaying the Business Ecology logo on their web site

2011 Object Management Group

Communities of Practice
Advocacy groups comprised of practitioners, service providers and
technology vendors. Their goal is to promote the business value and
enable the successful adoption of key business-technology
strategies by the Global 1000, major government agencies and
midmarket businesses.
Operate in business-driven context:
- Optimization

- Innovation


- Profitability

- Effectiveness

- Assurance

Highlight real-world stories success, failure, lessons learned

Embrace an influence the influencer model
Expand Business Ecology Practice Collection

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2011 Object Management Group

Members, Audience
Two-pronged approach
Top-down, focus on business goals and outcomes
CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, COOs, VPs of various functions
Champions, supporters, value drivers
Conferences, blog posts, white papers... a C-level CoP?

Bottom-up from the enabling areas

Business analysts, BPM leaders, enterprise architects, etc.

Making things work at design and execution level
CoPs, conferences, white papers
Business education in, BT action & communication out

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2011 Object Management Group

Partners & Sponsors

Same idea: top-down and bottom up
1. Top Down: Consulting and research companies, consortia, etc.
Big concepts: Business Excellence, Strategy, Governance,
Innovation, Green IT, Extended Enterprise, etc.

2. Bottom Up: Technology vendors

Specific enablers: BPM, Event Processing, Cyber-security, Cloud,
Collaboration, Social Computing

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2011 Object Management Group

Bridging the Gap from Technical to Business Standards

OMG is known for its leadership

and excellence with technical
standards. BEIs communities of
people, agencies and companies
carry on that tradition by driving
common standardized means
of education, definitions and
goals for use by business and

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2011 Object Management Group

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