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Third Grade

This and

Rooted, Growing,

February 9, 2015

Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, February 10- PIP in the PTA room in
the Annex from 8:30-9:30!
Wednesday, February 11- Japanese Field trip
to Maronie Hall from 1:30-4:30!
Friday, February 13- Class Valentines Day
exchange from 2:30-3:30!
Monday & Tuesday, February 16&17- Winter
break, no school!

!Bible: This week we will be finishing up our

Moses unit. We will be learning about how the

Israelites celebrated their exodus from Egypt.
Then we will spend a couple of days reviewing
and on Friday we will have our unit test.!
Our Bible Memory verse is Nehemiah 9:11-12
and it will be due next Friday, February 20 (but
there will also be a fill in the blank section on
the test this Friday).!

!Reading: This week we will be doing Daily Five

and getting together in small groups to practice
reading strategies. The students will be writing a
letter in their reading journals about a book they
have recently read.

!Writing/Word Study: We will review the

cursive we have learned and also practice some

more capital letters this week. !

We will have a spelling test this Friday. The

spelling words this week are the days of the
week and a few other time words. They are:!
Friday Sunday morning Tuesday !
Saturday evening Monday afternoon !
Thursday Wednesday!

!Math: We will be finishing our unit on metric

measurement this week and will have a

measuring assessment on Thursday. Our next
unit will be on graphing.!

!Units: We will continue researching for our

China presentations this week. We will also take

some time in class to work on memorizing 1
Corinthians 13 for our fundraiser project.!

!Happy Birthday:

2/13 Charlotte!

!Student of the week:

2/10 Saki!

!Have a wonderful
Miss Hardeman
& Mrs. Wordell

You divided the sea before them, so that they passed through it on dry ground, but you hurled
their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into mighty waters. By day you led them with a pillar
of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire to give them light on the way they were to take.

Nehemiah 9:11&12

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