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a Eeyore Byron Jackson Pump Divisi hi ENGINEERING DATA— WATER DATA FLOW OVER WERS T vavoren wae second = @ Discharge Feet Pe (Froneis) @ = 2.53 H°/2 ‘The Head (Hi) should be mearured upstream from crest @ distance SH or more. The velocity of approach should be 4 foot par second. See below for head correction. IPPOLETTI WEIR The Cippoletti Weir is o trapezidal notch in the vertical upstream surface of the bulkhead the ends sloped. (Fig. 4) b= Crest Length In Feet Depth of Weir Feet Heod in Feet 2H or More 3 Wr W Discharge in Cub Feet Per Second = @ CFronci) @=3.367 & 3/2 NOTE: The Notch must have fairly sharp edges and the crest (b) must be level. The head (H) should be measured 0 distonce upstream from the weir at least 4H, and the velocity of ‘approach should be under | or 2 feet per secand ~ See below for Head Correction. HEAD CORRECTION FOR VELOCITY OF APPROACH ‘Add to the measured head "H®, the corrections for velocity of approach from the following _— MER ke ae ae ke eae Byron Jackson Pump 'BORG:WARNER CORPORATION ENGINEERING DATA— ELECTRICAL DATA EASY FORMULAS FOR FIGURING ELECTRICAL COST OF PUMPING (© Cost per Acre-Foot = TAS me errors Be terete bith etek it Oa] ammoy te ll Pepe, tating in formals te) SSeS a ten = MEX 1X 0 oe aha yy ce eo Cot pr whan = an Tos Ghai Res RR ee eee Te nee natd pat PTX Sle Taba tan as ng Catenin peer te he ‘cra HW. = Kapwate ipa Marte on an ney i RET Sree do pony ny (©) Gost per 1000 Gallons Pane eer ay eT v eS : ee a 1 Meter (disk constant method) Pee yepeiatas pa) pate BRK rd (Sirens wei oe ‘ache. Seba Rew of dink 2 eran i Hig wae or og Aad he eo tuoens x 129 = tae, sma 0eSherted by alge atoning oe” (8) Gost per Hour = es SE a les Sara at et eed med a at a tt st Section 2000 age 1-2008-6 Byron Jackson Pump Division 'BORG-WARNER CORPORATION | a= [ [ ENGINEERING DATA — ELECTRICAL DATA BLHLP. for A.C. Motor = Volts x Amperes x Cos x\ViDEH r 5 r LHLP. forD. Motor = Volts x Ampores x 1.34. n= Number of phases; ( fi Ces = Power foctor of motor = Notorefficieney Motor Speed RF: M = Frequency 120 GRotood) “runber af pales ' i ._ FREQUENCY (CYCLES) = OF POLES 2 = o 2 Tao | 3000 | 3000 4 30 | 1500 | 1000 1 : | ime | te 8 ws | 7m | 900 10 sz | oo | 70 1 2 Ss) | ae ve me | 4p | 34 1 16 tes | 37 | 480 1 SLIP OF INDUCTION MOTORS \ — = Towtrowm | SUPATFULLLOAD | HoserOwer | SLIP AT FULL LOAD BD [SENG] Fer cent averse | “or moron, | rer CENT AVERAGE ib 4 40. 3.50 | 1 2 4 P 2 3 4 o 3.30 5 4 % 300 1 7 4 100 3.00 0 4 3 3.00 5 4 150 200 » 4 220 22 3 4 2 20 2 4 00 a ‘Motor Wh TO polar or more wll Fave Highly more a ciclo 2-820 Boge 25208 Byron Jackson Pump Division BORG:WARNER CORPORATION GENERAL ENGINEERING DATA, anne) iraanen . BAROMETRIC READINGS AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES ‘CORRESPONDING TO DIFFERENT ALTITUDES : ‘fore, |‘“nure dbs: | “reading” | “heed of | pointe ot zi St Fer | "Enon’” | “Hercury” | an'rect | Pesponding PSuR endings o | ast | soo | ane | mea , 00 awa 29.4 ze | ma roo | ne | oe | xe | aor n 100 13.9 28.3 32.2 209.2 zoo | as6 | arr | as | eos fi 2500 13.4 27.2 3.7 207.2 soo | asa | esr | we | 208.3 ' 3500 |, 12.9 26.2 29.8 205.4 wooo |) aes | aser | apa | cone - 4500, 12.4 25.2 28.5 203.5, soo | rea | ater | arg | 2005 P 5500 1g 2h.3 ete 201.7 6000 aT 23.8 * 27.0 200.7 - 6500 1.5 23.8 26.5 199.9 roo | ne | zee | 26.0 | r99.9 ' ~ 7500 11.0 22.5 25.4 197.9 sooo | 10.8 | 22a | arg | ate & 8500 20.6 2.7 hh 196.2 soo | aos | ae | a0 | asa § 9500 20.2 20.8 23.5 198.2 reovo | 20.0 | 20.8 | 23.0 | as. , An Ball Manufacturing Inc. 903 W. Conte Seah North Salt Lak Utoh 84054 “Area 801 Phone 359-1621 Table | ‘SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE — VELOCITY IN FT. PER SECONDS FRICTION LOSS FOR WATER IN FEET PER 100 FEET % Silas AREY qm eee Se Bes Eaves URRAETS [ 4 es eet aos eee | (Ff 2S Res See ay aaneae Ela ee ee lel BEA BESEE concen Py) St SS aoe se 7) Se ae SS Ee : 285 SS oes es P| | 2 SES SS Se | 3 (][ ae BRRRS SEER ceeee = wie $aBlen ene qeace | SEER Sees , PES das SS af Sa 5 [7] eeseee Wasa Bacar © oly aeems Set Sons 5 i Wi] [ross see sseee sores sae a ees xi Hi BRwee seme = 7 Esai RAZR2 BSo~— if Le 1 EBS EEE Rize * 1 SSASY SNe coven eaeas aeass oi jesiemies |b! me vil Bee ae dae f e an a 1 TS toes i SS SS bo i mn foe ‘i eae ri] 33 SS See apt Be ¥ age € 2 = *),a) 38 Be eg 3), a] aaa Re Bs i Say i] BS St Skee rises Ss 5 RERES Ble ae A as GG 1/8 Ses as L 3 | ylsgeuga aeura & > ARBRE ESE wen ieee ee i Sees BE se CREST ERI wee aneen aman pice) naaSus SPSSS RISER ARE BSIATE cocoa meee Qe — ge ee See ee age Table | (concluded) aS88RR Sg] sRanee FRICTION LOSS FOR WATER IN FEET PER 100 FEET SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE — VELOCITY IN FT. PER SECONDS iq [see eae ene Gt | iy [EE ay secrion 6 ace 13 DATED: NOVEMEER 1, 1954 NOTE fn nena ot ean he RESISTANCE OF VALVES AND FITTINGS TO FLOW OF FLUIDS BAM, he ded ae ht hl tf (Globe Valve, Open. Gane Valve 2 Clout 4. Clowed — [Filly Open Ange Valve, Ope. Sandind Tee SWING CHEER VALVE, oben Diameter of Standard Pipe, tches Inside Dieter, Incr suden Contraction Ip~ Io~ 4 o-¥% ae we Company, age, Scton 6, 15 Baile, a inde of Hydro inate. ‘os EP] cimite p® especiticacion pa@s TuseRia TEMPERATURA Y -PRESION TEMPERATURA °F BUFETE DE INGENIERIA CIVIL Y QUIMICA S.A. E ' : a savas elelele=] #Ti ‘oanoowe ele ele sevacke| ~ sels ati | ssve-aa 2 2 2 2 5 cancers! [wlan | ola = w| a[ssve-ae] STS] S TS a | ols 212 ant i sanoora] $78] sf sg] [= =| Pofiz SiS{2i2 i <[ssve-ae]-1-]- ler t i aneone| | -[-| | |g | > [sree Se] [| 7 eanoo7| $| 5 | : ] ssva-sal S| i | =| foaneore | & f fe leitneweecuee 21a) Sia (aes (atc tealalad einaten cvowor| S/S |-~| = a BUFETE DE INGENERIA CIVIL’ ¥ QURICA SA. 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