Colebrook Equations

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Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors

In 1944 Lewis F. Moody, Professor, Hydraulic Engineering, Princeton University,
published Friction Factors for Pipe Flow1. The work of Moody, and the Moody
Diagram on page 672 of the published transactions, has become the basis for
many of the calculations on friction loss in pipes, ductwork and flues. While there
are modified versions of the original Moody Diagram, I will strive to use the
original diagram as the basis for terminology used here.
Moody references the work of C.F. Colebrook and C.M. White, amongst others, in
developing his Moody Diagram. The Moody Diagram can be used as a graphical
solution of the Colebrook Equation. There are tools available today that allow
solution of the Colebrook Equation, in both its Implicit forms and Explicit forms,
without using the graphical approach. These are much more useful when working
with electronic spreadsheets as will be done in this series.
The series will examine:
Implicit Forms of Colebrook:
We will look at the three common forms of the Colebrook Equation. The
differences between these three equations will be examined and the deviations in
the results that they produce will be explored.
User Defined Functions (UDF) for the Implicit Forms of Colebrook:
We will look at UDFs that solve the three Implicit forms of Colebrook. The
functions are written in the Visual Basic Editor which is part of Excel
spreadsheets. The accuracy of the UDFs will be compared to those obtained by
Explicit Forms of Colebrook:
In this section we will be looking at four forms of the Colebrook Equations that I
am familiar with. I would also like to solicit the readers for any other explicit
equations that they are familiar with and these will be included as well. The four
equations that I plan to discuss are:
Serghides Solution.3
Zigrang and Sylvester Solution.4
Swamee and Jain.5
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Special Cases:
In this section, several special case equations will be examined. Where possible,
the deviations between these equations and the parent equations will be
evaluated. We will also examine if these special case equations are needed
because the Colebrook solutions are inadequate or if they are useful as merely
simplified equations.

What should be considered in selecting a method to solve Colebrook:

Several alternatives will be presented for calculating the Friction Factor, f . Easy
of use, accuracy, alternatives and limits of use are among the considerations to
be evaluated.

Implicit Forms of Colebrook

There are at least three forms of the Colebrook Equation that can be found in
current literature on hydraulics. These are:

f is the Friction Factor and is dimensionless
is the Absolute Roughness and is in units of length
D is the Inside Diameter and, as these formulas are written, is in the same
units as .
R is the Reynolds Number and is dimensionless.
Note that /D is the Relative Roughness and is dimensionless.
These three equations are referred to as Implicit Equations. Implicit means
that f, the Friction Factor, is Implied or understood though not directly
expressed2. Simply stated, the equations ARE NOT in the form of f = .
These are sometimes referred to as equivalent but as we will see, the results will
vary when calculated to the fourth significant digit.
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

These equations can be solved for f given the Relative Roughness (? /D) and
the Reynolds Number, (R), by iteration. Such iterations can be performed using
an electronic spreadsheet. A spreadsheet, Friction Factor Formulas for
Cheresource.xls is presented for demonstration. The spreadsheet contains four
worksheets. The first Tab is labeled Iterations. The Iterative solutions are
generated by breaking the formulas in two parts, that which is left of the equal
sign and that which is right of the equal sign. (See row 20 as an example.) The
Iteration then tests values of f that will result in the difference between the two
sides to be zero or very close to zero. (A complete explanation was published in
the ASHRAE Journal of September, 20027.)
If you open the spreadsheet to the Iterations workbook and enter valves for
Relative Roughness of .001 in cell C3 and Reynolds Number of 1,000,000 in cell
C4, you will see cells C9, C11 and C13 all indicate that Iteration Required. This
is indicating that a solution has not been found and that an Iteration must be
performed. You will note that there is a Command Button titled Perform
Iterations in the upper left hand area of the spreadsheet. A macro was written to
perform the necessary Iterations on the three formulas when this Command
Button is clicked. (You can alternatively execute the macro for the three Iterations
using the Hotkeys Ctrl I or execute the Iterations manually using the Tools /
Goal Seek commands from the menu bar.)
Assuming that the valves suggested have been entered and the Command Button
has been clicked, cells C9, C11 and C13 should now contain valves. Note that
each value is identical for at least three significant digits, that being .0199for the
example given. (If you refer to a Moody Diagram, you will see that the graphical
solution appears to be approximately .02.) You should also note that there is
some difference between these cells starting at the fourth significant digit. You
may wonder if this is an error in the iteration or difference in the formulas
The accuracy of the Iterative Solution can be validated by back substituting the
result into the original equation. Im going to refer to this as the Check Value.
Modifying Eq 1 by multiplying both sides of the equation by the square root of f

Back substituting the given Relative Roughness and Reynolds Numbers and the
calculated Friction Factor, an exact solution would result in a Check Value of:
1 = 1.000000
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

The result of an iteration is limited by either the number of iterations or the

maximum deviation allowed. The result here, although extremely accurate, is less
than exact. (You may note that the difference in cell I20 was multiplied by 1000 to
improve the accuracy over the default Maximum Change of .001 in Excel.)
Given that the original formula was empirically derived, and that there is some
difference between the results from the three forms of Colebrook, something less
than the exact solution must be deemed acceptable. What is practical from the
stand point of Good Engineering Practice is something that will be discussed in
the last section of this series. For now, I will present Check Values taken to the
sixth decimal point for comparing various solutions.
In the spreadsheet, you will notice that Check Values are given in both columns
D and E. In column D, the Check Values are calculated using the same
equation used in the iteration. This indicates that the iterations produced very
accurate results. Column E, on the other hand, is calculated using the Friction
Factor from the iteration of Eq 2 or 3, but back substituted into Eq 1 for calculating
the Check Values.
There is a problem with Eq 3; it isnt capable of producing a result when a Relative
Roughness of zero (representing smooth pipe) is entered. The Visual Basic
dialog box will appear with the message, Run-time error 1004. Reference is not
valid Click on the End Button to get out of the macro. A good approximation
can be calculated by entering a very small Relative Roughness, say .000 000 001.
Enough for now on Iterative Solutions. We will revisit this subject and the other
solutions to be covered in the last section of this series.

User Defined Functions:

As an alternative to solving Colebrook using Iteration, User Defined Functions
(UDFs) can be written that use a variety of methods to solve Colebrook. In this
series, we will examine the use of an iterative like approach that doesnt require
the initiation of the built-in Iteration Function (Goal Seek). One advantage of this
UDF that it can be used in a series of calculations such as a piping network
without initiating an Iteration. Another advantage is that it can be used in
conjunction with another Iteration without embedding Iterations. An example of
this second advantage would be to Iterate for a fixed pressure drop by changing
the flow, diameter or Relative Roughness. An example will be presented.
The UDFs presented in the demonstration spreadsheet are defined in the Visual
Basic Editor. (Its not necessary to examine them but if you desire to do so, they
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

can be viewed from the menu bar Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor or from the
keyboard shortcut Alt-F11. In the Editor, the UDF =fEq1() is Module1. These
UDFs require the bare minimum knowledge of Visual Basic. This, however, is
beyond the scope of this series, although I would encourage the reader to look at
how they have been created.)
Each UDF is basically identical with only the difference in the right side of the
equation changed for the three Colebrook Equations. The basic routine is:
-Visualize a plot of the Difference (as described in the previous Section) versus
the Friction Factor.
-Get an initial value for f using the Swamee and Jain equation. (More on
Swamee and Jain Equation in the Explicit Section.)
-Enter a Do Loop Until loop.
-Calculate the slope of the Difference line.
-Project where a straight line with this slope and f value will cross the Friction
Factor line.
-Using the projected value from above, repeat the process until the conditions are
For a detailed explanation, refer to Solving for Friction Factor, ASHRAE Journal
July 20038.
Open the workbook under the Tab User Defined Func. In column G the
corresponding UDF is given for each form of Colebrook. As different values of
Relative Roughness and Reynolds Number are entered, the results from the
UDFs are changed immediately. The Iteration Command Button can be clicked to
perform the Iterations as before so that the Iteration results can be compared with
the UDFs. Check Values in column I show that the UDFs have successfully
calculated the Friction Factor to 1.000000 in all cases.
From the User Defined Funcworkbook, first enter a Relative Roughness in cell
C3 of .005 and a Reynolds Number of 1,000,000. The various Friction Factors
will be approximately .0304.. Now lets assume that we want to know what
Relative Roughness will give us a Friction Factor of .0200.
-In cell E9 enter the formula =G9*1000 without the quotation marks. (This is
necessary to achieve the desired accuracy.)
-Place the cursor in cell E9.
-Select Tools \Goal Seek from the menu.
-The Set Cell should show E9 if the cursor started in cell E9
-Tab down to the To Value and enter 20. (This is 1000 times the desired Friction
Factor of .0200.)
-Tab down to the By Changing cell and enter C3. (This is the Relative
Roughness number that will be changed to give the desired result.)
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

-Hit the OK Button and again hit the OK Button.

At this point, the Relative Roughness in cell C3 should have changed to .0010124
and the Friction Factor in cell G9 should have changed to .0200.
UDFs exist in the spreadsheet that they were created in or in a spreadsheet were
they have been copied to. They dont exist in a blank spreadsheet. To facilitate
the process of using the UDFs in an existing or new spreadsheet, each UDF has
been exported to a filename.bas file. To copy a UDF to a blank or existing
-Place the desired filename.bas in a directory where it can be easily found.
-Open the spreadsheet that you wish to add the UDF to.
-Go to the Visual Basic Editor. (From the menu, Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor
or use the keyboard shortcut Alt-F11.
-In the Visual Basic Editor, from the menu bar, do a File/Import File/Hilight the file
to be imported, a filename.bas file.
-Hit the OK button and close the Visual Basic Editor.
The UDF is now part of your spreadsheet and will be saved as part of the file,
when you save it.
To use the new spreadsheet, first decide which cells will contain the Relative
Roughness and the Reynolds Number. Second, you can do either;
-From the Functions List, under User Defined Functions, you can select the
Function and assign cell references for the Relative Roughness and
Reynolds Number
-Simply write in the formula as =fEq1(C3,C4) assuming you want to use
fEq1(), the Relative Roughness is in cell C3 and Reynolds Number is in
cell C4.
There is a problem with Eq 3; it isnt capable of producing a result for a Relative
Rouhgness of zero (0), (representing smooth pipe). If the Iteration is run with a
zero (0) entered, the Visual Basic dialog box will appear with the message, Runtime error 1004. Reference is not valid Click on the End Button to get out of
the macro. A good approximation can be calculated b y entering a very small
Relative Roughness, say .000 000 001. The UDF for Eq 3 will return #VALUE!
with zero (0) Relative Roughness.

That completes the Section on UDFs. Next we will examine several Explicit
Functions to calculate Friction Factor.
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Explicit Forms

As mentioned in the Introduction, there are four Explicit Equations that will be
Serghides Solution.3
A = -2 log10[(RelRough / 3.7) + (12 / Reynolds#)]
B = -2 log10[(RelRough / 3.7) + (2.51*A / Reynolds#)]
C = -2 log10[(RelRough / 3.7) + (2.51*B / Reynolds#)]
f = (A-((B-A)2 / (C-(2*B) + A))-2

Serghide can be used across the entire range of the Moody Diagram. Its
accuracy is unparalleled amongst the Explicit Equations evaluated here. It
appears to be based on Eq 1, as do all the Explicit Equations presented. There is
less deviation between Serghide and Eq 1 then there is between Eq 1 and either
Eq 2 or Eq 3.
The soft spot, if one can call this minimal deviation a soft spot, exists with Smooth
Pipe (/D = 0) and a Reynolds Number of 170,000. At this point, the deviation
between Serghide and the iterative solution of Eq 1 is 0.0031%. Because
Serghide so closely mirrors Eq 1, it has approximately the same deviation to Eq 2
and Eq 3 as does Eq 1.
Serghide is perhaps the most complex entry that must be made into a
spreadsheet. The A, B and C parameters can be entered into separate cells and
then the Friction Factor can be calculated in a fourth cell. In the actual
demonstration spreadsheet, under the Tab Explicit Eq, the calculations are
placed in cells B42 to C48. A User Defined Function, fSerg, was written as well.
The VBM for this is fSerg.bas and can be copied to an existing worksheet in the
same manner as described in the User Defined Function Section.

Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Zigrang and Sylvester Solution.4

f = 1 / (-2log10(RelRough / 3.7 - 5.02 / Reynolds# * log10(RelRough / 3.77
5.02 / Reynolds# * log10(RelRough / 3.77 + 13 / Reynolds#))))2
Zigrang, like Serghide, can be used across the entire range of the Moody
Diagram. Of the Explicit Equations evaluated here, It is second in accuracy to
Serghide. The soft spot exists with Smooth Pipe (/D = 0) and a Reynolds
Number of 64,500. At this point, the deviation between Zigrang and the iterative
solution of Eq 1 is 0.11%. (This still compares favorable with the maximum
deviations between Eq 1 and either Eq 2 or Eq 3.) The deviation between Zigrang
and Eq 2, at these same conditions, is 0.22%.
One significant advantage of Zigrang is that it can be placed in a single cell of a
spreadsheet, albeit a long entry.
Swamee and Jain.5
f = .25 / (log10((RelRough / 3.7) + (5.74 / Reynolds#^.9)))2
Swamee & Jain has limits but varies sources state these limits differently. The
referenced source states the limits as:
10-6 < /D < .01 and 5000 < Reynolds Number < 3x108
Statements vary around accuracy but the reference states, An easier, and almost
as accurate procedure as the Moody Diagram is to use the empirical formulas of
Swamee and Jain,.. Deviation to Eq 1 of 2.8+% is seen at /D of .01 and
Reynolds Number of 5000.
Swamee and Jain is easily entered into a single cell of a spreadsheet. The fact
that is has a limited range of use, while other Explicit Equations, specifically
Serghide or Zigrang, do not, is a significant disadvantage.
f = 0.11 * (RelRough + 68/Reynolds#).25
if f < .018, f = .85 f + .0028
otherwise, f = f

Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Altshul Tsal can be found in numerous references and is generally not

accompanied with any limited range of use. This is regrettable as its accuracy is
limited to Relative Roughness in the lower half of the Moody Diagram. In the
extreme case of Relative Roughness of .05, there is a 27+% deviation with the
iterative solution of Eq 1, across the entire range of Reynolds Numbers.

Special Cases:
Terminology is critical when we speak of Special Cases. Literature is inconsistent
in referring to the various areas of the Moody Diagram. As stated previously, I will
strive to use terminology consistent with the original article of Moody (1944) and
the Moody Diagram shown in that paper.
The zones and special lines in the Moody Diagram are:
Laminar Zone: This is the area of Reynolds Number less than 2000. In this zone,
the Friction Factor is defined as f = 64 / Reynolds Number. The Colebrook
Equation does not apply.
Critical Zone: This is the area between Reynolds Numbers greater than 2000
and less than 4000. The Colebrook Equation is not intended for this area.
Smooth Pipe: This is the line drawn at Relative Roughness, (/D) equal to zero.
Dashed Line: This is the line plotted from the relationship:
1 / f.5 = R x /D / 200.
Transition Zone: Area bound by Reynolds Number greater than 4000, the
Smooth Pipe Line and the Dashed Line.
Complete Turbulence, Rough Pipe: Area to the right of the Dashed Line.
By applying a set of logical IF Statements consistent with these definitions, we
can determine where on the Moody Diagram a set of conditions lies. This is done
in the demonstration spreadsheet, under the Tab Special Cases, cells E1 to I4.
Knowing the Zone, we can determined if a Special Case applies.
The Special Cases evaluated here are those dealing with Complete Turbulence,
Rough Pipe and Smooth Pipe. The first case is the Complete Turbulence, Rough

Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Looking at Eq 1 and a Moody Diagram, it can be seen that;

1. The fraction with Reynolds Number in denominator approaches zero
as Reynolds Number becomes larger and larger.
2. At higher Relative Roughness, the Reynolds Number has less
impact on the Friction Factor.
3. At Reynolds Number of 108, all Relative Roughness curves are
essentially flat and the Friction Factor is independent of the
Reynolds Number.

This gives rise to a simplification of the Colebrook Equation where the Friction
Factor is factorable:
f = 1 / ( 2*log10(3.7 / /D )2
One question might be, Does the Colebrook Equation still produce accurate
results under the above condition? The demonstration spreadsheet, under the
Tab Special Cases can help answer this question. Along the Relative
Roughness Curve of 0.05, examine the deviation between the Friction Factor as
calculated with the full Colebrook Equation versus the Special Case:
Reynolds Number
Colebrook Eq 1
Special Case Equation
* The Dashed Line intersects the /D of .05 at approximately this point
Two observations can be made:
1. At the Dashed Line, there is a definite deviation, (2.07 %)
2. At Reynolds Number of 100,000,000, the deviation is extremely small
With regard to the first observation, a visual examination of the Moody Diagram
will reveal that at .05 Relative Roughness and Reynolds of 15,000, the Relative
Roughness curve still has some curvature to it. Given that, some deviation should
be expected.
The example used is an extreme case but it shows that the Colebrook Equation is
accurate in this Special Case situation. This leads me to conclude that the
Special Case Equation was developed for ease of use and not accuracy.
The second Special Case is used for Smooth Pipe, where the Relative
Roughness is ze ro. Here again, simplification of the Colebrook Equation, for this
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

condition, exists that is factorable for f. Two equations are given for two ranges
of Reynolds Numbers:
f = 0.3164 / Reynolds Number .25
limited to Reynolds Number <105

f = 0.0032 + 0.221 / Reynolds Number .237

limited to 105 < Reynolds Number < 3*106

Deviations of 1.09%, at Reynolds Number of 99,999 and 1.97% at Reynolds

Number of 100,001 compared to Eq 1 can be seen in the demonstration
spreadsheet. I ha ve no standard by which to judge the deviations. At the
Reynolds Numbers used, there is a .89% variation between the two Special
Cases themselves. I suspect, without an real data, that the Colebrook Equation is
perfectly adequate for this Special Case situation.

What Should be Considered in Selecting a Method to Solve Colebrook:

With the spreadsheets available today, numerous methods exist for calculating
the Friction Factor from the Colebrook Equation. Some cover the entire range of
the Moody Diagram while others are limited to only part of the Diagram. Special
Cases, while simpler in format, are limited in their application as well. It is the
writers opinion the there is an overwhelming advantage to using a method that
has no limits. This seems especially true where a spreadsheet will be shared.
While the original writer of the spreadsheet may be aware of its limitations, use by
others, not familiar with these limitations, could lead to significant inaccuracies.
The issue of Ease of Use is very much as individual matter. Some may shy away
from UDFs as too complicated but for myself, I find UDFs very easy to
incorporate in both new and existing spreadsheets. Once they exist in a
spreadsheet, I find them easier to enter than the Explicit Equations that I would
consider as acceptable alternatives.
Iterations, once setup are easy to use on an individual case but are not easy to
use in a piping network. This is particularly true when What If scenarios are
being evaluated.
Eq 3 and fEq3 do not produce a result with Relative Roughness of 0.0. While
there are ways to deal with this, such as using an extremely low Relative
Roughness, they do posse a problem that isnt an issue with many other methods.
Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

Whats acceptable? Thats up to the engineer. For me, I want a solution that
covers the full range of the Moody Diagram, is as accurate as the deviations
between the various forms of Colebrook and is easy to use. I find that all of the
following meet these criteria:
1. UDFs fEq1, fEq2 or fSerg
2. The Explicit Methods of Serghide and Zigrang

Moody, L, 1944, Friction Factors for Pipe Flow, ASME Transactions Vol 66, Page 671.

2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition. Copyright 1991 by
Columbia University Press.
3. T.K.Serghides implementation of Steffensons accelerated convergence technique, reportedly to have
appeared in Chemical Engineering March 5, 1984.
4. Zigrang and Sylvesters solution reportedly to have appeared in AIChE Journal vol. 28, 1982.
5. Swamee and Jain Equation

2001 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals p.35xx

7. Lester, T. Calculating Pressure Drops in Piping Systems. ASHRAE Journal Sept. 2002.
8. Lester, T. Solving for Friction Factor. ASHRAE Journal July, 2003.

Solving the Colebrook Equation for Friction Factors, Tom Lester, P.E., Bergmann Associates

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