Sparta Sepag Bylaws 1 2015

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Sparta Special Education Parent Advisory Group

Article I: Authorization and Procedures for


Authorization for a district wide SEPAG is derived from New Jersey Administrative Code,
6A:74-7.2 (h). Parent Advisory groups are required by state regulation. Meetings of the
SEPAG will be convened as follows:
General meetings will be held no less than 6 times per year. ln addition to providing
information and training opportunities for parents, a portion ofthe meeting will be
designated for parental input to the SEPAG officers.

Administration Meetings: At a mutually agreed upon time quarterly (or as needed), the
representatives from the SEPAG will meet with the Director ofSpecial Services or
designated liaison and a representative from the Board of Education to provide input on
the policies, programs and practices that impact services and supports for students with
disabilities. They will communicate bar ers or challenges experienced by familiesi
represent family concerns; focus on student needs as a group rather than an individual; ask
clari$/ing questions.
At the May meeting ofeach year, officers will be elected by a majority vote. Officers wili
include: President and Secretary. Each school in the district will also select a parent
representative or Iiaison. Other parent representatives will include the parent ofa student
in a out of district placement and the parent ofan alumnus. Positions may be co-chaired,

Article II: Name ofthe Organization

The name ofthis organization shall be the Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory Group,
also known as the Sparta SEPAG.

Article III: Mission Statement/Guidelines for Operation

Sparta SEPAC'S mission is to facilitate communication with the Sparta Township

School District by providing input on issues effecting student with disabilities in the
Sparta Township School District fo. the purpose ofenhancing the policies, programs
and services for students with disabilities. Advise the Director ofSpecial Services
and administration on the operation and development ofspecial education
programs - parent and teacher training needs - and help to develop, review, revise
and comment on any special education policy; provide opportunity for Sparta
School District and employees to share accomplishments, goals, and needs,

Some specific objectives fiom the mission statement are the following:

promote a network ofparents of children with special needs and provide a forum to
share information and discuss matters ofconcern and interest for children with
special needs;

promote communication between the Sparta Special Education Parent Advisory

Group members with local, State and National organizations, Groups and groups
that support children with special needs;

promote communication and programs within the community to encourage

understanding, acceptance and inclusion ofchildren with special needs;

provlde informational forums to parents, educators, students and professionals

involved with children with special needs.

SEPAG uses the definitions ofterms setforth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act and its implementing regulations as well as the definitions set forth in New lersey Law
and Regulation.

The Sparta SEPAC shall conduct itself in a manner that will protect the privacy ofall
concerned individuals including parents, students, and district employees. Therefore
names and other personai information will be withheld from all meeting communications.

Article IV: TJ/pes of Membership

General membership shall be open to any resident ofSparta Township, including Ex-officio
non-voting members ofSEPAG, such as the Director ofSpecial Seruices, child study team
member, teacher, principal and Sparta Board ofEducation member.

Voting membership shall be any general member who is a parent or guardian ofa child
with special needs residing in Sparta Township, who is a parent or guardian ofa child with
special needs who attends (or attended) Sparta Public Schools and who has attended at
least one previous open meeting ofthe Sparta Special Education Parent Advisory Group
during the past 12 months. Voting membership is required to vote in annual officer
elections and other business that comes before any Sparta Special Education Parent
Advisory Group meeting.

Article V: Officers ofthe Sparta Snecial Education Parent Advisorv Group

Officers ofthe Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory Group are elected by the voting
membership and hold office for one year.

office and officer responsibilities ofthe Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory Group
are to:
Set the agenda

for each open meeting.

Preside at all scheduled meetings ofthe Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory

Serue as a spokesperson for the organization, recruit new members
Report to the Director ofSpecial Services and Board of Education liaison as a
representative of the members
Attend scheduled public Sparta Board of Education Meetings
Prepare periodic reports for the Special Education Administration regarding the
Sparta Special Education Parent Advisory Group activities and needs.

Coordinate all communication (email, facebook, twitter, flyers, website) between the
Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory Group and its membership,
Coordinate the recording and filing ofminutes and correspondence ofthe Sparta

Maintain an accurate attendance log, and update contact lists, recruit new members
School Liaisons:


Bring forth individual school concerns/questions/needs to the SEPAG Board for

Communicate SEPAG information to his/her representative school
Work with other SEPAG Board Members to conduct forums, presentations, speakerl
etc. to the general membership

Article Vll: Elections

Eiections shall be the first order ofbusiness during the open May meeting, Elections shall
be decided by a simple majority ofreceived votes ofthe voting membership. New officers
shall take office immediately following their election. The President's vote will breakany

will be informed ofthe annual elections with the

names, addresses and phone numbers ofthe new board members by Iune 1 of each year.
The date ofelections should also be provided.
SPAN and the NJ Department of Education

The following are the activities leading up to the meeting with the elections:

Prior to an open nomination meeting; a volunteer will be recruited from the voting
membership ofthe Sparta Special Education ParentAdvisory Group for the temporary
position of Election Coordinator.
Anyone wanting to run for executive office shall submit a written letter ofintent to the
SEPAG Election Coordinator byApril 3rd. lt will be the Election Coordinator's duty to
prepare a slate ofthe nominated candidates for each elected office. All voting members are
eligible to make nominations. This slate shall be read at the April meeting

Elections shall take place by secret ballot at the May meeting. Ballots shall be counted by
the Election Coordinator in the presence ofthe President(sl.
The ballots will be stored by the Secretary.

Article VIII: Meetings

During the last meeting ofthe school year, the President or designee, shall take
recommendations for the calendar ofopen meetings for the following school year, The
calendar shall include dates and times ofthe open meetings and possible activlties for the
following year.
Notice ofall open meeting dates and elections shall be published on the school and SEPAG

Attendance ofthe SEPAG Board mernbers and the minutes ofall SEPAG meetings shall be
maintained by the SEPAC secretary, Written agendas, SEPAG meeting minutes and
committee notes will be shared with the Sparta Board ofEducation by the Director of
Special Services after each meeting. At least once a year, or more often ifrequested by the
Sparta Board ofEducation, SEPAG shall meet with the Board in a workshop meeting to
provide an overview ofthe SEPAG goals and activities.
Minutes shall be reported in a confidential manner that protects the names ofdistrict
employees, students and parents.

Article IXi Subcroups

SubGroups shall be created as needed. The subGroup Chairperson shall be a volunteer or
willing nominee accepted by a simple majority ofthe members present.




These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority ofthe voting members at an open
meeting, but bylaws changes may not be voted upon in the same meeting as they are
proposed, unless a quorum votes unanimously to approve the change and the minutes
record this as necessary and why.

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