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Being a movie buff I would like to quote a line from a famous movie which goes

like this With great power comes great responsibility. I wholly agree that the
well being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.
It has been observed in the past and in the present that not keeping the people
in authority in check has lead to some disastrous results. Lack of controls to keep
in check authority have given rise to corruption which has plagued governments
and countries since time immemorial. In situations wherein there is a lack of
controls to keep authority in check, its up to the same people that these
authorities serve to question some of the decisions taken on their behalf. People
in authority exist to serve the needs of the common man and for the common
good of its citizens. People in authority when not questioned about the decisions
taken by them take for granted that what they do an decide is right leading to
many of them having a god Complex. When people question authority it
makes those in posts of power realize that they are answerable to those whom
they serve and the decisions taken by them will be scrutinized. This will lead to
them taking better decisions and decisions for the common good and not just for
their own well being.
It will also make the decision making process inclusive and make the common
people feel that they too are being involved in the decision making process.
Questioning authority also stems corruption due to fear that for wrong decisions
taken by them those in authority will be penalized. It also makes authority
answerable to the people they are meant to serve. It makes the decision making
process more transparent.
At the same time it should also been taken care that the questioning of authority
doesnt go overboard. It leads to unnecessary delay of time in the decision
making process and the work would get delayed. It also instils a sense of fear in
authority about even the good decisions which they make which would lead
them to not making any decisions at all which would in turn serve no purpose for
society at large.
Hence I would like to conclude by saying that questioning authority is good for
the well being of society but at the same time it should be done to an extent that
it is beneficial to society at large and not detrimental to the progress and well
being of the society

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