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PD Planning Document

By: Stacey Hubbard

a) Audience: Westport Middle School Teachers (all grades).
b) Presentation: PD will take place in department meetings with my live
demonstration. I will also send the Screencast via email afterwards (for
reference and teachers that were not able to attend the workshop).
c) Tool: ThingLink
d) Reason/Need: ThingLink provides a visually appealing way to present
information. Plus it adds a layer of technology to lessons. Students will be
more engaged because they will like the use of technology and students who
are more visual learners will be more engaged. Most students use Prezi or
PowerPoint to present projects. ThingLink is an alternate tool that allows
students to present in one screen. As a result, the user can see all the
resources in one place. For teachers who do not have the time or skills to
create a ThingLink from scratch, I will show them how to access and
manipulate ThingLinks that have already been created by other users. Many
of our teachers have iPads in their classroom. I will show them how to use
the ThingLink app. Also, it provides a way for teachers to collaborate on
topics. I will have the teachers brainstorm ways they can use it for
collaboration after I show them an example.
e) Audience will learn how to set up a ThingLink. Also, I will show them
strategies for incorporating it into lessons (either teacher directed or student
initiated) and collaborating with teachers. I will have examples for each
subject so teachers will be able to envision how they can use ThingLink in
their classrooms.
f) Adult Learning Theory:
1. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed: Teachers will be
self-directed because I will only give them a short tutorial on using the tool
and its benefits. Then the bulk of the training will be left to the learners to
explore ThingLink on their own (or in grade level groups) and create their
own ThingLinks.
2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning
experiences: While some teachers will be able to proceed with just a
short tutorial, many others may need more help. I will be available during
training to give more one on one help to those who need it. I will be
available for follow up help as well.
3. Adults are goal oriented: I will help teachers understand ThingLink
usefulness by providing examples that relate to their subject. Also, I will
compare PowerPoint and Prezi to ThingLink.
4. Adults are relevancy oriented: I will ask each subject and grade level
to go through their curriculum maps and find places where ThingLink
could be utilized.
5. Adults are practical: To see the importance of ThingLink as a
collaboration tool, I will have users brainstorm ways they can use
ThingLink to collaborate in their PLCs and as a department. Then they
will pick one of the topics and create a ThingLink together.

6. Adult learners like to be respected: Workshop participants will

complete an evaluation of the PD. I will use their input to plan follow-up
and future workshops.
g) I would like this PD to lead to other PDs that focus on incorporating
technology into planning lessons and collaboration. I would like this PD on
ThingLink to be the start of a technology toolbox for our staff. I would like to
create a technology toolbox series on how to incorporate technology in our
classrooms. Teachers have at least 2 desktops for student use in their
classrooms. I would like to see teachers using that technology and
requesting more as a result of these PD sessions on incorporating technology.
Students can use ThingLink as one option to create presentations.

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