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Opinion Paragraph

Watch the film.

After watching the film, decide whether or not you enjoyed the film
this is your opinion.
Select the strongest specific example from your T-chart to support
your opinion.
Write a properly structured paragraph that expresses your opinion
of the film.
Remember to use the point/proof/explanation/summary method.


In this sentence,
1. mention the name of the movie
2. whether or not you liked the film
3. and the main reason for your opinion
The Karate Kid is an exciting movie because of its realistic fight


Your proof will consist of a specific example from the film.

Viewers are drawn into the excitement when Daniel is fighting in
the final karate tournament. Even though he is injured, Daniel
forces himself to continue. The choreography of this scene makes
the fight scene believable.


Your explanation should consist of AT LEAST 2 sentences. In

these sentences, you explain how your proof proves your
point and why it is so important.
Because the tournament fight scene is so realistic, viewers are
anxious to find out who wins. When Daniel is injured, the
audience fears that he will lose the tournament. The anticipation
builds as the scene continues until Daniel finally beats his


In one sentence, restate your point. Do not introduce any

new information.
Clearly, the authentic fight scenes make The Karate Kid an
amazing film.

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