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Rhetorical Appeal Graphic Organizer for Brutus Oration

Speaker: Who is the speaker?

Occasion: Is there a specific occasion for this speech?
Audience: who is the target audience? How do you know? Provide evidence.
Purpose: What does this oration claim? What is the point of it? What is it about?

Tone: What is the tone of this speech? Consider the text and use evidence for support. Refer to
your tone handout for assistance.


Ethos: How does Brutus establish trust, show goodwill, and gain respect with the consumer?
Provide textual evidence.

Logos: How does Brutus use facts, statistics, or logical reasoning to persuade the audience?
Provide textual evidence for support.

Pathos: How does Brutus speech appeal to the plebians emotions? Does make the audience feel
anxious, inspired, afraid, happy, relieved, insecure, etc?

Marc Antonys clever speech incites the people to riot. Antonys speech is much
longer than Brutuss and utilizes rhetorical appeals, as well as repetition, ironic
tone, and reverse psychology in order to persuade his audience. Complete the
following based on Antonys speech:
Speaker: Who is the speaker?
Occasion: Is there a specific occasion for this speech?
Audience: who is the target audience? How do you know? Provide evidence.
Purpose: What does this oration claim? What is the point of it? What is it about?

Ethos: How does Antony establish trust, show goodwill, and gain respect with the plebians?
Provide at least three quotes/textual evidence that can be considered ethos. How does Antony
appeal to Caesars ethics? His own ethics?

Logos: How does Antony use facts, statistics, or logical reasoning to persuade his audience?
Provide textual evidence for support.

Pathos: How does Antonys speech appeal to the plebians emotions? Does he make the audience
feel anxious, inspired, afraid, happy, relieved, angry, etc? Provide evidence.

Antony uses manipulative techniques, such as ironic tone. How does Antony use irony to
manipulate the people? Explain and provide at least three textual quotes in which his tone is

Ironic Tone Examples Contd:

Antony also uses reverse psychology. Find at least three quotes that demonstrate this technique.

Antony uses repetition in order to manipulate and persuade his audience as well! Find examples
of repetition throughout his speech and explain how they are used to sway his audience!

Research Assignment Ideas

Julius Caesar Act III Quiz - Written Portion

Your Task: Write two to three well-developed body paragraphs in which you identify and
explain how the rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, and/or pathos) are deliberately used to craft and
enhance Antonys funeral oration. You may also include Antonys manipulative approaches as
Be sure to include:
Topic sentences for each paragraph
Explanation and textual examples of the rhetorical appeals you choose to write about
Explanation of how these strategies and techniques help enhance his speech
Clincher (closing sentence that ties everything up)


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