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Multiple Intelligences


COURSE NAME Child Development

Type of Learner



Students will each read a section on the development and needs of newborns. They will then
orally present what they learned for the class.


Students will be given a story problem with an infants age and growth measurements. They
will calculate the infants percentile.


Music can help bonds form. Infants are held close to the heart, so they become familiar with
heartbeats. Singing lullabies to the beat similar to a heart can be calming. Brainstorm with
students songs that have a slow, steady beat. Sing them as a class.


Class will be divided into pairs. One partner will be blindfolded, and tasked to find their
partner by their voice, identify an object by touch, etc. This will be compared to newborn


Students will be divided into groups of four and play a game of speed. Cards will have
pictures of Apgar categories (color, heart rate, respiration, reflex response, muscle tone).
Students will be encouraged to notice the pictures as they play. A quiz will be given after on
the categories of the Apgar scoring.


Compare the bonding of an infant with a plant. Bring in a seedling, and explain how it needs
sunlight, water, and attention to develop and grow.
A panel (pediatrician, lactation consultant, new mother, etc.) will visit the class. They will
be interviewed on the Apgar scale, growth of newborns, feeding options and procedures,
bonding techniques, and any questions from the class.

Students will interview their parents about their birth and infancy (how long labor took, if
there were any difficulties, what they looked like after their delivery, what sound they made
first, if they were breastfed or formula fed, how they were as a newborn, etc.)

Students will create a list of questions for a panel (see interpersonal). Students can star
questions that they want the teacher to ask anonymously.


Students will analyze a chart explaining attachment theory. Class will then have a
roundtable discussion on their perspective, opinion, and whether or not they believe in that

I felt that coming up with all intelligences was a challenge. Most activities I thought of
would apply to several types of intelligences. It did give me some ideas for other activities I
could do for other objectives in Child Development. Most of the activities I came up with would
take more than a few minutes to do, so I dont think I could do all nine in one day. I could
definitely spread them out for three lesson plans, though.

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