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Kari Williams



Standard 1: Students will identify and discuss social skills

needed to develop personal independence and interpersonal
Objective 1: Identify skills needed to develop and
strengthen interpersonal relationships.
a. Identify traits needed to develop (positive and
supportive) friendships.

How can your personal behavior affect
3 minutes
your relationships in a positive or negative

Question written on the front



TIME: 5 minutes

Identifying Characteristics of Friends

Dry erase marker

The days I Can statement will be written on the white board: I can identify characteristics
of friendships.
Have students say the I Can statement as a class.
Class will then discuss:
Why is it important for friends to have these qualities?
How important are your friends to you?
What is the most important quality a friend can have?
What does it take to make and keep a friend?


TIME: 15 minutes Potato Friends

1-2 bag(s) of potatoes
(roughly 30 count)

Students will each select one potato from a bag. Instruct students to treat it carefully as
they look closely at their potatoes, noting coloration, blemishes, etc. Next, ask one student
to introduce his/her potato to two other students by discussing the potatos unique
characteristics. After all potatoes have been introduced this way, return them all to the bag.
Then, remove the potatoes from the bag and place them on a large surface such as a table
or floor. Scatter them out so they are visible. Ask students to retrieve the exact potatoes
they previously had. If they have difficulty locating their potatoes, they may ask for help from
the two students to whom they introduced their potatoes. Students may then return to their
seat with their potato.
Summary: We have learned that every potato is different, even though they all looked alike
before we got to know them. Your potato has some special qualities that the other potatoes
dont have. The same can be said of friends. Each of us is special. Thats one of the
reasons why it is so nice to have a number of different friends.


TIME: 30 minutes Friendship Role-Play

Kari Williams

Friendship Scenarios, cut out

Students will get in groups of 3-4. Each group will receive a scenario that they will act out.
Each skit should be no longer than 2 minutes.
After all skits are performed, class will discuss what they saw. What was done well? What
else could be done in the scenario?
Students will volunteer and share one word that they think makes the best friendship work,
or one word that summarizes the days activities.
Friends play a big role in your life. Being able to make friends will help you feel comfortable
in many situations. Becoming involved in activities, big or small, is one of the easiest ways
to develop friendships. Healthy friendships are the ones with people with whom you share
values, goals, and interests with.
Were all activities successful?
What changes do I need to make in this lesson?

Did the students enjoy and learn the concepts outlined?

Writing on the Wall

Blank sheets of
Students will each have a blank sheet of paper and a strip of tape.
Post-it notes
Students will create three columns, labeled A good friend always Tape
A good friend never and Friendship means
Students will have 3 minutes to write their responses to the three
prompts. Students will then tape their paper on the wall. Students
will then pick up a few post-it notes, and write a response or
comment to other papers.
Students will then return to their seats. Volunteers will share what
they saw, learned, trends they noticed, etc.


Kari Williams

Friendship Scenarios
Scenario 1

There is a new student in school who seems to have a hard time getting to know
others. What do you do?

Scenario 2

You want to go see the latest movie with a friend, but he or she has plans with
another friend. What do you do?

Scenario 3

You decide to sign up for an after-school activity (football, basketball, a club,

etc.), and when you get there you realize you dont know anyone there. What
do you do?

Scenario 4

Your birthday is coming up, and you want to invite your friends over for a movie,
cake, and ice cream. The only thing is, some of your friends dont know each
other well. What do you do?

Scenario 5

You find out your family is moving. You are upset, because you have really
good friends where you live now. What do you do?

Scenario 6

You and your friends get in a disagreement, and now there are hurt feelings
between you. What do you do?

Scenario 7

The new school term is starting, and you realize you dont have any of the same
classes with any of your friends. What do you do?

Scenario 8

In the hall, you hear someone saying something hurtful about your friend, who is
nearby and hears it too. What do you do?

Scenario 9

You are going to a youth camp for a week in the summer, and you know you
wont know anyone there. What do you do?

Scenario 10

Your friends are getting together Saturday night to hang out at the local park.
You want to bring another friend, who goes to another school. What do you do?

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