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Deadly 13: Creatures Causing Deaths Like No Other

Deaths come in many forms but many creatures across the globe contribute to
human deaths be it by their nature or by external factors such as agitation and
provocation causing them to attack. Animals gone wrong, why and how, read
more below.
One of the deadliest ocean inhabitants, puffer fish is appealing but fatal. Its
spines protrude when provoked. Carrying venom in its spines' tips, it is more than
enough to halt breathing concluding to death.
When cooked by someone untrained, the puffer fish is considered a notorious
Japanese delicacy when prepared improperly.
Controlled heavily in Japan, as well as in other countries, chefs who only chalk up
training [looking at 3 or more years] are signed off to prepare the dish. Many
deaths are accounted for domestic preparations. The liver is the most preferred
part but is also its most poisonous.
Even though it does not carry the deadliest bite, around 50 thousand deaths is
under this reptile's belt. It's venom paralyzes the muscles and leads to cardiac
arrests and respiratory failures in severe cases.
Found in most continents except Antarctica, 15% of existing snake species
contribute to deaths worldwide. Summer season is the most common time for
snake bites, given the active hours spent outdoors both by humans and snakes.
Agricultural areas and tropical countries provide conducive environments for the
cold blooded creatures.
In its salad bowl frame, it can have as many as 60 tentacles growing to as long
as 15 feet. Toxins that can kill 50 humans are enclosed in each tentacle. Found in
tropical countries and the Australian continent around 6,000 deaths have pointed
back to this creature as cause of deaths. It is also called wasp jellyfish.
Seemingly not as menacing looking with its translucent appearance, even if you
don't die with its sting, sharp pains come afterwards contact.
Reaching 6 meters long and 5 tons in weight, the coastal waters familiar Great
White Shark is one of the largest in its family and considered the biggest predator
fish. Although studied as averse to humans, it is their test biting behavior that
makes them attack people.

Considered ambush predators, it takes advantage of the surprise factor coming

from the depths with its victim using speed of attack. Mornings are taken as the
most common time of shark attacks given poor visibility in the waters.
Weighing up to half a ton, Tanzania residents experience deaths of 70 to 100
humans per year alone. Lions kill by strangulation.
Human preys tend to be killed considering mortal helplessness being easy
targets. Humans don't have horns like antelopes nor warthog tusks. Man does not
run as fast as zebras nor gazelles and even suffer intolerably as giraffes.
Behavior dictates if its the lion's developed appetite for humans or given its state
of deprivation of food sources or age as reasons for the attack.
Mainly found in the North of Australia and South of Asia, the largest living reptile
can grow as long as 16 - 21 feet weighing almost 2 tons. Doing its infamous
Death Roll, crocodiles bite their preys and roll to disable their victims. Water
buffalos and stallions are known to die in its bite this way.
Fertile grounds for attacks are places where human population matches crocodile
inhabitants number. Size of the crocodiles are taken into account to be
considered capable of killing a person off. Small species may require stitches only
during treatments.
Looks can be deceiving. Elephants kill by stomping or impaling using their sharp
tasks. Over 500 people are killed in a year alone. With a weight of 16 tons it can
easily throw people off from the ground. In 2014, an elephant killed its handler
when it made a stampede and stomped the tourist guide in its wake.
Age pertains to elephant's preference to attack. Extremes of older bulls vis a vis
younger males can both become aggressive when provoked. Where its natural
habitat is also threatened, elephants attack.
Arctic inhabitants, polar bears usually have seals for food. Yet, with its massive
paw, one swipe can cut off a human head. Mainly a carnivore, the bear considers
reindeers, whales, walruses and even other polar bears as part of its food supply.
Reasons commonly stated as attacks, though considered rare, are bears'
protective and territorial nature. Number of bear attacks are less when there is a
group of humans instead of 1 to 2 people within their habitat.

Bears also attack when they are hungry, startled or instigated.

When it senses danger, buffalos attack head on with horns that can cut through
razor sharp. Lions are even not keen on making buffalos angry, what with its
height of 1.7 meters and 2.8 meters length. African residents experience lots of
death yearly in this animals plight.
Hunters are known to be frequent victims of buffalos through their horns. Buffalos
attack with such force that they tear through their victims. Injury makes their
behavior heavily agitated and being part of a herd, gives them the necessary
number and weight to make even lions cower in fear.
Known to keep predators at bay for its neurotoxin slime found at its back, poison
dart frogs carry toxins enough to kill 10 humans. Its attractive coloration makes it
easy on the eye. Central and South America is its main habitat.
It is said that as miniscule as 2 table salt grains in your bloodstream from this
frog's nerve toxin may cause death in 120 seconds. One drop is enough to make
the human heart to halt beating. It leaves enough poison in its place that
prolonged contact may make animals to die of it.
Scorpion related deaths account for over 75% instances of stings per year. This
highly venomous creature is mainly found in North Africa and the Middle East.
Victims experience fever, coma, convulsions even paralysis causing death.
Aggression is one characteristic of scorpions. Agitation in their environment
causes nervousness in scorpions that they attack or bite instantly. More
susceptible are persons with allergies or heart problems. Fluid build up in the
lungs is one of the resulting reactions to the scorpion's poison.
Killer bees were a result of an experiment went haywire. Cross breeding African
and European variants resulted to a kind that swarm its victims and even go after
them for miles in an attack. This is due to its very aggressive nature.
One trait of the species is that they are not a keeper in terms of commercial
viability. The bees are defensive and swarming in groups. They also have the
ability to out compete other species given their genetic dominance. Talk about
superiority in the wrong sense.

Due to its high strung nature, rhinoceros attack when startled. Running as fast as
40mph, and its poor eyesight making matter worse, it charges without clear
directions and purpose.
Subject to its unpredictable temperament, rhinoceros are not easy to be
interpreted but gets easily annoyed when around human onlookers. Deaths and
injuries are caused by the extreme temper they exhibit, their shortsightedness
and all of its 6,000 lbs brutal force.

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