Does History Repeat Itself?

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Burro, Clarissa B.

BSA 1-3
1. Why is there history?
History is whole series of past events interrelated with someone or something. It
took place because of the events that has changed the societys view towards the
human civilization. There is history to remind us of what man had undergone and
experienced so that we can better evaluate similar, but not exact circumstances that
might happen in the future.

2. What causes a historical event to happen?

The causes of an historical event to happen are the results of actions done by
people when they desire to make changes. Those desires may be self-interest or
national interest. Events that have occurred were either mistakes or successful
phenomena that are significant and greatly changed the society.

3. Do you believe that history repeats itself? Why or why not?

Yes. I believe that history repeats itself because the society has its own selfinterest, resorting to repeating the past incidents. It doesnt exactly repeat because
things are changing. The tools we use and the standard we live in are the changes
but whats constantly repeating is the human behaviour, on how we handle things.
History will keep on repeating itself until it gets what it wants, until we learn from

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