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Cramers Rule

Lisa M.Vavra

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts in

Teaching with a Specialization in the Teaching of Middle Level Mathematics in the
Department of Mathematics

Dr. David Fowler, Advisor

July 2010

Middle school students, especially those who take Algebra I, learn how to find the
intersection of two straight lines in the plane, and thus learn basic methods for solving
systems of two linear equations in two unknowns.In the Math in the Middle capstone
course, we studied the ideas used in middle school and expanded them; in particular,
we introduced matrices and row operations to solve larger systems of n linear
equations in m variables. In this paper, we will examine Cramers Rule, a 260-year old
approach to solving systems of n linear equations in n variables. Included in this paper
will be background information on Cramer, a brief introduction to determinants, and a
detailed explanation of Cramers Rule.
Gabriel Cramer
Gabriel Cramer (Gahb ree uhl Krahm uhr) was a Swiss mathematician born in
Geneva in 1704. His mother was Anne Mallet Cramer and his father, Jean Cramer, was
a medical doctor in Geneva. Gabriel had two brothers; one was a medical doctor and
the other a professor of law. In 1722, while he was still only eighteen years old, he
submitted a thesis on the theory of sound and was awarded a doctorate. Only two years
later, he was competing for the chair of philosophy at the Acadmie de Clavin in
Geneva with Giovanni Ludovico Calandrini. Cramer and Calandrini were offered the
mathematics chair on the understanding that they share the duties and share the salary.

The Academy also mandated that each should spend two to three years
travelling. While one person was assuming full responsibility and full salary, the other
would be travelling. Cramer taught geometry and mechanics, while Calandrini taught
algebra and astronomy. The arrangement was successful due to the nature of their
personalities. Cramer is said to have been friendly, good-humoured, pleasant in voice
and appearance, and possessed of good memory, judgement and health (see [4]). At
this time, although most courses were taught in Latin, Cramer taught his courses in
French and was considered to be very innovative.
Cramer was appointed to his position in 1724 and set for two years of travelling
in 1727. He travelled to many different cities and countries of Europe visiting with
leading mathematicians of his time. Cramer worked with Bernoulli, Euler, Halley and
many others. Cramers discussions with these mathematicians and his continued
correspondence with them had a big influence on his work.
Cramer returned to Geneva in 1729 and in 1734 became the sole Chair of
Mathematics. He led a very busy life. In addition to teaching and corresponding with
many mathematicians, he published several articles on a variety of topics, including
history of mathematics, geometry and philosophy. His major mathematical work is
Introduction l'analyse des lignes courbes algbriques published in 1750. It is in this
work that Cramers Rule is published.
During the time Cramer was writing his Introduction l'analyse des lignes
courbes algbriques, he continued to undertake large amounts of editorial work in
addition to his normal duties. Cramer was overworked, but for the most part was a
healthy man. A fall from his carriage, however, caused his health to deteriorate

suddenly. Cramer spent two months in bed recovering and was advised by his doctor
to spend some quiet time in the south of France to regain his strength. Cramer left
Geneva on December 21, 1751, to begin his journey and died three weeks later on
January 4, 1752, at the age of 47 in Bagnols-sur-Cze, France.
The algorithm that bears Cramers name is an explicit formula for the solution of
a system of n linear equations in n variables. This formula gives the solution in terms
of determinants. A determinant can be described as a special number associated with a
square matrix. The determinant is a real number and reveals properties of the matrix.
Thus, before introducing Cramers rule, one must have a basic understanding of


If we start with the 2 x 2 matrix A = 11
a 21

a 22

Then the determinant of A is defined as

Det(A) = a11 a 22 a12 a 21 .
Students often remember how to compute the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix by thinking
of it as the product of the numbers on the positive diagonal (i.e. a11a 22 ) minus the
product of the numbers on the negative diagonal (i.e. a12 a 21 ).
We can take a similar approach to defining the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix.
Consider first the following 3 x 3 matrix:

A = a 21
a 31

a 22
a 32

a 23 .
a 33

First we start with a11 and cross off each row and column containing a11. We have
reduced the 3 x 3 matrix into a 2 x 2 matrix. We repeat this same procedure for the
entries a21 and a31. What we are doing is called an expansion along the first column.
The matrices we obtain are:
a 31

a 22
a 32

a 23
a 33

a 31

a 22

a 23

a 31

a 22
a 32

a 23
a 33

The determinant of A is

a 22

det (A) = a11det

a 23
- a21det


+ a31det

a 22

a 23

= a11 (a 22 a 33 a 23 a 32 ) a 21 ( a12 a 33 a13 a 32 ) a 31 ( a12 a 23 a13 a 22 ).

Using the definition of the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrices, the above expression can be
simplified algebraically and we find that the determinant of A is
det(A) = (a11 a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a 31 a13 a 21 a32 ) (a11 a 23 a 32 a12 a 21 a33 a13 a 22 a31 ).
Another way to find the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix is to think of the answer as
the sum of the product of the numbers on each of the three positive diagonals minus
the sum of the product of the numbers on each of the negative diagonals. To visualize
the diagonals, it helps to repeat the first and second column as follows:

a 31

a 22

a13 a11 a12

a 23 a 21 a 22 .
a33 a 31 a 32

The positive diagonals are shown in blue and the negative diagonals are shown in
a 31

a 22
a 32

a13 a11 a12

a 23 a 21 a 22
a 33 a 31 a 32

Generations of future engineers have used this memorization device to compute

determinants of 3 x 3 matrices. Unfortunately, they are also disappointed to learn that
there is no comparable visual image to compute a 4 x 4 determinant. Before discussing
determinants of larger matrices, we will use determinants of 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 matrices to
introduce Cramers Rule and provide a proof that the algorithm works as long as the
determinant of the coefficient matrix of the system is nonzero.

Cramers Rule for Systems of 2 and 3 Equations

We begin with a system of two equations in two unknowns and show how to find
the solution using Cramers Rule. We also consider systems of three equations in three
unknowns and derive Cramers Rule. Finally we present the general formula for
systems of n equations in n unknowns.
Consider the following system of equations:

a11 x a12 y b1
a 21 x a 22 y b2
The coefficient matrix associated with this system is

As mentioned in the previous section, det(A) = a11 a 22 a12 a 21 .
Cramers Rule requires finding the quotient of the determinants of matrices
associated to the system and can be used when the determinant of the coefficient
matrix is nonzero.
Assume the det(A) 0. Then Cramers rule gives the solution as follows:




where D , D x and D y are defined by:

D = det
a 21

, D x =det 1

a 22

and D y = det 11

a 22
a 21 b2

Thus the solution to the system above is


b a a12 b2
= 1 22
and y =
a11 a 22 a12 a 21


a11b2 b1 a 21
a11 a 22 a12 a 21

To really understand how Cramers Rule works, we will apply it to a specific

system of two equations in two unknowns. Consider the following system:

x 2y = 7
3x + y = 7
The coefficient matrix for this system is

1 2
A =

3 1 .
We must first calculate the determinant of A to decide if Cramers Rule can be used. We

1 2
D = det
= (11) (-23) = 7 0.
3 1
Thus we can use Cramers Rule. The matrix used to find D x is formed by replacing the
first column (coefficients of the x terms) with the column of constant terms b1 , b2 and b3 .
The matrix to find D y is formed by replacing the second column (coefficients of the y
terms) with the column of constant terms. So,

7 2
D x = det
= (7 x 1) (-2 x 7) = 21.
7 1
1 7
D y = det
= (1 x 7) (7 x 3) = -14.
3 7
Cramers Rule says that

= 3 and y =


= -2.

We can verify these results by substituting into the original equations.

3 2(-2) = 3 + 4 = 7
3(3) + -2 = 9 + -2 = 7.
Algebraic steps can be performed to derive Cramers Rule and thus justify the
use of determinants in solving the system of equations. Given this system of linear

a11 x a12 y b1 (1)

a 21 x a 22 y b2 (2)
we multiply equation (1) by a 22 and equation (2) by a12 and we obtain the following
system of equations:

a11 a 22 x a12 a 22 y b1 a 22
a12 a 21 x a12 a 22 y b2 a12 .

Adding the two equations to eliminate the variable y, we obtain:

a11 a 22 x a12 a 21 x b1 a 22 b2 a12 (a11 a 22 a12 a 21 ) x b1 a 22 b2 a12

Since we are assuming a11 a 22 a12 a 21 0, we obtain


b1 a 22 b2 a12
a11 a 22 a12 a 21

We can follow a similar procedure to find the value of y. We can multiply equation
(1) by a 21 and equation (2) by a11 . The resulting equivalent system of equations is
shown below.

a11 a 21 x a12 a 21 y b1 a 21
a11 a 21 x a11 a 22 y b2 a11
We can add the two equations to eliminate the variable x. The resulting equation is:

a12 a 21 y a11a 22 y b1a 21 b2 a11 (a12 a 21 a11a 22 ) y b1 a 21 b2 a11

Since we are assuming a11 a 22 a12 a 21 0 , we obtain

b1 a 21 b2 a11
b a b a
= 2 11 1 21
a12 a 21 a11 a 22 a11 a 22 a12 a 21

So the solution to the system of equations is:


b1 a 22 a12 b2
a11 a 22 a12 a 21



b2 a11 b1 a 21
a11 a 22 a12 a 21

These were the same values obtained by using Cramers Rule. Therefore the
use of determinants is justified.


Both methods for solving a system of linear equations (algebraically and using
Cramers Rule) require the assumption that the quantity a11 a 22 a12 a 21 does not equal
zero. Note that under this assumption, the solution is unique.
A system of two linear equations in two variables can be interpreted
geometrically. Each of the linear equations in the system represents a line. The two
lines will either intersect at one point, be parallel or coincide. As shown previously, a
system of two linear equations in two variables can be solved using Cramers Rule as
long as the determinant of the coefficient matrix does not equal 0. The solution is an
ordered pair. Therefore, when the determinant does not equal 0, the lines represented
by the two linear equations in the system intersect at one point and the system has a
unique solution.
It is important to look at systems where the determinant of the coefficient matrix
is 0. Since Cramers Rule uses the determinant in the denominator, if the denominator
is 0, Cramers Rule cannot be used. This also means that there will not be a unique
solution. By the previous geometric discussion, the lines represented by the two
equations will either be parallel or will coincide. If the lines are parallel, then the system
has no solution. If the lines coincide, then the system has an infinite number of
solutions. For example, consider this system of equations:
2x + y = 8
4x + 2y = 6
Then the

2 1
= (2 x 2) (1 x 4) = 0.
4 2

We know there will be either no solution or an infinite number of solutions. The graphs
of lines are shown in the Figure 1.


Figure 1
Figure 1 illustrates the solution to the system geometrically. In fact, there is no solution
to the system of equations because the lines are parallel and have no common points.
Consider this new system of equations:
2x + y = 8
4x + 2y = 16
Note that this system has the same coefficient matrix as the previous example and so
the determinant is zero. The column of constant terms has changed. The solution of
this system is the line y = -2x + 8, where x is a real number, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
The two lines coincide, thus there is an infinite number of solutions to the system.


In both of the above examples, the determinant of the coefficient matrix is equal
to 0. If the determinant does not equal 0, then Cramers Rule can be used to find the
unique solution. For example, in the first system of equations we considered,
x 2y = 7
3x + y = 7,
the determinant of the coefficient matrix is not zero, and so we know the system has a
unique solution, namely (3,-2). The geometric representation of the system is shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3
Now that we have shown that Cramers Rule works for systems of two linear
equations in two variables, we will examine systems of three linear equations in three

a11 x a12 y a13 z b (1)

a 21 x a12 y a13 z b 2 (2)
a31 x a32 y a33 z b3 (3)

Cramer's rule gives the solution as follows;


and z z

where D , D x , D y and D z are defined by

D = det a 21
a 31
D y = det a 21
a 31

a 22
a 32

a 23
a 33
a 23

D x = det b2
D z = det a 21
a 31

a 22
a 22
a 32

a 23

As we did previously, the matrix used to find D is simply the coefficient matrix A
associated with the original system of equations. The matrix Dx is formed by replacing
the first column (coefficients of the x terms) of A with the column of constant terms b1,b2
and b3. The matrix used to find Dy is formed by replacing the second column
(coefficients of the y terms) of A with the column of constant terms. Similarly, the matrix
to find Dz is formed by replacing the third column (coefficients of the z terms) of A with
the column of constant terms.
The first determinant we need to find is the value of D and then we will find Dx, Dy
and Dz. To evaluate each of these determinants, we will do expansion along the first
column using linear combinations of determinants of 2 x 2 determinants.
D = det a 21
a 31

a 22
a 32

a 23
a 33

a11 (a 22 a33 a 23 a32 ) a 21 (a12 a33 a13 a32 ) a31 (a12 a 23 a13 a 22 )
(a11 a 22 a33 ) (a11 a 23 a32 ) (a 21 a12 a33 ) (a 21 a13 a32 ) (a31 a12 a 23 ) (a31 a13 a 22 )
(a11 a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a31 a13 a 21 a32 ) (a11 a 23 a32 a12 a 21 a33 a13 a 22 a31 )


To find the values of Dx, Dy and Dz we will do expansion along the column containing
the values b1,b2 and b3.
Dx = det b2

a 22

Dy = det a 21
a 31


Dz = det a 21
a 31

a 22


a 32

a 23 = b1 (a 22 a33 a 23 a32 ) b2 (a12 a33 a13 a32 ) b3 (a12 a 23 a13 a 22 )
a 23 = b1 (a 21 a33 a 23 a31 ) b2 (a11 a33 a13 a31 ) b3 (a11 a 23 a13 a 21 )

b2 = b1 (a 21 a32 a 22 a31 ) b2 (a11 a32 a12 a31 ) b3 (a11 a 22 a12 a 21 )

Once all the determinants have been computed, we can find the values for x, y
and z.


z =

b1 (a 22 a33 a 23 a32 ) b2 (a12 a33 a13 a32 ) b3 (a12 a 23 a13 a 22 )

(a11a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a31 a13 a 21a32 ) (a11a 23 a32 a12 a 21a33 a13 a 22 a31 )

b1 (a 21a33 a 23 a31 ) b2 (a11a33 a13 a31 ) b3 (a11a 23 a13 a 21 )

(a11a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a31 a13 a 21a32 ) (a11a 23 a32 a12 a 21a33 a13 a 22 a31 )

b1 (a 21a32 a 22 a31 ) b2 (a11a32 a12 a31 ) b3 (a11a 22 a12 a 21 )

(a11a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a31 a13 a 21a32 ) (a11a 23 a32 a12 a 21a33 a13 a 22 a31 )

Now we can apply Cramers Rule to a specific system of equations. Consider

the following system:

2x 4 y 6z 8
x 2y z 0
x y 2y 0


We need to evaluate the determinant of the coefficient matrix associated with this
system and decide if Cramers Rule may be used. We have
1 1
1 2

det 1 2
- 4 det
+ 6 det
1 = 2 det

1 2
1 2
1 1

1 1 2

= (2 (-3)) 4(1) + 6(-1) = -16.

Since -16 0, we know that Cramers Rule can be used to solve the system and there
will be a unique solution. Now we will find Dx, Dy and Dz and then solve for each of the
variables. The first column has two zeros, and we can take advantage of this by
expanding along the first column (thus there will be only one product to compute).
8 4

0 det
+ 0 det
Dx = det 0 2
1 = 8 det

1 2
1 2

0 1 2

We will expand along the second column to calculate Dy.

2 8 6
1 1
Dy = det 1 0 1 = -8 det
= (-8)1 = -8.
1 2

1 0 2

Similarly, we will expand along the third column to calculate Dz.

4 8
1 2
= 8 (-1) = -8
Dz = det 1 2 0 = 8 det
1 1

1 1 0

The solution to the system of equations is:

x = Dx/D = -24/-16 = 3/2
y = Dy/D = -8/-16= 1/2
z = Dz/D = -8/-16 = 1/2

4 6
2 1 = 8 (-3) = -24.


We can verify the values by substituting them into the original equations of our system.
3 1 1
2 4 6 3 2 3 8
2 2 2
3 1 1
2 1 0
2 2 2
3 1
1 3 1
2 1 0
2 2
2 2 2

Now that we have seen Cramers Rule work for a specific example, we can look
at the algebraic steps to derive Cramers Rule for systems of three equations in three
unknowns. First consider the first two equations in the system below:

a11 x a12 y a13 z b1


a 21 x a 22 y a 23 z b 2


a31 x a32 y a33 z b3


By multiplying the first equation by a22 and the second equation by (-a12), we will be able
to eliminate the y terms by adding the two equations. The following illustrates this

a11a 22 x a12 a 22 y a13 a 22 z a 22 b1

a12 a 21 x a12 a 22 y a12 a 23 z a12 b2

(a11 a 22 a12 a 21 ) x (a13 a 22 a12 a 23 ) z a 22 b1 a12 b2

( 4)

Now we use the last equation in our original system and either the first or second
equation and repeat the process above to eliminate the y term. We will use the new
equation formed plus equation (4) found in the previous part to write a new system of
equations with two equations in two variables.
Consider the equations (2) and (3) from our original system:


a 21 x a 22 y a 23 z b2


a31 x a32 y a33 z b3


We can eliminate the y terms by multiplying the first equation by a32 and the second
equation by a22:

a 21a32 x a 22 a32 y a 23 a32 z a32 b2

a 22 a31 x a 22 a32 y a 22 a33 z a 22 b3

then add the two equations to obtain:
(a 21 a32 a 22 a 31 ) x (a 23 a32 a 22 a33 ) z a 32 b2 a 22 b3

(5) .

Equations (4) and (5) will be used to create a new system of two equations in two

(a11a 22 a12 a 21 ) x (a13 a 22 a12 a 23 ) z a 22 b1 a12 b2

(a 21a32 a 22 a31 ) x (a 23 a32 a 22 a33 ) z a32 b2 a 22 b3
Previously, we have shown that we can derive Cramers rule by using algebraic
steps. At this point, since we have two equations in two unknowns, we can apply
Cramers Rule. To make this process a little easier, we use the following notation:

a a11a 22 a12 a 21
b a13 a 22 a12 a 23

c a 22 b1 a12 b2
d a 21 a 32 a 22 a31
e a 23 a32 a 22 a33
f a32 b2 a 22 b3

The resulting system of equations now becomes something more manageable.

ax by c
dx ey f


Assuming the determinant of the coefficient matrix of the system above does not equal
0, by Cramers Rule we know that x can be found by computing the quotient of two
c b

f e
a b

d e

ce bf
ae bd

By substitution it follows that


(a 22 b1 a12 b2 )(a 23 a32 a 22 a33 ) (a13 a 22 a12 a 23 )(a32 b2 a 22 b3 )

(a11a 22 a12 a 21 )(a 23 a32 a 22 a33 ) (a13 a 22 a12 a 23 )(a 21a32 a 22 a31 )

a 22 [b1 (a 23 a32 a 22 a33 ) b2 (a12 a33 a13 a32 ) b3 (a13 a 22 a12 a 23 )]

a 22 [a11a 23 a32 a11 a 22 a33 a12 a 21a33 a13 a 21a 22 a13 a 22 a31 a12 a 23 a31 ]

b1 (a 22 a33 a 23 a32 ) b2 (a12 a33 a13 a32 ) b3 (a12 a 23 a13 a 22 )

(a11a 22 a33 a12 a 23 a31 a13 a 21a32 ) (a11a 23 a32 a12 a 21a33 a13 a 22 a31 )

This is the exact value obtained by using Cramers Rule. A similar procedure could be
used to verify the values of y and z.
A linear equation in three variables represents geometrically a plane in space.
Given a system of three linear equations in three variables, each equation represents a
plane in space. The three planes can intersect in a point, intersect in a line, intersect in
a plane or not intersect al all. If the three planes intersect as pictured below, then the
three planes have one point in common and the corresponding system of equations has
a unique solution. The unique solution is represented by a black point in the picture. In


the case of a unique solution, the determinant of the coefficient matrix of the system is
not zero, and Cramers Rule can be used.

An example of a system of three equations in three unknowns with a unique

solution was given previously. Recall that the system was
2x 4 y 6z 8
x 2y z 0
x y 2y 0

The solution is x = 3/2, y = 1/2 and z = 1/2. The dot in the figure above would illustrate
that exact point.
If the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero, then the system has either no
solution, or infinitely many solutions, depending on the column of constant terms. If the
system has no solution, then there is no point at which all three planes intersect. This is
shown in the picture below.

It is possible that the determinant of the coefficient matrix equals zero and there are
infinitely many solutions. If the three planes intersect as pictured below, then the


system of three equations in three variables has a line of intersection as a solution and
therefore an infinite number of solutions.

An example of a system of three equations in three variables having a line as a solution is

x + 2y z = 3
2x + 3y + z = 1
x + 3y 4z =8

The coefficient matrix associated with this system is

1 2 1
2 3 1

1 3 4

Since determinant of this matrix is 0, we know that there is not a unique solution.
Solving this system, we find that the solution is a line, namely ( 5t 7 , 3t 5 , t ), t R .

Cramers Rule for Systems of n Equations in n Unknowns

Cramers Rule works for higher order systems. It is important to note that the rule works
only when the number of equations is the same as the number of variables. This
means that the matrix associated with the system is a square matrix and the


determinant can be evaluated. Consider a system of n equations in n unknowns x1, x2

.., xn of the form
a11 x1 a12 x 2 .... a1n x n b1
a 21 x1 a 22 x 2 .... a 2 n x n b2
a n1 x1 a n 2 x 2 .... a nn x n bn
The coefficient matrix A for the system above is








The general form for Cramers Rule is the following.

Let A be the n x n coefficient matrix of a system of n linear equations in n unknowns and
suppose that det A 0. Then the unique solution to the system is given by


, x 2 2 , . xi i . x n n

where D=det(A) and Di is the determinant of the matrix formed by replacing the i-th
column with the column of constant terms b1 ,b2 . bn .
In order to apply Cramers Rule, we need to be able to compute determinants of
n by n matrices. As shown in the section Determinants the determinant of a 3 x 3

matrix is a linear combination of determinants of 2 x 2 matrices. We can recursively

compute the determinant of an n x n matrix by expanding along the first row as follows:
det(A) = a11 det A11 a12 det A12 a13 det A13 .... a1n det A1n


where Aij is the matrix obtained by deleting the i-th row and the j-th column. Alternately,
the general formula for the determinant of an n x n matrix A is given by the summation
of all possible permutation products of n elements. The determinant sign is positive if
the number of transpositions is even and negative if the number of transposition is odd.
The terms have alternating signs. The determinant can be expressed as:

det A sign a1 (1) a2 ( 2 ) ( n ) ,

where sigma denotes the permutation on {1,2,n}.

Recall for the 2 x 2 matrix the determinant contains two terms. The determinant of a 3 x
3 matrix contains six terms. In general the number of terms in the determinant of an n x
n matrix is n!.

Cramers Rule in the Classroom

Solving systems of equations is a part of the Algebra curriculum. Students are
taught several different strategies including substitution and elimination. Cramers Rule
is another strategy that could be used to solve systems of equations (assuming the
determinant of the coefficient matrix does not equal zero). I teach Algebra I, and
matrices are not included in our curriculum; however, I could see introducing the idea of
matrices and determinants if time permitted.
I discussed the use of Cramers Rule with the supervisor of Mathematics for my
school district. He informed me that in second year Algebra), Cramers Rule is taught as
a valuable tool to solve systems of linear equations. Cramers Rule gives an explicit
expression for the solution of a system and therefore is theoretically important. Typically


it is combined with operations on matrices, particularly finding the inverse of a square

matrix. Finding the determinant of a larger matrix requires the use of properties of
determinants. Therefore, it is useful to know those properties to solve systems of n
linear equations in n unknowns.
In my research of Cramers Rule I found that the use of Cramers Rule in the
algebra classroom is actually under debate. It appears that many people believe the
use of Cramers Rule for a system of two equations in two unknowns seems to be
useless and not necessary. Cramers Rule is easier for solving system of three
equations in three variables compared to doing row-reducing. It was also mentioned by
engineering students that most systems of equations are solved by using a computer
and rarely computed by hand. I would tend to agree with this comment because we
often allow computers to do the work traditionally done by hand. Computationally
speaking, Cramers Rule is inefficient for large matrices.
Cramers rule may not be the most efficient method to solve systems of linear
equations (i.e. a system of 5 equations in 5 unknowns); however, there is still value in
learning it. Some college algebra professors stated that for the weaker math student,
Cramers Rule is quite helpful. In fact, many students who are not able to solve
systems of equations using other methods are quite successful using Cramers Rule.
Personally, I believe students should be exposed to all methods of solving
systems of equations because it will provide students with some choice. Students may
have a better understanding of one method over the other and should be allowed the
use of whatever method they prefer. That is the beauty of mathematics- there are
multiple ways to arrive at the correct solution.


Works Cited
[1]Campbell, H. C. (1980). Linear Algebra with Applications. Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall.
[2]Grossman, S. (1980). Elementary Linear Algebra. Belmont : Wadsworth Publishing
[3]Strang, G. (1998). Linear Algebra and its Applications 3rd edition. Harcourt Brace
Jovanich, Inc.

Web Sources

[4] on
July 6 2010 at 11:24 p.m.
[5] retrieved on July 6, 2010 at 11:16 p.m.
Retrieved on July 8, 2010 at 2:05 p.m.

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