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JEPPESEN CR Computer Manual/Workbook JEPCO Briefing Booklet BW-1 *3.00 Jeppesen & C Stapleton Airfield, Denver 7, Colorado Note from the Author ‘You are now the possesor of a firt edition. In thi, as in ‘the first editions ‘of ‘most technical "works, a few dipupe Sai ee oe eee aa Page 2— Fig. 2A — Extend variation-scale arrow 2 inch to inner scale. Page 7 — Fig. 3— Arrow should point to 20° on Centigrade (top) scale instead of Fahrenheit scale. Page 7 — Problems 1— Reverse column heading to read: Fahrenheit Centigrade Page 7 —Fig. 4— Change 17 to 170. Page 13 — Fig. 17 — Change 141 to 1420. Page 14 —Line 3 — Change 144 to 1420. ¢ 72 — Fig. 113 — Bottom arrow should point to 20 on outside scale _ Cee a eicia inp Page 74 — Fig. 117 —Dot for Fix A should be on 221° radial. Answers, Part IV ae Save Page 91 Problems 7 +3°F Page 98 Problems 22 & orc Page 93 Problems 28 a 2.95 Page 93 Problems 28 8. 723 Page 93 Problems 29 9. 0.239 94 Problems $2 heading of “2nd” ane Problems 32" sProblans 88° Page 94 Problems 34 18, TH? Wheres you fly a jet or a Jenny, the Jeppesen GR Computer is designed to handle your problems with ease and finesse. It works equally well for all types of aircraft, automatically compensating for factors encountered in high speed flight. Developed to fill a need for a truly practical, pocket size computer, the CR utilizes a revolutionary wind solution plus superior arrangements of other scales to provide more accuracy with fewer settings, @ The CR is two instruments in one. The movable cursor, together with circular slide rule scales, permits successive multiplications and divisions for rapid business and engineering estimates, with a sensitivity greater than that of a normal 10-inch engincer’s slide rule, @ It is hoped that this book will help you become proficient in using the computer and aware of its, extreme versatility. © 1959 JEPPESEN & Co. Stapleton Airfield, Denver 7, Colorado Writton by Alice $. Fuchs All ight reserved CONTENTS PART I—Calculator Side Interpolation and How to Read Numbers Testing for Logic—Estimating Answers. Conversion Seales Hours-Minutes-Seconds Statute-Nautical ‘True Course—Magi CR Computer. Drift Angle and Crab Angl Problem I —Finding True Head Ground Speed Problem Il —Finding True Course and Ground Speed Problem I11—Finding True Heading and ‘True Air Speed. Problem IV —Finding Wind. 35 37 39 PART IIl—Computer Explanations— Additional and Alternate Methods: True Air Speed Solution on the CR Computer Old Method—True Air Speed, Definitions PART IV—Answers to Problems Answers to Problems 6a (xt) 4B eaetris Unit Index vent gonthca 3 ee COMPUTER 0 (on top disc) Distance Scale (on base cise) Variation Seale * i Oe se att sprit a“ te ring True Air Speed Index True Course Index of” yh oe 26 <8 2 oe Ne bate te ee eae The cr is avaiable in two sires — the CR-2 “pocket si” (4Y4-inch diameter) and the CR-3 “navigator sie” (Ginch diameter). If you need a handy, compact Computer that wil fit in your pocket and alvays be readily available for navigation and slide rule use, the smal ie isthe best for you. Tf you carry the computer in a Jeppoten fight bag with other navigation equipment or if you want the ease of reading that larger figures give, you will want the larger computer. With some problems accuracy may be slightly higher onthe larger computer because on this size itis easier to read very stra gradations of scale. Many pilots find a use for two ses and get both computers ‘The CR-2 and CR-3 Computers are identical in content except for the black variation scale which extends on either side of the TC index. On the CR-2 (44-inch diameter) Computer the scale extends only to 30° on either side of the TC index. On the CR-3 (6-inch diameter) Computer the scale extends 180° on either side of the TC index and is then continued through a full 360° on the inside of the scale ‘The extended scale on the larger computer is used m: traction, computing directions in ADF work and grid na\ The material used in the CR Computer is strong and pliable, However, as is true with rigid vinyl plastics, exposure to ex- treme heat will result in warping. Tem- peratures over 140° F or 60° C will damage the computer. It should not be left exposed. to direct sunlight inside a cockpit in warm ‘weather, A little vaseline wiped over the wind disc will make it more transparent and will also help in wiping off pencil dots, Pencil marks will go on just as easily after the applica- tion but a pen cannot then be used. If you have a permanent index mark you would like to add, as for a setting for your particular aircraft, a hot needle just touched to the desired point will make a slight depression which will hold ink for a permanent mark, Computer getting smudgy? Carbon tetra- chloride or a good cleaning fluid on a small cloth will do wonders toward brightening it. When operating the computer in flight it is useful to be able to do so with one hand. Practice will soon make you adept at one-hand operation. Grasp the com- puter in either hand; place in a position 90° to and pressing against your body. The index finger should be along the edge of the largest disc, pressing in toward the center of the computer, and the other three fingers should be underneath the computer sup- porting it. Use the thumb to rotate the top disc as desired Ina hurry? A moist thumb will turn a computer disc faster than a dry thumb. When turning a computer disc to a de- sired setting, first glance around the disc to see which is the shortest turning dis- tance. You never need to rotate a disc more than 180°, To avoid losing or mislaying the com- puter in the cockpit, tie a string or, better, place bead chain through the hole in the center and attach it it to some part of the aircraft, to a knee clipboard or around your neck. Bead chain, with a small metal fastening sleeve, can be purchased at hardware stores and will not knot or twist, Interpolation and How to Read Numbers on the Computer Dreorove at te ouside sale on elther side of the computer you will find numbers from 10 to 90 dis- tributed consecutively around the disc. These are num- bers only and may represent different values, depending on where a decimal point or succeeding zero is placed. For instance the figure 13 may stand for 1.3, 13, 130 or 1300, Not all the numbers from 10 to 90 are printed on the dial and it is important to be able to read accurately the positions between the printed numbers. Looking at the space between the printed figures 10 (inside the small black oval) and 11, you will find nine intermedi- ate markings. Since the nine marks make a total of ten divisions between 10 and 11, obviously the divisions must stand for 101, 102, 103, ete., 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 or some other values which consists of these numbers mul- tiplied or divided by ten, one or more times. Glancing farther to the right along the dial you will find the figures 20 and 25 with no printed numbers between. Since there are five large divisions between 20 and 25, the lines forming these divisions must stand for 21, 22, 23 and 24. Between the number 20 and the division line for 21 are four smaller marks dividing the space into five divisions. Obviously, since there are only five spaces, each one must stand for 2 units instead of 1 in order to get from 20 to 21 within the allotted space, making the marks stand for 202, 204, 206 and 208 or decimal multiples thereof, Between 30 and 35 the larger divisions stand for 31, 32, 33 and 34, while the smaller divisions stand for $15, 325, 335 and 345. In reading unmarked divisions on the scale it is well to remember that if there are ten divisions between two consecutive numbers, each division represents a differ- ence of one. If there are five divisions, each stands for a difference of two and if there are two divisions, each stands for a difference of five. Often it is necessary to read a value between two of the marked divisions on the computer. In this case de- cide what value is represented by the whole interval between the two nearest marks, and a location half way between will represent half that value, For instance, move the cursor till the hair line rests half way between the first and second divisions between 16 and 17. Since there are five divisions between 16 and 17, each must have a value of .2 of the total interval, or the first mark beyond 16 represents 162 while the second mark repre- sents 164. A value half way between 162 and 164 is therefore 163. In each case of interpolation (reading be- ‘tween the figures) be sure to notice values of the large divisions between which the chosen quantity lies; then determine the decimal value of the small divisions. On the calculator side of the computer the inside scale is most often used to represent time. In using this, scale remember that the large figures near the edge of Jepco Briefing Booklet the disc always represent minutes, never hours. The figure 18 may represent 18, 1.8 or 180 minutes, but never 18 hours, Beneath the outer scale on the top disc, is an inner circle marked in hours. Reading the hour circle below the figure 18 you will find the figure 3:00. (180 minutes = 3 hours.) The figure 3:00 can also stand for 30 hours (1800 minutes). Reading the hour circle will not be difficult if you take care to notice the figure printed on either side of the setting you are reading. For example set the cursor, so the hair line passes through the figure 19 on the outer edge of the top disc. On the hour circle below 19 is a small mark. Note that this is one of two small marks between 3:00 and 3:30. Hence each division must in- dicate 10 minutes and the quantity indicated on the hour circle is 3:10. Between the figures 18 and 19 on the minutes scale are marks dividing the space into inter- vals of 2 (182, 184, 186, etc.). Note that these marks also divide the hour circle into 2-minute intervals. If the cursor is set at 188 it will mark a position indicating 3:08 on the hour circle below. If the cursor marks 465, on the minute scale, it will pass through the 7:45 point, ‘on the hour circle. Testing for Logic Estimating Answers ‘ok the figures on the computer can stand for dif- ferent quantities (the figure 30 denoting 3, 30 or 300) it is necessary with the CR as with other computers to apply common sense in reading the answer. In each case the wrong answer which might be read by mis- interpreting a figure will be so illogical as to appear absurd after a moment's thought. Form the habit of testing each answer quickly to see whether it is rea- sonable. For instance, if you have a ground speed of 180 knots and fly for 40 minutes, the computer gives the figure 12 in answer to the number of miles fown. Obviously it would not take you 40 minutes to fly 12 miles and you could not go as far as 1200 miles in that time, so the answer must be 120. Simple testing of this sort will prevent unnecessary errors In many problems it is possible to estimate answers roughly and thus test the computer answer. One useful procedure is to remember that 60, 120 and 180 miles an hour represent 1, 2 and 3 miles per minute respec- tively. Similarly 90 MPH represents 1% miles per minute, and 150 MPH represents 2/2 miles per minute If you have a ground speed of 170 MPH and want to know how far you will fly in 13 minutes, remember that 170 is close to 180, which represents 3 miles per minute. Multiply 13 by 3, getting 39. The computer answer is 37 miles, which seems reasonable since 170 is less than 180. In problems on the wind side of the computer the cold estimate that one degree of wind drift will put you off course one mile in sixty may be applied in estimat- ing answers for drift or off course correction. Be sure that the true heading is less than the true course if the wind is from the left and more if the wind is from the right, and that ground speed is less than air speed with a head wind and more with a tail wind. Make a quick and automatic check of these obvious fundamentals at the conclusion of each problem. Conversion Scales {2 FOLLOWING conversions can be made on the cal- culator side of the CR computer: Fahrenheit—Centigrade ‘Hours—Minutes—Seconds Statute Miles (MPH)—Nautical Miles (Knots)— Kilometers U.S. Gallons—Imperial (British) Gallons—Liters Feet—Meters Pounds—Kilograms Fahrenhelt—Centlgrade Fahrenheit—centigrade conversions can be read di- rectly from the temperature scale midway between the center and edge of the top disc. No special computer setting is required. Examy Problems 1—Fahrenheit—Centigrade Fill in the missing values. Centigrade Fahreinheit —60° 1 2h ch 4. 5. S 10° NOTE: Im all problems involving temperature, such at sly. tions for true air speed, true allt density altitude, temperature must be expressed as centigrade for use with the computer. Hours—Minutes—Seconds Conversion of hours to minutes or vice versa can be made by reading the answers directly from the minutes scale and the hour circle directly beneath it, the two outer scales on the top disc. ‘Example: 2:50 = 170 minutes Problems 2—Hours—Minutes Fill in the missing values. Minutes 135 greys Conversion of minutes to seconds is done by using. the small “SEC” arrow at the 36 position on the min- tutes scale. Place the time index (the one hour mark) under the number of minutes on the outside computer scale (base disc), and read the number of seconds op- posite the SEC arrow. Example: Convert 4 minutes to seconds. Solution: 1, Place the time index opposite 40 on the outside scale (base disc). 2. Opposite the SEC arrow on the inside scale read the number of seconds on the outside scale. Answer: 240 seconds Jepco Briefing Bookle Always estimate to see whether the answer is logical ‘To convert seconds to minutes, place the SEC ar- row opposite the number of seconds on the outside scale and read minutes opposite the time index. Problems 3—Minutes—Seconds Fill in the missing values. Minutes Seconds SO Nees Minutes Seconds 485 "1 8) 210 115 ‘Statute Miles (MPH)—Nautical Miles (Knots) Near 66 and 76 on the outside scales of both discs are arrows labeled “nautical” and “statute” respec ly. In order to convert nautical to statute miles or vice versa, place the nautical arrow on one scale opposite the statute arrow on the other scale. There are two ways to do this: either match the nautical arrow on the outside scale with the statute arrow on the inside scale, or the statute arrow on the outside scale with the nauti- cal arrow on the inside scale. Once the arrows are lined. up, all values around the disc will correspond without resetting. This method can be used for converting either sta- tute and nautical miles, or miles per hour and knots. Note that a statute mile is shorter than a nautical mile so a statute reading will be larger than the correspond- ing nautical reading. Always check each answer with the relative quantities in mind. Jepco Briefing Booklet Example: Given: 224 nautical miles Find: Statute miles Solution: 1, Place nautical arrow (near 66) on outside scale opposite statute arrow (near 76) on inside scale. 2. Find 224 nautical miles on outside scale. Op- posite it read statute miles on inside scale: 258. Answer: 258 statute mi Another Solution: 1, Place statute arrow (near 76) on outside scale opposite nautical arrow (near 66) on inside scale. 2, Find 224 nautical miles on inside scale. Opposite it read statute miles on outside scale: 258. ee PTT BH, hs im ey Fig. 7 NOTE: Since there are two ways of matching the statute and nautical arrows it is important to read each quantity on the scale which contains the corresponding arrow, Problems 4—Nautical Miles—Statute Miles Fill in the missing values. Nautical Statute Nautical Statute files Milles. Miles Miles (Knots) (MPH) (Knots) (MPH) 1. 80 fe 9. 5 2. 190 10. 136 8 1680 11, 930 4, on 12, 320 13. 14, 15. 113 Kilometers—Statute Miles—Nautical Miles ‘Near the figure 12 on both inside and outside scales, arrows marked “KM.” indicate kilometers. The kilo- meter, used widely on maps in South America, Europe and wherever the metric system is used, is equal to ap- proximately 3/5 of a statute mile and approximately ¥, of a nautical mile, In order to convert kilometers to statute or nautical miles or vice versa simply set the Kilometer arrow on one scale opposite the statute or nautical arrow, as desired, on the other scale. Read kilometers on the same scale as the kilometer arrow and miles on the same scale as the miles arrow. Check the answer to make sure that the number of kilometers is ‘greater than the number of miles. ‘Example: Given: 150 kilometers Find: Statute miles Solution: 1, Place the KM. arrow (near figure 12) on the in- side scale opposite statute arrow on outside scale (near figure 76). 2, Locate 150 kilometers on inside scale. Opposite it read 93 on outside scale. Answer: 93 statute miles Another Solution: 1, Place KM. arrow on outside scale opposite sta- tute arrow on inside scale. 2, Locate 150 kilometers on outside scale. Opposite it read 93 on inside scale. To convert kilometers to nautical miles, line up Kilometer arrow on one scale with nautical arrow on the other scale, and work as in previous problem, Problems $—Kilometers—Statute Miles— ‘Nautical Miles Fill in the missing values. Statute Nautical Kilometers Miles Miles 1450 BEBRE Seen oye ene US. Gallons—Imperial (British) Gallons Near the figure 11 on each scale an arrow indicates, imperial gallons, and near the figure 13 another arrow indicates U.S. gallons, The imperial gallon, used in Great Britain and Canada, is equal to approximately 1.2 USS. gallons. To convert U.S. to imperial gallons or vice versa, line up the imperial gallon arrow on one scale with the U.S. gallon arrow on the other scale. Read imperial gallons on the same scale as the im- perial gallon arrow and U.S. gallons on the same scale as the US. gallon arrow. Check the answer to see that the number of U.S. gallons is larger than the corres- ponding number of imperial gallons. 15 imperial gallons Find: US. gallons Solution: 1, Place imperial gallon arrow (near figure 11) on outside scale opposite U.S. gallon arrow (near figure 13) on inside scale. 2. Opposite 15 imperial gallons on outside scale read number of U.S. gallons on inside scale. Answer: 18 US. gallons Jepco Briefing Booklet Fig. 10 Another Solution: 1, Place imperial gallon arrow on inside scale op- posite U.S. gallon arrow on outside scale. 2. Opposite 15 imperial gallons on inside scale read number of USS. gallons on outside scale — 18, Fig. 11 Problems 6—U.S. Gallons—Imperial Gallons Fill in the missing values, US. Imperial US. Gallons Gallons Gallons 240 7 Imperial Gallons 119 Jepco Briefing Booklet A process similar to that used in the previous con- versions is used for changing liters to gallons, feet to ‘meters, pounds to kilograms or vice versa. Line up the ‘two arrows, one on the outside and one on the inside scale, corresponding to the units of measure you wish to convert. Read each value on the scale containing the arrow for the corresponding unit of measure. Be sure to check the answer for the proper relation of the larger with the smaller value. ‘The conversion arrows are located as follows: Liters—near 48.5 on inside and outside scales Feet—near the figure 14 on outside scale ‘Meters—near 43.5 on inside scale Pounds—near 36 on outside scale Kilograms—near the figure 16 on inside scale Note that the arrows for feet, meters, pounds and Kilograms each appear on only one scale, Hence in the ‘conversion of feet to meters or pounds to kilograms or vice versa there is only one way of matching the arrows in each problem. In countries using the metric system, the liter is the liquid measure which approximates one quart. Problems §—Liters—U.S. Gallons—Imperial Gallons Fill in the missing values. US. Imperial Gallons Gallons 1165 Liters 310 Beexae sere Problems 9—Feet—Meters Fill in the missing values. Feet Meters 152 seer Time — Speed — Distance Srorvavo time-speed-distance problems on the compu- ter is simply a matter of matching. Match any distance with the corresponding time for any portion of your flight, and every other time and distance will match correctly all around the dial. For instance, suppose you have determined that you have gone 24 miles in 9 minutes. Place 9 on the inside scale opposite 24 on the outside scale. Now if you con- sider a distance of 40 miles (on the outside scale) you read opposite the 40 the fact that it will take 15 min- utes to go this far. Or it will take you 30 minutes to go 1. Find the distance (40) on the outside scale and set opposite it the time (12 min.) on the inside scale, 2, Look to the left along the inside scale until you ‘come to the time index A 3. Opposite the time index read the ground speed. Answer: 200 MPH rv Fig. 12 Practice doing these with one hand. Be- fore moving top disc, glance around the’ scale to see which is the shortest direction to move it. If you know ground speed or estimated ground speed, match the ground speed figure with the I-hour mark on the computer. Then any given distance on the outside scale will match correctly with any time on the inside scale. You can tell how far you can go in any given time or how long it will take you to fly a given distance. Example: Given: Batonated ground sped riod ened aot aoe Solution: 1, Find the time index AX on the inside disc and set it opposite the ground speed of 200 (the figure 2. Look to the right along the outside scale until you come to 30 (300 mi.). 200 kts. ‘300 naut. mi. Jepco Briefing Booklet 3, Read directly below 30 the time en route, 90 min, 90 min, = 1 hr. and 30 min. (Read 1:30 just below the 90.) Answer: 1:30 Fig. 13 NOTE: The fgure $0 can stand for 3, $0 oF $00 miles and the position opposite ton the iaide scale in this problem can sen or’, 88or S00 ora wr al ab lem, com interpreting figures. Ato ‘iy 800 miles 1:86, 30 “9 minutes (84 tacondt) or 3000 Inilesin'9 minutes, 3 mile miles in 18 hours. Problems 12—Time, from Ground Speed and Distance Ground Speed 180 MPH 204 kts. 90 MPH 125 kts. 315 kts. 170 kts. 135 MPH 164 MPH 195 kts. 420 kts, 155 kts. 155 kts, 590 kts. 615 kts. 15, 382 kts. In figuring time to an airport from a radio facility during a let-down it is often necessary to work with rather small distances and short times, Time to a sta- tion is listed on Jeppesen and other instrument ap- proach charts but you may occasionally find it useful to work it out on your computer. The answer will come out in a small number of minutes or minutes and deci- ‘mal parts of a minute. Always test your answer to see whether it is logical. Remember that 120 MPH equals, 2 miles per minute, 150 MPH equals 2¥% miles per minute and 180 MPH equals 3 miles per minute. 6550 naut. mi. Jepco Briefing Booklet Example: Given: Ground speed Distance to station. Find: Time to station Solution: 1, Place the 110 ground speed figure on the out- side scale opposite the time index on the inside scale. 2, Opposite the distance, 9 miles, on the outside scale read the time to the station on the inside scale, Answer: 4.9 min, = 4min, 54 sec. 110 MPH 9 mi, Fig. 14 NOTE: Do not make the mistake of reading the 49 position ‘on the computer ar 4 min. 9 see. The ouside seale on the top die will ‘always indicate minutes and decimal parts of = er mines oo ia "Fe tcanvert to seconds lecimal part of the minute by FO 1, 130 MPH 78mi. 2 160MPH 5.6 mi. 3. 100 MPH 75 mi. 4. 175MPH 10.2 mi. 5. 123MPH 10 mii. 6 260MPH 8.2 mi, 7. MOMPH = 41 mi. 8, 150MPH 35 mi. 9, 185 MPH 72mi. 10. 145MPH = 128 mi. Tee eet eer Od and time, and wish to find the distance flown, Example Given: Ground speed 200 kts. Time... sod5 min, Find: Distance flown Solution: 1. Set the time index JX on the inside disc op- posite the ground speed (200) on the outside disc. 12 2. Look to the right along the inside scale until you come to 15. 3, Read directly above 15 the distance flown. Answer: 50 naut, mi. Fig. 15 Problems 14—Distance, from Ground Speed and Time Ground Speed Time Distance 1. 137 kts 235 2 178 kts. 254 3. 250kts, 1:36 4 kts 235 5. 150 kts 24 6. 150kts, 2:20 7 UBkts, 1:52 8. 197 kts. 24 9. 175 kts. 336 10. 395 kts, 1:22 11, 590 kts. 242 12, 430kts. 15:25 13, 182kts, 2:07 14, 263 kts 126 15, 314kts. 2:56 Fuel Consumption ee eerenre ern eee antes ert i in same manner as time-distance problems, In time-dis tance problems, time ison the inside scale and distance on the outside scale. In fuel consumption problems, time is still on the inside scale, but fuel is on the out- side scale Instead of dealing in miles per hour, you deal in gallons per hour. Example: Given: Fuel consumption 11 gal per hour Time flown 4:30 Find: Fuel consumed 13 Solution: 1. Place time index AX opposite figure 11 on out- side scale. 2, Locate 4:30 on hour circle on top disc. Place hairline at left of cursor over 4:30. 3. Read fuel consumed on outside scale under hair- line. Answer: 49.5 gallons Example: Given: Time flown 2:10 Fuel consumed 510 gal. Find: Fuel consumption per hour Solution: 1, Place cursor hairline over 510 mark on outside scale. Rotate top disc until 2:10 mark on hour circle touches hairline. 2. Read gallons per hour opposite time index AK Answer: 236 gallons per hour Jepco Briefing Bookle In order to find approximate pounds per hour if USS. gallons of gasoline are used, read the figure op- posite the SEC arrow at 36 on the inside scale (144 b./hr. in this problem). The figure is approximate because weight of fuel varies with temperature. If im- perial gallons of gasoline are used, read weight opposite 432. For JP fuel read weight opposite 384 for U.S. gallons and opposite 462 for imperial gallons. If any of, these figures is used frequently, it may be desirable to place a permanent mark with a hot needle at this point ‘on the computer as described on page 4 . In estimating weight in order to determine where to place a decimal point in the value obtained on the computer, the fol- lowing values are useful: 1 US. gal. gasoline = 6 Ibs. 1 imp. gal. gasoline = 7.2 Ibs. 1US. gal. JP fuel = 6.4Ibs. 1 imp. gal. JP fuel = 7.7 Ibs. Problems 15—Fuel Consumption Fill in the missing values. Fuel Lb. per Available Gallons Hour Flight or Fuel per (U.S. Gal Time © Consumed © Hour Gasoline) 1. :40 27 2. 7:30 88 3. 340 3.2 gal. 4. 1:41 1600 gal. sme 5. 4:28 52 6 930 gal. 430 7. 11 gal Se 8 M0 gal. omen 9. 111 gal. 59 10. 405 Pressure Altitude etectentnemenee alae ea ert) which the temperature is 15°C (59°F) and the baro- metric pressure is 29.92 at sea level. If standard atmos- pheric conditions prevailed and there were no instru- ‘ment or position error, one could set an altimeter at 29.92 and read one’s altitude above sea level. However, atmospheric conditions are rarely standard, so the reading on the altimeter that is set at 29.92 indicates only the altitude above the level at which the pressure is 29.92, which may or may not be sea level—most likely not. Furthermore, the altimeter in this case in- dicates the altitude above this level, called the standard datum plane, only if the conditions between the two are standard. It is easy to see, therefore, that setting the altimeter at 29.92 will not give true altitude above sea level. However, it will give a quantity called pres- Jepco Briefing Booklet “4 sure altitude, a measurement important in computing true altitude and true air speed. Essentially pressure altitude represents a measurement of atmospheric pres- sure rather than altitude. Pressure altitude is the reading on the altimeter when the altimeter is set at 29.92. "Indicated," "Calibrated" and "True" eter speed, altitude and temperature in the succeeding sections the words “indicated,” “cali- brated” and “true” are used to mean different quan- tities. Indicated air speed, altitude or temperature is the ‘quantity read on the instrument dial. Calibrated aix speed or altitude is the indicated quantity corrected for instrument and position errors. ‘The instrument correction is generally given on an air speed or altimeter correction card placed in the air- plane; the position error is determined by flight test and presented by a chart in the airplane handbook. Calibrated air speed or altitude should be used in place of indicated where possible. However, if no calibration data is available the indicated quantity must be used instead. The answer will have an accuracy no greater than the accuracy of the data used to secure it. True air speed, altitude or temperature is the cali- brated (or indicated if calibration data is unavailable quantity corrected for other factors (such as pressure, temperature and compressibility) which may affect ac- curacy of the desired quantity. A “true” quantity, in spite of its name, is not absolutely accurate, but is as close a value as can be obtained with the equipment at hand. Density Altitude Dasssery sittods Je eavortans io seeconasint: abe plane and engine performance, such as take-off roll, range and endurance for different atmospheric con- . is related directly to density altitude regardless of indicated or actual alti- tude, and the altitudes given with performance figures in an airplane handbook are always density altitudes or pressure altitudes with provision for a temperature ad- justment which results in density altitude, In order to find density altitude it is necessary to know pressure altitude (altimeter reading when altimeter is set at 29.92) and free air temperature in degrees centigrade. Example: Given: Pressure altitude Free air temperature Find: Density altitude 6000 30°C. Solution: 1, Set 6000’ pressure altitude (in window below center left) opposite 30°C. 2. Read density altitude at arrow in window direct- ly above. Answer: 9000! Fig. 18 Problems 16—Density Altitude Pressure Free Air Density Altitude Temperature Altitude 1. 12,000 orc 2 23,0007 = —13°C 3. 5,000" 27°C 45,0007 = —20°C. 5. 1,000" Sod 6. 13,0007 —35°C 7. 7,000 orc 8 20007 = — °C 9. 23,0007 = —13°C 10. 30,000 = —37°C 11. 20,000" 20 12 o 15°C. 13, 2,500" sc 14. 10500’ = 10°C 15. 21,000’ —30°C True Altitude Ties gurocrre called “true altitade” is as close as one ‘can come to the actual altitude using a sensitive alti- meter and accurate temperature and ground altimeter setting information. It is closer to actual altitude than pressure altitude, density altitude, indicated altitude or calibrated altitude. However, atmospheric variations may cause an altitude difference from the computed true altitude, and pilots are cautioned not to treat true altitude as actual altitude. True altitude is merely the best one can do in computing actual altitude above sea level without additional equipment in the airplane. 15 Three values are needed in order to compute true altitude: calibrated (or indicated if calibration is not available) altitude, pressure altitude (altimeter reading when set at 29.92) and true free air temperature. If pressure altitude is not available for a written problem (in flight it is always available), calibrated or indicated altitude may be used instead but the results will not be ‘as accurate. In addition to the above quantities, the altitude of the ground station giving the altimeter set- ting will aid in getting a more accurate true altitude. Note that true air temperature is used in this solution. See section on temperature rise for difference between true and indicated temperature. Exampli Given: Pressure altitude w10,000" ‘True air temperature, 13°C Calibrated altitude 12,000" Find: ‘True altitude Solution: 1, The true altitude computation window is located near the center of the computer toward the low- er right when the words “Jeppesen Computer” are read horizontally. Set the 10,000’ pressure altitude opposite the —13°C true air tempera- ture in the window. 2. On the outside scale of the top disc locate the calibrated altitude, 12,000’. 3. Opposite and above the 12,000’ calibrated alti- tude read the true altitude on the outside scale of the base disc. ‘Answer: 11,600’ Fig. 19 NOTE: The above ansver is correct for altitude above the ‘ground if the ground reporting station is at sea level, and it if the station is at an ‘you knot ‘altitude of forting station, the following procedure will (give additional accuracy. Jepco Briefing Bookle ‘Example: Given: Pressure altitude . 10,000" True air temperature —13°C Calibrated altitude 12,000" Altitude of ground station. 5400" Find: True altitude Solution: 1, Set the 10,000’ pressure altitude opposite the —13°C true air temperature in the true altitude computation window. 2, Subtract 5,400’ (altitude of ground station) from 12,000’ (calibrated altitude above sea level) to get 6,600’, calibrated altitude above the ground. 3. Opposite 6,600’ on the top dise read 6,400" above it on the base disc. This is the true altitude above the ground. 4, Add 5,400’ (altitude of ground above sea level) to 6,400’ to get true altitude above sea level. Answer: 11,800! Reason for using the altitude of ground station In computing altimeter setting, a ground station cither directly or indirectly corrects the station baro- metric pressure to the barometric pressure that would exist at sea level if standard atmospheric conditions existed between the station and sea level. However, atmospheric conditions are seldom standard, so an un- avoidable error is introduced. By utilizing the known altitude of the reporting station, the present solution, avoids the error introduced by the assumption of stand- ard atmospheric conditions between the ground station, and sea level. Jepco Briefing Booklet Problems 17—True Altitude Altitude of Pressure True Air Calibrated Ground True Altitude Temperature Altitude Station Altitude 1. 16,000" ~—10°C 15,000" 0 2. 4,000' 10°~—=«4,300' 1,000 3. 10,000' —10°C 11,500’ 2,700’ 4. 25,000’ 25°C 26,500’ 1,500’ 5. 7,000 8°C 7,800’ Unknown 6. 40,000’ —40°C 42,000’ 6,000" 7. 9,000' —10°C 9,700’ 1,500" 8. 34,000’ 50°C 35,000’ 300’ 9. 12,500’ — 2°C 12,000 Unknown 10, 3,000° 20°C_-—«4,000" 1,060" 11. 5,000" 0G 4,750" o 12, 11,000’ —10°C 12,500" oO 13, 11,000’ —10°C 12,500" 7,000" 14, 6,000" 8c 5,500’ 500" 15. 16,000’ — 8°C 17,000’ Unknown True Air Speed — Modern Method HE FOLLOWING method of computing true air speed embodies an improvement over older methods, since it compensates for the effects of compressibility and tem- perature rise due to high speed flight. The scale ar- rangements on the CR Computer, which make possible ‘an automatic correction for these factors, are further ‘explained in the last part of this book. In the old method, outside air temperature is set against pressure altitude and the true air speed result is read above calibrated air speed using the two outside “log” scales of the computer. If desired, this method can also be used with the CR and it is explained on page 43. Persons taking FAA written examinations are advised that answers to the FAA tests are computed with the old method and there may be a discrepancy if the modem and more accurate method is used. The discrepancy is negligible at low air speeds, but is signifi- cant at the higher air speeds. ‘Example: Given: Calibrated air speed. 220 kts. Pressure altitude... oon. 20,000' Indicated air temperature. —30°C Find: True air speed Solution: 1, In the long circular CAS window line up the calibrated airspeed, 20 ks, with the pressure altitude, 20,000’, below. 2. Move the cursor ae to the section of waved lines in the large “INDICATED TEMPERA- TURE °C” window. Note the spiral line cross- 16 Z e e waved lines. Line up the hairline on the left of the cursor with the intersection of the spiral with the —30°C line. Fol speed. a 3) z down the hairline and read the true air Fig. 21 NOTE; The modern solation for true ar speed is design be used with knots rather than miles per hour. Because ipensate for compress choice vn alibreting the scales fer our on tote However, aie thi em doesnot i rectly accurate answers when miles per hour are used, the Eniver? ore, nevertheless, more eceurte then ohen the same din the old true ar speed method. At lower speeds, tither knots or miles per Irom using miles per Rour At ipeeds ove? 200i fs bes to work in knot Problems 18—True Air Calibrated True Calibrated Pressure Air Air Air Speed Altitude Temperature Speed 1, 180k. 5,000". —10°C . 2. 260 kts. 10,000 — 5°C 3. 140MPH — 3,500" 20°C 4. 305kts, 20,000" — 15°C. 5. 254k, 11,500" — 15°C. 6. 190 kts. 4,000" 25°C 7. 125MPH 3,000’ 30°C 8. 410 kts. '35,000° 20°C 9. 254kts. 4,500" — 20°C. 10. 400 kts. '24,000° - 5c Il. 190 kts. 8,500" 5°C 12. 264 kts. 15,000’ —15°C 13. 120MPH 4,000" 25°C 14, 350kts. 29,000" «= — 10°C 15, 400 kts. 45,000° 10°C 7 Recovery Coefficients on the CR Cursor Tavs sic seed calculations are affected by a tenpern- ture recovery coefficient which varies with installation and design of the temperature probe on the individual airplane. Recovery coefficients vary from .6 to the ideal coefficient 1.0. Once a recovery coefficient is deter~ mined for a particular airplane, the coefficient will not vary greatly with speed or altitude. ‘The cursor on the OR is marked with a fan-shaped head on a straight haitline, with recovery coefficients plotted for values of .6, .7, 8, 9 and 1.0, at the stand- ard sea level temperature of +15°C and the standard stratosphere temperature of —55°C. In the case of 8 the plot is a straight line and for convenience an extra, straight line is placed to the left of the fan-shaped plot. ‘This separate line is more convenient to use with prob- lems involving a .8 coefficient and it is also the line which should be used for all problems which involve the use of the hairline to line up values without refer- cence to a recovery coefficient. For recovery coefficient values .6, .7, .9 and 1.0, ‘two lines are plotted, a dashed line for the standard sea level temperature of +15°C and a solid line for stand- ard stratosphere temperature of —55°C_ (35,000'). When fiying between sea level and 35,000! (strato- sphere height) it is necessary to interpolate between the two lines. For instance, at an altitude of 17,500’ with a recovery coefficient of .9, note that 17,500’ stratosphere. Hence Y/ of the space between the sea level and stratosphere plots of recovery coefficient 9 must be used for the correct curve. In all problems in this book it is assumed that the recovery coefficient is .8 unless otherwise stated. Example: Given: Calibrated air speed. 650 kts. Pressure altitude 24,000 Indicated air temperature..........20°C Recovery coefficient. 2 Find: True air speed Solution: 1. Place calibrated air speed, 650 kts., opposite pres- sure altitude, 24,000’. 2. Move cursor until a point between the two 9 curves intersects the crossing of the 20° curve with the spiral. Read true air speed under the extension of the hairline below. Jepco Briefing Book! Fig. 22 Problems 19—Biffect of Recovery Coefficients Indicated Air Recovery True Calibrated Pressure Temper- Co- Air Air Speed Altitude ature 1, 420kts. 21,000’ 20°C 2, 420 kts. 21,000° 20°C 3, 990kts. 30,000’ 15°C 4. 240kts. 25,000’ 20°C 5. 350 kts. 40,000 —10°C Computing Calibrated Air Speed from True Air Speed etalerer eal eee tect catia! speed is required, to compute the calibrated air speed that is necessary to maintain a given true air speed. Example: Given: Pressure altitude... 12,500 Indicated air temperature —20°C True air speed. 288 kts. Find: Calibrated air speed Solution: 1. Move top disc until the true air speed (288) ap- pears somewhere within the large window. Move cursor until hairline passes through the 288 true air speed. 2, Keeping left hairline on 288, rotate top disc until the intersection of the spiral and the —20° line passes also through the hairline of the cursor. 4. Opposite 12,500’ on the large pressure altitude scale read the calibrated air speed. Jepco Briefing Booklet Answer: 250 kts. Fig. 23 Problems 20—Calibrated Air Speed from True Air Speed True Indicated Calibrated Air Air Pressure Air Speed Temperature Altitude 1, 230 kts. 15°C. 10,000" 2 180k, = — 5°C 5,000" 3. 350k, —25°C 15,000" 4. 450kts. —30°C 23,000" 5. 170MPH 20°C 7,500" 6. 570kts. 0°c 30,000" 7. 197 kts. 15°C. 9,500" 8 110MPH 30°C 1,000 9, 246kts, — —10°C 12,500" 10, 315kts. = —25°C 9,000" Temperature Rise i teeseme perth et ig ater eect air temperature thermometer will read higher than the actual free air temperature because of friction and be- cause the air is compressed at the temperature bulb, thus increasing the temperature at this point. In the solution of true air speed problems, the CR compen- sates automatically for this temperature rise. However, there are times, as in computing true altitude or den- sity altitude, when it is desirable to know true free air ‘temperature. The CR can be used to find true tempera- ture if indicated temperature and speed factors are known. Near the center of the computer a curved window is labeled “Temperature Rise °C.” If the cursor is rotated across the front of the window, two small black marks on the cursor (one for each hairline on the cursor) will indicate different degrees of temperature rise. It is important to select the mark corresponding to the hairline in use. The hairline of the cursor will also indicate values of indicated temperature and true air speed in the large window above. True air temperature + temperature rise = indi- cated air temperature Or: Indicated air temperature — temperature rise = true air temperature. ‘Note that indicated temperature is always greater than true temperature. If the true air speed and indicated temperature are known, the procedure for finding true air temperature is simple. ‘Example: Given: True air speed. 292 kts. Indicated air temperature 5°C Find: True air temperature Solution: 1, Rotate the top disc until 292 knots appears some- where in the large true air speed window. 2 Rotate cursor until the hairline passes through the 292 kt. air speed mark. 3, In the temperature rise window below read 9°C under the small black mark on the cursor. Indi- ‘ated air temperature — temperature rise = true air temperature. 5° — 9° = —4° Answer: —4°C 19 Problems 21—Temperature Rise from True Air Speed True Indicated True Air Air Air ‘Speed Temperature Temperature 1, 168 kts. 10°C 2, 365 kts. 14°C 3. 292 kts. —20°C 4, 238 kts. 0°c 5. 560 kts. 15°C 6. 390 kts. 8°C 7. 755 kts. 8c 8 276 kts. —10°C 9. 325 kts. =17°C 10. 140kts. —15°C If calibrated (or indicated) air speed instead of true air speed is given, it is also necessary to know pressure altitude in order to find true temperature from indi- cated temperature. The procedure is similar to that used to find true air speed. Example: Given: Calibrated air speed. 300 kts. Pressure altitude jo. 15,000" Indicated air temperature. 10°C Recovery coefficient... 8 Find: True air temperature Solution: 1. Place 300 knots in the calibrated air speed win- dow opposite 15,000’ pressure altitude below. 2, Above the indicated temperature window, move the cursor until the hairline passes through the spot where the spiral intersects the 10°C line. 3, Near the center of the computer note that the small black mark on the cursor points to 15° in the temperature rise window. Jepco Briefing Book! 4, Indicated temperature — temperature rise true temperature 10° — 15° = —5°. Answer: —5°C Problems 22—Temperature Rise from Calibrated Ait Speed Calibrated Indicated True Air Pressure Air Air Speed Altitude ‘Temperature Temperature 1. 320kts, 25,000" 20°C : 2. 260kts. 10,000" — 5°C 3. 180Kts. 5,000" 10°C. 4, 315 kts, 33,000" —15°C 5. 200kts. 10,000" —15°C 6. 140kts. 6,000" 10°C. 7. 140kts. 16,000" 10°C 8. 240kts, 16,000" 10°C. 9. 450 kts. 26,500’ 20°C 10. 500kts. 42,500’ 35°C ‘Temperature Rise Recovery Coefficients Other Than .8 ‘The temperature rise scale is plotted for a recovery coefficient .8. If the recovery coefficient is other than 8, the temperature rise read under the small cursor ‘mark on the right must be multiplied by the quantity recovery coefficient 8 ture rise. ‘Temperature rise = temperature rise for Cy .8 x in order to get the correct tempera- ‘Temperature rise for Cy .8 = 16°C Find: Correct temperature rise Jepco Briefing Booklet 20 Solution: ‘Temp. rise = temp. rise for Cy .8 x = seco Bi ier rae ee. 3 8 worked out on the computer by the multiplication and division process discussed later in this book, or it can be computed by arithmetic. The computer process is especially convenient if the expression is ‘a more complicated one. Answer: Temperature rise 14°C Mach Number BUR crete the sec otro ae sis peed an aircraft to the speed of sound. (Example: Mach .5 is half the speed of sound.) The speed of sound in air varies only as the temperature varies. Therefore the same Mach number can represent different true air speeds at different temperatures. For aircraft with conventional air speed indicators Mach number can be determined in the first step of the true air speed problem. Calibrated air speed in ‘knots is set over pressure altitude and the Mach num- ber read over the Mach number pointer at the bottom of the large true air speed window. Example: Given: Pressure altitude 5000’ Calibrated air speed. 395 kts. Find: Mach number Solution: 1, Place pressure altitude (5000') under calibrated air speed (395) in curved window. 2. Above Mach number pointer read Mach number at bottom of large window in top disc. Given: Pressure altitude. 5000" Calibrated air speed. 395 kts. Answer: .65 Problems 23—Mach Number Pressure Calibrated Mach: Altitude AirSpeed © Number 1. 25,000 ‘574 kts. 2. 15,000" 200 kts. 3. 27,000° 415 kts. 4. 18,500° 244 kts. 5. 5,000" «100 kts. True Air Speed from Mach Number Hh. amonars with Mach indicator and outside tempera- ture gage it is possible to get true air speed from these ‘two instruments. Set the Mach number index on the indicated Mach number. Then set the cursor over the intersection of the indicated temperature (in degrees centigrade) and the spiral. True air speed in knots will be under the cursor hairline. Example: Given: Indicated Mach number. Indicated air temperature Find: True air speed. Solution: 1. Place the Mach number index under 1.16, 2. Move the cursor until the hairline passes through. the intersection of the spiral with the 10° indi- cated temperature line. 3, Read true air speed under the lower part of the Answer: 690 kts. 1.16 10°C. a1 Problems 24—True Air Speed from Mach Number Indicated Indicated ‘True Mach Air Air Number Temperature Speed 1 7% = —20°C 2 35°C 3. 10 60°C 4 34 20°C 5. 14 65°C Mach Index Arsyess the two outside scales of the computer 10 that the unit index on the inside scale is near 60 on the outside scale. In the small window at the lower left center of the computer is a double-ended arrow labeled “Mach index.” The setting of 10 on one scale to a position near 60 on the other scale is merely a means of finding the Mach index. ‘The Mach index relates a “standard atmosphere” altitude with the standard temperature for that alti- tude. Tt provides a means of estimating true air tem- perature in flight, If pressure altitude is placed at the top end of the Mach index arrow, the other end will point estimate of the true air temperature. ‘The Mach index arrow has another significance on the computer. When it is set to any temperature, the unit index of the inner of the two outside computer scales points to the speed of sound for that tempera- ture. For instance, if the Mach index is set to —35°C, the unit index of the top disc is opposite 600, the speed of sound in knots at —35°C. Jepco Briefing Bookle True Air Speed from Tru Air Temperature eee eee rae true air speed, he will use forecast or reported upper air temperature. This is true air temperature instead of, indicated. The following solution is based on the fact, that the speed of sound is dependent on the true air temperature, and that true air speed is the product of, the Mach number (obtainable from calibrated air speed and pressure altitude) and the speed of sound. Example: Given: Calibrated air speed. 230 kts. Pressure altitude . 13,000' True air temperature —20°C Find: True air speed Solution: 1. Place pressure altitude, 13,000’, opposite cali- brated air speed, 230 kts. 2. Read Mach number opposite pointer on Mach. number scale. Mach number = .44. 3. Keeping 44 in mind, locate the Mach index, the two-directioned arrow in the small window below and left of center. As described in the previous section, the Mach index can be found easily by placing the unit index of the inside (top disc) scale opposite 60 on the outside scale (base disc). Align the Mach index with the true air tempera- ‘ture, —20°G, on the scale below it. . When the Mach index is properly aligned with the desired temperature, the speed of sound ap- pears on the outside computer scale opposite the unit index of the inside (top disc) scale. In this case the speed of sound (opposite the unit index) is 619 kts. It is not necessary to read the speed Jepco Briefing Booklet 22 of sound, however, in order to compute true air speed by this method. 5. Locate the Mach number, .44, on the inside scale to the left of 10 on the top disc, and opposite 44 read the true air speed, 272 kts. NOTE: 1m this ls step se are multiplying the speed of rund bythe Mach number to gt rae ar apecde tenet Answer: 272 kts. Problems 25—True Air Speed from True Air ‘Temperature Calibrated ‘True ‘True Pressure Air Air Air Altitude Speed Temperature Speed 1, 10,000" 300 kts. 10°C om 2 14,000’ «450kts.« — 5° 3. 8,000' 114 kts. 12°C sensors 4. 13,500° 180 kts. orc 5. 23,000 730 kts. 22°C 6. 21,000 270 kts. 15°C 7. 16,000 222kts. © —10°C 8. 23,000" 400 kts. 27°C 9. 30,000 480 kts. —40°C 10. 9,000’ 100 kts. 5°C Use of the Jeppesen CR as a Slide Rule rere einen eee time-distance scales, without a movable indicator they can not be used easily for successive multiplications and divisions in the same problem. The movable cursor on the CR makes it a convenient circular slide rule, one which incidentally is more sensitive in terms of size than the usual engineering slide rule. The pocket size CR is equivalent to a 12"” straight slide rule and the navi. gator size is equivalent to a 17” slide rule, Thus they are 20% and 70% more sensitive respectively than the standard 10” slide rule. Businessmen, engineers and pilots with a frequent use for figures can use the CR as, a handy pocket slide rule. Tips on Circular Slide Rule Operation No previous slide rule experience is necessary in order to use the CR for multiplication and division. However, if you are already familiar with slide rule operation simply remember that the outside scale on the caleulator side of the CR corresponds to the D scale on a straight slide rule and the inside scale corresponds to the C scale. Problems are worked exactly as they are on fa straight slide rule except that the answer is read al~ ‘ways on the outside scale of the CR, while on a straight slide rule it is read usually on the bottom scale. Placing the answer on the outside scale is necessary since the hairline of the cursor can be held stationary with respect to the outside scale just as the indicator of a straight slide rule can be held stationary with respect to the D scale. ‘Those unfamiliar with slide rule operation will note that as the numbers on the scales get higher they are spaced closer together. As a result it is not possible to show all gradations for the third digit of a number. From 25 to 30 on the scales the distance between each mark is counted 2 digits; from 30 to 60 only one mark for a third digit 5 is shown; and none are shown above 60 for the third digit. It is necessary to interpolate for these. Suppose you interpolate for the 5 in the number 665 but miss the point and use 664. That is an error of 1 in 665 or 15 hundredths of 1 per cent—very small. In using the computer for multiplication and divi- sion, care must be taken to treat the time index as 6 or 60 and not to confuse it with the unit index @D You must also remember that slide rule operation gives only the successive digits in a number and it is often neces- sary to place a decimal point or add a zero to the number. In order to get the correct answer an estimate must be made. If an answer has the digits 294, for example, an estimate will determine whether it should be .294, 2.94, 2940 or another variation of the digits in that order. Multiplication In order to multiply two numbers, place the unit index of the inside scale opposite one of the numbers to bbe multiplied. Pressing discs with thumb and forefinger to prevent their rotating, move the cursor till the hair- line intersects on the inside scale the second number to be multiplied, and read the answer beneath the hairline on the outside scale. Example: 2x3 =? Solution: (See Fig. 31) 1, Place the unit index on the inside scale opposite the figure 20 on the outside scale. 2. Move the cursor until the hairline intersects 30 on the inside scale. 3. Opposite the figure 30 on the inside scale read 60 on the outside scale. NOTE: the compute i et for this aroblem, ll the fares fon the outside scale are exactly twice the value of the opposite ths tale tcale. The number 40 1 over 20, 10 (100) over 50, and 30 over 15. Estimating Using the method above, multiply 14 x 95. The answer consists of the digits 133. In order to estimate the answer, note that 95 is close to 100, and 100 x 14 = 1400. Hence the correct answer must be 1330. Always estimate each answer to determine place of decimal point or final zeros, and to check logic of answer. Fig. 31 Problems 26—Multiplication 1. 176 x40: 224x825 3. 67.5 x37 4. 55x13 5. 464 x 18: ‘Successive Multiplication In doing successive multiplications in the same prob- lem, the above process is repeated as many times as necessary. Example: Solution: 1. Opposite the unit index on the inside scale place the first multiplier (19) on the outside scale. 19x 23 x.64 Jepco Briefing Bookle 2, Locate the second multiplier (23) on the inside scale, and without moving the relative position of the two discs, move the cursor until the hair- line passes through the 23. If you stopped the problem at this point, the number under the hair- line on the outside scale would be the product of 19 x 23, However, it is unnecessary to read intermediate answers in this type of problem. 3. Without changing the position of the hairline on the outside scale, move the top disc until the unit index of the top disc is under the hairline, To move the top disc without moving the cursor, place the right forefinger against the outside edge of the cursor, pressing in against the edge of the cursor with a slight twisting motion, raising the cursor very slightly to insure that it stays at the proper setting with respect to the base disc as top disc is rotated with the left thumb. . Without moving the relative position of the two discs, move the cursor until the hairline passes over the last multiplier (64). . Read the answer (28) on the outside scale op- posite 64. 6. In order to estimate the answer, note that 19 is close to 20. 20 x 23 = 460. The number .64 is close to .5 or ¥. One half of 460 is 230. Hence the answer should be 280 (not 28, 2.8 or 2800). Answer: 280 Fig. 33 Problems 27—Successive Multiplication 1, 9x 17x67 6. 21x 166 x .22x99 = 2, 6x 213x714 7. 2.1.x.06 x 30.5 = 3. .254x 196 x 88.5 = 8. 3.75 x 3.75 x3.75 = 4, 79 x66 x 92 9. 13x 19.6x.41 5. 27.1335 x11 = 10. 155x.3x12x9 Division To divide one number by another on the CR, simply put the number to be divided on the outside scale and Jepco Briefing Booklet 2 place beneath it the divisor. Read the answer on the ‘outside scale opposite the inside-scale unit index. 244 te: <= Sewer Solution: 1, Place 67 on the inside scale under 244 on out- side scale. 2, Read the answer (364) on the outside scale op- posite the unit index of the inside scale. 3, Estimate the answer by noting that 244 is close to 240 and 67 is close to 60. 240 + 60 = 4. Therefore the answer must be 3.64 (not 36.4 or 364). Answer: 3.64 ? 48 + 117 575 + 89 81+ 112 1260 + 62 Some problems involve several multiplications and 31x6tx9 za Such problems ean be easily solved on the CR by combining the methods used for multiplication and division. Remember that the answer is always read on the outside scale. In order to multiply, always place the unit index of the inside scale opposite the number to be multiplied. To divide, place the di- visor under the number to be divided. pie; 1x 64x9 7x55 Solution: 1, Place 31 on the outside scale opposite the figure 70 on the inside scale. divisions, as ? 2, The answer to the first operation 3 is found on the outside scale opposite the unit index (4.43) To multiply 4.43 by 64 turn the cursor to 64 on the inside scale and read the answer on the out- side scale opposite 64 (284). However, in succes- sive multiplications and divisions it is unnecessary to read intermediate answers, and time is saved by moving the cursor directly to 64 after placing 31 over 7. Remember, when multiplying move the cursor to the multiplier on the inside scale. Always alternate multiplication and division where possible. Fig. 35 Holding the thumb against the edge of the cur- sor so that it will not move relative to the outside scale, rotate top disc until 55 on the inside scale rests under the hairline, The intermediate ans- wer after this operation is found on the outside scale opposite the unit index (515), but again it is unnecessary to read the intermediate answer and time is save by going immediately to the next multiplication. 4. Rotate cursor until hairline passes through 9 on inside scale. Fig. 37 Read answer on outside scale under hairline: 464. The final answer is always located on the outside scale (as are all intermediate answers) When the final operation is multiplication, the answer is found opposite the final multiplier. When the final operation is division, the answer is found opposite the unit index. 30x60x10 _ 18,000 6, Estimate answer: = = 36 10x50 500 Hence answer to problem must be 46.4 (not 4.64 or 464) Answer: 46.4 Where the final operation in the problem is division, move cursor to unit index on inside scale after the last multiplication; then rotate inside scale until final di- visor is under hairline. Read final answer on outside scale opposite unit index. Example: 2S 4 _ 2 19 x6 x72 Jepco Briefing Booklet Solution: 1, Place 25 on outside scale opposite 19 on inside scale, 2. Without moving relative position of discs, move cursor until hairline passes through 41 on inside scale. 3. Holding cursor stationary in relation to outside scale, move top disc until 60 (time index) on inside scale is under hairline. Fig. 39 Fig. 40 5, Holding cursor stationary on outside scale, move top disc until 72 on inside scale rests under hair- line. 6. Read answer on outside scale opposite unit in- dex: 125. Jepco Briefing Booklet 26 25x40 _ 1000 _ + 7, Estimate answer, o> = Gq = Therefore answer must be .125 (not 12.5 or 125) Answer: 125 Problems 29—Successive Multiplication and Division 675x3x49 7x82 i 4x72 9x16 123x13x7 0 _ 91 x.213 22x57 a 59x6.8x.7 66 x66 z 8x77x3 31x16x8 8 909 7 34x5x3x18 1.69x 82x46 55x70 Qixdix4l W2xS8xt4 _ 4 S1dehs 111 x55 18 Solving Navigation Formulas JAVIGATION formulas can be solved on the CR Com- puter by substituting known values in the formulas and solving as in slide rule problems. Example: In a problem involving radius of action to the sar base: Given: Fuel available 4 hours Ground speed out. 170 MPH. Ground speed back 197 MPH Find: Time to turn Solution: ‘The formula for the problem is: S Fuel hours x GS. Time to turn = —————= GS, + GS, Substituting in the formula: 4x197 _ 4x197 Time totum = ———— = = 170+ 197 367 1, Place 4 on outside scale opposite $67 on inside scale. 2. Rotate cursor until hairline passes through 197 on inside scale. 3. Read answer on outside scale opposite 197 on inside scale: 215. 5x 200 4. Estimate answer: = 2*. Therefore an- swer equals 2.15 hours. Answer: 2:09 Other formulas which can be solved on the com- puter are: Min, to station = 6222in.flown Degrees change Distance to station = ©5270. flown mo Degrees change Solving Formulas Set Up as Proportions ‘The formulas mentioned in the previous section can be restated as proportion formulas in the following ‘manner: Time totum _ Fuel hours GS: «GS, + GS, Min. to station 60 Min. flown ~ Degrees change Distance to station GS ‘Min. flown ‘Degrees change Formulas stated in this manner can be visualized ‘as two equivalent proportions and can be solved by placing them directly on the computer with the top values on the outside scale and the bottom values on the inside scale. For instance, in the previous sample problem in- volving time to turn, substitute known values in the following equation: Time totum _ Fuel hours GS. «GS, + GS, Time totum _ 4 197 (367 27 Fig. 42 Placing top values on the outside scale and bottom values on the inside scale, locate the value 4 on the outside scale and opposite it place 367 on the inside scale. Then locate 197 on the inside scale and opposite it read time to turn (2.15 hours) on the outside scale. The following problems can be solved by either method. Problems 30—Solving Formulas Minutes Degrees Minutes to Flown Change 1.208 r 2 105%, 10° 3. 08 8° Distance to Station 4 a 170 MPH S ° 195 MPH 6. 10° 320 MPH Hours Gs. Gs. of Fuel Out Back is 215MPH 200 MPH 8. 150MPH 166 MPH. 9. 490MPH 440 MPH 10. 390MPH 415 MPH Jepco Briefing Bookle Jeppesen CR Computer Wind Side E very wind problem contains six variables: wind di- rection, wind velocity, true course, true heading, true air speed and ground speed. Knowing any four of the quantities it is possible to find the other two on the CR Computer. High-Speed and Low-Speed Computer Scales ‘Two wind scales on the horizontal and vertical lines radiating from the center of the computer make this an especially versatile computer. Use the low-speed scales (larger type) (from 0 to 80) if the wind is less than 80 kts. or MPH. Use the high-speed scales (small- er type) (from 0 to 160) if the wind is more than 80. Once you have chosen the desired scale, use it through- out the problem, taking care not to mix the two scales within the same problem. If wind speed is over 160, divide all speeds (but not angles) by 2 and work prob- lems in the usual manner; then multiply answer speeds by 2. Persons using this book with the earlier-design R-2 Jeppesen Computer will find a single scale from 0 to 100. On this computer, if the wind is over 100, all speeds should be divided by 2. Fig. 43 Placing the Wind on the Computer Although the wind may be marked on the computer at any of several stages in a problem, it is usually more convenient to place the wind first if wind data is given, To designate a wind of 30 knots blowing from 50°, first locate the 50 line on the green circular scale of the top disc. Then measure out from the center to the point where the circle marked 30 on the low-speed scale intersects the 50° line, and place a small dot with a sharp pencil at this intersection. Next surround the dot, with a circle to aid in finding it. The smaller the dot and the more accurately it is placed, the more accurate 29 the answer will be. However, while the dot should be small, the circle which surrounds it should not be too small and close to the dot or it will be difficult to read the value accurately. In the case of a wind direction that lies between two lines, the following procedure will aid in accurate placing of the wind dot. Example: Wind = 45 kts. from 37° Method: Move the top disc until the end of one of the black horizontal or vertical lines of the middle disc (headwind-tailwind lines or crosswind lines) points to 37 on the green scale of the top disc. On the large (CR-3) computer the 90° marks on the black circular scale are extensions of the horizontal left and right crosswind lines. Place the wind dot over the point half way between 40 and 50 on the black line. Since there are four possible li ing, it will never be necessary to move the top disc more than 45° to position the wind dot in this manner. True—Magnetic—Course—Heading True course is the intended or actual flight path drawn relative to true north on a chart, Wind, variation and deviation may be applied to true course, each bringing a change in terminology. Wind, applied to true course, changes the word “course” to “heading.” True course + wind correction angle = true heading. Any term which involves the word “heading” includes a correction for the wind, Because the wind direction, except as given by the tower for take-off or landing, is always given with respect to true north, all wind problems should be worked with true rather than magnetic directions. To maintain a given course, the airplane must always crab into the wind. Hence, when wind is from the right, add crab angle to true course to get true heading. If wind is from the left, subtract crab angle from true course Jepco Briefing Bookle: Variation is the difference between true north and magnetic north as shown by a compass on the ground at the geographic locality concerned. When variation is applied to a course or heading, the word “true” changes to “magnetic.” Thus true course + variation, = magnetic course, and true heading + variation = ‘magnetic heading. Deviation is an error due to the compass installa- tion in a particular airplane and to magnetism of various airplane components. Deviation may be ob- tained from a compass card located near the compass in the airplane and varies with the direction the air- plane is heading. Deviation is applied after variation, and changes the wording from “magnetic” to “com- pass.” Thus magnetic course + deviation = compass course, and magnetic heading + deviation = compass, heading. True Course Magnetic Course on the CR Computer ‘When going from true course to magnetic course, easterly variation should be subtracted and westerly should be added. However, there can be no confusion going from true to magnetic or magnetic to ‘true when using the OR, since the computer applies the variation automatically on the black scale on either side of the TC index. The true course should always be over the TC index and the magnetic course should always be over the corresponding variation on the black scale, Brampl 40° 13°E, Solution: Easterly variation is on the black scale to the left of the TC index and westerly variation is on the right. Locate 13° on the left (easterly) side. Over 13 on the black scale place 40 on the green scale of the top disc. Read true course over the TC index. Answer: True course 53° Place 57° over the TC index. Locate 8° on the black variation scale to the right of the TC index. Over, 8° read the magnetic course. Answer: Magnetic course 65° Fig. 46 ‘The deviation scale may be used in the same way to go from true heading to magnetic heading, or from magnetic heading to true heading. If the compass card gives deviation as + or —, treat plus deviation as westerly deviation and minus deviation as easterly deviation. Problems 31—True Course—Magnetic Course Find Magnetic Course Magnetic Course 1 10° oR 2 185° Bow COLE thas 4. 264 10°E SeeszommaoeN, Find True Course Magnetic True Course Variation Course lees 7 oem IZ 2. SE 3. 122° 15°E 4, 356° 7W 5 29° 11°E Drift Angle and Crab Angle ‘The difference between true course and true head- ing is the drift angle or crab angle. This angle appears on the circular scale on the middle disc of the com- puter. Fig. 47 Crab angle is the correction angle that is applied to fa true course, the amount the airplane must be turned into the wind in order to maintain the desired course. Drift angle is the angle at which the airplane will drift away from the desired course if the crab angle is not applied. Drift and crab angles are not necessarily the same, although for practical purposes they are often treated the same and the difference is so small that navigators ignore it. In some cases with relatively strong winds, however, there may be significant difference. For in- stance, with the wind at 45 kts, from 135° a pilot fiying an airplane with a true air speed of 120 kts. wishes to maintain a true course of 90°, He must crab into the wind 15° to maintain the desired course. If he ‘were to place the airplane on a 90° true heading (mak- ing no correction for the wind) he would drift 20° off course, Wind 48 bs, 13 Fig. 48 The middle disc scale can be used for either crab or drift angle. The angle is designated crab angle if the true course is known and the problem requires the true heading necessary to maintain the desired true course. The angle is called drift angle if true heading is known and problem requires the true course or track that will be made good if that true heading is used. 31 Remember that the true heading is always a direc- tion pointing more into the wind than the true course, since to hold a given true course the airplane must be crabbed into the wind. With a right crosswind the true heading will be greater than the true course. With a left crosswind the true heading will be less than the true course. ‘Setting Up a Problem on the Computer ‘Two computer motions are necessary to set up a ‘wind problem on the CR Computer. The true air speed must be placed above the TAS index, and the true course must be placed above the TC index. If the true air speed and true course are given in the problem, place the quantities above the proper indexes and con- sider the computer fixed for that particular problem. In any wind problem do not move the computer discs once the true air speed and true course are placed opposite the indexes. Where true heading and not true course is given in the problem, it is necessary to make a temporary setting of the true heading oppo- site the TC index and then make one or more com- puter adjustments before finding the true course to put ‘opposite the index. Remember, though, that until the true air speed and true course are set opposite the proper indexes on the CR Computer, the problem is not completely set up for solution. Problem |—Finding True Heading and Ground Speed 20 MPH from 350° True air speed 170 MPH, ‘True course. 50° Find: Ground speed, crab angle and true heading This is the most common type of wind problem and also the easiest to work on the CR Computer. The wind dot may be placed on the computer either before or after placing the true air speed and true course, In this case the 350° wind dot is easily placed because it lies along one of the green lines on the top disc. If the wind were from a direction which lay between two of the green lines (as from 355° at 5 MPH), it would be best to put in the wind first, as described on page 29. If indicated or calibrated air speed is given instead of true air speed, correct for temperature and altitude on the calculator side of the computer in order to get, true air speed. If the course has been taken from or with reference to published radio bearings on a chart, it is a magnetic course instead of true course. In this case place the magnetic course opposite the variation and the true course will appear under the TC index. Jepco Briefing Bookle Solution: 1, Locate the wind dot by finding the 350° radial line on the green scale and placing a dot on the intersection of this line with the 20 MPH circle. Make the dot very small with a sharp pencil and place a circle around the dot so that it will be easy to locate. Rotate the base disc until 170, the true air speed, lies under the TAS index. . Rotate the top disc until 50°, the true course, lies over the TC index. Be sure that in making the true course adjustment you do not disturb the true air speed setting made in step 2. Since both true air speed and true course are now in place, the computer is fixed for the problem and no further movement of discs should be made. 2) 4. Locate on the horizontal scale the point directly beneath the wind dot. This point represents a value of 18 on the low-speed scale. Since the point is to the left of the computer center, there is an 18 MPH left crosswind component and the airplane must be crabbed to the left, into the wind, 5. Locate the crosswind component on the outside seale of the computer by finding the figure 18 on the base disc. Approximately opposite this 18 MPH figure read the crab angle, 6°. 6. Since the crosswind is from the left, the crab angle must be subtracted from the true course to give the true heading. This may be done by men- tally subtracting 6° from the 50° true course, or by locating the point 6° to the left of the TC index on the black variation scale and above it reading the true heading, 44°. . Next find the ground speed. To the right of the wind dot on the low-speed vertical scale read the figure 10. Since this point is above the computer center, on the headwind part of the scale, there is a 10 MPH headwind component. If the point Jepco Briefing Booklet 32 had been below the center, there would have been a tailwind component. Subtract the 10 ‘MPH headwind component from the 170 MPH true air speed to get the ground speed, 160 MPH. Answers: Ground speed 160 MPH; crab angle 6°L; true heading 44° Ce Woes Fig. 50 B, Example: True Heading and Ground Speed (Crab Angle 10° or greater) Given: Wind. 45 kts, from 225° True air speed 190 kets. ‘True course. 108° Find: True heading and ground speed Where the crab angle is greater than 10°, it is neces- sary to find the “effective true air speed” and apply the headwind or tailwind component to the effective true air speed rather than the true air speed in order to get, the ground speed. Solution 1. Place the wind dot on the computer. Since the wind is from 225°, a direction between two of the green lines on the top disc, it may be more convenient to tum the disc until the end of the nearest horizontal or vertical black speed-scale line (crosswind line or headwind-tailwind line touches the 225° point on the green scale of the top disc. Then measure on the low-speed scale = distance half way between the 40 and 50 to find the 45 measurement for wind speed. Place the wind dot at the 45 kts. point, Draw a circle around the wind dot. 2, Place 190 kts. the true air speed, under the TAS index. 3. Place 108°, the true course, over the TC index. Since both true course and true air speed are set, the computer is now in position for the problem and no further computer adjustment should be made. Fig. 51 4, Measure up from the wind dot to the horizontal scale and read the crosswind component, 40 kts right crosswind. 5. Locate the crosswind component on the outside scale of the computer by fiinding the figure 40 cn the base disc. Approximately opposite the 40 Ke. figure read the crab angle, 12° ince the crosswind is from the right, the crab angle must be added to the true course to give the true heading. Either add 12° to 108° men- tally or locate 12° on the black scale to the right of the TC index and above the 12° reading the true heading, 120°. 7. Since the crab angle is greater than 10°, it is necessary to use an effective true air speed in- stead of true air speed in finding the ground speed. On the black scale to the left of the TAS index locate the 12° point, Above this read the effective true air speed, 186 kts. Be sure that the computer setting is not moved in finding the effective true air speed, 8, When the crab angle is 10° or greater and hence an effective true air speed is used, the headwind 33 or tailwind component is applied to the effec- tive true air speed instead of the true air speed, to find the ground speed. To the left of the wind dot locate the figure 20 on the low-speed scale Fig. 52 below the computer center. Since the 20 is on the lower or tailwind side of the center, there is 20 kt. tailwind component. Add the 20 kts. to the 186 kt. effective true air speed: 20 kts. + 186 kts. = 206 kts. ground speed. Answers: ‘True heading 120°; Ground speed 206 kts. Effective True Air Speed Effective true air speed should always be used when the crab angle is 10° or more. The small mark just to the left of the TAS index, between the index and the 10° mark, indicates a 5° crab angle and may be used to find effective true air speed for further accuracy with crab angles of less than 10°. Interpolate between 5° and 10° for angles between these values. Thus, if the crab angle is 8° and you want extreme accuracy for a written test, you may want to make the correction for effective true air speed. Where the crab angle is less than 10°, the error caused by ignoring effective true air speed is less than 1%. At a 5° crab the error is less than one half of 1%. The answers which are given in this manual are based on effective TAS only when the crab angle is 10° or more. Jepco Briefing Bookle Reading the Angle Seale When reading the crab angle on the middle dise ‘opposite crosswind component on the outside scale, note that when going from 10° clockwise to the TAS, index on the middle disc there are two scales, the out- side one with large angles, 10°, 11°, 12°, etc, and the inside scale with small angles from 1° through 114°, 2°, 2%4°, etc. Common sense will dictate whether the large or small angle should be used. However, one useful rule is that if the crosswind component is less than 10% of the true air speed, the crab angle should be read on the inside angle scale and will be less than 6°. If the crosswind component is greater than 10% of the true air speed, the crab angle should be read on the out- side angle scale and will be 6° or greater. For instance, if the true air speed is 230 kts. (TAS index set at 230) and the crosswind component is 4 kts., the crosswind ‘component is less than 23 (10% of the 230 kt. true air speed) and hence the crab angle should be 1°, the in- side angle on the scale opposite 40. With the same 230, Kt. true air speed, if the crosswind component is 40, it is greater than 10% of the true air speed so the crab angle will be found on the outer scale as 10°. Jepco Briefing Booklet 34 Plotting Winds of Low Velocity For wind velocities under 10, it is convenient to let each black square equal 2 instead of 20 on the high- speed scale. This will move the wind dot away from the center for easy reading. Remember, in this case, that each black square will also stand for 2 in the cross- ‘wind component and head or tailwind component. Example: Given: Wind 5 kts. from 20° ‘True course 250° Find: Crosswind component and headwind ‘component Method: Let each black square equal 2 kts, When reading ‘wind components be careful not to confuse the high- speed and low-speed scales. Problems 32—Finding True Heading and Ground Speed Fill in the desired quanti Wind True Velocity Course 38 kts. 92° 15 kts. 46° 35 MPH 355° . 38 MPH 222° 5. 50 kts. 125° 6. 60 kts. 250° a 25 MPH 25° 8. 320° 30 MPH. 140° 9 250° kts. 327° 10. 120° 20kts. 166° 1, 240° 4B kts, 3° 12, 195° 14 MPH 239° 13, 330° = 40 MPH 180° 14 90° 100ts. 143° 15, 35° 30 kts, 285° 16. 100° 45 MPH 38° 17, 230° 18 MPH 350° 18. 320° 120 kts. 163° 19. 215° 45 MPH 85° 20. 110° 30 kts. 196° Problem Il—Finding the True Course and Ground Speed Example: Given: Wind. 35 kts. from 90° True air speed. 170 kts. True 54 Find: True course and ground speed It is necessary to set the tiue course and true air speed opposite the proper indexes on the computer in ‘order to position the discs for a given wind problem. Since the true course is not available at the start of this problem, obviously the computer discs cannot ke placed immediately in the final setting for the problem. Ieis necessary to place the TC index temporarily under the true heading in order to get an approximate cross- wind component. The top disc must then be moved one or more times to try out various true courses until the drift angle opposite the crosswind component corres- ponds to the difference between the true course and true heading. Solution: 1. Place wind dot on the computer by marking the spot on the green 90° line of the top disc mid- way between the 30 and 40 kt. circles (low-speed scale). 2. Set the true air speed, 170 kts., under the TAS index. 35 Ground Speed ‘True Air Speed 250 kts, 295 kts. 130 MPH 198 MPH 420 kts. 330 kts. 143 MPH 175 MPH 520 kts 290 kts. 184 kts. 205 MPH 167 MPH 750 kts. 465 kts. 162 MPH: 184 MPH 410 kts. 126 MPH: 165 kts. ‘True Heading 3, Set the true heading, 54°, over the TC index. Note that this is only a temporary setting and that the top dise will have to be moved again cone or more times to find the proper true course setting. 4, Under the wind dot read the estimated crosswind component on the horizontal low-speed scale, 20 kts. Since the top disc will be moved at least once in finding the true course, this value is not neces- sarily the final crosswind component. Opposite 20 on the outside scale of the computer read the estimated drift angle. When the crosswind com- ponent lies between two angles, read the nearest angle—in this case 7°. 5. The crosswind is from the right and the aircraft will be drifting to the left. Hence the top disc must be rotated clockwise so that the true head- ing is 7° to the right of the TC index. This may be done with no mental addition by rotating the disc until the 54° true heading lies over the point marking 7° on the black variation scale to the ight of the TC index. Note that the TC index now points to 47°. It is necessary to check the ‘erosswind component and drift angle again to see whether this is the proper true course for the problem. Jepco Briefing Booklet Fig. 55 Fig. 56 Second Computer Setting 6. After the top disc adjustment in the previous step, the wind dot is now in a different position. Reading down from it on the horizontal scale, locate a new estimated crosswind component, 23 knots. On the outside computer scale the 23 knot component lies closer to 8° than to the previously assumed 7° drift angle. Jepco Briefing Booklet 7. Rotate the top disc so that the true heading is 8° instead of 7° to the right of the TC index. The ‘TC index will now point to 46°. Be careful, dur- ing cach computer adjustment, that the TAS index is not moved accidentally from the 170 kt. setting. irises Fig. 57 ‘Third Computer Setting 8, The wind dot has moved very little during the last computer adjustment. Checking the new crosswind component with the drift angle op- posite it on the middle disc, note that the ang is still 8° and the difference between the 5+ true heading and the true course indicated by the TG index is 8°. Therefore, this is the final and correct computer setting for the problem. The correct true course is 46°, 9. To the left of the wind dot, on the vertical scale read the headwind component of 25 kts. With an 8° drift angle, no effective true air speed is necessary, so the 25 kts. can be subtracted direct- ly from the true air speed to give a 145 ki ground speed. For even greater accuracy it is possible to interpolate to the right of the 1( mark on the effective true air speed scale and g an ETAS of 169. 169 kis. — 25 kts. = 144 k ground speed. Answer: ‘True course 46°; ground speed 145 (144 using ETAS for extreme accuracy Problems 33—True Course and Ground Speed Wind Tre Wind Velocity Air Speed Direction _(kts.) (kets.) ieee 102 30 152 2 65° 28 204 3. 40° 25, 130 4, 150° 25 345, 5. 330° 35, 210 cums 30 135 7. 90° 60 485 8. 240° 30 186 9. 30° 15 147 10, 70° 10 275 11, 230° 150 750 taenOs) 10 156 13. 150° 25 225 14, 265° 35 137 15. 40° 30 240 16. 305° 100 355 17. 90° 10 260 18. 40° 45 193 19. 320° 80 375 20. 335° 40 127 Problem IIl—Finding True Headi True Air Speed This type of problem occurs where a pilot wishes to make good a desired ground speed in order to fly a predetermined schedule or interception. Two computer settings are necessary in order to position the computer for any wind problem—the true air speed at the TAS index and the true course at the TC index. Since the true air speed is not given in this problem, the TAS index cannot be set immediately. However, the wind and true course can be placed on the computer from the given information, and the headwind or tailwind component thus obtained can be combined with the given ground speed to give true air speed or effective true air speed. Remember that the effective true air speed is the figure with which the headwind or tail- wind component is combined to give ground speed when the drift or correction angle is 10° or greater. A. Example: Given: Wind 20 kts, from 120° True course. 59° Desired ground speed Find: ‘True air speed and true heading 165 kts. 37 True Course True Heading 295° 105° 348° 9° 121° 100° 80° 190° 335° 220° 18° 102° 90° an50 112° 204° 37° 159° 130° 264° Speed Ground Solution: 1, Place the wind dot at the intersection of the 120° line on the top disc with the 20 knot circle. Draw circle around the dot. 2, Set the TC index on 59°. To the left of the wind dot read the headwind component, 10 kts. Since there is a headwind, the ground speed must be less than the true air speed. Hence the headwind component must be added to the ground speed. 165 kts. + 10 kts. = 175 kts. The 175 kts. will be either the true air speed or the effective true air speed, depending ‘on whether the correction angle is greater or less than 10°. Place the TAS index at 175, remem- bering that if an effective true air speed is used, the index must be moved again. 4, Directly beneath the wind dot read the cros- wind component, 18 kts. 5, Locate 18 on the outside scale. Opposite 18 read the crab angle, 6°. Since the angle is less than 10°, it is unnecessary to use an effective true air speed and 175 represents the true air speed. Since the wind is from the right, the correction angle must be added to the true course to get the true heading. 59° + 6° = 65°. Answer: True air speed 175 kts.; true heading 65° Jepco Briefing Booklet eas Presdvind como. ati, [i crouind comp. its UR Wing 2 t2" Fig. 58 B. Example: Finding True Air Speed and True Head- ing (Correction angle greater than 10°) Given: Wind. 45 kts. from 185° True course 301° Ground speed 215 kts. Find: ‘True air speed and true heading Solution: 1. Place ind dot. Move the top disc till one of tical or horizontal lines (crosswind or headwind-tailwind lines) points to 185 on the top dise scale. Mark a dot half way between 40 and 50 on the low-speed scale. 2, Place the true course index at 301° 8. To the right of the wind dot on the vertical scale read the tailwind component, 20 knots Since there is a tailwind, the ground speed must be greater than the true air speed. Hence the tailwind component should be subtracted from the ground speed. 215 kts. — 20 kts. = 195 kts Place the TAS index on 195. It is now necessary to determine whether 195 is the true air speed (in which case the TAS index will remain where it is) or whether, because of a crab angle greater than 10°, it will be necessary to use 195 as an effective true air speed 4, Directly above the wind dot read the crosswind ‘component on the horizontal scale, 40 kts. Op- posite 40 on the outside scale of the bottom disc read the crab angle, 12°. 5. Since the crab angle is greater than 10°, the 195 obtained in step 3 is an effective true air speed rather than the true air speed. Turn the com- puter until the 12° mark on the black effective true air speed scale to the left of the TAS index is opposite 195. The TAS index now points to 199. Check to see that the 40 crosswind com- ponent is still opposite or close to 12°. Since the 40 and 12° are still close together, the computer Jepco Briefing Booklet Answe Fig. 59 need not be moved further. If the movement ¢ position of the effective true air speed resulted in a change in the angle opposite 40, the com puter would have to be moved again to place the new angle opposite the 195 effective true ai speed, First Computer Setting Feces 151 AS Fig. 60 6. Since the wind is from the left, the crab angle must be subtracted from the true course to give true heading. 301° — 12° = 289°, This can b done on the computer by locating 12 on the black scale to the left of the TC index and read ing the value above it, 289°. True air speed 199 kts.; true heading 269° Problems 34—True Heading and True Air Speed ‘Wind Wind Velocity True Direction _(kts.) Course te 1205) 30 80° 2. 340° 4% 217° 3. 40° 15 113° 4, 205° 20 315° saeetsog 120 sal Garo 10 100° foailioe 35 s° ieommeeoe 25 225° 9. 30° 100 173° 10. 180° 5 105° 11. 300° 50 85° 12, 205° 20 270° isan 25 345° 14 80° 40 67° tk 56P 42 87° 16. 190° 20 119° 17, 40° 7 0 18. 20° 80 13° 19. 110° 30 304° 20. 310° 45 eae Problem IV—Finding Wind On any computer, accuracy is more difficult to achieve with this than with any other type of wind problem. It is difficult for two persons, working a prob- lem where wind must be determined, to get their answers closer than one or two knots or degrees. In the ppractice problems be satisfied if your answers come that ‘close to the given answers. Since true course and true air speed are given, it is possible to position the computer discs immediately by setting these values opposite the proper indexes, Then, once the crosswind component and the head or tail- ‘wind component are known, it is easy to fix the two ‘coordinates for the wind dot. Given: True course 215° ‘True air speed. 150 kts. ‘True heading 220° Ground speed 130 kts. Find: Wind direction and velocity Solution: 1, Set TAS index at 15 (150 kts.). 2, Set TC index at 215°, 3. Subtract true course from true heading to get the drift angle: 220° — 215° = 5°. 4, On the middle disc, locate 5° on the white scale ‘under the black “effective true air speed” section. 39 Ground Speed (kts.) 275 205 300 185, 650 155 195 25 1000 120 170 230 320 155 125 190 5 480 135 200 ‘True Air Speed (kts.) ‘True Heading Opposite 5° read 13 on the base disc. Crosswind component equals 13 kts. 5. Since the true heading is greater than the true course, there is a right crosswind. Since the ‘ground speed is less than the true air speed, there is a headwind. Along the horizontal scale to the right of the computer center measure 13 knots Loa Fiji ee HN Jepco Briefing Book and draw a line up (headwind direction) from the crosswind line parallel to the vertical lines. 6. No effective true air speed is necessary since the drift angle is less than 10°. Subtract ground speed from true air speed to get the headwind component. 150 kts. — 130 kts. = 20 kts. Mea- sure up from the center on the vertical head- wind scale to the 20 kt. line, Draw a horizontal line at the point where the 20 knot headwind line intersects the 13 knot crosswind line. This intersection marks the proper position of a wind dot in the problem. 7. For ease of reading turn the top disc until the penciled wind intersection lies along the black, headwind line above the computer center. Read wind direction at the end of the line, opposite the TC index, 249°. Read wind velocity on the low-speed scale, 24 kts. Answer: Wind — 2¢ kts. from 249° Problems 35—Wind Direction and Velocity True Air Ground True Speed True Speed Wind Wind Course (kts.) ‘Heading (kts.) Direction Velocity iene? a 195 32° 210 284, 120 154° 130 sac? 510 4" 450 4. 350° 205 345° 190 See2is2 320 215° 340 6 84° 165 88° 175 7. 382° 198 343° 215 8 290° 245 284° 270 9. 176° 145 173° 125 10. 10° 850 8° 920 11, 263° 360 253° 320 12, 101° 185 108° 165 18, 352° 149 354° 167 14. 56° 202 50° 218 15, 192° 17 196° 150 16. 307° 400 308° 450 17, 233° 135 218° 150 18, 250° 740 245° 600 19, 41° 180 44° 197 Bh eS 200 352° 235 40 Jepco Briefing Booklet Tras is » section for browsing. Here you will find additional ses for your computer, short-cut methods and alternate solutions for certain problems covered in Part I and Part IT. For the benefit of those who wish to know the mathematical background of the computer, derivations of many of the computer solutions are given, Not interested in derivations? Simply skip these portions. The methods ‘work just as well whether or not you understand the mathematical “why” of the problem solutions. Leaf through this section of the manual and choose those topics which interest you the most or which are ‘most useful to your own type of flying. Undoubtedly no one pilot will use all the solutions outlined in this section, but a glance through the contents will show the wide versatility of the CR Computer for all types of flying. True Air Speed Solution on the CR Computer Doi aires etnies entrees d Ss cinmra i tween the total (or ram) pressure which is exerted by the air striking against the head of the pitot tube, and the static pressure of the surrounding undisturbed air. The pressure difference is caused by the air speed, and the higher the air speed the higher the pressure differ- ence. Consequently the air speed indicator is nothing more than a differential pressure gage with the pressure difference calibrated in knots or miles per hour. ‘The air speed indicated by the instrument, how- ever has been affected by certain errors which cause it to deviate from the true air speed. Position and in- stallation errors can be calibrated on a card for the particular installation, and when the proper correction is made the indicated air speed becomes calibrated air speed. However, calibrated air speed may be far from the true air speed value because of errors caused by changes in density (which depends on pressure and altitude) and compressibility. In the old computer solution for true air speed, used for many years with relatively slow-speed aircraft at low altitudes, a correction for density is applied to calibrated air speed to give “true air speed.” However, since there is no correction for compressibility, which becomes increasingly significant at higher speeds and altitudes, the old true air speed method is not adequate for modern high-speed aircraft. Any correction for density must involve both pres- sure and true air temperature. However, it is not pos- sible to measure true air temperature directly in flight because when air is stopped by impact with the tem- perature probe, the pressure rises, and with increase in pressure there is a consequent increase in temperature. Hence the temperature in flight will read higher than, that of the surrounding undisturbed air. This increase in temperature is called “temperature rise.” In the past, various charts and conversion tables have been used to supplement the old method of cor- recting for true air speed. The modern true air speed. method designed by Franz Huber and embodied in the GR Computer makes possible the computation of true air speed by using the more easily obtainable indicated air temperature rather than true air temperature, and automatically compensates for compressibility and tem- perature rise. The computer is applicable to all common air speed indicators which are operated by pitot-static, pressure difference (pitot pressure minus static pressure gives impact pressure), and which give true air speed in standard atmosphere at sea level. The basic principles are these. Indicated air speed is an impact pressure reading; pressure altitude is a static pressure reading. Mach number is completely and exactly determined by the ratio of impact pressure Jepco Briefing Booklet 42 to static pressure. Thus it is possible to construct logar- ithmic scales for impact and static pressure which will show the Mach number by means of a pointer over a Mach scale when scale values for static and impact pressure are set opposite each other (CAS over PA gives Mach). Mach number is independent of tempera- ture (see definitions). The true air speed of a Mach number depends only on the temperature of the air; so it is possible to coordinate a temperature scale to a true air speed scale for any specific Mach number. However, for each different Mach number the spac- ing of the temperature scale with respect to the true air speed scale is different. Hence a true air speed scale would read correctly against one temperature scale spacing for one Mach number only. To overcome this, difficulty a spiral is placed on one disc of the com- puter and curving lines are placed on the other disc in a way to vary the spacing of the temperature scale along the spiral at different settings so that spacing along the spiral is correct for any Mach number. A cursor relates the temperature spacing at the spiral to 2 true air speed scale. The temperature scale lines are adjusted in position to compensate for temperature rise at all speeds. This makes it possible by correct spacing to relate indicated temperature to true air speed. It i also possible to relate true air speed to temperature because temperature rise depends only on true air speed. This is done with a temperature rise scale related to the true air speed by means of the cursor. ‘Temperature pick-ups in modern aircraft vary in the proportion of the full adiabatic temperature rise recorded. The temperature installation for any aircraft involves a recovery coefficient, C , which can be de- termined by flight test and which does not vary appre- ciably for most flight conditions of the aircraft. On the GR cursor the recovery coefficient .8 (which means that .8 of the adiabatic temperature rise is recorded) is plotted as a straight line on the left. The recovery coefficient .8 is plotted again on the right as the center of a plot from a coefficient of .6 to the ideal recovery coefficient of 1.0. Provision on the scale is made for standard sea level and standard stratosphere variations. Two small marks for use with the temperature-tise scale are coordinated with the recovery coefficient lines. ‘The difference in true air speed resulting from a differ- ence in recovery coefficient is insignificant at low Mach numbers, but is considerable at high Mach numbers. Users of the CR Computer are cautioned that “Cal- ibrated Air Speed” as used on the computer conforms to the common definition of calibrated air speed as in- dicated air speed corrected for instrument and position error but not for density or compressibility. Many air- craft companies and air carriers provide air speed con- version tables that include corrections for the tem- perature rise effect of compressibility in addition to correction for position and instrument errors. The use of such tables as if they were “calibrated air speed” tables would result in a double correction for tempera- ture rise and would thus produce erroneous results. The use of equivalent air speed (which has a correction for compressibility) instead of calibrated air speed will like- wise result in erroneous answers. If calibrated air speed is not available, indicated air speed may be used instead, but the answer will be only as accurate as the data that is used to get it. True Air Speed Old Method ie method corrects calibrated air speed for density if true air temperature is known. It does not correct for compressibility and temperature rise. Example: Given: Calibrated air speed 140 kts, Pressure altitude 7000" True air temperature orc Find: True air speed Solution: 1, In the small window at the lower left center of the computer, place pressure altitude 7000’ op- posite true air temperature 0°, 2. On outside scale of top disc locate calibrated air speed 140 kts. Opposite it on outside scale of base disc read true air speed. Answer: 155 kts. 43 Problems 36—Old Method—True Air Speed Calibrated Pressure ‘True Air True Air ‘Air Speed Altitude Temperature Speed 1. 105 kts. 5000' 10°C 2. 238 kts. 7000" 15°C 3. 120 MPH 4000' 15°C 4, 210 kts. 6500° 5°C 5. 155 kts. 10,000" —10°C 6. 115 MPH 000° 15°C 7, 192 kts. 3000’ 14°C 8. 230 kts. 6000' — 4C 9. 177 kts. 5500° 15°C 10. 144MPH 5000° — 5°C Knots to Miles per Hour Alternate Method }x rrrier side of the time index on the top disc are two unlabeled arrows, one near 52 and one near 69, These arrows may be used to convert between knots and miles per hour and are especially useful when it is, necessary to convert from one mileage system to the other during a time-speed-distance problem. The con- other during a time-speed-cistance problem, Conversion can be made without resetting computer discs. ‘The arrow near 52 points to the value in knots when the time index points to miles per hour. The arrow near 69 points to miles per hour when the time index points to knots. Each arrow must be used in con- nection with the time index and the two arrows must never be used together. Example Given: Ground speed “ind: Ground speed in knots Method: Place the time index at 15. Locate the unmarked arrow to the left of the index near 52, Above this arrow read the value in knots, 130. Answer: 130 kts. 150 MPH Fig. 64 Example: ven: Ground speed. Find: Ground speed in MPH 150 kts. Jepco Briefing Bookle Method: Place the time index at 150. Locate the unmarked arrow to the arrow to the left of the index near 52. Above this arrow Answer: 173 MPH Fig. 65 Remember that the value in knots is always smaller than the corresponding value in MPH. This method is not confined to time-speed-distance problems but may be used for any nautical-statute conversion. Try it on the nautical-statute conversion problems in Part I. Addition and Subtraction AXcornon and subtraction within the limits of the computer scales can be accomplished on the wind side of the computer. Use the green circular scale of the top disc and the black variation scale on either side of the TC index. On the GR-2 (4%4") Computer the larger number may be any number up to 360; the smaller number may be anything up to 30, the limit, of the variation scale. On the GR-3 (6) Computer both numbers may be as high as 360°. Use the scale to the right of the TC index for ad the left for subtraction. Example: 247 + 26 = ? Method: Place the TC index at 247. Locate 26 on the black scale to the right of the TC index. Read the answer above 26. io epco Briefing Booklet Answer: 247 + 26 = 273 To subtract 26 from 247, locate 26 on the scale to the left of the TC index, and above 26 read 221. Finding Sine, Cosine and Tangent Values of Acute Angles Rasher haicie sal te ieee ee ace that sine, cosine and tangent values can be obtained from the CR Computer. The following section is pre~ sented for those who wish to make trigonometric use of the computer and those who wish to follow the derivation of the wind solution of the computer, which is in part trigonometric. However, it is unnecessary to know trigonometry in order to use the CR Computer and this section may be omitted by those not interested in this aspect of the computer. Sine Values The sine of an angle can be read accurately to three decimal places by placing the TAS index on 10 and reading the sine value opposite the desired angle. Since the sine scale is wrapped twice around the middle disc any point on the scale can represent either a small angl ‘on the inside scale or a larger angle on the outer edge of the middle disc. The value of the sine of an a: is always les than 1, and sine values decrease as ti angles decrease. If the angle in question is on the i part of the angle scale (less than 5°50’), the digits read for the sine value on the outside scale must be preceded by .0. If the angle is greater than 5°50’, the digits in the sine value must be preceded simply by a decimal point. For angles between 45° and 90°, make use of the fact that the sine of an acute angle is equal to the cosine of (90° minus the angle). Thus, sin 60° = cos 30°. By reading on the cosine scale the value of 90° minus the desired angle, the value of the sine of a desired angle greated than 45° can be found on the outside scale Cosine Values The cosine of 0° is equal to 1, and cosine values decrease as angle values increase. Cosine values of angles less than 45° may be read by lining up the TAS index with 10 and reading the cosine values on the outside scale directly above the angles on the black cosine scale. In dealing with angles greater than 45°, we make use of the fact that the cosine of an acute angle is equal to the sine of (90° minus the angle), ‘Thus the cosine of 70° may be found opposite 20° on the white, sine scale. For the cosine of an angle greater than 84°10’, use the inner sine-angle scale (angles less than 5°50") and the cosine value must begin with .0. When finding the cosine of an angle less than 84°10, the digits read on the outside scale should be preceded only by a decimal point. Tangent Values The tangent of an angle is merely the sine of the angle divided by the cosine. To find the tangent of an angle, find the sine and cosine of the angle in the ner just described. Then place the sine over the cosine on the two outside scales of the calculator side, and read the tangent opposite the unit index of the inside scale. Example: Find tan 24° Locate sin 24° and cos 24° on the proper scales. Fig. 69 On calculator side place sin 24° (407) on outside scale opposite cos 24° (.913) on inside scale. Read tan- gent on outside scale opposite unit index (.445) Answer: tan 24° = 445 Jepco Briefing Book Problems 37—Finding Sines, Cosines and Tangents Find the sines of the following angles: 1. sin 16° 6. sin 12° 2. sin 42° 7. sin 2¥e° 3. sin 6° 8. sin 28° 4. sin 64° 9 sin 5° 5. sin 49° 10. sin 72° Find the cosines of the following angles: 1. 6. cos 19° =... 2 7. cos 82° & 8. cos 43° 4 9. cos 51° 5 10. cos 34° . 9. Es 10. Basis for Wind Problem Solution uz CR Computer wind solution is based on the standard wind triangle. Fig. 71 To avoid the bulkiness which would be necessary if the whole wind triangle were drawn on the computer, the CR portrays part of the wind triangle graphically and solves the remainder of the problem trigonomet- rically. However, it is unnecessary to know trigonom- Jepco Briefing Booklet etry in order to work this computer. The following explanation is offered for those who wish to know the mathematical basis of the computer solution, In the figure above, if a line were drawn from the end of the TH-TAS line perpendicular to the TC-GS line there would be a small triangle at the top of the original triangle. qc 6s Crab angle Fig. 72 This is the triangle that fits on the CR Computer. Using this small triangle, if one knows the true course and wind direction and velocity, it is possible to find the tai ment and crosswind component by reading them directly from the computer. Similarly, if the true course is set in the computer and the tailwind and crosswind components are known, it is possible to find the wind. The relationship between true air speed, ground speed and crab angle is worked out by using the sine relationship of the crab angle in the lower, unshaded ppart of the original triangle. The sine of an acute angle in a right triangle is by definition equal to the side op- posite the angle, divided by the hypotenuse. Therefore ccrosswind component in erab angle = . This equation serene true air speed s may be rewriuen TAS = S=#¥ind component sin crab angle ‘The outside scale on the wind side of the CR Com- puter is a logarithmic scale identical to the two out- side scales on the calculator side. The white circular scale on the middle disc is a logarithmic sine scale wrapped around the computer twice for greater read- ability. The TAS index on the sine scale corresponds to the “starting point” or unit index on the outside scale. The two scales on the base and middle dises can be used to multiply and divide speed and angle values by adding or subtracting respectively the logs of the values. In particular, using the equation TAS ccrosswind component - , if the crosswind component on sin crab angle the outside scale is divided by (placed opposite) the crab angle value on the inside scale, the true air speed will be found opposite the TAS index. Similarly, any time the true air speed is opposite the TAS index, the crosswind component on the outside scale is opposite the crab angle on the inside seale. Effective True Air Speed A glance at the diagram in figure 74, shows that if the true air speed AD were equal to the com- ponent AB, the tailwind component BC could be added. directly to the true air speed to get the ground speed. ‘Where the crab angle is small, AB is so close to AD in, length that they may be treated as equal and the tail- ‘wind applied directly to the true air speed. © avind —— Dif. between TAS ‘end ETAS Ie Effective TAS Seg Fig. 74 In the above diagrams, the distance FB represents the difference between the true air speed and that por- tion of the ground speed (denoted Effective TAS) to which the tailwind component is added to get the complete ground speed, ie. GS = ETAS + tailwind ‘component. The difference between true air speed and effective true air speed is so small when the crab angle 47 is less than 10°, that they may be treated as equal. The diagrams in figure 74 show that the difference between, true air speed and effective true air speed increases as the crab angle increases. Hence with crab angles greater than 10° a simple variation of method is introduced to handle effective true air speed. Jepco Briefing Booklet The cosine of any angle in a right triangle is by definition equal to the side adjacent to the angle, divided by the hypotenuse. Therefore, in the triangle of figure 74, ee eye AD TAS effective TAS This equation may be rewritten TAS = os crab angle On the middle disc the black section to the left of the TAS index is a log cosine scale. Applying the for- mila TAS = fective TAS. cos crab angle true air speed is over the crab angle on the black cosine scale, the true air speed is over the TAS index. With a crab angle of 10°, the use of true air speed instead of effective true air speed will result in an error , whenever the effective of approximately 114%. With a 5° crab angle, the error is less than one half of 196. Any error of less than 1%4% is probably not significant for actual flirht con- ditions. Hence it is recommended that effective true air speed be used only when the crab angle is 10° or more. However, for extreme accuracy at small crab angles, a small mark to the left of the TAS index has been placed to indicate the 5° value on the cosine ale, and other values may be interpolated between 5° and 10°. ‘The previous diagrams have shown wind problems where a tailwind exists. Problems involving a headwind, (see Fig. 75) are worked in exactly the same manner except that the headwind component is subtracted from. the true air speed (if crab or drift angle is his than, 10°) or from the effective true air speed (if crab angle is 10° or greater). Crearad beset i i c . o Center of Computer 3) 6 Q| [= rab arate A Fig. 75 Off-Course Correction To work an off-course correction problem the pilot should hold a constant heading for a known time from his point of departure of another point on his true ‘course, He should then measure the number of miles Jepeo Briefing Booklet he is off course and the distance he has traveled from the point. From this information it is possible to com- pute the degrees of correction necessary to get directly to destination from the off-course position, or to get back on course at a desired distance. Miles off course Fig. 76 Te would be possible, of course, to turn at right angles to the course and get back in the shortest pos- sible time, but such a dog leg to get back on course seould be poor navigation technique and would add more to the total flight time than would a heading which, barring windshift, would take the plane directly to the destination. ‘One advantage of the off-course correction method is that it does not depend on an accurate compass. Pro- vided the compass is swinging freely, the method may be used with an instrument that has considerable de- viation. The off-course correction method consists first of finding the number of degrees of correction necessary to parallel the intended course and then of finding the number of degrees additional correction necessary to get back to the intended course within a given distance. Example: Given: Compass heading. 90° Distance flown. 25 mi. Distance off course. 4 mi. to the left Distance yet to fly. 115 mi. Find: Compass heading to get back on course within 115 miles Solution: 1. Place the TAS indicator opposite 25, the distance flown, 2. Opposite the miles off course, 4 (in this case the To desired oaton Ton course” P figure 40), on the outside scale read on the inside scale the degrees of correction necessary to paral- lel the course, 9°. 3. Now it is necessary to find the degrees of addi- tional correction necessary to get back on course within 115 miles. Place the TAS indicator op- posite the point marking 115 on the outside scale. ‘Thiswill be the mark halfway between 11 and 12. 4. Opposite the miles off course, 4, read the addi- tional degrees of correction, 2°. Fig. 78 5. Add the 9° correction necessary to parallel the intended course to the 2° correction necessary to get back on course: 9° + 2° = 11°, 6. Since the original compass heading brought the pilot left of the intended course, the correction must be applied to the right, and the 11° correc- tion should be added to the compass heading. 90° + 11° = 101°, Answer: Compass heading to get back on course in 115 miles = 101° Jepco Briefing Boc Jepco Briefing Booklet Reading the Degree Seale In reading the degrees of correction in an off-course correction problem it is necessary to use good judgment, in deciding whether the angular correction should be Another useful fact is that if the miles off course are 10% of the number under the TAS indicator (miles flown or miles to fly) the degree of correction is ap- proximately 6°. Hence if the miles off course are more than 10% of the number under the TAS index, the correction angle will be more than 6° and will be read on the outside angle scale. If the miles off course are less than 10%, the correction will be less than 6° and will be read on the inside angle scale. If the miles off ‘course are less than 1%, the correction angle can be no more than half a degree and should be ignored. Example: If the miles flown are 200, place the TAS index at 20. large or small, whether it should be 2° on the inside scale or 20° on the outside scale, for instance. It will be helpful to remember the old rule that one mile off course in 60 miles equals approximately one degree of drift. Problems 38—Off-Course Correction Miles Compass Compass Miles Miles to of Heading to Heading Flown Destination Course ‘Destination 1. 213° 4 2 2toL 2 147° 4 17 6toL Secu 7 155 3toR 4. 85° 215 35 5toR aease 36 265 10toL 6. 102° a2 107 9t0R 7. 189° 105 304 BtoR 8 225° 50 210 StoL 3 40° 20 229 5toL 10. 305° 92 239 16toL 11. 200° 46 215 6toR ioe 59 225 15t0R 13. 320° 12 120 4toL 14. 126° 2 208 2toL 15. 67° 65 104 BtoR 16. 312° 230 265 32toL 17. 100° 38 180 4toR 18 10° 120 95 10toL, 19. 238° 83 a 1toL 20. 211° B 100 3toR 50 Double Drift Wh acre can be determined on bro or more headings it is possible to find the wind direction and velocity. Two drift angles taken on different headings are suffi- cient if the headings are at angles of at least 60° to each other. However, drift taken on three headings will give a more accurate wind indication. A drift ‘meter is used to determine the drift angle, although on a ee aia, ng ‘one of the headings the crab angle needed to hold a course established by radio (as an omni radial or a de- sired track with the ADF) can be used as a drift angle. ‘A common flight procedure for double drift is to take ‘a drift reading when the plane is at the original head- ing, then to turn 45° to one side of the heading for a second drift reading, and next 45° to the other side of the original heading for a third drift reading. This pro- cedure secures three readings without taking the plane very far off course. Fig. 81 ‘The two 45° legs should be held for the same length of time so that the aircraft will get directly back on course. If all turns are standard rate (3°/sec.) and each 45° leg is flown for 1 min. 20 sec., the total flight time lost by this procedure is 1 minute. Example: Given: True air speed. 280 kts. True heading on course. 184° (TH = CH + dev. + var.) ift on course. 4L Drift on right leg (TH 229°) 3°R Drift on left leg (TH 139°) eL Find: Wind direction and velocity Solution: 1, Place the TAS index at 280. 2. On the original heading, drift is to the left, so wind must be from the right. Hence the true heading will be to the right of the true course. Place the true heading, 184°, over the 4° point on the black scale to the right of the TC index. 51 Jepco Briefing Booklet 3, Locate the 4° drift angle on the circular angle scale on the middle disc. Over 4° read the eross- wind component on the outside scale, 20 kts. (19.5). 4, Remember: If drift is left, wind is from the right. ‘Measure 20 kts. on the right crosswind scale to the right of the computer center and draw a wind line vertically through this point on the Fig. 83 5. On the right leg, with a true heading of 229° the drift is 3°R. Hence wind is from the left and the true heading will be to the left of the true course. Locate 3° on the black scale to the left of the TC index and place 229° over the 3° Jepco Briefing Booklet 52 6. Locate 3° on the angle scale of the middle dise and over 3° read the crosswind component, 15 kts. 7. Locate 15 on the left crosswind scale and draw a wind line vertically through this point, Note that it intersects the first wind line. Tt is now possible to read wind direction and velocity from the point of intersection of the two wind lines. How- ever, a third wind line will often give a more accurate reading. 8. On the third leg, drift is left so wind is from the right, and true heading will be to the right of true course. Locate 8° on the black scale to the right of the TC index. Place the true heading, 139, over the 8° position. 9. Locate 8° on the angle scale of the middle disc ‘and over 8° read the crosswind component, 39 kts. 10. Locate 39 on the right crosswind scale and draw a line vertically through this point. This line crosses the intersection of the other two wind lines. 11. If the lines had intersected in a small triangle instead of a single point, the wind would have been taken from the point in the middle of the triangle. For ease of reading, rotate the wind intersection until it lies along the right crosswind line. Wind velocity may then be read from the horizontal scale and direction can be Answer: Wind 39 kts. from 211° Problems 39—Double Drift TrucAir True ‘True Speed (kts.) Heading Drift Drift Heading Drift Wind 1, 270 185° 6°L, 3°R 140? 10°L 2. 340 267° GR 2L 222° 12°R 3. 125 320° 10°R 5°R 275° 10°R 4. 420 SL, oR 39° OL 5. 560 166° 2°R sl 121° BR 6. 225 foaee sz oL 325° 1°R 7. 374 20° 7°. 7a 25° 3°L 8 198 mL. 247° 10°L, 157° 1°L, 9. 427 3029 2c Bay eee 305° SL 10. 500 110° 2K 155° 2L 65° 5°R 1, 212 184 6°L, 229° HR 139° 11°L, 12, 333 I STR oe nee 280° 7°R 13. 180 65° 10°L. 110° 7°L Poot /eL 14. 405 oR 45° °R sis: anerR 15. 250 250° .2°L, paso eee 205° OP 16. 740 18° ocr 63° eR s3s° | 4°L 17, 29 sie) °2°L. 356° eR 266° 4°L 18. 370 ae BR 39° BR 309° 3°R 19. 285 AP a 7p ammseeRs 10° SL 20. 320 TST 160° 4°L 70° = S°L 33 Jepco Briefing Bookle Radius of Action to Same Base aptus of action of an aircraft is the greatest dis- tance that it can fly along a certain course under known, conditions of air speed, wind and fuel consumption and return to the starting point with desired fuel re- serve. The “time to turn” in a radius of action problem is the maximum elapsed time that the aircraft can fly outbound along the assigned track. One form of the radius of action formula is given in Part I, page 27. Another convenient way of expres- sing the radius of action formula for computer use is the following: GS, + GS. H where GS; = ground speed out GS = ground speed back H = hours of fuel available T = time to tum The formula may be memorized and used without knowing its derivation. However, the derivation is a simple application of the basic formula that distance = speed x time, Let R = radius of action (distance flown out from base) T = time flown out (time to turn) ‘Ty = time flown back ‘Then: H=T+Ty, (Total fuel hours = time out + time back) Bree erat Tes iene pees ¥ 2 ‘Speed Substituting the T and Ty, values in the equation for H: eee ~ GS: ~ GS. This may be rewritten: __RxGS, | RxGS, _ R(GS, + GS.) GS, x GS. GS, x GS, From the basic formul: peed x time, R=GS, xT Substitute this value for R in the numerator of the H equation: GS, x T(GS, +GS2) _ T(GS, + GSa) “3 GS; x GS2 GS. HxGS, = T(GS, + GS.) GS, +GS: _ GS: es ey If the wind, true course and true air speed are known, it is possible to work two separate wind prob- ems on the computer to obtain GS, and GS,. How- ever, since the relation of the wind to the flight track fon the inbound flight will be 180° different from relation to the outbound fiight, a simple expedient will permit solving for both ground speed out and ground speed back in one problem. Jepco Briefing Booklet at Example: Given: True air speed 285 kis. Wind 30 kts. from 35° Fuel available. 3% hrs. ‘True course outbound. 340° Find: Time to turn Solution First it is necessary to find ground speed out and ground speed back. 1. Place the TAS index on 285. 2. Place 340°, the true course outbound, over the TC index. 3. Place the wind dot on the 30 kt. circle midway between the 30° and 40° radials. Read cross- wind component, 25, on the right crosswind scale. Locate 25’ on outside scale and under it read crab angle, 5°. 4, Since crab angle is less than 10°, it is unneces- sary to use effective true air speed. To the left of the wind dot read headwind component on the vertical scale, 18 kts. Subtract 18 kts. from the true air speed to get GS,. 285 kts. — 18 kts. 267 kts. 5. GS, could be obtained by placing the reciprocal course under the TC index and working another wind problem. However, GS. can be obtained without resetting the TC index, by placing a second wind dot on the 30 kt. circle on the radial 180° away from the wind direction. This proce- dure will give the same relative wind as would be obtained by rotating the true course 180°. Fig. 86 The second wind dot makes the rotation unneces- sary. The crosswind component and crab angle remain the same, but the wind is from the left instead of right. Instead of an 18 kt. headwind component there is an 18 kt. tailwind compon- ent, Add tailwind component to true air speed to getGSs. 285 kts. + 18 kts. = 303 kts. In this problem the second wind dot has been ‘placed on the computer to demonstrate the fact that if ‘headwind or tailwind component is known for a given, course, the component will be the same velocity for a re- procal course but will be from the opposite direction. In radius of action problems that involve reciprocal course, it is unnecessary to plot the second wind dot. After finding GS, , simply apply the same headwind or seilwind component to true air speed (or effective TAS) to find GS, but apply it in the opposite direction. Thus an 18 kt. headwind for GS, becomes an 18 kt. sailwind for GS2; and a tailwind for GS, would be- come the same velocity headwind for GS. Referring to Sure 86, note also that the crab angle will be the same for the course out and the course back, but it will be applied on opposite sides. A right crab angle on the cutbound course becomes the same size left crab angle cn the inbound course. 6. Substitute known values in the radius of action formula: GS, +GS, _ GS. 267 + 303 _ 308 H T Mane Bide 34 T Problems 40—Radius of Action to Same Base True Wind Air Speed Vel. Wind (kts.) (kts.) Dir. |. 150 40 250° . 280 50 315° 185 20 170° 357 30 310° . 620 80 300° 5. 255 5 195° . 213 18 160° 790 110 50° . 185 35 150° . 600 100 95° . 268 55 240° . 450 6 120° . 176 30 30° 922 65 75° 146 20 10° 5. 222 2B 260° 280 % 0 . 300 40 315° 277 15 130° 1. 460 60 80° 55 7. This formula can be applied directly to the cal- culator side of the computer by placing 570 on the outside scale opposite 3:30 on the hour scale. ‘Then locate 303 on the outside scale and op- posite it read the value of T on the time scale. 1:52 Answer: Time to tum = 1:52 after departure aya, aeyy ae a pig Fuel True Available Course (hrs. & min.) Outbound 0 Bie 342° 222° 135° 225° 10° 18° 120° 256° 1° 310° 211° 72° 50° 130° 126° 78° 330° 189° 245° Jepco Briefing Bookle Radius of Action toa Moving Base (Stoica ei ier may wish to know how far he can fly along a specified course and return to his ship within his allow- able fuel range. He cannot use the previous radius of action technique because his base will be at a different, location when he returns to it. Assume that a pilot has taken off from a carrier at point A (see diagram 88) and wishes to fly out a course AB. The ship, meanwhile, is moving along a course AO at a known speed. The pilot wishes to know how far he can fly along the course AB and be able to get back to the carrier within the fuel range of his air- craft, taking the wind into consideration. orrtne Fig. 88 ‘The course and speed of the ship are track and ground speed after the effects of current have been taken into consideration. By multiplying the speed of the ship by the allowable flight time of the aircraft, it is possible to plot the location of the ship along its course at the end of the flight time. This is the location to which the pilot will want to return at the end of that, time. In the diagram, the point C represents the loca- tion of the ship at the end of the aircraft fight time. The point T is the farthest point out along the flight course that the plane can fly and return to C in the allotted time. The time that it takes to fly to T is known as the “time to turn,” and the distance from A to T is the “radius of action” for the problem. In the above diagram, if a point G is marked on the line AB at the distance the airplane will cover in one hour, and a point J is marked on the course AO showing the distance the ship will travel during the first hour, the line GJ between them is the line of bearing between the aircraft and the ship at the end of one hour. Fig. 89 ‘The line GJ represents the bearing from plane to ship, and if neither plane nor ship changes course or ground speed, at any given time a line drawn between the two will be parallel to the line GJ. When the air- plane reaches the turning point, T, and alters course Jepco Briefing Booklet toward C, the lines of bearing must still be parallel if the plane and carrier are to meet at the point C. ‘As shown in the diagram, when two objects move away from each other the lines drawn between them have a constant bearing (provided neither alters course or speed). It is similarly true that, when two objects move toward each other (on a collision course), the lines, rawn between them at various time intervals are all parallel, ie., have a constant bearing. Thus in Fig. 89 che line DE, drawn between aircraft and moving base after the aircraft has made the turn at T and is on a course to C, is parallel to the other lines of bearing. ‘Note that the lines of constant bearing increase in lencth when the objects are diverging and decrease in length when the objects are converging. The length of GJ, the one-hour line of constant bearing, represents the rate of departure, the distance ne aircraft and ship are moving apart in one hour. If points H and L are placed showing the positions at the end of two hours, the line HL will be parallel to GJ and just twice as long. The total flight time in this type of problem is usually determined by the aircraft fuel supply. If the raft has three hours of fuel plus a necessary reserve, for instance, the pilot will want to plan his flight so pilot wishes to fly as far as possible along the course AF and still be able to turn toward the ship and arrive at the ship at the end of 3 hours. Meanwhile, the ship will sravel along the line AO, arriving at the point C at the end of 3 hours. The preceding diagrams showed an aircraft moving in still air. The addition of wind to the problem will affect the ground speed of the aircraft and hence the distance it will travel over the course in one hour. Fig. 90 shows the effect of wind. Suppose the aircraft has a 3-hour fuel supply. The pilot wishes to fly as far as possible along the course AB and tum toward C in time to arrive at C at the end of 3 hours. A wind arrow, AP, is drawn to scale from A in the direction of the wind, and an arc with radius ‘equal to true air speed is swung from P to intersect the airplane course at G. In one hour the aircraft is at G and in one hour the ship is at J. The line GJ represents the rate of departure (S:) of the aircraft and the moving base. If the line GJ is extended through J to intersect the true air speed are at the point K, the distance JK represents the rate of closure (Sa) or the rate the aircraft and moving base are approaching each other after the aircraft has made the turn at T and is flying toward C. The triangle APG represents the hourly flight com- ponents for the course from A to T. The triangle APK represents the flight components for the course from T. to. Note that TC is parallel to AK. Fig. 90 The formula for the problem involving radius of action to a moving base is as follows: S45, Ss, fuel hours — It is unnecessary to understand the formula deriva- sion in order to work radius of action to a moving base on the CR Computer. However, the following explana- tion is offered for those who wish to know the deriva- tion: In the above illustration F is the point the plane would reach on.the original course at the end of 3 hours. The line TM is drawn parallel to AC, dividing FC into parts X; and Xs. A AGK is similar (has equal angles, proportional sides) to A TFC. Since the triangles are similar and TM is paralled to AC, ‘ime to turn 37 seer th : SLR, SL gE td from the diagram 545. _ 5. K ea TexE Ee AF AT In 4 AFC, =AT peTR=x +X. TR AF AT Therefore, —“F_ = AT ion 2 RXIEEX MERI T ee Dividing Equation 1 by Equation 2, psc) Gs Si +S: Se AF AT xs Jepco Briefing Bookle If AF is proportional to total fuel hours and AT is proportional to time to turn, the formula becomes: Si + Ss cs fuel hours ~ time to turn Note the similarity of this formula to that used for radius of action to the same base. The relationship be- tween the two formulas can be understood by imagin- ing, in the moving base problem, that the aircraft car- rier, instead of moving, remained stationary at point A. ‘The lines of constant bearing would then lie along the true course lines for the courses out and back, and S, and S, would be simply the ground speed out and ground speed back. The aircraft would be moving away from and later toward the base at a direction and speed, equal to the true course and ground speed for first the outbound and then the inbound flight legs. Therefore, the formula for radius of action to an alternate base becomes the formula for radius of action to the same base when GS, and GSg are substituted for S, and Ss. Computer Solution of Radius of Action to Moving Base A look at the radius of action formula shows that it is necessary first to find S, and S, in order to determine the time to turn. Hence it is desirable to find triangles in the problem diagram which contain S, and Sa and which can be solved by computer. In Fig. 90 note the dotted line from J to P. This is the path that would be made by a trail of smoke from a ship moving from A to ‘Juunder wind conditions shown by AP. The line JP, for Purposes of this solution, is designated the “relative wind” and is a common side to triangles PJG and PJK, which contain S, and Sq respectively. Once JP, the rel- ative wind, is determined by a simple graphic procedure ‘on the computer, an ordinary computer wind triangle solution will yield the value S; in triangle PJG and will, also give the value of Sz on a reciprocal course. If AK, the true course and ground speed from turning point to ship, is desired, a standard computer solution of tri- angle APK will provide the desired values. ‘Example: Given: True course from point of departure. ..270° True course of ship. 200° Speed of ship. 35 kts. Wind 80 kts. from 315° ‘True air speed. 150 kts. Fuel 3 hrs, plus reserve Find: Time to turn ‘True heading and ground speed on outbound course ‘True heading and ground speed from turning point to ship Solution: 1, Place wind, true air speed and true course out- Jepeo Briefing Booklet bound, on standard computer setting to find true heading and ground speed on outbound course. First place the wind dot at 30 kts. from 315°. Next place 150 under TAS index, 270 under TC index. The wind solution gives the following values: right crosswind 21 kts,, crab angle 8°, true heading 278°, headwind 22 Kts., ‘ground speed 128 kts. Fig. 91 2. The next step is to find relative wind, Relative wind is one side of the triangle ( A AJP in Fig. 90) of which the other sides are the actual-wind line and the line marking the course and distance the ship covers in one hour. We now have two sides of the relative wind triangle AJP: the actual- wind side, AP, and the moving-base side, AJ. ‘The actual-wind side is already indicated by the distance from the wind dot to the computer center. Now tum the computer until 200°, the course of the ship, appears above the TC index. Measure upward from the wind dot, parallel to the TC line a distance 35 miles in relation to vertical scale. Place a dot at the end of this dis- tance and put a triangle around the dot, to dis- tinguish it from the actual-wind dot. A line from this triangled dot to the computer center repre- sents the relative-wind direction and velocity, and the third side of the triangle AJP. It is un- necessary to read the direction and velocity of the relative wind since the dot can be used di- rectly in the next step of the problem without bothering to read its value, It is important to remember that the circle marks the actual wind and the triangle marks the relative wind. Fig. 92 3. Now the relative wind can be combined with the true heading obtained in step 1 to get the values S, and Sq. This step is a computer solution of the triangle PJG in the problem diagram. Since relative wind rather than actual wind appears in this triangle, ignore the actual-wind dot in this step and use the relative-wind dot with the tri- angle. Check to make sure that the TAS index is still set on 150 from step 1. Place the true head- ing 278° temporarily over the TC index. Read estimated crosswind component, estimated crab angle, and adjust computer until crab angle op- posite the crosswind component on the outside computer scale equals the difference between the true heading and the value under the TC index. Fig. 93 Use the method for finding TC described in Part IL. The following values are obtained: left cross- wind component 20 kts., crab angle 8°, true course 286°, headwind 29 kts, ground speed 121 kts. The ground speed value is the quantity S;, the rate of closure. Hence S; = 121 kts. Since Sq is on a reciprocal course from S, with the same relative wind and true air speed as the S: triangle, the identical wind component and crab angle may be applied to find Sz, but they must be applied in the opposite directions. The value Sz will be 150 + 29 = 179 kts. Since Ss and Sz have both been determined, it is now possible to place them in the radius of action formula and get the time to turn, However, if true heading is desired for the second leg of the flight, from turning point to alternate, another step is necessary at this point. The true course for S, was 286° with an 8° left crab. Then the true course for S_ will be the reciprocal of 286°, or 106°, with an 8° right crab. Therefore the true heading for the second flight leg will be 160° + 8° = 114°, Substitute known values in the radius of action formula: Si+S. __ Ss fuelhours ~~ time to turn 1214179 _ _179 3:00 ‘time to tum. 300 179 ime to tum On the calculator side of the computer place 300 on the outside scale opposite 3:00 on the hours seale, Locate 179 on the outside scale and op- posite it read time to turn, 1:47. Jepco Briefing Bookle 7. If radius of action is desired, place ground speed ‘out, 128 kts, opposite time index on calculator side and opposite time to turn, 1:47, read radius of action, 228 miles. 8. If it is desired to get the true course and ground speed for the second leg from turning point to alternate, the triangle APK in Fig. 90 can be solved by using the true heading 114°, the true air speed 150 kts., and the actual-wind value in Problems 41—Radius of Action to Moving Base True Wind TC AirSpeed Vel. © Wind Airplane TC (kts.) (kts) Dir. Outbound Ship 1. 15030 @e 125° 200° 2 20 © 25 25° sa5s (270? 3. 360 50 300° 120° 45° Pts peg 200 21s ley mz742) 5. 200 30 125° 99° 45° Radius of Action to an Alternate Base Deiat eg pn eas he can fly out along a given course and return, within the limit of his fuel supply, to a predetermined base other than his point of departure. A problem of this type can be solved in the same manner as a problem the standard computer solution for true course and ground speed. The true course is found to be 1179, the ground speed 178 kts. Answers: Time to turn = 1:47 Outbound course: true heading 278°; ground speed 128 kts. From turning point to alternate: true heading 114°; ground speed 178 kts. Speed Airplane TH Time Radius Ship Fuel TH After to of (kts.) Hrs, Out Tum Tum Action 30 8:25 35 4:00 20 2:10 40 3:30 % 4:15 involving radius of action to a moving base if one imagines, for purposes of the problem, that the original base moves to the position of the alternate base during. the time the aircraft is in flight. A pilot with 3 hours fuel range takes off from an airport at A, in the following diagram, and wishes to fly as far as possible along the track AB and return to airport C in 3 hours. Aiepor Fig. 95 If we imagine that airport A moved to C during the 3 hours, the problem can be solved by the same method as radius of action to a moving base. It is assumed that the airport moved at an hourly rate equal Jepco Briefing Booklet to the distance AC divided by the time, 3 hours, and this is used in the problem in the same manner as the speed of the ship in the previous problem. Example: Given: ‘True course from point of departure ..270° True course point of departure to alternate airport. Distance from point of departure to alternate airport 408 mi. Wind on 40 MPH from 45° True air speed. 160 MPH, Fuel 3 hrs. Find: Time to turn ‘True heading and ground speed on ‘outbound course ‘True heading and ground speed from ‘turning point to alternate 250° Solution: 1. Place wind, true air speed and true course out- bound, on standard computer setting to find true heading and ground speed on outbound course, First place the wind dot at 40 MPH from 45°. Circle the wind dot. Because of the graphic method used in finding relative wind later in the problem, it is best to use the high- speed scale in the first part of this problem. This usually eliminates the possibility of having to change scales later in the problem. Place 160 under TAS index, 270 under TC index. The wind solution gives the following values: right crosswind 28 MPH, crab angle 10°, true head- ing 280°, effective true air speed 158 MPH, tail- wind 28 MPH, ground speed 186 MPH. Peras se rig wind comp. 28 NPH 2. The next step is to find relative wind. Relative wind is one side of the triangle (A AJP in figure 90) of which the other sides are the actual-wind line and the line marking the course and distance 61 the moving base covers in one hour. It is assumed tha the moving base covers the 408-mile dis tance from point of departure in exactly the flight time available, $ hours. Hence in one hour it will move 408 miles divided by 3 or 136 miles. Turn the computer until 250°, the direction of travel of the moving base, appears above the TC index. Measure upward from the wind dot, parallel to the TC line, a distance 136 miles in relation to the high-speed scale. Place a dot at the end of this distance and put a triangle around the dot to represent relative wind. Fig.97 }. Combine relative wind with the true heading ob- tained in step 1 to get the values S, and Ss. Check to make sure that the TAS index is still set on a 160 from step 1. Place the true heading 280° temporarily under the TC index. Read ap- proximate crosswind component and estimated ‘rab angle, and adjust computer until crab angle ‘opposite the crosswind component on the outside ‘computer scale equals the difference between the true heading and the value under the TC index. The following values are obtained: left cross- wind component 78 MPH, crab angle 29°L, effective true air speed 140 MPH — 66 MPH headwind = 74 MPH ground speed. The ground speed value is the quantity S,. Hence S, = 74 ‘MPH. Since Se is on a reciprocal course from S, with the same relative wind and true air speed as the S, triangle, the identical wind component and crab angle may be applied to find S,, but they Jepco Briefing Booklet must be applied in the opposite directions. The value S, will be the ETAS 140 + 66 MPH tailwind, or Sg = 206 MPH. Since S, and Sa have both been determined, it is now possible to Ls any nr a place them in the radius of action formula and get the time to tum. However, if true heading is desired for the second leg of the flight, from turning point to alternate, another step is neces- sary at this point. The true course for S, was 309° with a 29° left crab. Then the true course for S2 will be the reciprocal of 309°, or 129°, with a 29° right crab. Therefore the true head- ing for the second flight leg will be 129° + 29° 158°. 5, Substitute known values in the radius of action 6. On the calculator side of the computer place 280 ‘on the outside scale opposite 3:00 on the hours Jepco Briefing Booklet 62 scale, Locate 206 on the outside scale and op- posite it read time to turn = 2: este time to turn. Sr 2:12 7. If radius of action is desired, use ground speed out, 186 MPH, and time to tum, 2:12, on the scenes sic gj cance C9) 8 a are go as oe oot el pe speed for the second leg from turning point to alternate, use the true heading 158°, the true air speed 160 MPH, and the actual-wind value in the standard computer solution for true course and ground speed. The true course is found to be 170°, the ground speed 180 MPH. Answers: Time to turn = 2:12 Outbound course: true heading 280°; ground speed 186 MPH From turning point to alternate: true heading 158°; ground speed 180 MPH If the high-speed scale is used for this type of prob- lem, it is rarely necessary to cut speeds in half. How- ever, if an exceptional problem should involve values that will not fit on the computer, cut all speeds in half (wind velocity, true air speed, wind components). It is especially important not to neglect to tu the TAS index to half the true air speed. The crosswind com- ponent placed opposite the crab angle on the computer will be half the actual crosswind component. Cut in half the speed values only, not the angles. True course, true heading and crab angles will remain the same. Remember that when speed values are cut in half to fit ‘on the computer, then speed answers (S,, Sa, and ‘ground speeds) must be doubled to produce the proper values, Course and heading values should not be doubled. Problems 42—Radius of Action to Alternate Base Distance Pt. Wind To TOPLof of Dep. to TH Time TAS Vel Wind Out. Alternate = Fuel TH after to (hts) (ts. bound Alternate (mi) Hrs, Out Tum Turn 1. 198 25 150° 200° 210 3:15 2 300 60 135° 100° 180° 280 3. 215 45 340° 222° 282° 350 4 300 40 90° 25° 340° 280 520) 35 15° 80° 0° 150 6 340 50 100° 112° 240° 410 7. 250 30 10° 70° 115° 280 & 215 15 40° 245° 160° 128 9. 180 60 270° 50° 73°. 562 10. 280 80 320° 60° 10° 274 Intercepting a Moving Object T- ssv0 objects are traveling on a converging ot coli Son course, the lines of relative bearing (direction of selstive motion) between them will remain constant. Hence, if a pilot wishes to intercept a moving craft, he ssust fly a converging course that will result in a con- ‘cant bearing between them. The pilot must know the speed and course of the other craft and its position at she start of his interception. It is assumed that the speed and course of both craft remain constant. In many aspects this problem is similar to that of ssdius of action to a moving base. In the diagram be- low, a helicopter is at A when the ship which the pilot wishes to intercept is at B on a bearing of 270° from A and a distance of 207 miles. The ship is traveling at 38 ‘MPH on a course of 150°. At the end of one hour the ship will be at C, 38 miles from B. If the line CJ is drawn parallel to AB, then at the end of one hour the helicopter must be somewhere along the line CJ if it is to maintain a line of constant bearing in order to inter- cept the ship. If it is not along GJ at the end of one hour, the pilot will not be able to accomplish the inter~ ception unless he changes air speed or heading. ‘The graphic solution will help in understanding the ‘more convenient computer solution which follows. 270*_207 mi, Fig. 100 63 Jepco Briefing Booklet Given: A = point of departure for helicopter B = position of ship at time of departure A toB is 207 miles, 270° True air speed of helicopter = 90 MPH, length of line PG Motion of ship = 38 MPH on a course of 150°, shown by lines BC and AJ Wind 25 MPH from 45° — line AP Line of constant bearing = 270° Find: True course to intercept ship, AG ‘True heading to intercept ship, PG Rate of closure (S,), the distance JG Solution: 1, Draw the wind line, AP to represent wind of 25 MPH from 45°. 2. Draw AJ, a projection of the ship's motion for ‘one hour. 3. Draw JC parallel to AB, the line of constant bearing between ship and aircraft. 4. From the end of the wind arrow draw an are equal to the true air speed of the helicopter. The are will intersect the line JC at G. This is the position the helicopter must reach at the end of ‘one hour in order to intercept the ship. True heading necessary to reach this point may be obtained from the wind triangle APG, as can the ground speed along the course AD. 5, At the end of one hour, when it reaches the point G, the helicopter will have reduced its distance from the ship by the distance JG. There- fore JG is the hourly rate of closure. Answer: PG represents true heading and true air speed of helicopter, 260°, 90 MPH AG represents helicopter true course and ground speed for interception, 253°, 111 MPH Rate of closure between helicopter and ship (JG) = 125 MPH In the note the line JP, the path that a trail of smoke from the ship would make. This is the relative wind. It is apparent, that if the relative wind is known, it will be possible in the computer solution to use triangle PJG to find both the true heading of the helicopter (direction of line PG) and the rate of closure (length of JG). If the rate of closure is known, the separation distance of the two craft at A and B can be divided by the rate of closure to give the time that will elapse before the ship is intercepted. ‘Computer Solution of Interception Problem The computer solution consists of two steps. First, find the relative wind, using the same procedure that is, used for relative wind in the solution of radius of action, to a moving base. Then solve triangle PJG using rela- Jepco Briefing Booklet tive (not actual) wind, and using JG as the TC-GS and PG as the TH-TAS side. The ground speed in this, solution will be the value of Sa, the rate of closure, and the true heading will be the true heading required to intercept the ship. Solution: 1. Place a dot representing actual wind, 45° at 25 MPH. 2. Place the TC index at 150°, the true course of the ship. Measure up from the actual-wind dot a distance of 38 parallel to the TC line. Place a dot at the end of this line and surround the dot by a triangle. A line drawn between the dots would represent the speed and direction, AJ, that the ship is traveling in one hour. The center of the computes ropreents the point P on the prob- Jem diagram and a line from the second wind dot to the computer center would represent the direction of relative wind. The value of the rela- tive wind may be read as 113°, 40 MPH. How- ever, it is unnecessary to make an interpretation of the relative-wind value in the problem, as the wind dot may be used directly in the next step of the problem without bothering to read its value. Fig. 101 3, Place 90 MPH, the true air speed of the aircraft, under the TAS index. Place 270°, the bearing from helicopter to ship, at the TC index. Using the relative-wind dot, solve for true heading and ground speed. ‘The true heading, 260°, is the true heading the helicopter must maintain in order to intercept the ship. The ground speed, 125 MPH, is the rate of closure of the helicopter and the ship. 4. At the end of one hour the helicopter will be 125 miles closer to the ship. To find the time of inter- ception, on the calculator side place the one-hour GS (rate of closure) = ETAS + Tailwind comp. 89 + 36 = 125 MPH Fig. 102 Problems 43—Interception Wind Wind Vel. vas TC Dir. (kts) ~—(Its.)_— Ship 1 60° = 20 210 110° 2 170° 44 300 315° 3. Calm = Calm = 380 180° 4 90° 40 190 345° Secon 170 90° Alternate Method for Finding True Course and Ground Speed As surexnire mettod of finding true coune and sround speed when wind, true heading and true air speed are given, involves plotting the true heading and ‘rue air speed directly on the computer. Example: Given: True heading 246° True air speed 180 MPH Wind. 40 MPH from 280° Find: True course and ground speed Solution: 1. Place 246 above the true course index. 2. Measure up the 246° line a distance equal to 180 from computer center. Since the scale does not run as far as 180, it is necessary to cut all distances in half, measuring up to the 90 point on the high-speed scale. Place a dot at this point and circle the dot. 3. Rotate the top disc until the wind direction, 280°, is above the TC index. index at 125, Locate 207 on the outside scale and ‘under it read the time of interception, 1:39. This is the elapsed time of interception and must be added to the clock time at the beginning of the interception procedure (when the helicopter was at point A) in order to get clock time of interception. 5. If ground speed and true course of the helicopter are desired, place TAS index at 90 and use true heading 260° with the actual-wind dot to solve for true course and ground speed. The final com- puter setting will show a 7° right crab with an 11 mile right crosswind, true course 253°, ground speed 111 MPH. Answer: ‘Time of interception..... 1:39Y4 ‘True heading to intercept. 260° True course to intercept. 253° Ground speed. 111 MPH Speed Dist. Ship Bearing toShip To Intercept (Ks.) toShip (mi) TH Time 320? 400 36 25° 500 44 © 90° 730 30 20° 180 i255 Se 50) 4, From the true heading dot which was placed in step 2, measure downward a distance equal to 20 (half the wind speed since all distances must be cut in half) and place a dot. This dot will Jepeo Br mark the end of the TC-GS line in the wind tri- angle. In measuring the 20 distance be sure to uuse the same scale as was used to mark the TH dot. 5. To read the true course and ground speed, rotate the top disc until the second dot lies along the line extending upward from the computer cen- ter to the TC index. The TC index now points to the true course, 237°. The dot lies at the 74 point on the scale. Since distances have been cut in half, this figure, when doubled, will give the ground speed, 148 MPH. Answer: True course 237° While this method is quicker than the standard method described in Part II of this book, it is not as accurate. For higher air speeds which will not fit the com- puter scale when divided by 2, divide air speed and wind velocity by 3 or 4, remembering to multiply the ground speed by the same number to get the correct value. Alternate Method of Solving True Heading and Ground Speed Problem AXsormen method for solving wind problems on the ‘CR eliminates the use of crosswind and head-tailwind components, but requires the use of a formula. The method is best understood by examining two wind triangles, one showing a quartering headwind and ‘one a quartering tailwind: Wind Triangle with Headwind te H 6 ts , Wind angle New > c Wind beading sale Wind Tarte wi Teli re tH a) [ts Fig. 105 Jepco Briefing Booklet ‘The acute angle (less than 90°) between the wind and ground speed lines is designated “wind angle” and the acute angle between the wind and true air speed Iines is designated “wind heading angle.” Since these angles are always acute, they may be inside or outside the triangle, depending on whether the inside angle is acute or obtuse. However, if the wind angle or wind heading angle is outside the triangle, it will have the same sine value as the adjacent internal angle since the sine of an angle equals the sine of 180° minus the angle. ‘The Law of Sines in trigonometry states that in any triangle the lengths of the sides are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles. Therefore the following. equation is valid: —2O a2 AB or sinBAG ~ sin ABC ~ sin ACB wind velocity _ TAS _ sin crab angle — sin wind angle GS Sa wind heading angle To determine the wind angle easily, place the true course under the TC index and locate the wind direc ‘Son on the outside scale of the top disc. If there is a Seadwind, measure the wind angle to the left or right, ef the TC index. If there is a tailwind, measure the sind angle to the left or right of the bottom of the ‘ertical tailwind line. In each case the wind angle will be an acute angle. ‘The sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180°. Using this fact together with the fact that the wind angle and wind heading angle are always measured as, Jess than 90° and therefore are sometimes external angles of the triangle, we obtain the following facts: In the case of a headwind, wind heading angle = wind angle — crab angle. In the case of a tailwind, wind heading angle = wind angle + crab angle. In a wind problem, known values are substituted in the above formula and the formula transferred to the computer. Example: Given: True course 20° ‘Wind from 170° at 20 MPH True air speed. 190 MPH Find: True heading and ground speed Solution: 1, Place 20° over the TC index. 2. Locate the wind direction, 170°, on the green scale and note that there is a right tailwind. ‘Measure the angle between 170° and the 200° angle at the bottom of the vertical tailwind line. 200° — 170° = 30°, the wind angle. 3. Since there is a tailwind, wind heading angle = wind angle + crab angle. 4, Substitute known values in the sine formula: wind velocity TAS sin crab angle ~ sin wind angle — Gs sin wind heading angle we sine crab angle Gs sin wind heading angle 5. If 190 on the outside scale is lined up with 30° on the sine scale, then the quantities in the first and last parts of the formula will be lined up correctly also. The wind velocity will be over the crab angle and the ground speed will be over the wind heading angle. Place 19 opposite 30°, Under the wind velocity of 20 on the outside scale read the crab angle, 3°, on the inside scale Since wind is from the right, true heading = TC + crab angle = 28°. 6. Since there is a tailwind, wind heading angle = wind angle + crab angle = 30° + 3° Locate 33° on the sine scale and above the ground speed, 207 MPH. Answer: True heading 23° Ground speed 207 MPH. Jepco Briefing Bookle:

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