14-00219t - DIPO-SL IMPLAN On CMC No.05, 2014 Intensified Internal Security Operations - PROS 4A, 4B, 5, TD

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a Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission National Headquarters, Philippine National Police DIRECTORATE FOR INTEGRATED POLICE OPERATIONS. SOUTHERN LUZON Camp Crame, Quezon City diposouthernluzon_messanger@yahoo.com Tel. Nr. 723-0401 local 5256 MEMORANDUM TO See Distribution FROM TADIPO-SL SUBJECT : DIPO-SL IMPLAN on CMC No. 05/2014” Intensified Internal Security Operations” DATE : May 6, 2014 4. REFERENCES: a. CMC NO. 05/2014 “Intensified Internal Security Operations” dated March 31, 2014; b, PNP ISO Campaign Plan “SAMAHAN 2011" dated March 9, 2011; c. Joint Letter Directive No. 07-2010 “Creation of Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC)” dated November 24, 2010; 1. Joint Operational Guidelines 01-2011 “Guidelines During Conduct of AFP-PNP Joint Operations” dated October 2010; and Memorandum Circular Number 2009-020A “Guidelines and Procedures on the Rationalization of the PNP Mobile Groups” dated 5, 2010. 2 9 2. PURPOSE: This Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) in support to ISO Campaign Plan SAMAHAN, prescribes the specific concept and guidelines in the implementation of the PNP’s intensified campaign against internal security threat groups. 3. SITUATION: Attacks on Police Stations and ambuscades against PNP and AFP personnel have been launched recently by threat groups which resulted in the killing and wounding of a number of personnel, loss of forearms and equipment, and destruction of properties. This phenomenon is very alarming to the government forces, which requires immediate action to prevent similar incidents, whereby several lives were wasted with this political belief which resulted armed confrontation between the government and the CNN and other threat groups. With the refocusing role of the AFP from ISO to territorial defense, the role of the PNP in internal security will obviously increase. It is therefore imperative that the PNP undertake more timely/appropriate and enhanced measures to abate the problem of insurgency and neutralize local threat groups, hence, there is a need for a revitalized, sustained and proactive strategy to address the problem which includes the strengthening the capability of its Public Safety Forces to take on the PNP’s impending lead role in Iso. 4. MISSION: DIPO Southern Luzon concurrent with its mission and function shall undertake revitalized, sustained and pro-active internal security operations in coordination and collaboration with AFP counterparts in the area of jurisdiction such as SOLCOM and WESCOM to address internal security threats. 5. EXECUTION: In support to the ISO Campaign Plan SAMAHAN and other related directives, the DIPO-Southern Luzon in coordination and cooperation with the AFP counterparts particularly the SOLCOM and WESCOM together with other law enforcement agencies, shall embark on more enhanced and proactive measures in order to deliberately address insurgency and other threats to national security. This focused approach will revolve on the following concepts: 1) Efficient Utilization of the PNP Public Safety Forces The Public Safety Maneuver Forces (RPSBs, PPSCs AND CPSCs), specifically their maneuver platoons, shall be utilized to performed their core mission/mandates, primarily to address internal security threats. They may be forward deployed for a more proactive stance to widen the area of influence of government forces. Hence a minimum 34-man strength platoon patrol base may be established near the center of gravity of the enemy or threat groups. Maneuver units should conduct the following: a) 5-day major operations per month to be composed of two platoons (4-squad each) with an area coverage of five barangays; b) two (2) 3-day minor operations per month to be composed of one platoon with an area coverage of three barangays; and c) at least three hours preventive patrols daily to be composed of two teams with an area coverage of at least one barangay. The number of barangays covered may be increased or decreased depending on their dimensions and/or security situation. In any of the operations conducted, the involved units should abide by the concept of “Quad Policing” so as to make their presence felt and appreciated by the community while at the same time performs other overt and covert policing tasks. 2) Capacitating the PNP Public Safety Forces Skills Enhancement. The Commanders and personnel of the Public Safety Forces shall be trained and retrained appropriately for enhancement of their capabilities on law enforcement function against lawless armed elements. Training shall give emphasis on small unit leadership, information operations and strategic shift in counter-insurgency activities from security operation to law enforcement approach and providing strong mental foundation for maneuver personnel to combat the lawiess elements. Organizational Development Organizational Development for maneuver forces should be conducted to ensure that the strength of the maneuver forces especially those deployed in high- risk areas are rationalized and capable to conduct tactical offensive and defensive stance against the enemy. Personnel Management The system of manpower rotation/turn-over should conform to the idea that a core group of highly competent personnel is maintained in all maneuver forces and the unreasonable or untimely transfer of its members to territorial units should be avoided. The one-day offione day duty rotation policy is not applicable for the Personnel of maneuver units. The approved rotation of personnel being adopted by SAF in the availment of leaves should be applied by all maneuver units. Equipment Upgrade Individual ISO equipment should likewise be made adequate and suitable to enable personnel of Public safety Forces better perform intemal security missions. All maneuver units shall be completely and appropriately equipped with sufficient firearms, ammunition, radios and all other equipment necessary in the conduct of intensified ISO. 3) Adherence to Intelligence-driven operations The PNP will adopt an intelligence-based system of operations to ensure that resources are maximized and not wasted. The enemy mapping system which is systematic (both strategic and tactical) tool indispensable to a Commander in his decision-making will be implemented similar to the existing NPA Mapping System (NMS). It is a continuous plotting of enemy's activities on the map for better visualization and easy to analyze the situation in order to come up with a more accurate and timely assessment or analysis, and prediction of NPA’s plans and activities as basis for appropriate intervention by maneuver forces. The intelligence will focus on the gathering of information about the plans and activities of the enemy instead of operating or neutralizing them, which is the mandate of the maneuver forces. The utilization of BIN will likewise be enhanced to develop barangay profiles nationwide. 4) Development and Implementation of an Integrated Response System The CSRS is an intelligence-driven system in employing predetermined specific courses of action by the PNP in cooperation with the AFP in certain security conditions that involve deployment and employment of troops with suitable resources, and timing needed to be able to effectively accomplish the task at hand in relation to existing or developing situation. The action can be triggered upon by the declaration of the appropriate condition level by concerned commanders or unit head. It can be utilized to support a commander's decision-making especially in the deployment of troops and it will synergize different levels of command to have a ‘common direction. 5) Conduct of Comprehensive Information Operation Strategic communications and information operations will be implemented at various levels to gain the trust and confidence of the public by winning their hearts and minds and through community intervention activities. The information operations will utilize the Community Intervention Concept this process will develop the mass-based communities to become responsive partners of the PNP program thrusts on public safety and security. This will involve the intensified counter propaganda offensive against threat groups in “White Areas” with the active participation of other stakeholders in the form of public Pronouncements, media interviews, press releases, “peace rallies” or similar related activities as a platform for different talks targeting the members of threat groups’ legal and sectoral organizations, their supporters and the community in order to: weaken the enemy by creating demoralization and distrust among its ranks; alienate their organizations from the populace; pressure them to return to the negotiating table; discourage to join them; and most importantly, deny them the support of the neutral masses. 6) Intensification of Legal Offensive The PNP will intensify its efforts to file cases against the personalities of threat groups involved in violating the law and ensure a well coordinated and integrated investigation, prosecution, and monitoring of all crimes committed by any member of threat groups in order to paralyze their command and control, deny their financial resources and restrict their movements. Legal offensives will include the complete documentation of cases and establishment of a database which shall be used as a ready reference for operating units in the manhunt of personalities with warrants of arrest. 7) Strengthening Partnership with the AFP and other Law Enforcement Agencies The JPSCC will institutionalize the partnership between the AFP and the PNP in addressing peace and security concerns, the PNP will continuously build a ‘stronger teamwork with the AFP following the observation that in areas where the AFP and PNP are united, the enemy is weaker. JPSCCs at Area Command level may be established when practicable to address various security concerns by integrating their respective campaign plans. Enhanced coordination and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders will likewise b e enforced. The Public Safety Forces shall also be guided by other joint operational guidelines in the conduct of ISO. 8) Establishment of Review and Evaluation Mechanism To ensure the compliance and institutionalization of various measures set forth in this CMC, a review and evaluation mechanism will be established at the national, DIPO and regional levels. The National Validation Committee shall be chaired by the Deputy Chief PNP for Operations (TDCO) with the Director for Operations (TDO) as Vice-Chairman and the Directors of DI, DPCR, DIDM, DPRM, DPL, DL, DHRDD, DC and DIPOs as members. The Regional Validation Committees shall be chaired by DRDOs with the regional quad staff, RPHRDD and RLRDD as members. Results of the review will serve as one of the bases in pursuing the strategies or for their revision. To ensure the readiness of all involved PNP personnel, the Validation Committees shalll conduct regular assessment and evaluation of respective units and individual capability to comply with the required operations in a particular period. TASKS: 1) IMPLAN. 2) 3) EX- O, Shall be the overall supervisor in the implementation of this Intel Div a. Provide timely intelligence to operating units; b. Assist RIDs in developing and updating the enemy mapping system; ¢. Monitor and supervise the implementation of NMS in regional level; d. Conduct ISO validation at DIPO level; and e. Perform other tasks as directed. Opns Div a. Supervise and monitor the implementation of this IMPLAN; b. Conduct regular inspection of Public Safety Maneuver Forces in their respective AORs to ensure that these are forward deployed and operationally ready; c. Assist PROs in the implementation of the Forward Deployment Plan; d. Develop and implement Conditional Situation Response System (CSRS) in respective jurisdictions including the conduct of simulation exercises (SIMEX); @ . Consolidate and prepare monthly update on ISO and submit the same to DO; f. Conduct quarterly review and evaluation on the implementation of this CMC and submit recommendation to DO; © Continuously review and update integrated operational plans; e Assist RDPCRD in the formulation of IO plan and supervision of its implementation; i. Submit a monthly ISO report indicating the current Disposition and Location of Troops (DLOT), firearms of maneuver forces as well as that of the threat groups to DO; j. Conduct JPSCC meetings at Area Command/DIPO level to address various security concems by integrating respective campaign plans; k. Supervise the conduct of ISO where the areas covered transcend regional boundaries; and |. Perform other task as directed 4) Budget and Fiscal Section a. Provide fund support in the conduct of activities related to this IMPLAN; and b. Perform other task as directed 5) Other Staffs a. Provide necessary support to task Divisions pertaining to their areas of concem; and b. Perform other tasks as directed. 6) RDs, PROs, 4-A, 4-B and 5 a. Implement respective tasks in accordance with the CMC 05/2014; b. Submit periodic intelligence/report on internal security operations conducted in your respective AOR to DIPO-SL; c. Conduct periodic threat assessment on ISO in AOR; and d. Perform other tasks as directed. 7. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS, a. The National ISO Validation Committee shall set success indicators and conduct of the PNP ISO program twice a year or as often as may be necessary to monitor compliance of various tasked offices/units and evaluate the effectiveness of the program in addressing threat groups; b. All concerned PROs and staff shall source the necessary support and other requirements for this CMC from respective ISO funds; ©. When reporting incidents, the terms/acronyms KIA (killed-in-action) and WIA (wounded-in-action) should not be used when referring to casualties on the side of the enemy. The terms KIA and WIA should only apply to government /PNP troops to indicate that they died or wounded in the act of duty. Casualties on the threat groups or criminals shall be referred to as Killed LLE (lawless elements) or wounded LE: d. All tasked Units/Offices shall prepare respective IMPLANs which shall be submitted to this office (Attn: C, Opns Div) within 15 days upon receipt of this CMC; e. Respect for human rights shall be paramount, and strict adherence to the PNP Organizational Procedures (revised Rule of Engagement) shall always be emphasized in all police operations; and {Lateral coordination is encouraged. This IMPLAN shall take effect upon approval. IZALDE CORPUZ ‘hief Superintendent Distribution: Division Chiefs, DIPO-SL PROs 4-A, 4-B and 5 TDO

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