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Nicolette Briglio

Exploring the country of France

Ms. Tavani
February 20, 2015
1. To what extent was this country ruled by others?
France was overrun by the Franks in the 5th century and then in the 10th century Hugh
Capet discovered the dynasty that had control of the French for a while. When the French
Revolution was going on, France was ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte.
2. Which 20th century events had the greatest influence on this country?
To me, an event that occurred in the 20th century and had an influence on France would be
both of the World Wars because France did take part in both wars. In WW1, France was a
part of the Triple Entente and even though there were soldiers lost and a lot of money that
was spent, France was victorious. Another event that influenced France was when
Napoleon Bonaparte was in control. As the death of Napoleon approached, the global
overseas colonial empire stretched greatly.


Well known cities, regions, or

Marseille, Lyon


Capital: Paris
The Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph,

Relative size (size in relationship to

France is about the size of Texas. Texas is

another place)

slightly larger.

Description of natural environment

28% of land is forests

46 natural parks and 9 national parks

Population size

(2013) 66.03 million

Degree of diversity (1=homogenous;

diverse with religions

10=very diverse) with explanation


French is the official language, also known as

the Romance Language which derived from the
the language of Latin.

1. How does Folklore influence the peoples worldview or actions?

When a person dies, the doors and windows are to be opened so the souls can depart is an
example of an old French folklore.
2. What religion is practiced and how does this impact the people in France?
In France about 80% of the population are Roman Catholic and about 2% are Protestants,
mostly Lutheran or Calvinist. The Jewish population in France isnt as big as Roman
Catholic, but it is one of the largest in the world.
3. Are the rights of passage in France similar to or different to the rights of passage to
the U.S.?
The rites of passage in France are similar to the rites of passage in the U.S. In France
families celebrate educational progress of a student like an American graduation party.
Also, as a child you are baptized and as you grow older you go on to receive the
sacraments of Reconciliation ,Holy Communion, Confirmation and later in life marriage.
American that practice the certain religions follow these sacraments and most people get
married just like the U.S.
4. What tips on interpersonal behavior might you give to an American who is about to
travel to this country?
If someone was traveling to France I would let them know that when visiting a French house
always bring wine, flowers or a gift because if you dont it is said to be rude. Men and
women both greet people by kissing them on the cheek. Also never bring up the topic of

money or anything about salary, not on in France, but in most places do people often feel
more comfortable keeping their incomes private.
5. Is the standard of living in this country better, worse or about the same as the U.S.?
It seems like living conditions is France are similar to U.S. with houses, but there are people
who live in farmhouse in the country. City dwellers rent apartments and often have a
second house in the country to spend the weekends. There are also parts of France where
are run down and over-crowded called cites.
6. Is family important in this country? Why or why not?
In France family is very important. Traditionally, a house is filled with grandparents, parents
and children. Today a household is made up of parents and about a few children, but the
times and relationships in families are strong and reliable. Families come together to
celebrate holidays, birthdays and special events.
7. Does this country have distinct traditional clothing?
Frances capital, Paris, is known as a big beneficial place for fashion. The biggest known
names in France are Christian Dior and Coco Chanel. The French people wear modern
western clothing, but you still might see people wearing the black beret. You will see
costumes for festivals, like aprons with colorful flowers or bonnets.
8. How has globalization impacted food and diet in this country?
Globalization has impacted the food and diet in this country by allowing foods like crepes to
be created. Crepes are very thin pancakes. We might see food like croissants and beef
stew in the U.S. which have come from France.
9. How might your educational experience differ from the schooling you receive in the
In the U.S. you go to school from the age of 5 or 6 to the age of 18 and can go on to college
by choice. In France you attend school at the age of 6 up until the age of 16 and the

schooling is free. As a child of France you spend 5 years in a primary school then go on to 4
years of middle school, also known as college. After that, you will attend 3 years of a lycee
which is a school for those planning on college or a vocational school. As you receive your
baccalaureate then will it be your choice to head to a university.
10. What cultural influences or accomplishments is this country best known for?
France is known for not just the Eiffel tower, but also music, painters and authors. Victor
Hugo was a novelist in the 19th century and wrote about the issues of the time. Also Pierre
Boulez who was a composer and conductor. France is also known for its ballet.
11. Summarize the overall economy of this country?
The economy in France is the worlds sixth largest, which is pretty good. Paris is the
nations financial capital. Most workers get 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Most people
work in service related jobs, then industry is the next popular and the lowest type of job is
12. How do people spend their leisure time?
The free time people have in France is spent enjoying soccer, playing rugby, bicycle riding
and children playing a game called marbles. The French people are very big soccer fans
and if not watching it for their own eyes, they sit back and watch it on t.v. Another event
people enjoy is the annual Tour de France.
13. List in order or significance of what you feel are the 3 biggest things France needs to
14. Are all people treated equally in this country? Why or why not?
In France there is a big division between the income of the rich and the income of the poor.
Also services for the elderly and the immigrants are lacking and with the numbers
increasing the problem will only become worse. With this evidence there are parts of France
that arent treated equally.

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