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The IFS Messenger

We Are Foundation

Friday, February 20th, 2015






Wins/Losses: 4-2
February 12th, 2015

The Knights are charging

this year, and are doing well so
far, as many IFS experts would
agree. Yesterdays game at Hudsons College was close, ending
with a score of 46-45.

the team captain was very

I enjoy working for my
team, and they are very hardworking

Not only this, but the

game on the 9th of February
was even better. There were
three pointers, and starting with
a 21-14 we ended with a whopping 47-28. Yousuf in grade 12,

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Ask Sr. Found: Insults

Everyone has received at
least a thousand insults in their life,
whether it be from a friend, parent,
or relative. But when it really hurts is
when someone that you have respect for takes a go at you. But, it is
only with this realization that you
can deal with the hurt accordingly.

One of these situations may be

The Upbeat Group Leader: Now,
just saying , you cant topple the
whole clique dynasty. Its not possible. Now, if youre looking at this
article, you probably have low selfesteem. Even if you do, you should
act like you just got on the basket-

ball team. And how would you do

that? The classical , laugh plus insult
equals friends. And insult them back,
in a fake mean way.
Your Teacher: Well bud, you know
what they say, the teacher is always
right. So you should be feeling downright ashamed for eating in class.
Now, if you want to amend things,
well, just dont be a num
nut(copyright Shaikh Hassan) next

Meet Your Foundationist

Henna Sheth
your face
Timage Ahmed: she is funny hardworking, happy, caring and determined

Nickname: Hannah Montana

Disposition: Youll always see her
happy and smiling
Likes: Reading books , watching movies, and helping anyone in need

If you want to recommend a friend,

Aspiration: To become a cardiologist

email at:

Smart Level: A high 90s student

Other Comments:
Is a disgrace to India

Henna Sheth enjoying lunch recess .

always brings a smile to

Remember to say

Upcoming Events

The Mysterious Hallway

Two Grade 6 Student Talk About the Odor

Date Events

It smelled really bad. It could have been

the vomit outside, but I thought I was going
to die. I want cookies before my funeral.
Another student who did not wish to be
identified said It smelled like vomit

Wednesday, January 15th ,2015

The IFS Police have been investigating,

and have released that one of the causes of
the 6B smell was possibly the pudding in
the garbage can. They have also confirmed
that the prayer mats have been smelling
similar to dried sweat, conceivably releasing the vomit like scent with a combination
of the pudding. Members of the IFS community are advised to bring an extra pair
of socks or to take part in less vigorous


Alumni-Middle School


Islamic Awareness

24 Feb

H.S Snow Tubing trip

25 Feb

Grade 9 CPR training

Grade 10 Study Skills

26 Feb

Mariam and Minahil, 6B

It all began one afternoon when all the
6B students were going to their classroom. The
hallway was smelling mysterious, and Sr .Rabia
was coming to the class filled with nose pinching
11 year olds. Once she opened the door, the
smell got even more stronger. Was it smoke or
sewage? Amna Nishat has some interesting

Bowling/ Skating M.S

H.S Talent show

27 Feb

Empire Plays

Middle School Student Council Leaks

In this weeks meeting, the student

council has been brainstorming

many ideas for future events
First comes the skating/ bowling trip for the week of the 23rd.
Council advisor Sr. Maryam plans
on having both trips the same day,
Shoelaces are also being tied
for a basketball tournament that
will most likely take place in
There will also be a fundraising program called We Create
Change for two weeks The student
Council has also posted pictures of
earlier events on the Middle
School Student Council bulletin, so
check out the bright red board.
Further Information/details
will be given during Zuhr Salah . If
you have any questions or comments please contact any member
or advisor of the student council .

Charity Club Helps The Homeless

The Making of Blessing Bags Unites IFS
We always see the charity club helping the needy and the environment alike, perhaps even faster than The Flash. But this time,
all IFS students took part in the making of the
charity clubs reknowned blessing bags. These
blessing bags contained:

As most know, much like

our Ummah, our relations
between each grade in our
school is not the best, and
this interaction with other
students is essential.

-Water bottles



-hand sanitizer

Activities like these are

great at easing rifts between
each other, and hopefully
there will be more.


-$5.00 Tim Hortons cards

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