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TCA Storage - Veeam

Based on all these 12 points, we can paint picture, Veeam may be good
backup solution for Small environments with few TB storage, but when we
are talking about Business critical application backup and recovery, it
would not scale and meet customer's long term backup and recovery
requirements. It does not have any archive capabilities.
1) Very Limited Tape support:

Veeam is only good with Disk based backup, If customer has

requirements for tape, its would not work well. For example, when I
did global search for Tape in complete Installation and Users guide/
Admin Guide, only 9 pages has Tape word.
Lack of media management,

2) Architecture: Veeam is built for Small customer environment, all

functionality, process and capabilities are for limited number of VMs, does
not have clustering capabilities for backup server.
3) Scalability:

Managing large backup storage will be very difficult, since does not
have scalable architecture.
Veeam use Microsoft Search server, which is not scalable as DB2. It
will not able to handle 100s millions of objects.

4) Search:

Customer wold require to install dedicated Microsoft search server.

TSM leverage DB2 which provides much faster search
Veeam provides very limited search criteria like location,
modification time, backup time, size, owner and type.
In order to prevent single point of failure multiple search servers will
be required, This will add additional overheads for IT admin. If
customer is using only 1 search server, customer may not able to
search any backups when search server is down.

5) Performance:

If customer requires more inactive copies, Veeam will have big

impact on performance, as it needs to keep lots of change block
tracking etc.
Restore from limited tape recovery will require 2 level of recovery.
This will increase recovery time.

6) Backup of Veeam: Customer needs 2nd Veeam backup server, which

would backup primary veeam backup server, Veeam server can not
backup its self. Both Veeam backup servers are completely independent, it
does not know any information about other server.
7) Restore:

Application Item level recovery is very complex, Customer needs

use generic Universal application recovery. Recovery of such item
will requires Database, application and backup administrator to work
to gather to ensure items are recovered properly. It involves manual
steps and added process, complexity etc.

File level restore wizard requires proxy appliance , another VM

8) Linux:

Image level recovery for Linux / Unix OS will require agent on each

9) Application specific agents:

Veeam does not have any application specific agents, Recovery

options for application specific objects will have limitations due to
lack of knowledge of application and its data.

No agents for email application.




No BMR support for physical server
No cloud support
No ARchive support

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