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Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Ecient use of energy by utilizing gas turbine combined

Yousef S.H. Najjar
Mechanical Engineering Department, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, P.O. Box 9027, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Received 17 June 1999; accepted 13 February 2000

The gas turbine engine is characterized by its relatively low capital cost compared with steam power
plants. It has environmental advantages and short construction lead time. However, conventional
industrial engines have lower eciencies especially at part load. One of the technologies adopted
nowadays for improvement is the ``combined cycle''. Hence, it is expected that the combined cycle
continues to gain acceptance throughout the world as a reliable, exible and ecient base load power
generation plant. In this article, 12 research investigations, carried out by the author and associates
during the last 10 years are briey reviewed. These cover 12 gas turbine systems which would contribute
towards ecient use of energy. They entail fundamental studies in addition to applications of combined
systems in industry including: the closed gas turbine cycle; the organic Rankine cycle; repowering;
integrated power and refrigeration; cryogenic power; liqueed natural gas (LNG) gasication; and inlet
air cooling. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Gas turbines; Combined cycles; Energy utilization; Conservation

1. Introduction
The gas turbine is known to feature low capital cost, high exibility, high reliability without
complexity [1], short delivery time, early commissioning and commercial operation, and fast
starting and loading. The gas turbine is further recognized for its better environmental
performance manifested in the curbing of air pollution and reducing the greenhouse eect.
E-mail address: (Y.S.H. Najjar).
1359-4311/01/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 4 3 1 1 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 8


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Open-cycle gas turbine engines exhaust higher-grade heat to the atmosphere than steam
turbines reject to their condensers. The combined cycle uses the exhaust heat from the gas
turbine engine to increase the power plant output and boost the overall eciency to more than
55% [2,3], substantially above that of the simple cycle and even higher than that of
supercritical-pressure reheat steam power plants. In places where high fuel costs prevail, this
can yield outstanding rates of return [4].
Gas turbines are increasingly used in combination with steam cycle, either to generate
electricity alone, as in combined cycles, or to cogenerate both electrical power and heat for
industrial processes or district heating [5]. Natural gas-red combustion turbines and
combined-cycle plants are forecast to capture over 47% of the international and 80% of the
U.S. new-generation market in the next decade.
These combined cycle power plants generate electric power at lower costs than conventional
steam plants of the same rating [6]. Short lead-time gas turbine enables utilities to meet
unexpected load growth at low cost, because combined cycles can be built in small increments
Since combined cycles use only well proven equipment, their operating reliability,
availability, and maintainability (RAM) are very good. By the year 2000, the worldwide
capacity of combined cycles used by utilities is expected to reach about 45,000 MW [4,8]. At
the same time, a substantial fraction of the electricity produced by independent power
producers will be generated by combined cycle [9].
The dual advantages of eciency and exibility make gas turbine based cycles the dominant
energy converters for the production of world's electricity today and in the foreseeable future.
GE estimates that industry orders for all kinds of power generation within the next decade will
total to 1027 gigawatts: 26% for combined cycles; 10% for simple-cycle combustion turbines;
37% for steam; 6% for nuclear; 17% for hydropower; and 4% for renewables [10]. However,
currently gas turbine systems account for over 50% of the new capacity installed [11].

2. System analysis
2.1. Achieving higher thermal eciency
High eciency is expected to be one of the main design goals of the rapidly growing world
market. Worldwide electric power consumption is expected to grow by 60% between now and
the year 2010 [12]. The rising importance of eciency will manifest itself by the rising share for
combined-cycle plants in the fossil-red power plants.
The main factors which help achieving higher eciency are mainly:

increased gas turbine inlet temperature
advanced gas turbine cooling techniques
blade coating
reduced auxiliary power consumption
hydrogen cooled generators

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. multiple-pressure steam cycle with reheat

. better heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) design
. fuel preheating
Some of these factors are included in Fig. 1 [13].
Fig. 2 shows the energy balance diagram for a typical combined system with Zth 57%, by
Siemens in Seabank power station [14]. ABB has introduced the GT24 and GT26 with outputs
of 165 and 240 MWe, respectively, in combined-cycle systems in New Jersey. The combined
cycle eciencies are in excess of 58% [15]. Table 1 shows performance data for the 2000 MW
Poryong power station in South Korea. Using a triple pressure steam cycle, a 59% thermal
eciency is achieved [16].
Fig. 3 shows the development of the eciency over the past 15 years, where a 60% is
considered the economic eciency obtainable with triple-pressure system. This is equivalent to
approximately 82% of the theoretical cycle eciency [12]. Siemens considers that 60% thermal
eciency is the economic limit for combined-cycle generating plants [12], i.e., the economic
values of gains above that level are not high enough to cover the cost of getting there.
Fig. 4 shows the continuous increase in eciency over the last 40 years for large combustion
turbines and combined cycle plants, starting with 40% for aero-derivative simple cycle up to
more than 60% for ICADHAT (intercooled-aeroderivative and humidied advanced turbine)
cycles and H-class General Electric combined cycles [17].
The advanced turbine systems program (ATS), run by the Department of Energy in the U.S.
will oer even more ecient plants, as shown in Table 2. The eciencies will be higher than
60% with a turbine inlet temperature of about 15008C, using engines as large as 400 MW [18].
Heat recovery steam generators are moving into the realm of supercritical steam conditions,
using the high pressure once-through mode (Fig. 5), leading to a more compact design and a
lower cost; and reaching the 60% thermal eciency [19].

Fig. 1. pathway to high eciency.


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Fig. 2. Sankey energy-balance diagram for typical combined system.

2.2. Relative merits of combined gas turbine systems

Conversion of simple-cycle gas turbines into combined cycle plants oers clear-cut economic
benets. The combined cycle is characterized by its proven technology, the potentiality of
phasing of construction, and the possibility of repowering in both directions. However, these
combined cycles, which have high full-load eciency and lower capital cost, have some
disadvantages. These are: relatively poorer part-load eciency; and derating at higher ambient
temperature and low ambient pressure.
As an alternative to the introduction of combined systems, steam can be produced from
waste-heat in the exhaust, and injected into the air delivered by the compressor or into the
Table 1
Poryong performance data (site ambient temperature 158C)
CT type
Plant conguration
Total output (MW)
Power output GTs (MW)
Power output STs (MW)
Eciency (%)
Frequency (Hz)
NOx emissions (vppmd)
Total number of starts
Total operating hours

4  KA24-2
8  163
4  182
Sequential annular combustor
< 50 (at 15% O2)

Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438


Fig. 3. Eciencies in the past 15 years.

combustor, thus increasing the electrical output of the gas turbine [20]. Referred to as the
STIG, this system is gaining acceptance especially for aero-derivative gas turbine engines
[21,22]. In comparison with STIG, the combined cycle has relatively higher eciency, lower
capital cost with large capacities and wider surge margins.
Conversely, STIG has complete modularity, which provides improved exibility in part-load
operation. STIG also features lower NOx emissions, less water requirements for steam

Fig. 4. Eciencies of large combustion turbine and combined-cycle plants.


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Table 2
ATS performance characteristics
Cycle conguration

System size (MW)

Rolor inlet temp. (8C)
Pressure ratio
NOx (ppmv)
Eciency (%, LHV)

Industrial ATS

Utility ATS



General Electric




Combined, closed loop cooling

Combined, closed loop cooling



> 60

> 60

injection, and starts faster from cold [23]. Due to the fewer pieces of equipment needed, it
entertains lower capital cost and higher reliability. It also has higher peak load capability [24].
Comparing the relative merits of the two systems, actual tendency is towards more
expansion in combined-cycle power plants, which use well-proven equipment for both gas and
steam turbosets.
2.3. Repowering with combined cycles
The combined-cycle plant is a promising mode of energy recovery and conservation, and is
an economically interesting proposition. Conversion of simple-cycle gas turbine facilities into
combined-cycle plants oers clear-cut benets whenever rising power demands must be met
[25,26]. These benets include dramatic improvements in eciency at all loads, and improved
operating reliability with relatively low-cost additions to existing power facilities.
One of the options open to many utilities with existing steam units is repowering, which
involves the installation of gas turbines and heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) to convert

Fig. 5. Comparison of subcritical and supercritical heat exchangers. Above 220 bar, there is no sudden phase change
between water and steam.

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the steam plant into combined-cycle operation [27]. One obvious incentive for repowering over
new construction is the savings in capital investment. These are derived mainly from the use of
existing equipment and structures, the use of owned land, existing transmission capacity, and
the sharing of infrastructure with other units. Other important advantages are lower operation
and maintenance costs resulting from the sharing of existing support facilities and sta, shorter
and less complicated relicensing by designing within the stations' existing thermal discharge
permits and intake structures [28].
There are also some disadvantages to repowering, however, such as added complexity that
can result when matching old equipment with modern high-eciency equipment. Furthermore,
there is a potential for an increase in the frequency of maintenance of refurbished equipment
[28]. Retrotting existing steam turbine power plants with a gas turbine topping cycle can, in
general, greatly enhance their eciency to levels comparable with those of plants originally
constructed as fully-red combined cycles [29]. Economic analyses reveal that signicant fuel
savings justify the capital investment [29,30].
Necessary modications for repowering include modications in the furnace evaporator
(radiation section). Boiler repowering is the most dicult match because performance of the
conversion is strongly dependent on the type of the boiler and air supply. Unless there is a
good match between gas turbine exhaust conditions and boiler ow, the economics can be
marginal [31]. Pollution levels should drop with removal of inecient boilers.
Pressurized uidized bed combustor (PFBC) plants combine the advantages of uidized bed,
such as fuel exibility and reduced emissions, with the higher eciency of combined-cycle
plants. Furthermore, they can be built in smaller volumes due to their compact nature.
Pressurization increases the amount of air and coal that can be supplied to the uidized bed, at
similar uidizing velocities. A higher bed level can be used, which increases contact time
between solid and gases, which in turn leads to a higher combustion eciency [32]. In addition,
very ecient desulphurization is achieved within the uidized bed, where dolomite or limestone
functions as a sulphur sorbent. Nitrogen oxide formation is also low due to the modest bed
temperature of 8508808C. In one such application, where a gas turbine was used to repower
an existing coal-red plant, a net plant output of 81 MW was achieved at 41.5% eciency
2.4. Recent advances with combined cycles
During the last decade, the need was felt to develop a new generation of plants that can
operate with improved eciencies and availabilities, accept lower-quality fuels, be low in
capital costs, and have short design and construction lead times [34]. On a worldwide basis,
reserves of oil are dwarfed by the massive reverses of coal, with lifetimes, at the present rates
of combustion, measured in hundreds of years [35]. Hence, the challenge was to convert the
energy contained in coal into a more convenient form in an ecient, economical and
environmentally acceptable manner.
The coal gasication process was proposed to achieve these goals, in an eort to convert
coal to a low- or medium-heating-value gas for utility and industrial use [3639]. The
converted fuel could be methanol to fuel peaking gas turbines [40]. Because the enthalpy of
combustion of the fuel gas is only about 1/8 of that of natural gas, the gas turbine combustor


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

needs to be modied to burn the low-heating-value gas [41]. The high eciency of the
integrated gasication combined cycle (IGCC) is realized by extending the working
temperature range of steam power plant. The present range is between 338C, as set by the
condenser, and about 5608C, as set by the economic selection of materials for the boilers and
turbines. The extended range becomes 3312008C, resulting in a potential eciency of 55%
2.5. Some methods of improving combined-cycle performance
The main categories of combined cycles may be classied by (a) the rate of excess air
utilized, (b) the number of steam pressure levels used in heat recovery [43], (c) the availability
of supplemental ring and (d) the use of steam reheat [1].
A novel heat-recovery process for improving the thermal eciency of a gas turbine in
electric power generation was suggested by Higdon and associates [44]. The process uses an air
saturation unit to evaporate heated water (below its boiling point) into the combustion air.
The resultant mass ow of water vapor through the rest of the system reduces the power
required to compress air and permits better utilization of the otherwise wasted heat. The
authors calculated the eciency of the system to be 54.8%, as compared to 47.9% for an intercooled, steam-injected system.
A chemically recuperated gas turbine was suggested [40] for recovering the waste exhaust
heat from gas turbines by employing a methane-steam reformer (MSR) instead of using an
HRSG. The MSR reforms natural gas into hydrogen and other gases to fuel the turbine, and
promises low emission levels. With intercooling and reheat, a modied CF6-80C2 aircraft
engine is predicted to provide 60% eciency.
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) emerged as an innovative method of meeting peakdemand requirements of electric utilities. Excess power produced during low-load periods is
utilized to compress air and store it; the stored energy then returned to the system during
peak-load periods [45].
An ice storage system (ICS), similar in concept to CAES, was selected for peaking stations
[46]. The ICS was used for precooling of suction air during high-cost peaking situations via ice
made by low-cost o-peak electric power.
Optimum pressure ratio and peak temperature were found to vary signicantly with the
types of cooling technology employed. Using steam rather than air for rotor cooling was found
to improve the results. Gyarmathy [47] studied the relative merits of various load control
methods involving xed and variable-geometry gas turbine compressors. The results implied
exceptional merits for compressor guide vane adjustment, serving to maintain gas turbine
exhaust temperature at high levels during part-load operation.
3. Discussion of some relevant research studies
This paper is not intended to review the vast literature on research, development and
projects related to gas turbine combined cycle. It focuses on summarizing several research
investigations carried out by the author and associates, during the last ten years, in the eld of

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gas turbine combined system. The studies are divided into fundamental studies, combined
systems and inlet-air cooling.
3.1. Fundamental studies
3.1.1. Comparison of modeling and simulation results for single and twin-shaft gas turbine engines
There is now a major emerging market for twin-shaft engines based on aeroderivative gas
turbines. In this work, performance analysis is carried out at design and part load conditions
for single and twin-shaft engines (Figs. 6 and 7).
After choosing typical characteristic running lines; operating variables such as air mass ow,
turbine inlet temperature, and exhaust temperature, in addition to performance parameters
such as power (P ), eciency Zgt ), and specic fuel consumption (SFC), were evaluated and
plotted against compressor pressure ratio rc ). A computer program was specially designed for
such calculations. The results showed superior performance of the twin-shaft engine. At part
load rc 8), the percentages of performance parameters relative to their values at design
rc 10), are shown in Table 3 as follows: when thermodynamic properties were assumed
constant with temperature, P = 19 and 67%; Zgt 60 and 91%; and SFC = 169 and 110%
for single and twin-shaft engines, respectively. However, with variable properties, the
corresponding percentage of performance parameters are P = 20 and 57%, Zgt 66 and 88%,
and SFC = 151 and 114%. These results are shown in Figs. 811 and Tables 3 and 4.
3.1.2. Optimum performance of a simple gas turbine engine used as a source of compressed air
A simple gas turbine unit is used as a source of compressed air (Fig. 12). The turbine
produces just enough work to drive the compressor. The part-load performance of the cycle is
analyzed to estimate the equilibrium running line on the compressor characteristics for dierent
operating conditions of pressure ratio, maximum cycle temperature and the amount of air bled
o (Figs. 13 and 14). Specic fuel-air consumption is also determined as the quantity of fuel
consumed to produce 1 kg/s of bled air (Fig. 15). Performance calculations show that the
maximum cycle temperature is relatively the most inuential parameter. Hence, operation
along an isothermal equilibrium line gives the best performance.

Fig. 6. Schematic drawing for a single-shaft gas turbine engine.


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Fig. 7. Schematic drawing for a twin-shaft gas turbine engine.

3.1.3. Comparative performance of closed-cycle gas turbine engine with heat recovery using
dierent gases [51]
The unique features of the closed-cycle gas turbine engine (Fig. 16) have been recently
contributing towards its adoption in a multiplicity of applications such as power plants, space,
and marine power supplies. Therefore, research is reactivated to serve its furture developments.
In this study, a performance analysis is carried out using dierent gases such as Helium,
combustion gases, air, and CO2. Operating variables are turbine inlet temperature T03,
compressor pressure ratio Rc and inlet temperature T01. A computer program is tailored to
calculate specic work WS and overall eciency Zo over a wide range of operating variables
(Figs. 17 and 18). Results show that Helium gives relatively higher Ws, but Zo starts to drop
early after a low optimum Rc. Air and combustion gases oer nearly equal performance.
3.2. Combined systems
3.2.1. Performance analysis of gas turbine air-bottoming combined system [52]
The gas turbine engine has low capital cost compared with steam power plants. It has
environmental advantages and short construction lead time. However, conventional industrial
engines have lower eciencies. One of the technologies adopted nowadays for improvement is
the utilization of combined cycles.
In this study, an air-bottoming cycle (Fig. 19), instead of a steam cycle is suggested and
analyzed. Besides reducing the cost of hardware of the installation, the system could achieve a
thermal eciency of about 49%, which does not deteriorate at part load as it happens with the
basic gas turbine engine.
Parametric analysis of the system was performed using a specially designed computer
program, enabling variation of the main independent variables, namely Rc, T03 and rc over
Table 3
Performance at D.P

Single shaft
Twin shaft

Wn (kJ/kg)

Zgt (%)

Power (mW)

SFC (kg/kWh)





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Fig. 8. Variation of mass ow rate of hot gases with compressor pressure ratio.

wide ranges, taking into account the losses in dierent components and variable
thermodynamic properties. (Figs. 2022).
Results show that a gain of 30% in power and 30.5% in eciency is possible when using the
combined system relative to the basic gas turbine engine (Table 5).
3.2.2. Cogeneration by combining gas turbine engine with organic rankine cycle [53]
The gas turbine engine is known by its relatively low eciency, especially at part load.
Therefore, to conserve energy and reduce the operating cost, waste heat is recovered by

Fig. 9. Variation of fuel mass ow rate with compressor pressure ratio.


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Fig. 10. Variation of percentage of power output with compressor pressure ratio.

combining a heat-exchange gas turbine cycle with a closed organic Rankine cycle (ORC)
(Fig. 23). A computer program was made to calculate the individual and combined cycle
performances, namely the work and eciency of each. The variables considered were: gas
turbine pressure ratio R1; maximum cycle temperature T6; uid-air mass ratio FAR; and type
of working uid for the ORC.
This analytical study shows that R22 gives the highest improvement in work and eciency
(Table 6) but among these uids, R113 is the optimum choice because it gives the smallest,
hence the most economic size of turbo-expander due to its higher relative molecular mass.

Fig. 11. Variation of gas turbine eciency with compressor pressure ratio.

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Table 4
O-design performance


Power (%)

Eciency (%)

SFC (%)

Single shaft
Twin shaft
Single shaft
Twin shaft





Fig. 12. Schematic drawing of the compressed air facility.

Fig. 13. Variation of quantity of air bled o, mb , with compressor pressure ratio, rc and maximum cycle
temperature ratio, t, as a parameter.


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 14. Relative eects of the dimensionless parameters rc and t on mb :

Fig. 15. Relative eects of the dimensionless parameters rc and t on sfac.

Table 5
Performance of the gas turbine engine, air-bottoming cycle and the combined system at the design point of Rc =
10, T03 = 1400 K and rc = 2

Simple gas turbine engine

Air-bottoming cycle
Combined system

W (kJ/kg)

Z (%)

SFC (kg/kWh)




Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of the closed-gas turbine cycle.

Fig. 17. Variation of W1 vs. Rc with gas as a parameter.



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Fig. 18. Variation of Zo vs. Rc with gas as a parameter.

Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of an air-bottoming combined system.

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Fig. 20. Variation of W and SFC improvement with T03.

Fig. 21. Variation of W and SFC improvement with Rc.

Table 6
Performance of heat-exchange gas turbine cycle and combined cycle with dierent working uids at design
conditions (R1 = 3, FAR = 1, T6 = 1100 K), WHEC = 146.15 kJ kg1
a , ZHEC 29:31%
Working uid

E. CC (%)

E. improvement (%)

Work CC (kJ kg1

a )

Work improvement (%)







Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 22. Variation of W and SFC improvement with rc.

Maximum cycle temperature, and pressure ratio are relatively the most important parameters.
Economic analysis indicates very good rate of return on investment, with a payback period of
three years for the combined system
3.2.3. Repowering a steam power plant by means of a uidized-bed combustion and a two-shaft
gas turbine [54]
Utilities have been adopting repowering as an option in their plans to meet the growth in
loading. In this work, repowering of older and marginally ecient steam plant by conversion
to combined-cycle operation is carried out by the addition of a twin-shaft gas turbine engine

Fig. 23. Schematic drawing for the combined cycle (CC) comprising heat-exchange gas turbine cycle (HEC) and
organic Rankine cycle (ORC).

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and replacing the boiler by a pressurised uidized-bed combustor (PFBC) (Fig. 24). The lowpressure compressor rotates at variable speed to provide the PFBC with the required mass of
air to satisfy various load conditions. A computer program was designed for computations of
performance. Four arrangements were studied, namely the basic System 1 with a heat
exchanger interposed between the gas turbine and the PFBC, in addition to circulating the
condensate of the steam plant through the gas turbine intercooler; System 2 circulates direct
cold water; System 3 cancels the heat exchanger; System 4 cancels the heat exchanger and
raises the turbine inlet temperature to 12508C to anticipate the future performance of advanced
systems (Tables 79). Results show that System 2 achieves marginal improvement, whereas
System 3 achieves 7.3% higher power and 4% higher eciency relative to System 1, while
System 4 achieves 33.4 and 13.2%, respectively.
3.2.4. A gas turbine integrated with a combined power and refrigeration closed system [55]
Closed-cycle gas turbines (CCGT) have numerous advantages, among which are the
exibility of utilizing waste heat at low and high temperatures, the possibility of using a variety
of fuels, the ability to use high pressures and thereby reduce the cost of turbo machines, and
controlling the part-load output eciently by varying the gas pressure and mass, rather than
the turbine inlet temperature. In this study, the waste energy in the exhaust gas of 1 MW gas
turbine engine is partly recovered in a heat exchanger, to heat Helium which drives the
turbinecompressor system in two closed cycles (Fig. 25). Fig. 26 shows the TS diagram for
the cycle. The hot cycle produces power, whereas the cold cycle provides a refrigerating eect
to liquefy nitrogen at a rate of about 1300 ton/day. A parametric study using a specially
designed computer program, to simulate running conditions over a wide range, shows that
such a system could produce the cooling eect with an overall eciency of about 60% at a
compressor pressure ratio of 2.5 (Fig. 27).

Fig. 24. The PFBC combined system.


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Table 7
Comparison of performance results and their percentage changes at design point for the dierent systems, relative to
System 1

System 1
System 2
change %
System 3
change %
System 4
change %

Pgt, (MW)

Pst, (MW)

Pcc, (MW)

Zgt , (%)

Zst , (%)

Zcc , (%)

sfccc (kg kWh1)








3.2.5. Cryogenic power conversion with regasication of LNG in a gas turbine plant [56]
The gas turbine combined cycle continues to gain acceptance throughout the world as a
reliable, exible and ecient baseload generation plant, particularly where natural gas is
available. In this work, a cryogenic circuit is combined with a gas turbine power plant burning
LNG (Fig. 28). A computer program is devised to calculate performance, namely, power and
overall eciency for the combined system over a wide range of operating variables Rc and T3.
In Table 8, the performance of the combined system relative to the basic gas turbine engine at
design conditions is given.
Thermoeconomic evaluation of a 2000 MWe gas turbine power plant shows that addition of
a cryogenic circuit may save about 6259 ton/year of LNG and 39 MW of power (Table 9). The
payback period is less than 1.5 year (Table 9).
3.2.6. Combined gas turbine engine with water desalination system [57]
The daily load schedule of a power plant is aected by the type of activities which
may vary between day and night as in industry; and from summer to winter as in the air
conditioning load in tropical regions. Hence, load management may play an important
Table 8
Performance of the gas turbine engine combined with cryogenic circuit at design point
Performance parameter


Gas turbine power (kW/kga)

Gas turbine eciency (%)
Power increment (points) (kW)
LNG circuit (kW)
propane circuit (kW)
Z0 increment (points)
Increase in power (%)
Increase in Zov (%)
Fuel consumption (kgf /kga)
sfc (kgf /kWh)
mp (kg/s)


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438


Table 9
Saving in fuel and power over a year for a 2000 MWe gas turbine power plant


Air consumption (kg/s)

Fuel consumption (kg/s)
Fuel consumption for equivalent
gas turbine plant (kg/s)
Mass of fuel saved (kg/s)
Mass of fuel saved (tons LNG/yr)
(kl oil/yr)
Saved power (MW)


role in improving the load and capacity factors by increasing the average daily load and
reducing the dierence between the peak and the valleys. This may lead to improvement
in overall performance. This study is concerned with a power generation system where
steam and gas turbine power plants are interconnected through electrical network. It is
known that, at part load, gas turbine eciency decreases sharply in comparison with

Fig. 25. The combined power and refrigeration system.


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 26. Temperature entropy diagram for combined power and refrigeration system.

Fig. 27. Variation of non-dimensional performance parameters with non-dimensional pressure ratio.

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Fig. 28. Schematic diagram of the combined gas turbine engine and the cryogenic system.

steam turbine, which remains nearly unaected. Hence, if the spinning reserve and
capability reserve are obtained from stream units, the gas turbine stays running at full
load most of the time.
The excess power could be used to run vapour compression desalination system VCS, and
the exhaust energy could be utilized in HRSG to produce distilled water from a multi-stage
ash desalination plant (MSF) (Fig. 29).
Performance analysis shows that this integrated system could save as much as 66% in fuel
consumption and produce about 4.75 million m3/year distilled water (Table 10).
Thermoeconomic analysis shows that the additional investment could be paid back within 3.3
years (Table 11).

Table 10
Overall improvement in the integrated system performance when connected with VCS and MSF

Pac (MW)

Improvement (%)

Zo (%)

Improvement (%)

sfco (kg/kWh)

Improvement (%)









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Fig. 29. Schematic drawing for a single shaft engine cogeneration integrated with a multi-stage ashing and vapour
compression distillation systems.

3.3. Inlet air cooling

3.3.1. Enhancement of performance of gas turbine engines by inlet air cooling and cogeneration
system [58]
It is known that the eciency of the gas turbine engine is relatively low at design point and
it deteriorates further at part load and o-design high ambient temperatures.
Therefore, this work comprises the study of adding an inlet air precooler connected to the
evaporator of an aqua-ammonia absorption chiller which is driven by the tail-end heat
recovered from the engine exhaust gases (Fig. 30). A heat recovery boiler is used to partly
recover the exhaust heat before entering the generator of the chiller.
Table 11
Thermoeconomic evaluation of systems B and C relative to A

Additional capital cost investment

Annual savings
Annual costs
Fixed charges, 12%
Operation and maintenance, 3%
Power cost
Net savings
Payback period, year

$ millions
Engine with VCS

Engine with MSF





Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438


Fig. 30. Schematic drawing of the combined system with precooling.

The performance of this combined system, namely power, eciency Z and specic fuel
consumption (SFC ) is studied and compared with simple cycle. The variables in this
parametric study are mainly compressor pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature (T03) and
ambient temperature (Ta).
Results show that the combined system achieves gains in power, Zov and SFCov of about
21.5, 38 and 27.7% (Table 12). The performance of the combined system shows less sensitivity
to variations in operating variables. Thermoeconomic evaluation shows that the combined
system is viable with a payback period of 3.7 years (Table 13).

Table 12
Comparison of performance at the design point

Without cooling

With cooling

Percentage improvement

Power (MW)
sfc (kg/kWh)
sfcov [kg/kWh]





Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Table 13
Results of economic evaluation of the cogeneration system per 1 kg/s of engine air ow

Cost ($)

Investment-added cost
Absorption (M/c)
Suction air-cooler
Heat-recovery boiler HRB
Investment subtotal
Engineering and sundries (10%)
Saving by phasing out new engine
Net investment
Running cost ($/year)
Added fuel cost
Saving in electricity
Saving in steam
Net annual saving ($)
Payback period (years)


3.3.2. Performance of a heat-pipe based waste-heat recovery and utilization system for a gasturbine engine [59]
The results of a modeling and simulation study on the combined performance of a combined
power system are presented. The combined system comprises an industrial, simple-type gas
turbine engine and a heat-pipe-based waste-heat recovery and utilization system, and the
engine itself comprises an axial-ow compressor, tubular combustion chambers and an axialow turbine (Fig. 31). A water-in-steel type two-phase thermosyphon loop extracts waste
energy from the stack of the gas turbine and delivers it to the generator of an aqua-ammonia
absorption chiller, to produce chilled water which cools ambient air via a cooling tunnel; the

Fig. 31. Schematic arrangement of the waste-heat recovery and utilization system.

Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438


cooled air is fed to the intake of the gas turbine compressor. Net power output of the overall
system, when utilizing the water-in-steel heat-recovery system, is improved by 12% even when
the inlet air to the turbine is cooled to a modest 208C; this is true for both the base load and
75% part-load operation (Fig. 32). Considerably higher boosting of output power is possible if
the inlet air is cooled to lower temperatures. One of the most striking ndings of the modeling
and simulation study is that the thermosyphon heat-recovery system is capable of producing
considerably more cold air than is required by the gas turbine engine. It is further concluded
that the thermal eciency of the engine does not deteriorate with rising ambient temperatures,
as is the case in a system without the heat-recovery and utilization system (Fig. 33).
3.3.3. A heat pipe assisted heat-recovery and utilization system [60]
An experimental facility is described for the recovery, by means of heat-pipes, of waste heat
from exhaust gases, and the utilization of the recovered energy to cool ambient air (Fig. 34).
To this end, heat of combustion gases, generated in stainless steel combustion chamber, is
recovered from the stack by means of a heat-pipe system. The recovered heat is utilized to run
an aqua-ammonia absorption chiller. Chilled water from the chillers is run through a fan-coil
type cooling tunnel to cool the intake air of a (conceptual) gas turbine engine to boost its
It is concluded from test results that the experimental facility performs well, and that it
behaves as predicted by modeling and simulation studies. The system is able to extract between
70 and 93% of the technically recoverable energy from exhaust gases (Table 14). This energy is
considered as the ratio of drop in exhaust temperature to the maximum potential temperature
dierence. Temperature gradients with time are shown for the dierent components of the
experimental facility at gas inlet temperature to the exhaust pipe Ti, exh of 3008C (Figs. 35 and
4. Conclusions
The combined-cycle generation system features: high thermal eciency; low installed cost;
fuel exibility with a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels; low operation and maintenance

Fig. 32. Variation of net power output W(n ) with ambient temperature.


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 33. Variation of thermal eciency with ambient temper.

costs; operating exibility at base, mid-range and daily start; high reliability and availability;
short installation times and high eciency in small capacity increments [48]. In particular:
. Combined cycles boost power output and thermal eciency by amounts as high as 60%.
. Gas turbines, when used in repowering to convert an existing steam plant to combined cycle,
oer savings in capital cost and improvement in plant eciency.
. Combined cycle, when integrated with coal gasication, holds promise in converting coal
into electric power in an ecient, economical and environmentally acceptable manner.
. Multitude of research works (utilizing gas turbine engines in combination with closed cycle,
organic Rankine cycle, repowering, integrated power and refrigeration, cryogenic power,
LNG gasication and inlet air cooling) predicted superior performance and economic
. Further advancements with alternative arrangements of combined cycles to suit dierent
applications will be seen in the near future.

Fig. 34. Layout of the experimental setup.

Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438


Table 14
Temperature drop of exhaust gases in the heat and exchanger
Inlet temperature

Temperature drop

Ambient temperature = 258C

Ambient temperature = 308C
Ambient temperature = 358C

Ratio of recovery






Not applicable

Fig. 35. Variation of system temperatures for Ti, exh = 3008C.


Y.S.H. Najjar / Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 407438

Fig. 36. Variation of cooling-end temperatures for Tl, exh = 3008C.

. The gas turbine engine and its relevant combined cycles will continue to have increasing
portion in the installed future power capacity.

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