Gmo Essay

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Mary Surfus



3 February 2015

Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods

When given the task to find out information about genetically modified foods, some
questions that were given to answer are: From gene to protein, what is the process of protein
synthesis, what is the process of one popular method of genetic engineering, and does a
genetically engineered food pose a risk of human health. Based off of research altering GMOS
are a bad thing, but GMOs can be very helpful in the future.
The process of protein synthesis is when cells generate new proteins. The first step in this
process is transcription when this step takes place enzymes in the nucleus make an RNA copy
using a portion of DNA. When RNA is copied it is then made into a messenger. The mRNA
leaves the nucleus .The mRNA ends up at the cytoplasm. Next translation happens; when this
takes place amino acids attach to mRNA after this a protein is made.

Many people have lots of theories of what genetic engineering is. What genetic
engineering really is the process by manually adding new DNA to an organism. One reason
people do this is to get the desired traits that the scientist want, by taking out a few trait they
want and remove others to get a better outcome or more improved organism. DNA is a huge part
of genetic engineering; basically it's the layout or in other-words genetic code.
Genetically Modified Food (GMOs) are both good and bad. One thing that is proven is
that scientists from the UK government funded a study that showed young rats fed a GMO potato
developed or showed signs of pre-cancerous cell growths and also showed damage to the
immune system. When the scientist tried to go public with the information he lost his job that he
had for 35 years and threatened with a lawsuit. A proven fact is that when GMO corn was
introduced to the UK the soy allergies had a huge increase by around 50%.When people change
genetic coding it can shift or change over time making the outcome intended different than what
it was made for, this can also become a cause of allergic reactions .
Many people think GMOs are all bad but there is some good to them, for example GMOs
can be an alternative for countries that are developing. Scientist have made golden rice that
contains vitamin A that many children around the world lack. When this deficiency happens it
can cause blindness and can later lead to death if not treated. Also some GMO plants can tolerate
more severe climate change, which can be helpful when or if natural disasters happen. Last but
not least is that in the coming years the plant is going to need way more food than the earth is
able to provide. GMOs can take care of this rising problem. Also heath experts have proven that
GMOs can alter the growth of young children.

Your opinion of GMOs is completely up to you, but based off the information GMOs are
bad for our heath. I hope that this helped you learn more about GMOs. For further information
contact using this email.


Works Cited By: Michelle Smith,

August 29th, 2002, Science fiction fantasy project.

2002-2015, Discover Monsanto, Working Together on

Sustainable Agriculture Solutions and Improving Accessibility to Balanced Meals "AgBiosafety UN Ls Source of Crop Biotechnology and Food Safety
Information." AgBiosafety - UNL's Source of Crop Biotechnology and Food Safety
Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2015. Virtual ChemBook." Virtual ChemBook.
N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.

"The Pros

and Cons of Genetically-Modified Rice." N.p., 09 Sept. 2013. Web. 06 Feb.
2015. "Golden Rice Project." The. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015. Genetically Engineered Foods."
Genetically Engineered Foods. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2015.


Genetically Modified Foods. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.



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