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Kyle Laux
Mrs. Stemen
15 February 2015
Who Knew?
Do you know how protein synthesis works? Do you want to know what one popular
method of genetic engineering is? Are GMOs good for the human health? GMOs have many
steps that need to be taken to make them helpful for all humans. GMOs take care of many
different things that humans dont have to worry about as much as they would if we didnt have
the help from genetically modified organisms. Bacterial genetic variation is used in genetic
What is protein synthesis? Protein synthesis is a process in which cells build proteins.
Protein synthesis, it uses DNA and RNA. The RNA form as a copy of one side of the DNA
strand, and is sent to other areas of the cell to aid in the bringing together of different amino
acids to provide proteins. (Hill 1)
The process of one popular method of genetic engineering? The Plasmid Method is the most
commonly used method of changing the genes of any microorganism. Bacterial genetic variation
is in this method. A Plasmid is a small piece of DNA molecule and is involved in this method
also. The DNA is placed into where the restriction enzymes are already. They work together to
separate the plasmids into smaller pieces. Using the restriction enzymes, the separated pieces of
plasmids are placed into the bacteria, which double ends are produced. Sequences of DNA come
together and fuse to make a ring of DNA; other enzymes are used to make the ringed DNA more
stable. (Adnan 1)

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Do genetically engineered foods pose a risk to human health? In 2006, 53 percent of the
worlds genetically modified foods were grown in the United States. (Robin 1) Risks exist
everywhere in our food supply, Dean DellaPenna makes a point. About a hundred people die
each year from peanut allergies. With genetically engineered foods we minimize risks by doing
rigorous testing. Three federal agencies regulate genetically engineered crops
and foods, USDA (U.S. Department of agriculture), EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency), and FDA (Food and Drug Administration). All of these
agencies test and make important safety tests all the time to ensure no harm
to human health. (Ackerman 1)
Do you know how protein synthesis works? Do you want to know what one popular
method of genetic engineering is? Are GMOs good for the human health? GMOs are test all the
time to ensure they dont harm human health. Three federal agencies regulate
genetically engineered crops and foods such as: the USDA, EPA, and the FDA.

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Works Cited
Ackerman, Jennifer J. "Food: How Altered?" National Geographic. National Geographic
Society, 19 July 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Adnan, Amana B. "Genetic Engineering and Its Methods." Biotech Articles.,
06 June 2010. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.
Hill, Adam M. "What Is Protein Synthesis?" WiseGEEK. Conjecture Corporation, 13 Feb. 2015.
Web. 15 Feb. 2015.
Robin, Suzanne B. "Risks & Side Effects of Genetically Modified Food." LIVESTRONG.COM.
LIVESTRONG.COM, 28 Jan. 2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

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