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Memphis, Tennessee

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Course Title:

DMS 380 Vascular I


Spring 2014


Abby Kurtz, BHS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT

Office: Room BCHS Main Building, Room 217
Phone: 572-2649
Office Hours: by appointment
Strengths: Empathy, Relator, Achiever, Responsibility, Learner

Time Allocation:

Credit Hours:

Thursday 8:30-10:00
Section 1: Thursday 10:15-12:45
Section 2: Thursday 1:15-3:45

Required Text:
Kupinski, A. M. (2013). Diagnostic medical sonography: The vascular system (1st ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
Tempkin, B. B. (2007). Pocket protocols for ultrasound scanning (2nd edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders.
BCHS Diagnostic Medical Sonography Student Handbook & Protocol Guide
Required Materials:
Jump drive and read write CDs
Blended Course: Moodle
Course is taught utilizing face to face class instruction, online lecture, and laboratory methods.
Syllabi, class notes, assignments and announcements are available for student use on Moodle.
Students are responsible for weekly checks on Moodle for class notes and assignments.
BCHS assigned student username and password will access Moodle
In preparation for examinations, the student will have access to PowerPoints on Moodle for each topic, meet
once a week with the instructor to apply knowledge from the PPTs to class activities, and participate in a
hands-on learning lab.
Course Overview:
The study and application of medical sonography related to the central and peripheral arterial system, cerebral arterial system, and
venous system. Topics to include signs and symptoms, risk factors, contributing diseases, physical examination, noninvasive testing
and invasive testing.

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Course Assessment: DMS 380 contributes to the development of the sonographer by incorporating the following elements into the

Knowledge (Cognitive Domain):

Vascular terminology, vascular anatomy and pathophysiology, and sonographic applications to vascular

Clinical Proficiency (Psychomotor Domain):

Vascular protocols, patient evaluation skills, and performing vascular imaging exams

Behavioral Skills (Affective Domain):

Team work, critical thinking, communication, professionalism, and time management

Outcomes and Goals:

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
Evaluate the effects of arterial and venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.
Explain the anatomy and physiology of extremity venous and abdominal vasculature.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal extremity venous and abdominal vascular examinations.
Describe the pathophysiology of extremity venous and abdominal vasculature as it relates to diagnostic medical sonography.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular sonography.
Demonstrate proficiency in the performance of abdominal Doppler and upper and lower extremity venous Doppler sonograms.
Identify techniques used in venous mapping and venous insufficiency examinations.
Teaching Facilities:

BCHS sonography classroom, Annex Building

Course Requirements:
Academic Honesty
BCHS students are expected to demonstrate personal and professional integrity and honor at all times as reference in the
BCHS Student Handbook and BCHS College Catalog.
Classroom Attendance and Participation
Attendance and punctuality for all planned experiences in the classroom and lab are expected and are referenced in the DMS
Student Handbook.
Note: Each student must be in class on time. If you are not in the classroom when the faculty begins class, you must wait until
the next break to enter the classroom. There will be no interruptions by students entering after class has commenced
Electronic Devices

All electronic devices must be set to silent or off during scheduled class and lab times

Electronic device usage beyond the class activity (including text messaging) is prohibited during
scheduled class and lab times. Each infraction will result in a 5-point deduction from the next test.

Student Responsibility
In order to be successful in this course, it is the expectation of the faculty that the student must:
*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Complete reading and review materials on Moodle prior to class discussions

Learn protocols prior to coming to lab
Be active in class and lab participation
Contact instructors for questions or clarification
Make appointments with instructors for individual assistance
Interact in pre- and post-conference meetings
Participate in scanning
Practice time management when completing assignments and studying for examinations
Utilize college services for assistance with stress, test taking or study skills, health concerns or other issues

Course Grade:
DMS 380 is a blended course that offers a combination of instructional formats. Instructional formats include Power Point lectures,
hands-on learning, and interactive activities. The Moodle grade book is for communicating grades only. The official grade book is
maintained by the course instructor and contains the grades of records.

Grading Scale-

Final course grade will be calculated from exam grades (80%) and assignment grades (20%)
o Final course grade of less than 77 will result in failure of the course.

A= 93-100



F=76 and below

Exams Grades= 80% of final course grade

o Students must receive an examination average of 77 to pass the course.
o 5 equally weighted multiple choice exams will be given during scheduled class times.
Exam one (Hemodynamics)
Exam two (Visceral Venous & Arterial Doppler)
Exam three (Peripheral Venous Part 1)
Exam four (Peripheral Venous Part 2)
Exam five (Comprehensive Final)

Assignment Grades=20% of the final course grade

o Students must receive an assignment average of 77 to pass the course.
o Assignments include:
o 3 Protocol scanning assessments (to be completed in lab) (70%)
Abdominal Doppler protocols assessments (February 13)
Lower extremity venous protocol assessment (March 6)
Upper extremity venous protocol assessment (March 27)
Students are required to score a grade of 77 or higher on each scan assessment to
successfully pass the course

3 SDMS Webinar Quizzes (20%)

Image Optimization in Vascular Ultrasound by Cindy Owen (due January 20)
Mesenteric Doppler Functions by Stephanie Wilson (due February 3)
Venous Physiology and Valvular Disease by Alia Grattan and Tammy Rubin (due March 17)

Participation (10%)
Students will be evaluated for engagement in class and laboratory activities.

Refer to Moodle for detailed instructions, due dates and times, and grading rubrics.

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Late Assignments and Make-up Tests


Late assignments may be awarded a maximum of 50% of the point value of the original assignment. All late and
make-up assignments must be completed within one week of the original due date to receive 50% credit. All late work
received after one week of the original due date will receive a grade of 0.

Students will receive a grade of 0 for missed exams. If the student has contacted the instructor in advance of the
scheduled test time a make-up exam will be given and a 10-point deduction will be taken from the final test grade. All
make-up exams must be scheduled and taken within 1 week of absence. Instructor has the right to grant exceptions
in emergency situations.

Method for Student Appeal:

Refer to the BCHS Student Handbook: Appeals for Academic Grievance

Students with Disabilities - Procedures for Receiving Academic Accommodations

Baptist College has a process by which students with valid and documented learning disabilities can request academic
accommodations. (See BCHS Student Handbook)
Student must make an appointment for an academic accommodation consultation with the disability services coordinator within the first
two weeks of a trimester, or as soon as the need for the accommodation is identified. The earlier a request is submitted, the earlier that
request can be addressed. An appointment can be made by e-mailing or calling Bill Finnell, Disability Services
Coordinator at (901) 572-2660 Mr. Finnells office is on the main campus in room 227 located on the second floor, third hall.
Refund Policy- Spring 2014 Refund Policy and Dates for Tuition and Fees
This policy applies to dropping a course or withdrawing from school:
A student who withdraws from a course on or before the published registration date for the
term in which they are enrolled will receive 100% Tuition and Course Fee Refund
o For the Spring 2014 trimester, this date is January 6, 2014
A student who withdraws from a course after the published registration date for the term in which the student is enrolled
through the change/add period specified for the course in which the student is enrolled will receive a 100% Tuition Only
o Course begins 01/08/14 and ends 04/14/14, you may receive a refund through 01/15/14
No tuition or fee refund will be processed after the change/add period specified for each course.
Course fees are non-refundable after the published registration date for the term.
A schedule of specific refund dates for each term will be published on the College website, will be distributed to all
students via email each trimester and via course syllabi.
All fees not related to a course are non-refundable.

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Learning Module 1: Hemodynamics


Evaluate the effects of arterial and venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.
Explain the anatomy and physiology of extremity venous and abdominal vasculature.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal extremity venous and abdominal vascular examinations.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular sonography.


Resources for

Content Focus

Class Activity

January 9

Course Syllabus and Lab


Course assignments and schedule

Review of Syllabus and the use of Moodle

January 16

Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Vascular anatomy

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus

Vascular architecture
Major vessels of the abdomen
Veins of the upper and lower
Arterial and venous physiology
January 24

DMS 380 Vascular I Course Outline

*Class and both lab sessions will be held on Friday January 24th at their normal times instead of Thursday January 23rd.
Thursday January 23rd will be a clinic day for all students.

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Learning Module 2: Visceral Venous & Arterial Doppler


Evaluate the effects of arterial and venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.
Explain the anatomy and physiology of abdominal vasculature.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal abdominal vascular examinations.
Describe the pathophysiology of abdominal vasculature as it relates to diagnostic medical sonography.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular
Demonstrate proficiency in the performance of abdominal Doppler sonograms.


Resources for

Content Focus

Class Activity

January 30

February 6

Chapters 22 and 19

Chapter 20

Mesenteric and Hepatic Vasculature

Examination techniques

Renal Vasculature

February 13

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus

Etiology of renal artery disease
Examination techniques
Renal stents

Learning Module 3: Peripheral Venous Part 1


Evaluate the effects of arterial and venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.
Explain the anatomy and physiology of the extremity venous system vasculature.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal extremity venous examinations.
Describe the pathophysiology of the extremity venous system as it relates to diagnostic medical sonography.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular
Demonstrate proficiency in the performance of upper and lower extremity venous Doppler sonograms.


Resources for

Content Focus

Class Activity

February 20

February 27

March 6

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Lower extremity venous system

signs and symptoms
examination techniques

Lower extremity venous system continued

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus

other imaging procedures

Upper extremity venous system

examination techniques

March 13

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus

Case Study Analysis of the Content Focus


Learning Module 4: Peripheral Venous Part 2


Evaluate the effects of venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.

Explain the anatomy and physiology of the extremity venous system.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal extremity venous examinations.
Describe the pathophysiology of the extremity venous system as it relates to diagnostic medical sonography.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular
Identify techniques used in venous mapping and venous insufficiency examinations.


Resources for

Content Focus

Class Activity

March 20

March 27

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Venous Mapping
Superficial Anatomy
Examination techniques

Case Study Analysis of the Content


Venous Insufficiency

Case Study Analysis of the Content


signs and symptoms
examination techniques
other diagnostic procedures

April 3


April 10

Comprehensive Final Exam

Lab Rules to Follow

Students are required to actively participate in the scan sessions.

All students are required to bring loose fitting shorts on lower extremity lab days and a sleeveless shirt on upper
extremity lab days. See lab schedule for specific dates. Failure to bring the appropriate clothing for lab will be
reflected in the students lab participation grade.

Students who are being scanned are required to change into the appropriate clothing in a timely fashion without any undue
delays to the lab scan session. Any delays will be reflected in the students lab participation grade.

Students who are scanning are required to be prepared to scan. Any delays will be reflected in the students lab participation

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

DMS 380 Vascular I Lab Schedule

Lab Course Outline


Evaluate the effects of arterial and venous hemodynamics on sonographic vascular examinations.
Explain the anatomy and physiology of extremity venous and abdominal vasculature.
Evaluate sonographic features of normal and abnormal extremity venous and abdominal vascular examinations.
Describe the pathophysiology of extremity venous and abdominal vasculature as it relates to diagnostic medical sonography.
Analyze clinical patient history, lab values, critical findings, and other diagnostic examinations relating to vascular sonography.
Demonstrate proficiency in the performance of abdominal Doppler and upper and lower extremity venous Doppler sonograms.
Identify techniques used in venous insufficiency examinations.
Resources for


Lab Activity

Application of sonography equipment for the evaluation of

vascular structures and application of image acquisition
techniques completed through hands on experience scanning
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Abdominal Doppler protocols (mesenteric, hepatic, and
renal), techniques, patient position, measurements, anatomy,
etc. and application of image acquisition techniques
completed through hands on experience scanning volunteers
and other assignments

Laboratory Activities

Chapters 1, 2, & 3

Vascular Machine Settings

and Abdominal Doppler


Chapter 22


Chapters 22 and 19


Chapter 20


Chapters 19, 20, & 22,

Lecture Notes,
and Class

Abdominal Doppler
Abdominal Doppler
Abdominal Doppler
Abdominal Doppler
protocols assessment


Chapter 14


Chapter 14



Chapter 14, Corresponding

Lecture Notes,
and Class
Chapter 15


Chapter 15


Chapter 15, Corresponding

Lecture Notes,
and Class
Chapter 17


Lower extremity venous

Lower extremity venous
Lower extremity venous
protocol assessment
Upper extremity venous
Upper extremity venous
Upper extremity venous
protocol assessment
Venous Insufficiency

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change

Application of image acquisition techniques completed

through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Lower extremity protocol, techniques, patient position,
measurements, anatomy, etc. and application of image
acquisition techniques completed through hands on
experience scanning volunteers and other assignments
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers
Upper extremity protocol, techniques, patient position,
measurements, anatomy, etc. and application of image
acquisition techniques completed through hands on
experience scanning volunteers and other assignments
Application of image acquisition techniques completed
through hands on experience scanning volunteers

DMS 380 Vascular I Grade Sheet Spring 2014






Teresa Christina




Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Exam 5
Avg x 8

Assess. Avg
Avg x 2
Avg x 2
Final Grade
Exam Avg +
Assign. Avg
Final Grade
Final Letter

*Course syllabus and weekly lab agendas are subject to change


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