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Physical Modeling Software

Touch the Bits


How to create a dynamic changing material or mechanism in

real 3d space and make human touch deeper in bits? make 3d
modeling software can be modeling in real space phsically.

STEP 1 create simple physical 3d material

cell can be dynamic changed ( make it
5cm*5cm*5cm? as small as possible)



3d shape


smallest lineal actuator

STEP 2 connect the human modeling

behavior with its shape changing with
sensors ( it needs to remmember the
changes , and learn how to adapt to our
hands, we not only touch the result of the
bits behind it but also touch and modify
growing process and laws of bits. when
it goes wrong we hit it to change the code.
I wish we only write a very basic code for it,
like give it a life at beginning for changing 6
lengthes of the lines as an instinct for it, and
make it recongnize right or wrong. After that
we never write the code again but hands on
it )

STEP 3 assemble two cells

together, they need to adapt and
attach to each other , as they can

STEP 4 Then artists can do

sculpture with 10 cells. to make
sculpture in real space which can
achieve redo, undo, scale with our
hands. The physical cells can not
only be the result sculpture we
pursued but also the software we
create . By train different cells with
different personality, as a group ,
they perform quite different behavior


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