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Asking for information

Excuse me. Could you tell me where ... is?
Excuse me. Can you tell me...?
Do you know...?
You wouldn't know..., would you?
Do you happen to know...?
I'd like to know..., please.
And there's another thing I'd like to know...
I would be interested to know...
Please could you tell me...
Asking for directions

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ... (place), please?
Which way is the ... (place), please?
Could you tell me where ... is, please?
Do you know where ... is?
Asking someone to repeat

Could you say that again, please?
Would you mind repeating that, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
I'm sorry I didn't catch that.
I'm sorry, what was ... again?
I'm sorry?
I beg your pardon?
I'm sorry, what was that?
Checking that you've understood

So, I / We have to...
Do you want me / us to...?
Am I / Are we supposed to...?
Should I...?
So, the (general/basic) idea is to...
Do you mean...?
Does this mean that...?
So am I right in saying...?
So, what you're saying is...

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Expressing uncertainty

I'm not really sure but I think...
I can't say for certain but...
It's difficult to say exactly but perhaps...
I couldn't say, really...
I'm not sure.
I don't know for sure but...
Giving yourself time to think

Well, let me see...
Let me think...
Let me get this right...
Um, well, that's a difficult question / that's an interesting question.
I'll have to / Let me think about that for a moment...
I think it's difficult to answer that question...
How shall I put it?...
Now, how can I best say this...?
Interrupting politely

Could I just say something?
Actually, I'd just like to say...
Sorry to interrupt, but...
Oh, while I remember / before I forget...
Excuse me...
May I interrupt?

Saying you don't know

I'm afraid I can't help you.
I'm sorry, I don't know.

Showing interest

That's interesting!
What then?
What happened next?
Showing that you're listening

Now, you mentioned...
So, that's how...?
Yes, I was going to ask you about that...
Could you give me / us an example of...?
Could you explain in more detail...?
Thanking and responding

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Many thanks.
Thanks a lot.
That's very kind of you.
Thank you very much
Not at all.
It's a pleasure. / My pleasure.
You're welcome.
Don't mention it.
Any time.
That's OK / all right.
I'm glad to have been of some help

I'm very/awfully/so/extremely sorry.
Excuse me.
Sorry, (it was) my fault.
I do apologise.
Please accept my apologies.
Accepting an apology
That's all right/OK.
Not to worry.
That's quite/perfectly all right.
No reason/need to apologise.
Don't worry about it

Giving instructions

Make sure...
Remember... (to do).
Be careful... (not to do).
Don't forget... (to do)
Giving directions
Go straight on.
Take the first/second on the left / right.
Turn left / right.
Go along... as far as...
Take the number 7 bus / tram.
Get off (the bus / tram) at... (place).
Carry on until you see...
Look out for...

Checking someone has understood

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Are you with me?

Did you follow that?
Have you got that?
Is everything clear so far?
Does that seem to make sense?
Sequencing actions
( )
First of all, ...
Next, ...
Then, ...
After that, ...
Finally, ...
Making suggestions

Shall I / we... (do)?

Let's... (do).
Why don't I / we... (do)?
How about... (doing)?
What about... (doing)?
I think we should... (do).
I suggest that we... (do).
It might be a good idea if we / you... (do).
I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to... (do).
If you ask me, I think we / you should... (do).
We could...
Agreeing to a suggestion

Yes, I think that's a good idea.
That's probably the best option.
Sure, why not?
Yes, definitely.
By all means.
Good idea!
Rejecting a suggestion

Yes, but wouldn't it be better to... (do).
That's a good idea, but... (do).
Making invitations
What are you doing on... (day)?
Have you got any plans for... (day/time of day)?
Would you like to... (do)?
Do you fancy... (doing)?
What about... (doing)?

Accepting an invitation

Yes, I'd love to.
Yes, that would be great.
Refusing an invitation

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I'm afraid I'm busy on... (day). How about next... (day)?
I'm sorry I can't. I'm... (doing something else).
I'm afraid I can't make it. I'm... (doing something else).
I'd love to, but...
That's very kind of you, but...
Expressing a preference

I'd much rather... (do) than... (do something else).
I prefer... to...
I'd prefer to... (do).
I think... is much more interesting than...
I don't find... half as interesting as...
I like... better than...
Making recommendations

You mustn't miss the...
You must go to the...
You've got to... (do)
You'll love the...
I wouldn't recommend the...
You definitely wouldn't enjoy going to the...

Offering something

Would you like...?
What can I get you?
Help yourself to...
Please have some...
Would you care for some...?
Can I offer you...?
Can I get you a... / anything?

Accepting something that's offered

Yes, please.
Thank you very much.
That would be very nice.
I'd like some... , please.

Declining something that's offered

I'm all right/I'm fine, thank you.
No, thanks.
Not this time, thanks.
I'm not sure I could, thank you.
Asking for advice
What do you think I should do?
What would you do (if you were in my situation)?
What would you advise me to do?
Giving advice

I think you should... (do).
You could... (do).
Why don't you... (do)?
If I were you, I'd... (do).

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Have you tried... (doing)?

Asking for permission

Can I.../May I..., please?
Do you mind if I...?
Mind if I...?
Any chance I could...?
I wonder/I was wondering if I could...
Would it be possible for me to...
Do you have any objection if I...?
Would it bother you if I...?
Giving permission

Of course.
By all means.
Yes, that's OK/fine.
You're welcome to...
Please feel free to...
Please don't hesitate to...
Go ahead.
Why not?
Refusing permission

I'm afraid not. I'm sorry it's not possible... I'm afraid you can't. I'm afraid that's out of the
( )

I'd probably agree on that.

I think that's probably right.
That's absolutely right.
Sure! That's exactly what I think.
I couldn't agree with you more.
That's what I think.


Yes, but...
True, but...
I see what you mean, but...
I suppose so, but...
Yes, but on the other hand...

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I'm afraid I disagree / don't agree / can't agree...

I'm not sure if that's strictly true.
You have a point there, but...
Actually, I'm not sure if I agree with that.
Asking what someone thinks

What do you think?
What do you reckon?
What's your opinion about/of... ?
What's your position on...?
What's your reaction to...?
What's your take on... ?
Do you have any thoughts on... ?
Stating consequences

As a result, ...
Consequently, ...
Because of this, ...
Due to (cause),...
Expressing two points of view
On the one hand..., on the other hand...
Although I'd..., I certainly wouldn't...
While I might..., I don't think I'd...
Of course I'd..., but I'm not sure if I'd...
There's no doubt that it would..., but there's also a chance it might...
Giving examples

For example, ...
For instance, ...
One example of this is...
To give you an idea, ...
Look at the case of...
Take, for example, ...
Let' say, ...
Justifying your opinions
) )
Personally, I (don't) think... because...
Let's (not)... because...
In my opinion, I (don't) feel... because...
I would definitely (not)... because...
It would be better to... as...
I (don't) feel that it's important to... as...
Linking what you're saying

Anyway, ...
True, but ...
As a matter of fact, ...
... sort of...
... you know...
... believe me...

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Ordering / Sequencing

First of all, ...
To start with, ...
Secondly, ...
Another thing is that...
Alternatively, ...
Last but not least, ...

But don't you agree that...
Yes, but I'm sure you'd agree that...
Don't you think that...
Presenting an opinion
Personally, I think that...
It seems to me that...
From my point of view, ...
In my opinion, ...

... would be much more important than...
I don't think... would be nearly as important / urgent as...
... will definitely be the most / least ...

It's difficult to say exactly but I suppose it could be...

I'm not sure but it might be...
It can't be... because...
It must be... because...
I would guess...

So what it comes down to is...

The point I'm trying to make is...
Let me just recap what's been said so far.
In short, ...
To sum up, ...
Basically, ...
Overall, it would seem that..

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Letters of credit
1 . . . . . .
. . . . .
We request that you will have the goodness to furnish Mr. ..., the bearer, whose signature is
given below, with whatever funds he may require to the extent of ... against his drafts upon
Messrs. ... Each draft must bear the number ... and we engage that the same shall meet with
due protection
2 . . . . . . .
Be good enough to furnish the bearer of this letter, Mr. ..., with funds to the extent of ... less
the amount of your charges
3 .
Please endorse on the back of this circular letter whatever amount Mr. ... may take up
4 . . .
Please note your payments on the back of this letter, and draw upon us at sight for them,
sending us Mr. ... duplicate receipt in each instance
5 . . .
We shall be obliged if you will accord Mr. ... a favorable reception, and furnish him with any
sums he may require to the above limit, against his duplicate receipt, taking into account the
amounts he may have already taken up, and deducting your own charges
Kindly note on the back of the letter of credit each payment you may make, and draw upon us
at five days' sight for the amount, sending us a duplicate receipt
7 . . .
This letter continues in force until ... from the present date

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Sales on Credit
) )
Requests for credit

We should like our name put on your books as a charge customer, billed being once a month
instead of each time we send an order
. 9
I would like to open a charge account with your stores
. 10
Please open an account for us with the attached order for
. 11
If you will let us know what information you require, we shall be glad to send it
. . . . . . 12
I have accounts with ...and
. . 13
The references listed below include merchants in this city. We are sure they will supply
Thank you for your letter giving references in connection with your application for credit. We
realize that we did not make ourselves entirely clear in our last letter. Our house policy
requires trade references, that is, the names of firms who have supplied you with goods on
credit terms
. 19
Will you please send us two trade references?
. 20
To complete our records, will you please fill out the enclosed forms and return them to us
. . . . 21
We thank for your order... However, before we can open an account for you, certain routine
but necessary information will be required. Please fill out the enclosed form and return at your
earliest convenience
. . . . . 22
We shall appreciate a prompt reply to our request of ... for a financial statement. We should
like to proceed at once with your order; and your attention to this matter will facilitate the
completion of the transaction

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Granting credit
. . . 23
We are pleased to welcome you as a charge customer. Your name is now on our books, and
you may feel free to order merchandise at any time
. 24
We are happy to tell you that our check of the references you named in your application for a
charge account was completely satisfactory
. 25
We are pleased to welcome you as one of our charge accounts
. 26
In regard to terms, our practice is to send our statements to reach customers the first of the
month, for payment within that month
We thank you for sending us your financial statement promptly. We have been thereby
enabled to fill your order at once, since the information in the statement was entirely

Refusing credit
. 28
On the basis of your financial statement and other information received from you, we regret to
say that we must defer granting you a line of credit at this time
. 29
Our judgment is based mainly on your present limited capital, and the short time you have
had to establish your business
. 30
Where we defer opening an account, we suggest a period of doing business on a cash basis
and watching further developments
. 31
If there are factors in the situation which have escaped us or to which you think we have
given the wrong weight, please write us
. 32
We shall be glad to have any facts that will justify reconsideration of this matter
. 33
We trust you can see our position, and we shall be pleased to cooperate with you in every way
consistent with our credit policy

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Suspending credit
. . . . 34
We thank for your order of ... But it will be a small delay in the expedition the delay is
occasioned by the fact that there are invoices outstanding in your account
. 35
It is our policy to suspend credit in all cases where... due invoices have been allowed to run
this far
. 36
We therefore request that you send us a cheque in settlement of the account by return mail,
so that your order may be filled without further delay
Enquiries about Credit
. . . 37
Mr. ..., of your town, wishes to open up business relations with us. As he refers us to you for
information respecting him, we shall be obliged by your favoring us with all the particulars
you can furnish
. 38
We beg you kindly to give us all the information you can respecting the firm mentioned on the
annexed slip
. 39
We shall be greatly obliged by your letting us know what credit we can grant to the firm
mentioned at the foot of this letter
. . . 40
. .
We again take advantage of your kindness, and beg you will kindly make enquiries respecting
Mr. ..., of your town, as various rum ours are about which are far from reassuring. You may rely
on our treating as strictly confidential whatever you can tell us respecting the matter
. . . . 41
Certain information respecting Mr. ... of your town, having reached us, which makes us
doubtful as to the trust, we have placed in him for many years. We now venture to trouble you
to let us have whatever particulars you can respecting the said gentleman
. . . . 42
We shall be obliged by your kindly informing us what you know respecting the firm ..., of your
Do you consider this firm worthy of trust?

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Has he a good reputation

2000 45
Do you think that a credit of 2.000 pounds may be granted to them?
Answers to enquiries

Good risk
. 46
. .
Replying to your letter, we are pleased to say that we can give nothing but highly satisfactory
information respecting the gentleman in question. He is, a matter of fact, one of the most
esteemed and respected merchants in this town, and fully deserving of all the credit he
He is in a perfectly sound position, but he frequently neglects his business for private matters.
At all events, we do not think you are running any risk with the said gentleman
. 48
You can very well give to the said firm a reasonable credit
. 49
The firm in question enjoys a good reputation
. 50
He is a very industrious man

. 51
They are very good people; but it is said that they are slow in paying
. 52
Not much is known about him here, as all his business is done abroad
. 53
We have been doing business with them for over twenty years. They always pay promptly
. 54
The firm you mention is fairly sound, but far from prompt in its payments

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Bad risk
. 55
In the case of the firm mentioned, we think it advisable always to allow credit only for one lot
of goods at a time
. 56
We can say nothing favorable respecting the person you mention
. 57
. .
It is extremely difficult to obtain satisfactory information. The firm goes in for important
speculation which sometimes turn out well, and at others badly. We advise the utmost caution
. 58
It is extremely difficult to obtain satisfactory information. The firm goes in for important
speculation, which sometimes turns out well, and at others badly. We advise the utmost
. .58
We must ask you to look on this letter as strictly confidential
. 59
To please you, we have ascertained everything we could concern the gentleman in question
. 60
The firm in question was formerly in the habit of effecting its payments with every
promptness, but for some time past, it has not been making them with its accustomed
. 61
We advise you not to allow them too much credit
. 62
He is known throughout the trade as a very bad payer
. 63
He never pays any account, however small it may be, except when he is threatened with legal

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