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1. Sketch what the magnetic field lines (and their directions) would like.
a. around a bar magnet
b. between the north pole of one magnet and the south pole of another magnet
c. between the north pole of one magnet and the north pole of another magnet
2. A moving charge induces or produces a__________________
3. A changing magnetic field (or changing magnetic flux) produces or induces
4. A moving charge experiences a _____________ when moving ____________________ to a magnetic
5. For determining the direction that the magnetic field lines go around a wire carrying a current,
point your thumb in the direction of the ________________, and your fingers will curve in the
direction of the ______________.
6. The following represents wires with a current. Determine the direction of the magnetic field at
points A, B, C, and D



7. For a POSTIVE charge moving through a magnetic field we can use another Right Hand Rule to
determine the direction of the velocity, field, or force.
Fingers are pointed in the direction of the __________________
Thumb is pointed in the direction of the ______________
Palm points in the direction of the __________________
For a NEGATIVE CHARGE. You modify the right hand rule by
8. Find the direction of the missing vector for each of the following which show positive

9. Find the direction of the missing vector for each of the following NEGATIVE CHARGES

10. Determine the orientation of the magnetic field.

11. If the primary coil of a transformer has 316.738 turns, how many turns should the secondary
have if the primary is connected to a 110 V household circuit to produce 77.01V in the
12. A television picture tube requires a high potential difference, which in older models is
provided by a step-up transformer. The transformer has 29 turns in its primary and 2056 turns in
its secondary. A potential difference of 109V is placed across the primary. What is the output
potential difference?
13. The primary coil of a step-up transformer draws 100 W. Find the power provided by the
secondary coil.
14. Describe Lenzs Law and give an example of its application.

15. Use Lenzs Law to determine the direction of the induced current.

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