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NAME: Florentina Filimon

SCHOOL: Gimnazial Iacobini (Brazii)
LEVEL: 8th grade
STAGE OF COURSE:intermediate
LESSON: Unit 6 - Edinburgh (Lesson 1) Places in towns. Description of
a place.
TIME: 50 min.
- to revise the vocabulary for places in a town
OBJECTIVES (By the end of the lesson, students will be able to):
- describe a town
- describe the place where they live
- Textbook
- blackboard
Stages of the lesson
Activity 1 Warm-up
-T greets the ss and asks them how they feel.
-T asks the ss on duty if there are any absents.
-T checks the homework
Activity 2 Picture exploitation
-T tells the Ss to open their book on page 36 and have a look at the picture
-Ss explain with their own words what they see and answer the questions T

Activity 3 Reading
-T asks the Ss to read the texts and to translate them
-Ss write down the unknown words
Activity 4 Work in pairs
-T tells the Ss to take a look in the texts they had read and write all the
places mentioned from Edinburgh
-T writes the title on the blackboard Edinburgh and when Ss end the
activity, one volunteer comes to the blackboard and writes all the places
mentioned from this town.
Activity 5 Compare
-Ss have to compare Edinburgh with Arad (I suppose that the most students
have visited some places in Arad)
-T draws a line on the blackboard and on a half writes Edinburg and on the
other half writes Arad
-T asks questions about places in Arad (Ss answer) and she comes up with
info. about Edinburgh (in this way, Ss will find out the hystorical and
cultural background of Edinburgh)
Activity 6 Assigning homework
-T tells the Ss to describe their village in 15 lines.

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