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Metal Extraction

Q:1 Iron is one of the most important metals. It is a transition element.

Most iron is used in the alloy steel.
(a) Explain, in terms of metallic bonding, why iron is a good electrical conductor.
(b) Describe how different proportions of carbon can modify the physical properties of steel.

(c) When underwater, iron pipes will rust relatively rapidly.

State the essential conditions needed for the rusting of iron.



Pieces of magnesium are often attached to underwater iron pipes. Explain how the magnesium
protects the iron pipes against rusting.

(d) Write two typical properties that are generally common only to transition elements.
Q:2 The table below shows some of the ores of iron.







(a) Which ore in the table contains the greatest percentage by mass of iron? Explain your answer.
(b) Give the equations for the redox reactions taking place in the extraction of iron from haematite.

In each case state which substance is oxidised and which is reduced.

(c) Iron is malleable. Describe how this property can be explained in terms of its structure.

(d) State and explain how the properties of iron can be changed by the addition of carbon.

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