Activity 13 Modifying Form

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The following steps show you how to change the labels name.
1. With the Form still active, click the Form View button. To display the Form Design View.
2. Click the Form Maximize button to expand the forms size.
3. Position the mouse pointer on the NDW label and then press the left mouse button.
Access displays a small black square around the text box.
4. Move the mouse pointer inside the NDW label box and then press the left mouse button
5. Delete the word NDW and then type Number of Days Worked:
6. Repeat procedure number 4 and 5 to change the label:
Change to
Rate per Day:
Gross Pay:
Total Deduction:
Net Pay:
7. See the result of the revised form.

To display the calculated GP of each Employee in a form, you can add a Calculated control on
the Ave field. A Calculated control uses an expression to define a calculation for the control.
Expressions are combinations of operators (such as + or -), control names, field names,
functions, and constants that returns a value.
The following steps show you how to add a calculated control to the GP field.
In the Form Design Window, click the Gross Pay text box. Access displays a small black
square around the field.
Click the GP field again.
Inside the Text box, delete the GP then type this expression :

Click the TD field again.

Inside the Text box, delete the TD then type this expression :
Click the NP field again.
Inside the Text box, delete the NP then type this expression :
Click the Form View button to display the form.

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