Activity 19 Using Report Wizard Creating A Report Based On More Than One Table

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From the previous discussion, you saw how easy it is to create a simple report based on
Employees Info table. Using again the Report Wizard, you can create a report based on more
than one table. This wizard speeds up the process of creating a report that brings data together
from more than one table.
The following steps show you how to create a report based on the Employees Info and
Employees Income tables:
1. Open the Payroll Database. Click the Create tab and at All Access Objects click
Employees Info Table.
2. Click the Report Wizard button.
3. Open the Tables/Queries drop-down list and select the Employees Info table from which
you want to include fields.
4. Access displays the first dialog box of the report wizard. Click the > button to move the
EmployeeID, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, and TIN fields from the Available Fields
box to the Selected Fields box.
5. In the same dialog box, click the down-arrow button key located to right of the
Tables/Queries box and then select the Employees Income table from the list.
6. Click the > button again to move the Department, NDW, PR and GP fields to the Selected
Fields box.
7. In the same dialog box, click the down-arrow button key located to right of the
Tables/Queries box and then select the Employees Deduction table from the list.
8. Click the > button again to move the SSS, PHIC, WTAX, ADV_VALE, and TD fields to the
Selected Fields box.
9. In the same dialog box, click the down-arrow button key located to right of the
Tables/Queries box and then select the Employees Income table from the list.
10. Click the > button again to move the NP fields to the Selected Fields box.
11. After moving the needed fields, click the Next button.
12. Because you want to group the report by Department, select the Department field in the list
box and click the > button. This second step of the report wizard enables you to set the
grouping options for the report. Click the Next button.
13. The next dialog box enables you to set the Sort order for your report. Click the down-arrow
button of the 1 box, and then select the Lastname field from the list.
14. Using the 2 box, select the Firstname field as the second sort order. Click the Next button.
15. In the next dialog box, choose a layout option from the Layout area. Select Stepped Layout.
And then Select Landscape Orientation and click the Next to Continue.
16. In the next dialog box enables you to set a Style for the report. Choose a style that is
appropriate and then click the Next button.
17. In the final step of the report wizard, type Employees Payroll Registry Report as the name
of the report.
18. Click the Finish button. Wait a few seconds while access generates the report and open the
preview window.

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