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The dipole and the monopole are arguably the two most widely
used antennas across the UHF, VHF and lower-microwave bands.
Arrays of dipoles are commonly used as base-station antennas in
land-mobile systems.
The monopole and its variations are perhaps the most common
antennas for portable equipment, such as cellular telephones,
cordless telephones, automobiles, trains, etc.
An alternative to the monopole antenna for hand-held units is the
loop antenna, the microstrip patch antenna, the spiral antennas,
inverted-L and inverted-F antennas, and others.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Infinitesimal dipole: very short current element
Constant current distribution:
Top-hat antenna


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Magnetic vector potential of a current element

approximation valid for the infinitesimal dipole

The field radiated by any complex antenna in a linear

medium can be represented as a superposition of the fields
due to the current elements on the antenna surface.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

In spherical coordinates

cylindrical symmetry;
angular () dependence is
separable from dependence
on r


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Field vectors of a current element


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

features of the field vectors of a current element

Longitudinal (r-components) components decrease with
distance as 1/r2 or faster. Neglected in the far zone.
Transverse component have a 1/r term dominant at
large distances
Transverse E and H field components are orthogonal to
each other (E and H)
In the far zone |E| = |H|


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Power density of a current element

Total power of a current element calculated over a sphere:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiated power of a current element

Radiation resistance of a current element (ideal dipole)


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications


The current is a triangular function of z ':

The Vector Potential integral is obtained as:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The solution assuming R r :

This result is exactly one-half of the result obtained for vector

potential of an infinitesimal dipole.
Is this expected? YES!!!
The far-field components of the small dipole therefore are half
those of the infinitesimal dipole.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The normalized field pattern is the same as that of the infinitesimal dipole:

The power pattern:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The beam solid angle:

The directivity

As expected, the directivity, the beam solid angle (as well as the
effective aperture) are the same as those of the infinitesimal dipole
because the normalized patterns of both dipoles are the same


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The radiated power is four times less than that of an infinitesimal

dipole because the far fields are twice smaller in magnitude

The radiation resistance is also four times smaller than that of the
infinitesimal dipole


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications


A good approximation of the current distribution along the dipoles
length is the sinusoidal one:

Assumptions: Antenna is center-fed and current vanishes at the end



CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The finite-length dipole is subdivided into an infinite number of

infinitesimal dipoles of length dz '. Each infinitesimal dipole produces
the elementary far field:

Using the far-field approximations:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Using the superposition principle, the total far field is obtained as:

Element factor
Field of a unit length
infinitesimal dipole
located at a reference
point (origin)
Depends on type of
current and its


Space factor
(pattern factor)
Function of the
along the

CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

For the current distribution for finite length dipole, the pattern factor is:

The above integrals are solved using:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The far field of the finite-length dipole is obtained as

The amplitude pattern:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Patterns (in dB) for some dipole lengths l :


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

As the length of the dipole increases beyond one wavelength, the

number of lobes begin to increase.

The pattern of the dipole l = 1.25


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The power pattern:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The radiated power

Far-zone power flux density:

The total radiated power is given by:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

is solved in terms of the cosine and the sine integrals:


So, the radiated power can be written as


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiation resistance:




CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Input resistance
If the dipole is lossless, the input power is equal to the radiated

The current at the center of the dipole ( z =0 ) is:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

When the overall length of the antenna is a multiple of ,

the input current:

I in 0

In practice, the current is not exactly sinusoidal, hence R r is

not infinite but has very large values.
The current is not exactly sinusoidal due to nonzero radius
of the wire and finite gap spacing at the terminals.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Finite feed gap:

To account for nonzero current at the feed point, the

sinusoidal current distribution is modified by adding a
quadrature term:

I z ' a z I 0 sin z ' jpI 0 cos z ' cos


I z ' a z I 0 sin z ' jpI 0 cos z ' cos


0 z' l 2
l 2 z ' 0

Where p is a coefficient depending on antenna length

and gap spacing. P decreases as radius and gap


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Half-wavelength dipole
This is a classical and widely used thin wire antenna:

Radiated power flow density:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiation intensity:

Radiated power


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

3-D power pattern (not in dB) of the half-wavelength dipole:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiation resistance:


Maximum effective area:

Input resistance


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The imaginary part of the input impedance is + j42.5 .

To acquire maximum power transfer, this reactance has to be
removed by matching (that is shortening) the dipole

thick dipole l 0.47

thin dipole l 0.48

The input impedance of the dipole depends strongly on the ratio l/

The input impedance is also influenced by the capacitance
associated with the physical junction to the transmission line.
The structure used to support the antenna, if any, can also
influence the input impedance.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Input resistance


Input reactance

CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Method of images


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Vertical electric current element above perfect conductor

The field at the observation point P is a superposition of the

fields of the actual source and the image source, both radiating
in a homogeneous medium of constitutive parameters.
The actual source is a current element (I0l) (infinitesimal

CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

For the amplitude term

For the phase term, we use

the second-order


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The total far field

The normalized
power pattern


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

As the vertical dipole moves further away from the infinite

conducting (ground) plane, more and more lobes are introduced
in the power pattern. This effect is called scalloping of the
The number of lobes is:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Total radiated power

As h 0, the radiated power of the vertical dipole above

ground approaches twice the value of the radiated power of a
dipole of the same length in free space.
As h , the radiated power of both dipoles becomes the

CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiation resistance

As h 0, the radiation resistance of the vertical dipole above

ground approaches twice the value of the radiation resistance of a
dipole of the same length in free space

As h , the radiation resistance of both dipoles becomes the same


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Radiation intensity

The maximum of U() occurs at = / 2 (except for h ):

This value is 4 times greater than Umax of a free-space dipole of the

same length.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Maximum directivity
If h =0, D0 = 3, which is twice the maximum directivity of a
free-space current element (D0id = 1.5).
The maximum of D0 as a function of the height h occurs when
h = 2.881 (h = 0.4585 ). Then, D0=6.566.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

A monopole is a dipole that has been divided into half at its center
feed point and fed against a ground plane. It is normally a quarter
wavelength long.
The vertical monopole is extensively used for AM broadcasting
(f=500 to 1500 kHz, =200 to 600 m), because it is the shortest
most efficient antenna at these frequencies and vertically polarized
waves suffer less attenuation at close-to-ground propagation.
Usually multiple radial wire rods, each 0.25 0.35 long, are buried
at the monopole base in the ground to simulate perfect ground
plane, so that the pattern approximates closely the theoretical one,
i.e., the pattern of the /2-dipole.
Losses in the ground plane cause undesirable deformation of the


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The field distribution in the upper half-space is the same as that of

the respective free-space dipole.
The currents and the charges on a monopole are the same as on
the upper half of its dipole counterpart but the terminal voltage is
only half that of the dipole. The input impedance of a monopole is
therefore only half that of the respective dipole:

The total radiated power of a monopole is half the power radiated

by its dipole counterpart since it radiates in half-space (but its field
is the same). As a result, the beam solid angle of the monopole is
half that of the respective dipole and its directivity is twice the
directivity of the dipole:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The quarter-wavelength monopole

This is a straight wire of length l=/4 mounted over a
ground plane.
The quarter-wavelength monopole is very similar to the halfwavelength dipole in the hemisphere above the ground
Its radiation pattern is the same as that of a free-space /2-dipole,
only that it is non-zero only for 0<<90.
The field expressions are the same as those of the /2-dipole.
The radiated power of the /4-monopole is half that of the /2dipole.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The radiation resistance of the /4-monopole is half that of the


The directivity of the /4-monopole is:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Approximate Formulas for

Rapid Calculations & Design


If 0<G</4

If, /4 <G</2

If, /2 <G<2


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Determine the length of the dipole whose input resistance

is 50.


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Horizontal current element

above a perfectly conducting plane
The analysis is analogous to that of a vertical current element
above a ground plane.
The difference arises in the element factor g() because of the
horizontal orientation of the current element.

The current element is

oriented along the y-axis.
The angle between r and
the dipoles axis (y-axis) is


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The far-field:

The far-field approximations:



CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The normalized pattern


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

As the height increases beyond a wavelength (h > ), scalloping

appears with the number of lobes being:


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

The radiated power and the radiation resistance of the horizontal


Radiation intensity


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

Maximum Directivity
For small h


CRL-715 Radiating Systems for RF Communications

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