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From Wikipedia

Units of action, or units (sometimes also called beats), were first suggested by
Konstantin Stanislavski as a means of helping actors determine the through line
or super objective of a role. A unit is a discrete piece of action in a
play-text, marked by a significant change in action. This could be a change inwhat the characters already on stage are doing or trying to do, i.e. a change
in their objective, a new character entering the scene or those already on
stage exiting.
Units are also used by writers and dramaturges as a means of analyzing text for
editing purposes. Dividing text into units makes it more manageable and thus
easier to edit.
From Hamlet Hit Points
- grounding RPG players in story technique. breaks down three narratives in term
of story beats.
- basic terminology from literary analysis - protagonist, antagonist, introducti
rising action,
-Screenwriting manuals tend to focus on structure.
-loose structure is the norm in an RPG. so we focus on moment-to-moment
transitions inside a play, film, or television episode, which are broken down
from an *actor's* pov.
Source: Michael Shurtleff: Audition
also beats here seem to be "director's beats" as in
beats have two components type - purpose of beat in the narrative (possibly multi)
resolution - emotion engendered in audience at conclusion of beat
(also possibly multi)
Types of beats
1. Procedural, - moves the character towards or away from an external goal.
During a procedural beat, the character or others under his protection are
in jeopardy, evoking a feeling of suspense in the audience.
One party (the petitioner == the character) seeks something from another pa
the granter. What is sought maybe just non interference.
Once granted, the character can move forward to an external goal.
e.g: Obi-Wan Kenobi uses the Force to convince the stormtroopers that these are
n t the droids they re looking for. (Star Wars.)
Dr. Willett intones the spell that reduces the possessed body of Charles Dexter
Ward to dust. ( The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. )
Marion Ravenwood drinks the roughneck patrons

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