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Abuzimi i amfetamin sht nj shqetsim kombtar nga perspektivn e shndetit publik.

Shqyrtimi i ktij subjekti sht n koh dhe e rndsishme, sepse problemi i amfetamins
si substance te sintetizuara ka qen koht e fundit e prforcuar nga perdorimin n tregun e
The abuse of amphetamines is of national concern from a public health
perspective. Review of this subject is timely and important, because the
problem of amphetamine-like drugs has recently been amplified by the
introduction of designer drugs in the illicit market.
Jane droga sisntetike te njohura edhe me termin designer drugs. Perdorimi i ketyre
substancave prodhon turbullim te gjendjes mendore me shqetesime te humorit,
mosperceptim shqisor. Nganjehere edhe me nje tablete te vetme mund te
verifikohen reagime akute shume te renda, si hipertermia malinje, patologji
kardiovaskulare nganjehere me rezultate vdekjeprurese. Keto droga mund te
provokojne fenomene te renda shkeputjeje, psikoza akute apo kronike, turbullime
psiqike, deme ne sistemin nervor, depresion, dembelizem, agresivitet Disa kerkime
tregojne edhe raste te demtimeve te pasherueshme te trurit.
Perdorimi i vazhdueshem krijon vartesi. Sindroma e abstinences shfaqet me:
depresion, lodhje, spazma, pergjumje dhe gershetohet me simptoma te perdorimit
kronik. Abuzimi mund te oj, per kompesim, ne perdorimin e drogave depresive si
alkoli, qetesuesit, gjumedhenesit, heroina. Nje helmim akut nga amfetamina, e njohur
si overdoze, provokon pamjaftueshmeri te rende te qarkullimit kardiak te
pasherueshme e cila sjell edhe nje vdekje te shpejte.
Nje rrezik i madh eshte qe shume persona nuk i konsiderojne keto substanca si

Me marrjen e amfetamines, personat nuk ndjejn nvoj pr gjum apo ushqim. Prjetohet
eufori, ndjenj te mirqenies, dhe vet-besim. Prdoruesit jan zakonisht llafazane, dhe
mund t jet agresiv dhe paranoik, madje edhe n nj faz t hershme t prdorimit.
Mirpo kto efekte t dshirueshme t amfetamines kan nj mim, sepse prdorimi i saj
prodhon shum shpejt toleranc (nevoj pr shtimin e dozs pr efektin e dshiruar) dhe
varsi. Pas nj kohe t prdorimit, organizmi bhet i varur nga kjo substanc dhe do ti
duhet prdorimi i prditshm pr t kaluar nj dit t zakonshme.

far sht Amfetamina?

Amfetamina sht nj drog e llojit t stimulantve sintetik q vepron si nj nxits i
fuqishm n sistemin nervor qndror. Duke qen se sht drog sintetike amfetamina nuk
sht natyrale, por e prpunuar dhe prfitohet nga prbrsit kimik.
Amfetamina ndikon n aktivitetin e sistemit nervor. Ajo prshpejton mesazhet mes trurit
dhe trupit.
Prdorimi i amfetamins prodhon efekte t shumta duke prfshir rritjen e energjis,
vigjilenc t rritur, eufori dhe oreks t ulur. Efektet e amfetamins jan t lidhura me

mekanizmat e veprimit q prfshijn rritjen neurotransmiterve si dopamina, serotonina,

norepinefrina etj.
Amfetamina sht nj przierje q prmban pjes t barabarta t dextroamphetamines
dhe levoamphetamines, ku D-amfetamina sht disa her m e fuqishm se L-amfetamina.
Kto dy lloje mund t gjenden edhe veq e veq, mirpo termi amfetamin do t thot nj
przirj mes ktyre dy llojeve.

Emrat dhe zhargoni i rrugs pr amfetaminen?

Speed, e nalt .. etj.

Si mund t duket amfetamina n rrug?

Amfetamina mund t gjendet n form t tabletave, pluhur, kapsula ose kristale. Mund t
paketohen n "flet" (letr alumini), qese plastike t pakets s cigareve etj.
Si prdoret dhe pr cfar prdoret?
Amfetamina mund t glltitet, injektohet, tymoset, inhalohet dhe t merret me hundnuhatje.
Njerzit prdorin amfetamin pr arsye t ndryshme, disa pr tu argtuar e pr t vallzuar
gjat, e disa pr te rritur vigjilencen, pr t qndruar gjat pa gjum. Koht e fundit n bot
sht abuzuar me t, pr arsye t uljes s apetitit, me qllim t humbjes s kilogramve t

Efektet e prdorimit t amfetamins?

Me marrjen e amfetamines, personat nuk ndjejn nvoj pr gjum apo ushqim. Prjetohet
eufori, ndjenj te mirqenies, dhe vet-besim. Prdoruesit jan zakonisht llafazane, dhe
mund t jet agresiv dhe paranoik, madje edhe n nj faz t hershme t prdorimit.
Mirpo kto efekte t dshirueshme t amfetamines kan nj mim, sepse prdorimi i saj
prodhon shum shpejt toleranc (nevoj pr shtimin e dozs pr efektin e dshiruar) dhe
varsi. Pas nj kohe t prdorimit, organizmi bhet i varur nga kjo substanc dhe do ti
duhet prdorimi i prditshm pr t kaluar nj dit t zakonshme.

Nj fakt tjetr i prdorimit t metamfetamins, sht edhe dmtimi i dhmbeve pas nj

kohe, sepse pas prdorimit t amfetamins fillon krcitja e dhmbve dhe shtrngimi i

Simptomat e trheqjes?

Rraskapitje lodhje
Konfuzion mendor
Pa gjumsi apo gjum i tepruar
Shtim i apetit n mnyr t shpjt
Reaksione psikotike dhe anksioze

A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been
designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug while at the same time,
avoid being classified as illegal and/or avoid detection in standard drug tests.[1] Designer
drugs includepsychoactive substances that have been designated by the European
Union as new psychoactive substances (NPS)[2] as well as analogs ofperformanceenhancing drugs such as designer steroids.[3] Some of these were originally synthesized by
academic or industrial researchers in an effort to discover more potent derivatives with fewer
side effects and were later co-opted for illicit use. Other designer drugs were prepared for the
first time in clandestine laboratories.[4] Because the efficacy and safety of these substances
has not been thoroughly evaluated in animal and human trials, the use of these drugs may
result in unexpected side effects.[5]

Nj designer drug sht nj analog strukturor ose funksional t nj substance t

kontrolluar q sht projektuar pr t imituar efektet farmakologjike t substance
origjinale, dhe t mos te jet te klasifikuara si substance te paligjshm dhe / ose t
shmangur zbulimin n testet standarde t drogs. [1] Designer drugs prfshijn substanc
psikotrope te dizhainuara nga Bashkimi Evropian si substanca t reja psikoaktive (NPS)
[2], si dhe analogs t substancave qe rriten performanc si steroid projektuesi. [3] Disa
prej tyre ishin t sintetizohet fillimisht nga akademik ose industriale hulumtuesit n nj
prpjekje pr t zbuluar m shum derivativ t fuqishm me m pak efekte ansore dhe
u m von bashk-prirur pr prdorim t paligjshm. Droga t tjera projektuesi jan
prgatitur pr her t par n laboratort klandestine. [4] Pr shkak se efikasiteti dhe
siguria e ktyre substancave nuk sht vlersuar plotsisht n kafsh dhe gjyqet
njerzore, prdorimi i ktyre drogave mund t rezultoj n efekte ansore t papritura

The development of designer drugs may be considered a subfield of drug design. The
exploration of modifications to known active drugs such as their structural
analogues, stereoisomers, and derivatives yields drugs that may differ significantly in
effects from their parent drug (e.g., showing increased potency, or decreased side effects).

In some instances, designer drugs have similar effects to other known drugs, but have

completely dissimilar chemical structures.[example needed] Despite being a very broad term,
applicable to almost every synthetic drug, it is often used to connotate synthetic recreational
drugs, sometimes even those which have not been designed at all. [example needed] This article
specifically discusses recreational drugs. For the discussion of drug design in pharmacology,
please see drug design.
In some jurisdictions, drugs that are highly similar in structure to a prohibited drug are illegal
to trade regardless of that drug's legal status. In other jurisdictions, their trade is a legal grey
area, making them grey market goods. Some jurisdictions may have analogue laws which
ban drugs similar in chemical structure to other prohibited drugs, while some designer drugs
may be prohibited irrespective of the legal status of structurally similar drugs; in both cases,
their trade may take place on the black market.

Nj drog projektuesi sht nj analog strukturore ose funksionale t nj substance t

kontrolluar q sht projektuar pr t imituar efektet farmakologjike t drogs origjinal,
ndrsa n t njjtn koh, t mos u klasifikuar si i paligjshm dhe / ose t shmangur
zbulimin n testet standarde t drogs. [1] droga designer prfshijn substanc psikotrope
i cili sht caktuar nga Bashkimi Evropian si substanca t reja psikoaktive (NPS) [2], si
dhe analogs t drogave t performancs-rritjen si steroid projektuesi. [3] Disa prej tyre
ishin t sintetizohet fillimisht nga akademik ose industriale hulumtuesit n nj prpjekje
pr t zbuluar m shum derivativ t fuqishm me m pak efekte ansore dhe u m von
bashk-prirur pr prdorim t paligjshm. Droga t tjera projektuesi jan prgatitur pr
her t par n laboratort klandestine. [4] Pr shkak se efikasiteti dhe siguria e ktyre
substancave nuk sht vlersuar plotsisht n kafsh dhe gjyqet njerzore, prdorimi i
ktyre drogave mund t rezultoj n efekte ansore t papritura. [5]
Zhvillimi i drogs projektuesi mund t konsiderohet nj nnfush i dizajnit t
drogs.Eksplorim i modifikimeve t drogs njohur aktiv - t tilla si analoge t tyre
strukturore, stereoisomere, dhe derivatet e - jep barna q mund t ndryshojn n mnyr
t konsiderueshme n efektet nga "mm" t tyre t drogs (, duke treguar rritjen e
potenc, apo ulur efektet ansore) [4]. [6] n disa raste, droga designer kan efekte t
ngjashme me droga t tjera t njohura, por kan struktura kimike trsisht jo t ngjashme.
[shembull i duhur] Pavarsisht se nj mandat shum t gjer, t aplikueshme pr
pothuajse do drog sintetike, ajo sht prdorur shpesh pr t tregoj sintetike rekreative
droga, ndonjher edhe ata q nuk jan t dizajnuara n t gjitha. [shembull i duhur] Ky

artikull diskuton n mnyr specifike drog rekreative. Pr diskutimin e projektimit t

drogs n farmakologji, ju lutem shihni dizajn t drogs.
N disa juridiksione, droga q jan shum t ngjashme n struktur me nj drog t
ndaluar jan t paligjshme pr t tregtuar pa marr parasysh statusin juridik t atij drogs.
N juridiksione t tjera, tregtia e tyre sht nj zon ligjore gri, duke i br ato mallra gri
t tregut. Disa juridiksione mund t ken ligje analoge t cilat ndalimin e drogs t
ngjashme n struktur kimike t drogave t tjera t ndaluara, ndrsa disa droga designer
mund t ndalohet pa marr parasysh statusin ligjor t drogs strukturore t ngjashme; n
t dy rastet, tregtia e tyre mund t bhet n tregun e zi.
Substance abuse disorders are a significant part of psychiatric practice and an increasing
challenge for both psychiatrists
and biomedical researchers. Increased use of psychomotor stimulants presents a serious
public health problem and
much clinical and basic research has been carried out to investigate the effects of these
rregullime abuse substanc jan nj pjes e rndsishme e praktiks psikiatrik dhe nj
sfid n rritje pr t dy psikiatrve dhe hulumtuesit bio. Rritja e prdorimit t stimuluesve
psikomotorike paraqet nj problem serioz pr shndetin publik dhe shum hulumtime
klinike dhe themelore sht kryer pr t hetuar efektet e ktyre barnave.

What is a designer amphetamine?

The term designer amphetamine is often used to describe synthetic chemicals that are
derived from amphetamine or methamphetamine. Designer amphetamines, like other
designer drugs, are often created to avoid regulation by existing drug laws.
Termini designer amphetamine eshte t prdorur shpesh pr t prshkruar substancat
sintetike q rrjedhin nga amfetamina ose metamfetamina. Amfetamina te sintetizuara, si
substancat t tjera te sintetizuara, jan krijuar shpesh pr t shmangur rregulloren me
ligjet ekzistuese t drogs.

History and culture of substituted amphetamines

Ephedra was used 5000 years ago in China as a medicinal plant; its active ingredients
are alkaloids ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norephedrine(phenylpropanolamine)
and norpseudoephedrine (cathine). Natives of Yemen and Ethiopia have a long tradition of
chewing khat leaves to achieve a stimulating effect. The active substances of khat are
cathinone and, to a lesser extent, cathine.[1]

Amphetamine was first synthesized in 1887 by Romanian chemist Lazr Edeleanu, although
its pharmacological effects remained unknown until the 1930s. [2] MDMA was produced in
1912 (according to other sources in 1914 [3]) as an intermediate product. However, this
synthesis also went largely unnoticed.[4] In the 1920s, both methamphetamine and the
dextrorotatory optical isomer of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, were synthesized. This
synthesis was a by-product of a search for ephedrine, a bronchodilator used to
treat asthma extracted exclusively from natural sources. Over-the-counter use of substituted
amphetamines was initiated in early 1930s by the pharmaceutical company Smith, Kline &
French (now part of GlaxoSmithKline), as a medicine (Benzedrine) for colds and nasal
congestion. Subsequently, amphetamine was used in the treatment
of narcolepsy, obesity, hay fever, orthostatic hypotension, epilepsy, Parkinson's
disease, alcoholism and migraine.[2][5] The "reinforcing" effects of substituted amphetamines
were quickly discovered, and the misuse of substituted amphetamines had been noted as far
back as 1936.[5]

Historia dhe kultura e amfetamin zvendson

Ephedra sht prdorur 5000 vjet m par n Kin si nj bim medicinale; prbrsit e tij
aktiv jan alkaloide ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norefedrin (phenylpropanolamine) dhe
norpseudoephedrine (cathine). Vendasit e Jemenit dhe Etiopi kan nj tradit t gjat t
prtypet Khat l pr t arritur nj efekt stimulues. Substancat aktive t Khat jan
cathinone dhe, n nj mas m t vogl, cathine. [1]
Amfetamins u sintetizuar pr her t par n 1887 nga kimisti rumun Lazar Edeleanu,
edhe pse efektet e saj farmakologjike mbetur i panjohur deri 1930. [2] MDMA ishte
prodhuar n 1912 (sipas burimeve t tjera n 1914 [3]), si nj produkt i ndrmjetm.
Megjithat, kjo sintez gjithashtu shkoi kryesisht pa u vn re. [4] N 1920, t dy
methamphetamine dhe izomere dekstrogire optik i amfetamins, dekstroamfetamine,
ishin sintetizuar. Kjo sintez ishte nj nga-produkt i nj krkim pr ephedrine, nj
bronkeve prdoret pr trajtimin e astms nxjerr ekskluzivisht nga burimet natyrore. Mbicounter-prdorimi i amfetamin zvendson ishte nisur n fillim t viteve 1930 nga
kompania farmaceutike Smith, Klin dhe frngjisht (tani pjes e GlaxoSmithKline), si nj
ila (benzedrin) pr ftohjet dhe kongjestion nazal. M pas, amfetamins sht prdorur
n trajtimin e narkolepsis, trashje, ethe hay, hipotension orthostatic, epilepsi, Parkinson
smundje, alkoolizmi dhe migren. [2] [5] "prforcuar" Efektet e amfetamin zvendson
u zbuluan shpejt, dhe keqprdorimi i amfetamina t zvendsuara jan vrejtur qysh m
1936. [5]

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