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The Greening of Organizational Culture

The previous studies have shown that managing in green manner is the need of present era and to
attain maintainability the companies must shift focus beyond operational concerns to become
better for environment. But this is associated on environment friendly norms and culture
alteration, but its empirical proof is lacking. So this research examines that to overcome this gap
in literatures, it examines percent views of mangers regarding the shift of culture toward being
friendly to environment and what are the elements causing this change, what enhances it and
what prohibits it. It uses grounded theory research method and qualitative interviews are
conducted from 17 upper level, 12 mid level and 8 lower level management employees. Data
was examined by analyzing transcripts and results showed that present managers have awareness
related to green management matters, but other models of business, resistance to alter and
different in real and stated norms can cause hindrance in changing of such culture. For further
research quantities model, and sample from other employees and consumers could be considered.
Corporate Pre-Compliance and Compliance
This research is focused on the concept of abiding by requirements of social responsibilities of
organizations even if it causes less refines or wealth for stakeholders. Now it is required to report
the data on CSR issues in fair manner and new organizational governance is focused not only on
financial dealings but associations with stake holders. Now this shift toward increasing social
responsibility has been reflected in changes in laws, many nations now have laws to benefit
organizations which show responsibilities for social cancers in form of less registration cost and
less authorization demands etc. Now because of age of information technology clients and
organizations of human privileges are well aware of this duty of companies and exert pressure on
them to comply. This shift toward responsible culture is according to theories of organizational
development and it not necessarily means that major change in structure is requires but it needs
training, loyalty of senior managers, help from professionals, agents for change are assigned with
this duty to trigger change and then it should be monitored and maintained. CSR is major factor
to be focused in current era and now the organizations are focusing not only on complying with
social duties but going beyond conformance.

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