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Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Define expression.
II. Learning Content:
Defining expressions

BEC-PELC A.1.1.1
Enfolding Mathematics VI
activity card

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: on Giving Terms of Phrases that Refer to Addition and Subtraction
Game: Name the Baby
Divide the class into 2 groups. Teacher gives an operation, say addition.
Each member of the groups simultaneously goes to the board and writes a term of phrase that
refers to the given operation.
2. Review
Let the pupils name the different Presidents of the Philippines. Shows them the pictures
of the different presidents and let them identify them.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Why should we remember our past Presidents?
If we use expressions to describe the Presidents, we also use expressions in Mathematics,
to describe relationships between numbers and the operations being used.
2. Presentation:
Present the lesson using the activity cards bellow:
Word Phrases
Numerical Expressions
Twelve diminished by two
12 2
(Six times three) added to seven
(6 x 3) + 7
Eight added to the product of five and three
8 + (8 x 3 )
(Thirty-nine added to three) divided by seven
(39 + 3) 7
Ask: What are the mathematical terms used in the phrases? What terms denote addition?
Subtraction? Multiplication? Division?
3. Practice Exercises:
Write an expression for the following.
1. your age less three
2. your age plus nine
3. your age plus twice your age
4. Generalization:

What is an expression? How do you translate word phrases into an expressions?

5. Application
Write an expression for the following.
1. seventy five decreased by five.
2. fourteen divided by the sum of three and four.
3. triple the sum of eleven and six.
IV. Evaluation:
Which expressions is correct? Choose between A or B
1. The sum of eleven and nineteen
a. 11 x 19
b. 11 + 19
2. Eight decreased by five
a. 8 5
b. 8 x 5
3. Twelve plus thirty-six
a. 12 + 36
b. 12 x 36
V. Assignment:
Write 5 examples of mathematical phrases with their corresponding translation to numerical

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Translate word phrases to numerical expressions
II. Learning Content:
Translating mathematical phrases to expressions

BEC-PELC A.1.1.1
Enfolding Mathematics VI
activity card

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill on Giving Terms of Phrases that Refer to Multiplication or Division
Game: Name the Baby
Divide the class into 2 groups. Teacher gives an operation, say multiplication.
Each member of the groups simultaneously goes to the board and writes a term of phrase that
refers to the given operation.
2. Review
Let the pupils name the different Presidents of the Philippines. Shows them the pictures
of the different presidents and let them identify them.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Why should we remember our past Presidents?
If we use expressions to describe the Presidents, we also use expressions in Mathematics,
to describe relationships between numbers and the operations being used.
2. Presentation:
Activity Create your own
1. Each student in class thinks of 3 mathematical phrases involving at least 2 operations.
Ex. 25 more than the product of 6 and 4. Product of the sum and difference of 8 and 5.
2. Then he/she exchanges with a partner and translates the mathematical phrases into
3. Check answers
3. Practice Exercises:
Write an expression for the following.
1. your age plus nine
2. thrice your age
3. your age plus your seatmates age
4. Generalization:
What is an expression? How do you translate word phrases into an expression?

5. Application
Write an expression for the following.
1. eighty five decreased by twenty seven.
2. thirty six divided by the sum of three and four.
3. double the sum of twelve and eight.
IV. Evaluation:
Write the expressions for the following.
1. one more than the product of six and eight.
2. Seventy-five decreased by five
3. Fourteen divided by the sum of three and four
4. Triple the sum of eleven and six
5. twenty plus five less eight.
V. Assignment:
Write is thirteen years old. Helens father is four years more than twice her age.


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Give the meaning of equation, exponent and base
II. Learning Content:
Giving the meaning of equation, exponent and base

Enfolding Mathematics VI

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Review/Drill:
Answer the following
a. 15 5
b. 9 + 7
16 8

c. 12 5
90 10

d. 9 x 7

2. Review
What is an expression? How do you translate word phrases into an expression?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
1. Show pictures of the map of the Philippines and General Emilio Aguinaldo and let them
read the following sentences.
2. Ask them too which of the sentence is true or false. Let them tell why.
2. Presentation:
Activity 1:
Rhoda has to sew a tablecloth 9 dm by 9 dm for their square-shaped table in the living
room in preparation for Christmas. Express how big the area of the table cloth is.
1. Answering Guide Questions.
a. Who has to sew a table cloth?
b. What is the shape of their table?
c. Where is the table place?
2. Answering questions about the problem.
a. What is the mathematical phrase used in the problem? What expression can this be?
b. What number sentence best fits to the problem? 9 x 9 = N
c. What makes your sentence true? What sign is used to show that your sentence is
3. Fixing Skills:
Complete the equation.
a. 18 - ___ = 5 + 6
___ = 11
b. ___ = 10 x ___
100 = 100

c. ___ 3 = 8
64 = 64

4. Generalization:
What is equation? Exponent? Base?
5. Application
Write YES or NO. Explain why you answer NO.
1. If N is 2, then 3N + 1 = 7
2. If A is 4, then 12 / A = 3 +2
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the equation to make a true statement.
1. P150 - ___ = P65
2. ___ 3 = 3 x 9
27 = ___
3. 9 x ___ = ___ x 27
54 = 54
V. Assignment:
1. Write an equation about the problem and make your statement true.
Marie is 30 years old. Her age is 5 x the age of her son. How old is her son?
2. Use the numerals less than 10 to make the equation true.
2 x __ = 12 - ___
5 x ___ = 28 +
___ = 36 ___

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Give the meaning of exponent and base
II. Learning Content:
Giving the meaning of exponent and base

BEC-PELC A1.1.1.2, A.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Flashcards, chart, activity cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Game: Think and Try
Can you find a pair of numbers whose sums are equal to their product?
Example: 2 + 2 = 2 x 2 = 4
Expected answers: 3 + 1.5 = 3 x 1.5 = 4.5
5 + 1.25 = 5 x 1.25 = 6.25
11 + 1.1 = 11 x 1.1 = 12.1
2. Review
What is an expression?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Ask: What are the different dreaded diseases? Today, we are going to read something
about cancer cells.
2. Presentation:
Read the selection (written on the chart )

Expression in terms of the

number cells
2 (2)
2 (2) (2)
2 (2) (2) (2)
2 (2) (2) (2) (2)

Number cells

What do you notice about the cancer cells from day 1 to day 10?
How is this obtained?
3. Fixing Skills:
Write the number using an exponent then answer.
1. 7 x 7 x 7 =
2. 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 =
3. 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 =
4. Two to the seventh power

4. Generalization:
What is the meaning of exponent and base?
5. Application:
Write the number using exponent then answer.
1. 3x3x3x3 =
2. 5x5x5x5x5 =
3. 4x4x4x4x =
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the following sentences.
1. In 53, ___ is the base and ____ is the exponent.
2. 62 is the exponent form of 6 x ____
3. 144 is the ____ power of 12.
V. Assignment:
Fill in the blanks.
1. 9 = 3 x 3 = 3
2. 16 = ___ x ___ = ____2
3. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2 -

4. 102 = 10 x 10 = _____
5. 103 = ____ x _____ x ____ = _____


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Evaluate an expression with two different operations with exponents and parenthesis/grouping
II. Learning Content:
Evaluating an expression with two different operations with exponents and parenthesis/grouping

BEC-PELC A1.1.1.3
Enfolding Mathematics VI
Flashcards, illustrations, counters, charts

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation: Drill on multiplication Facts.


2. Review
Write the number using exponent then answer.
1. 3x3x3 =
2. 2x2x2x2x2 =
3. seven to second power
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Have you ever used marbles in your games? After usng the marbles where o you plae
2. Presentation:
Activity 1: Use of counters
Sample problem
Danny has specialized square tray of marbles. He has 2 sets of tray with 3 marbles on a
side and 8 more in a bag. Danny says he has 36 marbles. Is the right? Why?
1. Ask the following questions
a. Who has marbles?
b. Where does he keep the marbles?
2. Have each pair of pupil use counters to visualize the problem. Let them answer the
following questions.
a. What are the given data?
b. What are the operations to be used?
3. Lead each pair of pupils think aloud of a numerical expressions about the problem.
3. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
Evaluate the expressions
a. (9-4)2 x 43
b. (27 3) x 33

c. (16-7)2 - 23

4. Generalization:
Expected Question:
How do we evaluate an expression with two different operations, with exponents and
parenthesis/grouping symbols?
5. Application:
Evaluate the expressions
a. (6-3)2 x 4
b. (24 8) x 23

c. (11-7)2 - 23

IV. Evaluation:
Evaluate the following expressions.
1. (80 + 220) 102
2. (2 + 32) x 5
3. (25 15)3 + 42
V. Assignment:
Evaluate the following expressions
a. ( 8 + 7 )2 20
b. 1002 (32 x 5)2
c. (42 7) x 23
d. (3 + 4)3 + 6
e. (7-3)3 x 52

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Evaluate an expression with two different operations without exponents and parenthesis/grouping
II. Learning Content:
Evaluate an expression with two different operations without exponents and parenthesis/grouping

BEC-PELC II A .1.1.3
Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, chart

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation: Drill on giving the expression of the Situation.
a. 33
b. 22
c. 14
d. 23
2. Review:
Evaluate the following expression
a. (9-4)2 x 43
b. (27 3) x 33

c. (16-7)2 - 23

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Ask the pupils about the occupation of their parents. Let them tell how they help their
parents earn a living
2. Presentation:
Activity 1:
Jethro is helping his mother in their store when a delivery man comes and delivers 20
dozens of eggs at P42 a dozen. If the delivery man gives him P160, how much is his money?
Is he right asking for P260, if his money is P1000? Why?
1. Ask the following questions:
a. Who helps mother in the store?
b. Who delivers dozens of eggs?
2. Have each pair of pupils act it out using play money and ask them to answer the
a. What are the given data?
b. What are the operations to be used?
3. Lead each pair of pupils to think of an expressions related to the problem.
4. Let them evaluate the expressions they have formulated?
P160 + 20 x P42
P160 + P840
P1000 money of Jethro
3. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
Evaluate the expressions:

a. 8 + 4 2
b. 5 x 8 4
c. 65 91 7
d. 67 + 33 25
4. Generalization:
Expected Question:
How do we evaluate an expression with two different operations without exponents and
parenthesis/grouping symbols?
5. Application:
Evaluate the following expressions.
1. 7 x 8 + 30
3. 15 + 7 20
2. 12 - 8 x 4
4. 56 8 + 5
IV. Evaluation:
Evaluate the following expressions.
1. 4 x 3 + 8
3. 53 + 7 20
2. 84 3 x 4
4. 76 8 + 5

5. 10 x 5 + 15

5. 3 x 5 + 25

V. Assignment:
Evaluate the following expressions.
a. 8 x 15 9
b. 44 + 56 5
c. 67 + 3 x 9
d. 27 8 4
e. 3 x 8 6

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Evaluate an expression with more than 2 operations with exponents
II. Learning Content:
Evaluating an expression with more than 2 operations with exponents

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, charts

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic facts of multiplication.




2. Review:

Evaluating the expressions

a. 3 x 4 + 1 =
c. ( 6 + 3 )+ 2 =
b. 6 + 3 =
d. ( 16 4 ) x 3 =

e. ( 15 + 3 ) x 2 =

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What do you observe when somebody in your home is sick? Does he take medicine? It is
liquid or tablets? How are tablets kept?
2. Presentation:
Being asks her son to do his homework and looks at the notebook. She find the
Evaluate the expressions
a. 6 + ( 2 x 7 + 52)
c. 5 x [24 2 x (10 8)2 10
b. 3 x ( 4 x 82 ) 10
d. (15 6 ) + (4 1) x 23

What operation must be used?

Which comes first? Second? Next last?
Which operation should be used first? Why? Second? Why?

3. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

a. (114 4) x 12 4)2 + 3
b. 16 + 82 (4 + 4)

c. (36 6) x (3 x 4)2 + 7
d. 122 x 30 + (890 2)

4. Generalization:
How do we evaluate an expressions with more than two operations with exponents and
parenthesis/grouping symbols?

5. Application:
Evaluate the expression.

16 7 + 8 =

IV. Evaluation:
Evaluate the following expression.
1. (9-2) + 32 x 21)
3. 36 2 + 4 x (4-2)
2. (18 + 14) (6+2)
4. (36 6 ) + [32 x 2 + 7]

5. (72 + 15) x 4 (625 125)

V. Assignment:
Evaluate the following expressions:
a. (34 4) x (75 52)
c. (38 7) + 6 (2 x 3)
b. (35 3) x 32 + 9


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Evaluate an expression with more than 2 operations without exponents and parenthesis/ grouping
II. Learning Content:
Evaluate an expression with more than 2 operations without exponents and parenthesis/ grouping

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, charts, play money, counters

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic facts of multiplication.




2. Review: Evaluating Expressions with 2 different operations without exponents and

Parenthesis/Grouping Symbols.
8 x 15 9 44 + 56 5
67 + 3 x 9

27 8 4


B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Have you ever been to the market? What do you see in the market?
2. Presentation:
Activity 1: Using Problem Opener
Lulu comes from the school with a heavy heart because of the homework she has.
Her elder brother gives her a helping hand to lighten the load she has. He has seen the
Evaluate the expressions:
a. 12 3 + 18 6 x 3
b. 7 x 9 3 + 8
c. 18 12 6 + 7
3. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
a. 1200 200 x 4 8 + 9
b. 60 + 48 2 x 4
c. 12 + 19 x 6 4 7
4. Generalization:
How do we evaluate an expression with more than two operations without exponents and
parenthesis/grouping symbols?

5. Application:
Evaluate the following expressions
1. 9 3 x 7 6 + 8
2. 3 x 8 + 5 2 x 3
IV. Evaluation:
Evaluate the following expressions
1. 2 x 7 9 3 + 8
3. 4 x 15 5 + 6 4
2. 60 + 48 2 x 5
4. 7 x 9 3 7 + 8

5. 6 x 4 + 7 8 2

V. Assignment:
Evaluate the following expressions:
a. 18 + 24 9 x 12
b. 15 + 9 x 8 7
c. 9 3 x 25 5 + 8
d. 7 3 + 45 3 x 5
e. 3 x 8 + 5 2 x 3

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Evaluate an expression with more than two operations with or without exponents and parenthesis/
grouping symbols
II. Learning Content:
Evaluate an expression with more than two operations with or without exponents and parenthesis/
grouping symbols

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, charts, cross number puzzles

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic facts of Multiplication.




2. Review:
Place parenthesis in the equation so that each equation will be a statement.
1. 16 7 + 8 = 1
3. 18 6 x 3 = 1
5. 12 2 + 4 = 2
2. 3 x 5 4 = 3
4. 16 7 + 8 =17
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you like to go hunting? Lets have a word hunting game. (written on the chart)
2. Presentation:
a. Study the rules in the order of operations (written on the chart)
b. Ask:
1. What rules did we follow in sample 1? What did we do with the exponent in sample 2?
2. What are the rules for the order of operation when parenthesis, exponent, addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division are involved?
3. What should you remember in answering some exercises in mathematics?
3. Fixing Skills:
Simplify the expressions below and solve.
1. 36 2 x 22
3. ( 15 - 6 ) + (4 1) x 23
2. 6 2 + 1 x 4
4. 3 x [3 + 2 x (10-3)]
4. Generalization:
What rule you follow in evaluating expressions with more than two operations? State the
5. Application:
Simplify and solve.
1. (7 x 9) + (3 x 21)


72 + [(8 + 2)x 6]

IV. Evaluation:
Simplify and solve
1. 63 7 + 5 + 22 6 + 3
2. 6 (2 x 7 + 52)

3. 3 x ( 4 + 82 ) 8
4. 37 + 3 x 2 6

5. 14 2 3 + 2 x 2

V. Assignment:
Answer the following questions
1. 10127 is one followed by how many zeros.
2. Find (x2)2 if x = 3
3. If your calculator does not an exponent key, can you use the definition of the exponent in 2 3 + 2 =
2 x 2 x 2 + 3? How?


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Solve 2 to 3 step word problems involving whole numbers.
II. Learning Content:
Applying the order of operations in solving 2 to 3 step word problems.

BEC-PELC II A.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
drill board, chart

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic Facts of Multiplication
2. Review: Perform the indicated operations
a. (12+3) 7 = N
b. 4 (6 + 8) = N c. 25 5 + 9 = N

d. (18-4) (5+3) = N

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What do you like to be when you grow up?
2. Presentation:
Read and study the problem below.
Mr. Gonzales put up a capital coming from the following:
Bank P250,000.00
Private P100,000.00
Personal Money + P150,000.00
The cause of merchandise he bought was P365, 273.00. How much was left from his
capital? Ask: Where did Mr. Gonzales get his capital? How much was the merchandise he
bought? Let us analyze the problem.
- What is asked?
- What facts are given?
- What is the hidden question?
- What operations are needed?
- What is the number sentence?
- What is the solution to the problem?
- Is the answers correct? Check.
3. Fixing Skills:
Analyze and solve the problem below.
A movie earned P5,470,568.00 in 27 theaters in Manila and P2,005,971.00 in 161 movie
houses in other parts of the country. Combining the two amounts, what was the average
income per theater from his movie?

4. Generalization:
What are the steps to follow in solving 2-3 steps words problems? What is the first thing
you need to know? Why?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the problem bellow and do what is asked?
The girls scout troop no. 131 collected 150kg of rice on the first week and 110kg on the second
week. Troop no. 250 collected 98kg and 100 kg on the first and second weeks respectively. If the rice
they collected will be distributed equally among 20 families of Mahabang Parang and 23 families of
Sitio Pinagpala, how many kg should each family receive?
1. Asked ____________
2. Hidden question 1 ____________
3. Hidden question 2 ____________
4. Step 1 ____________
5. Step 2 ____________
6. Step 3 ____________
7. Number sentence ____________
8. Solution ____________
9. Answer with the correct unit ____________
10. Check. ____________
V. Assignment:
Analyze and solve.
Mr. Cruz had P4,500.00. He spent P2,500.00 for food; P750 for transportation and P275.00 for
other expenses and divided the rest among his 5 brothers. How much was the share of each?
1. Asked ____________
2. Hidden question 1 ____________
3. Hidden question 2 ____________
4. Step 1 ____________
5. Step 2 ____________
6. Step 3 ____________
7. Number sentence ____________
8. Solution ____________
9. Answer with the correct unit ____________
10. Check if your answer make sense ____________

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Name a decimal for a given model.
II. Learning Content:
Naming a decimal for a given model.

BEC-PELC I B 1.1, 1.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
grid paper, cube and blocks, meter sticks, coins, playing money

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
1. Teacher show objects as presented below
2. Have the pupils identify the number of equal parts the whole is divided.

2. Review: Checking of assignment

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Problem Opener.
Tina went to her friends house. She took a jeepney in going there. But when she was
about to give the fare to the jeepney driver, she found out that she had only P4.95, and the
fare is P5.00. Would the jeepney driver accept his money? Why? Why not? If ou were Tina,
what will you do? What trait did Tina/driver shows?
2. Presentation:
Present the lesson thru the following:
Strategy 1 Working on Base Method
a. Group the class into 4
b. Each group work on every base.
c. They have to do the tasks asked in every base in given time.
Base 1: Place coins and paper bills of different denominations.
1. Identify the amount of the following set of coins and paper bills.




3. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Kyle and Sean assisted their mother in washing clothes by filling water for her. Kyle
filled 3/8 of the drum while Sean was able to fill 4/8 of the drum.
a. What fraction represented the part of the drum they filled with water?
b. What fraction of the drum filled by Kyle? By Sean?
c. How do you write 3/8 in decimal? 4/8 in decimal?
d. Write it in words.
4. Generalization:
How did the models given to you helps you in understanding about decimals? Why?
5. Application:
Kyle and Sean assisted their mother in washing clothes by filing water for her. Kyle filled
3/8 of the drum while Sean was able to fill 4/8 of the drum.
a. What fraction represent the part of the drum they filled with water?
b. What fraction of the drum filled by Kyle? By Sean?
c. How do write 3/8 in decimal? 48 in decimal?
IV. Evaluation:
Work in pairs
Make an illustration of decimal expressions using the following models:
1. cube
3. money
flats and longs
2. number line
4. regions
V. Assignment:
Using the models discussed, illustrate decimal expressions.

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Rename fractions whose denominators are power of 10 in decimal form.
II. Learning Content:
Rename fractions whose denominators are power of 10 in decimal form.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, sheets of manila paper, meter stick

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
Activity Naming the Equal Parts
Materials: Flashcards having region partitioned into equal parts.
Answer: 6 equal parts
a) Divide the class into 4 teams
b) The teacher flashes the cards.
c) Each member of the teams simultaneously goes to the board and writes the answer.
d) The teacher checks the answer.
e) The team having the most number of correct answers wins.
2. Review:
Checking of assignment
Name the fractional part shaded.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Have you ever used a meter stick or tape measure in your EPP project? What unit of
measure is used when you would like to get the length of a ribbon of yarn?
2. Presentation: Present the lesson thru the following:
Activity 1 Use of Number Line Through Meter Stick and Tables.
The art teacher of Grade VI class asks her pupils to bring yellow yarn of 9/10 cm, green
yarn of 9/100 m. Rhoda says, she will bring yellow yarn of 0.9 cm, green yarn of 0.09 dm and
a red yarn of 0.009 m. is Rhoda wrong? Why?
1. Answering questions:
a. What yarns does the teacher ask her grade 6 pupils to bring? What different lengths
are these yarns?
2. Analyzing the problem
a. What does the problem ask you to look for?
b. What facts are given in the problem?

c. What are the data needed to solve the problem?

3. Fixing Skills:
Rename the fractions in decimal
1. 8/10
3. 30/100
2. 25/100
4. 125/1000

5. 3/10

4. Generalization:
How do you rename fractions whose denominators are power of 10 in decimal form?
5. Application:
Solve the problem.
Jethro has 25 one-centavo coins in his piggy bank. He writes in figures the money he has
as 25/100. How should he write this using peso sign?
IV. Evaluation:
Rename the fraction in decimal form.
1. 90/100
3. 8/10
2. 38/1000
4. 8/100

5. 78/1000

V. Assignment:
Rename the fraction in decimal form.
1. 7/10
6. 160 /1000
2. 7/100
7. 625/1000
3. 7/1000
8. 62/100
4. 16/100
9. 62/1000
5. 16/1000
10. 2/100

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Identify the value/place value of a digit in a given decimal.
II. Learning Content:
Identifying the value/place value of a digit in a given decimal.

BEC-PELC II B.3, 3.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
chart, place value chart, flashcards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic Facts of Multiplication.
2. Review :
Game Brothers/Sisters, Where Are You?
Different cards bearing numbers phrases, fractions and decimals will be given to the
pupils. Be sure to have the complete set.

At the signal of Go by the teacher, the pupils will go around to find the value of the
number phrase/fraction/decimal he/she is holding.
The first set of pupils to find their brother/sister wins
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
When you see 5, what does it mean to you? How about .5? Do we read it simply as point
5? Is there a way of reading it correctly?
2. Presentation:
Activity 1 Pair Share

1. Put these boxes infront containing chips w/ numbers 0-9.

2. Teacher will ask as question, the group that can answer correctly will be the first to go in
3. He/she should be blind folded while picking a chip.
4. His/her partner do the following.
a. read the number
b. write the number in symbols and in words.
5. A point will given to the group for every correct answer.
6. The teacher, then, repeat step 2-5.

3. Fixing Skills:
Give the value and place value of each digit.
1. 4397.482
3. 4.219
2. 123.7654
4. 743.2143
4. Generalization:
How do you know the value and place value of each digit in a given decimal?
5. Application:
Identify the place value of each decimal numbers.
IV. Evaluation:
Write the following decimals in words then identify the value and the place value of the
underlined digit.
Place Value
1. 3.2741
2. 43.0018
3. 135.30
4. 656.8743
5. 300.003
V. Assignment:
Follow the directions.
1. Form 5 decimal numbers out of digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
2. Write each number in words.
3. Identify the value of each digit.

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Read and write decimals through ten thousandths.
II. Learning Content:
Reading and writing decimals through ten thousandths.

BEC-PELC II B.3, 3.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
chart, place value chart, flashcards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
Answer the following
a. 15 5
b. 9 + 7
16 8

c. 12 5
90 10

d. 9 x 7

2. Review:

Game Brothers/Sisters, Where Are You?

Different cards bearing numbers phrases, fractions and decimals will be given to the
pupils. Be sure to have the complete set.

At the signal of Go by the teacher, the pupils will go around to find the value of the
number phrase/fraction/decimal he/she is holding.
The first set of pupils to find their brother/sister wins.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
When you see 5, what does it mean to you? How about .5? Do we read it simply as point
5? Is there a way of reading it correctly?
2. Presentation:
Write in numerals then identify the place value of each digit.
Ex. One and three thousand nine hundred eighty-four then thousandths.

a. One and eight thousand three hundred five hundred sixty-seven ten thousandths.
b. One and two thousand three hundred seventy-four thousandths.
c. Two and three hundred two ten thousandths.
3. Fixing Skills:
Read each situation then answer the questions that follow.
1. One meter is equal to 39 37/100 inches
a. Write 39 37/100 as decimals
b. Identify each place value and value of each digit.
4. Generalization:
How do we read decimal numbers? How do you read the decimal point?
5. Application:
Identify the place value of each decimal numbers.
IV. Evaluation:
Write each in symbols, then give the value and place value of the underlined digit.
1. Five and three hundred then-thousandths.
2. Twenty-five and two hundred ten-thousandths.
3. Fifteen hundreds
V. Assignment:
Copy the decimals that have 5 in the ten-thousandths place. Give the value and place value of the
digit after the decimal point.
a. 5.5543
b. 19.5555
c. 6.4625
d. 5555
e. 3.4835

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Write decimals through ten thousands in different notations-standard and expanded notation.
II. Learning Content:
Write decimals through ten thousands in different notations-standard and expanded notation.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
place value chart, drill boards, charts, cutouts

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill Relay:
a. The class will be divided into groups of 10.
b. Each member of the group will given a card with fractions whose denominators are
power of 10.
c. When the teacher says Go, the pupil in front of the line will go to the board, and fill in
the table like this.
d. He then taps the next player to fill in the next number.
e. The teacher says Stop to signal that games is over.
2. Review: Pair share
a. Provide each group with activity cards.
b. Task:
Fill in the missing numbers to complete the expanded notation of the given numbers.
Example: 5,392 = (5x____) + (3x___) + (9x___) + (2x___)
= 5,000+___+____+____
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you know the amount of air we breath in every activities we engage in?
2. Presentation:
Strategy Pair Share
1. Provide each group this activity card.
Amount of air with each breath
Seventy five hundredths liters
Light work
One and sixty two hundredths liters
Heavy work
Two and fourteen hundredths liters

2. Task: (for 5 mins. Only)

a. Using your place value chart, write the number on its proper position.
3. Present your work.
4. Teachers should give emphasis on writing decimals in standard and expanded form in 2
Fractional form:
48.8425 = (4 x 4 10/1) + (8 x 1/1) + (8 x 1/100) + (4 x 1/100) + (2 x 1/1000) + (5 x 1/1000)
3. Fixing Skills:
a. Write the decimal in standard notation.
1. ninety-three thousandths.
2. seventeen ten thousandths.
b. Write the decimal in expanded form, exponential or fractional.
1. 6.5327
3. 3.1065
2. 0.0081
4. 0.0345
4. Generalization:
How do you write decimals in standard form? Expanded form? What are the 2 ways of
writing decimals in expanded notation?
5. Application:
Write the decimal in expanded and exponential form.
1. 0.842
IV. Evaluation:
Write the following in standard and expanded forms.
1. four and nine tenths
2. thirty four thousands
3. twelve and four hundredths
V. Assignment:
Write in decimals in standard form.
1. Five thousand six hundred thirty eight ten thousands.
2. twenty-eight and seven thousand two hundred thirteen ten thousandths.
Write in decimals in expanded form.
3. 3.5968
4. 325.1927
5. 47.813

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Compare and order decimals through tent thousandths
II. Learning Content:
Comparing and order decimals through tent thousandths

Enfolding Mathematics VI
activity cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Comparing numbers

2. Review:
Arranging number in ascending or descending order
1. Group the class with 5 remember each.
2. Each member of the group will be given card with numbers.

3. The teacher gives instruction to arrange themselves in ascending order then descending
4. The first group to arrange themselves correctly and quickly wins the game.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you know the density of water at different temperature? Do you agree that water is
not lost? Why?
2. Presentation:
a. Strategy 1 Pair Share
1. Post the information on the board. The density of water at:
a. 0C is about 0.9999 grams per cubic cm
b. 20C is close o 0.9982 grams per cubic cm
c. 100C is near to 0.9584 grams per cubic cm
2. Task for each group:
a. Which is lesser?
0.9999 or 0.9982?
0.9584 or 0.9999?
b. If these decimals are to be arrange from:
- Least to greatest, which has the greatest value?

- Greatest to least, which has the least value?

c. They may use their place value chart to know exactly the value of the decimal
numbers given to them.
d. Have each pair present their output.
e. Teacher may give emphasis on the steps of comparing/ordering decimals?
3. Fixing Skills:
Write <, > or = on the blank to make the sentence true.
a. 0.1114 _______ 0.2202
c. 0.999 _______ 0.1000
b. 0.1090 _______ 0.1009
d. 4.8934 _______ 4.8943
4. Generalization:
How do you compare decimals? What are the relations symbols used in comparing
decimals? What are the steps in comparing and ordering decimals?
5. Application:
Read and solve.
Mother is going to the bank and she took you with her. While riding the jeepney, you
noticed that mother received P0.25 change while the one in front of you was given P0.50.
Whose change is smaller?
IV. Evaluation:
Order number from least to greatest.
1. 0.0990, 0.0099, 0.999, 0.90
2. 3.01, 3.001, 3.1, 3.011
3. 0.123, 0.112, 0.12, 0.121
V. Assignment:
Compare using >, < or =
1. 1.0340 _______ 1.034
2. 0.4897 _______ 0.4987
3. 0.0101 _______ 0.0101
4. 12.1202_______ 12.1220
5. 20.8976 _______ 20.8967


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Round decimals through ten thousands
II. Learning Content:
Rounding decimals through ten thousands

Enfolding Mathematics VI
activity cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
1. Call 21 volunteer pupils and group them into n3.
2. Provide each group with number cards from 0-5 and a decimal point.
3. Each group will form the number given by the teacher.
I am a 5-digit decimal number My tenths digit is twice my hundredths digit, and my
one's digit is the sum of my tenths and ten-thousandths digit. My thousandths digit is a
place value holder. (5.4201)
4. The first group to form the number correctly, wins the game.
2. Review:
Identifying Place value of underlined digit.
1. 0.3251
2. 2.01576



B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What percent is the molecules of carbon dioxide present in the earth's atmosphere?
2. Presentation:
a. Strategy 1 Pair Share
1. Provide each pair with activity card like:
Of the 100% total molecules present composition of the Earths atmosphere, only 0.0325
percent is carbon dioxide.
2. Ask:
a. What number is closest to 0.0325? Why? Why not?
b. What are other possible number closest to 0.0325?
c. What are the rule in rounding off decimal numbers?
3. Practice Exercises:
Round off 29.8492 to nearest:
a. tenths
b. ones
c. hundredths
d. thousandths

e. tens


4. Generalization:
How do you round off decimal numbers? What are the rules in rounding off decimal
5. Application:
Round the following to the nearest underlined digit.
1. 6.8497
2. 2.0825
3. 29.0434
IV. Evaluation:
Round off following numbers to its underline digit.
1. 6.8497
3. 62.842
5. 0.8943
2. 2.0825
4. 29.0434
V. Assignment:
Complete the table.


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals
II. Learning Content:
Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals

Enfolding Mathematics VI
counters, paper bag, index card

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Basic Facts of Multiplication.





2. Review:
Round off decimals to the nearest tenths
Example: a. 84.815
b. 2. 845



c. 6. 0125



d. 26.897

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
You were asked by your mother to buy some groceries after class. Without computing,
how would you know that the money given to you is enough or, not? Why?
2. Presentation:
a. Strategy 1 Role Playing
a. Divide the class into groups.
b. Provide an activity card to each group for them to act out or role play.
Ron has P12, 720 in his savings account. He wants to buy a stereo and speakers
while they are on sale. The stereo cost P9,889.99 and the speakers cost P915.50.
About how much of his savings will be left after the purchase?
c. They have to act out also the following:
1. What information is given in the problem?
2. What should be done first so that Ron will have an idea of the following:
About how much he has to pay?
About how much will be left of his savings?
d. Have them compute the actual answer and compare it with the estimated answer.
e. Have each group present their work in front.
3. Fixing Skills:
Round off the nearest tenths ands solve for the answer.

4. Generalization:
How do you find the estimated sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals?
5. Application:
Solve the problem.
Luis has Php 250 for his daily allowances. He spent Php 95.50 for fare and Php 75.75 for
food and save the rest. About how much is his savings?
IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the number in column. Round off the number to the nearest hundredth, then find the
estimated sums and difference.
1. 36.5 + 18.91 + 55.41 = N
2. P285.15 + P27.35 + P627.30 = N
3. 8.941 8.149 = N
V. Assignment:
Round of numbers to the nearest tenths and solve for the answer.
a. 7.13 + 8.57 + 23.09 =
b. 29.81 + 35.16 + 41.95 =
c. 873.22 + 128.55 + 456.19 =

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Add and subtract whole numbers and decimals.
II. Learning Content:
Adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals.

Enfolding Mathematics VI

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
a. 58+___ = 90

b. ____ - 27 = 55

c. 44 + 59 = ____

d. 71 43 = ____

2. Review:
a. Group the class in pairs.
b. Teacher flashes activity card
5.684 + 2.795
c. Player 1 for each group will give the estimated answer mentally.
d. Player 2 checks the answer by solving it using pencil and paper.
e. The group with the most number of correct answer wins.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Present the following on the board: 85.03 + 105 + 16.005 - 28.79 = N
Ask: What is the fastest way of solving the problem? Why?
2. Presentation:
1. Presentation:
Present the lesson thru the following:
Strategy 1 Matching Game Mechanics:
a. Divide the class into 2 groups.
b. First group will be given problem cards.
c. Second group will be holding the answer card.
d. The pupils raise the card they are holding when the teacher gives the "go" signal.
e. Pupils should toy to find their partner by pairing the problem card with the
correct answer card.
f. The first pair to match correctly wins. Ex. Problem Card
Tina bought a pair of shoes for P495.50, a coat for P527.20 and a pocketbook
for P94.75. How much change did she receive from her P2000?
g. Have the pair read and solve the problem on the board to check if their cards
3. Fixing Skills:
Solve the following

1. 16 + 15.56 =
2. 92.2 27.58
3. 37.21 19 =
4. 32.587 + 19.63
4. Generalization:
How do you find the estimated sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals?
5. Application:
Write in column the compute.
1. 36 + 18.9 15.6 = N
2. 89 29.341 + 14 = N
3. 62.5 + 3.96 + 9.3 = N
IV. Evaluation:
Solve the problems.
1. Add 82.839 to the difference of 189 and 158.84.
2. The sum of 15.16, 97 and 68.3 is _______
3. Add the difference of 25 and 16.82 to the sum of 43 and 18.28.
V. Assignment:
1. 89 84.63 + 74.13 = N
2. 105.89 49 + 29.834 = N
3. What is the answer when 215 is added to 15.398?
4. What is the answer when 612 is added to the difference of 65 and 47.892?


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Add/subtract decimals through ten thousandths without regrouping (with concrete/visual models)
II. Learning Content:
Adding/subtracting decimals through ten thousandths without regrouping

Enfolding Mathematics VI
strips of paper, 10 x 10 grid, number line, show me board

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental Computation Drill
Find the sum for each problem. Then fill in the boxes so that each row across and down
has the same sum.

2. Review:
Round to the tenths place. Estimate the sum or difference.
1. 0.975 + 0.325
2. 2.92 + 7.68
3. 7.22 + 0.99

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Present a simple story.
Linda does not easily throw things or objects like paper bags, plastic spoons and forks,
pieces of strings or ribbons, Christmas or birthday wrappers and others. She neatly store them
in a box or cabinet for future use.
1. What does Linda do with used things or objects?
2. What kind of a girl is she?
2. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 - Pair Activity
One day, Debbie, Linda's younger sister needed 4 pieces of ribbon for her project.
Linda gave her yellow, pink, blue and red ribbons with lengths 0.2 m, 0.48 m, 0.3 m and
0.15 m respectively.
How long are the yellow and blue ribbons if put together?

a. Analyze the problem.
b. Identify the lengths of yellow and blue ribbon.
c. Let the pupils find the sum using strips of paper.
d. To show: 0.2 m + 0.3 = N
There is another way of writing 0.2 + 0.3 to find the sum. How? Let pupils write this
in their Show Me Boards. Let them discuss/explain the placement of decimal points and
what place value should be added first, second and so on.
0.2 m
+ 0.3 m
0.5 m
3. Fixing Skills:
Find the sum or difference.
1. 0.27 + 0.61
3. 0.261 + 0.03
2. 0.13 + 0.22 + 0.45
4. 0.005 + 0.24 + 0.3142

5. 0.4213 + 0.06 + 0.3142

4. Generalization:
How do we add/subtract decimals through ten thousandths without regrouping?
5. Application:
Read and solve.
Lindas father found a 0.75 m piece of wood, he cut 0.5 m from it. How many meters of
wood were left?
IV. Evaluation:
Add or subtract

V. Assignment:
Find the sum or difference.



Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Add/subtract decimals through ten thousands with regrouping
II. Learning Content:
Adding/subtracting decimals through ten thousands with regrouping

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, manila paper

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental Computation
Give the sum/difference of the following

2. Review:
Mental Computation: Adding/subtracting decimals through ten thousandths without

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Present a simple story.
Linda does not easily throw things or objects like paper bags, plastic spoons and forks,
pieces of strings or ribbons, Christmas or birthday wrappers and others. She neatly store them
in a box or cabinet for future use.
1. What does Linda do with used things or objects?
2. What kind of a girl is she?
2. Presentation:
a. Strategy 1
Bentong, a neighbor, came home one afternoon with a problem: "From the sum of
0.2784 and 0.5869, subtract 0.3854."
a. Guide the pupils in analyzing the problem by asking the following questions:
What is being asked?
What are given?
What operations will be used?
What is the equation?

b. Teacher writes the equation horizontally on the board, for example, (0.2784 +
0.5869) - 0.3854 = N, then asks a volunteer to solve the equation, step-by-step. Let
the pupil explain his work.
c. Teacher emphasizes the importance of aligning the decimal points properly and
correctly before adding or subtracting
d. Discuss the value of helping others in need.
3. Practice Exercises:

4. Generalization:
How do you add/subtract decimals through ten thousands with regrouping?
5. Application:
Find the sum/difference.
1. 0.3564



IV. Evaluation:
Solve for the missing number.

V. Assignment:
Perform the indicated operation.


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Add and subtract mixed decimals with regrouping
II. Learning Content:
Adding and subtracting mixed decimals with regrouping

Enfolding Mathematics VI

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Reading mixed decimals (using flashcards)

2. Review:
Adding/Subtracting Decimals without Regrouping GAME:
a. Divide the class into 6 groups (per column).
b. First student in each column solves mentally the equation given by the teacher.
c. The first to answer correctly gets 1 point for his/her group.
d. Continue flashing cards until everyone in the group has participated.
e. Group with the most number of points wins.
a. 2.143 + 1.3
b. 3.5 + 1.021
c. 2.0008 + 3.14
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Mother has P1,000. She went shopping in a mall. She bought 3 pairs of stockings worth
P153.75 and a bag which cost P426.85. How much change did she receive?
2. Presentation:
a. Work on the problem together.
1. Ask:
a. What does the problem ask for?
b. What are the given facts?
c. What will you do to solve for the answer?
2. Translate the problem into a number sentence. Then show the solution on the board.

3. How much change did she get? What if she received P520.40?

4. What do you think will mother do? Why? If you were given an extra change, would
you return it? Why?
5. Have pupils solve more exercises:

3. Fixing Skills:
Solve the indicated operations.

4. Generalization:
How do you add/subtract mixed decimals with regrouping?
5. Application:
Solve as indicated.
1. The difference between 95.827 and 58.39 is _____.
2. Find the sum of 1.853 and 10.05.
3. When 35.20 is added to 43.86, the sum is ____.
IV. Evaluation:
Find the sum/difference.

V. Assignment:
Perform the indicated operations



Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Apply different properties of addition to compute sums mentally
II. Learning Content:
Applying different properties of addition to compute sums mentally

Enfolding Mathematics VI
charts, illustrations

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental computation Give the sums of the following numbers.
a. 38 + 5 =
b. 193 + 43 =
c. 126 + 46 =
d. 82 + 11 =
2. Review:
What are the different properties of addition? What is the definition of each.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Why is exercise good for the body? What form of exercise do you do? How do you keep
yourself physically fit?
2. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 Pair Activity
Study the illustration. Then answer the questions mentally

a. How far is Remy's house from Fe's house?

b. Remy walks to school for 20.1 minutes. Fe rides a bike in going o sc~ col. It took her
13.7 minutes to reach :e school. Helen rides a jeep in comir _ to school and it took
her 8 minutes. How many minutes do the 3 friends use in coming to school?
1. How did you find the answer without using paper and pencil? #1? #2?
2. What number sentence did you use to make it easier for you to solve? #1? =2?
3. Is 2.5 + 1.75 the same as 1.75 + 2.5? Why? What property of addition did you use?
3. Fixing Skills:
Find the sum mentally.
1. 3.7 + 4.9
3. 2.37 + 4.10 + 1.03
2. 0.82 + 0.76
4. 51.4 + 18.7

4. Generalization:
How do you add mentally using the properties of addition?
5. Application:
Add the following mentally.
1. 1.1 + 2.1
2. 0.19 + 0.26
IV. Evaluation:
Add the following mentally.
1. 3.7 + 5.6
3. 0.77 + 0.15
2. 1.6 + 2.4 + 1.2
4. 0 + 18.2 + 7.4

3. 2.4 + 1.3

5. 0.648 + 0

V. Assignment:
Add the following mentally.
1. 0.31 + 0.53
2. 0.49 + 0.10
3. 0.12 + 0.42
4. 0.13 + 0.25 + 0.11
5. 1.21 + 2.02 + 3.14

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Solve 1-to-2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals
II. Learning Content:
Solving 1-to-2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals

Enfolding Mathematics VI
flashcards, charts, manila paper

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental Computation Adding and Subtracting
a. 4.8
b. 10 2.8 =
+ 2.75
+ 3.8

d. 1 0.455 =

2. Review: Identify the operation involved in a problem.

Write the number sentence then solve.
1. The diameter of the earth is 7026 miles. If Mercury's diameter is about 4914 miles shorter
than that of the earth, what is the diameter of Mercury?
2. Luz wants to buy a bag that costs P375.95. If she has saved P148.50 for it, how much
more does she need?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Lani and Sol went to a book fair. Lani found 2 good books which cost P45.00 and
P67.50. She only had P58.00 in her purse but wanted very much to buy the books. Sol offered
to give her money. How much did Sol share to Lani? What traits shows by Sol?
2. Presentation:
a. Ask the following questions:
1. What is being asked?
2. What are given?
3. What operations are needed to solve the problem?
4. What is the hidden question?
5. What is the number sentence needed to solve the problem?
b. Call on a volunteer to solve the number sentence on the board.
c. Teacher discusses the step-by-step solution on the board.
3.. Fixing Skills:
Give another set of examples:

a. Annie bought 13.6 gal and 12.8 gal of gas in each of 2 consecutive weeks. Her total
consumption of gas in 3 weeks is 38.35 gal. How much gas did she consume on the 3d
b. How much more is 8.24 increased by 0.8 than 2.7?
c. How much less is the sum of 24.5 and 18.762 than 50?
4. Generalization:
What are the important steps in problem solving?
How do we solve 2-3 step word problems on addition/subtraction of decimals?
5. Application:
Read the problem and answer.
Annie bought 13.6 gal and 12.8 gal of gas in each 2 consecutive weeks. Her total
consumption of gas in 3 weeks is 38.35 gal. How much gas did she consume on the 3 rd
IV. Evaluation:
Read the problem and answer the questions about it. Write the letter only.
Binoy wanted to buy a notebook for P18.75 and a ball pen for P28.75. He had only P19.85. How
much more does he need to buy the 2 items?
1. The operations involved in the problem are:
a. +, c. + and
b. x and +
d. - and
2. The hidden question is:
a. How much money does Binoy have?
b. How much more does Binoy need to buy 2 items?
c. How much does the notebook and ball pen cost altogether?
3. The correct number sentence for the problem is:
a. P19.85 + (P18.75 - P28.75) = N
b. (19.85 + P18.75) - P28.75 = N
c. (18.75 + P28.75) - P1985 = N
V. Assignment:
Write the number sentence and solve.
1. Barangay Maligaya is 28.5 km from the town proper. In going there, Ricardo traveled 12.75
kilometers by jeep, 8.5 km by tricycle, and the rest by hiking. How many kilometers did Ricardo
2. Delia filled the basin with 2.95 liters of water. Her brother used 0.21 liter when he washed his
hands and her sister used 0.8 liter when she washed her face. How much water was left in the


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Estimate products of whole numbers and decimals
II. Learning Content:
Estimating products of whole numbers and decimals

Enfolding Mathematics VI
number cards, problem cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Rounding whole numbers and decimals
Ex. 27 586
56 235


25 365

2. Review:
Round to the nearest whole number and estimate the sum/difference. How many can you
do orally?
1. 7.82 + 2.35 =
3. 9.15 + 3.84 =
5. 8.46 + 1.93 =
2. 7.82 2.35 =
4. 9.15 3.84 =

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Present the following problems.
Carlo bought 5 notebooks at P38.95 each. About how much did he pay in all?
2. Presentation:
a. Ask the following questions:
1. What are given?
2. What is being asked?
3. Do we need an exact answer or just an estimate to solve the problem? Why do you
think so?
4. What is the number sentence?
5. How do we estimate products of whole numbers and decimals?
b. Explain step-by-step the process of estimating products of whole numbers and decimals.
If possible, extract this from the pupils or have them do the explaining.
c. Discuss the importance of estimation and its practical applications in real life. Elicit
examples of situations where estimation is needed.
3. Practice Exercises:
Estimate each product by rounding the multiplicand.
1. 22.7 x 0.08 =
3. 4.53 x 0.77 =
5. 78.5 x 1.2 =
2. 4.3 x 0.9 =
4. 6.28 x 0.58 =

4. Generalization:
How do you estimate the products of whole numbers and decimals?
5. Application:
Read and solve.
The following are some items you need to buy from a store.
Socks 20.95, T-shirt 119.50, face towel 8.75, handkerchief 24.25 and shorts 52.30
About how much money you will have to be able to buy: a pair of socks, two t-shirts, five
face towel and seven handkerchief?
IV. Evaluation:
Estimate each product by rounding the multiplicand.

V. Assignment:
Estimate each product by rounding


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Multiply up to 3 digit factors by 1- to 2 digit factors whole numbers and decimals with or without
II. Learning Content:
Multiplying up to 3 digit factors by 1- to 2 digit factors whole numbers and decimals with or
without regrouping

Enfolding Mathematics VI

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
Let each pair of pupils find the missing factor/s to complete the puzzle.

2. Review:
Estimate the cost.
1. 2 kilos of tomatoes at P8.50 per kilo
2. 31 meters of cotton dress materials at P49.95 per meter
3. 90 bananas at P0.85 each
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What is your hobby? Is it a worthwhile one? Why do you say so?
2. Presentation:
Present the lesson thru the following:
a. Activity 1
A hobbyist loves to collect different kinds of butterflies. In one of his framed
collection, he mounted 12 butterflies of one species with the same length and width. If
one butterfly weighs 0.43 gram, what is the total weight of the butterflies?
a. Analysis of the problem.
b. Let each pair draw the butterflies and write the weight of each of them. Then let them
find the total weight.

c. How did you find the answer? What process did you see?
0.43 g
0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g
0.43 g
0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g 0.43 g
Addition sentence: 0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43
+0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43
+0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43 + 0.43
Multiplication sentence: 12 x 0.43 = N
3. Fixing Skills:
Find the product.
1. 0.432 x 0.23
2. 0.83 x 35

3. 0.914 x 0.6
4. 0.7 x 46

5. 0.132 x 0.54

4. Generalization:
How do you mentally decimals and whole numbers?
5. Application:
Read and solve.
The butterfly collector measures the wings of a butterfly. It has a length of 0.79 dm. If 25
butterflies have the same length of wings, what is the total length of all the wings?
IV. Evaluation:
Find the product.
1. 0.67 x 0.24
2. 34 x 0.293

3. 0.518 x 0.65
4. 0.92 x 57

5. 0.39 x 0.764

V. Assignment:
1. 0.57 x 0.24
2. 0.442 x 26

3. 65 x 0.179
4. 0.392 x .78

5. 0.827 x 0.36


Date: ___________
I. Objective:
Multiply up to 3-digit factors by 1-to 2-digit factors of decimals and whole numbers without and
with regrouping and with zero difficulty
II. Learning Content:
Multiplying up to 3-digit factors by 1-to 2-digit factors of decimals and whole numbers without
and with regrouping and with zero difficulty

Enfolding Mathematics VI
charts, card with number sentences

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental Computation.
Answer the following
1. 235 + 3
3. 469 205
2. 212 x 4
4. 1248 4
2. Review:
Find the product
a. 0.39 x 0.74
b. 34 x 0.295

5. 335 + 92
6. 1649 929

c. 0.36 x 25

d. 89.254 x 2.3

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What are the things that you do to make you physically fit and healthy?
2. Presentation:
a. Present the lesson by doing the following Activity 1
Nutritionists say we need 0.0017 gram of riboflavin everyday. How much do we need
in a week?
1. Let the pupils analyze the problem.
2. Let each group give an estimate of the answer.
3. Let them get the actual answer. Discuss the steps they make in finding the product.
0.0017 - 4 decimal places
7 - none
0.119 - 4 decimal places
a. Multiply the decimals as with whole numbers.
b. Count the number of decimal places in the factors (multiplicand and multiplier)
c. Place the decimal point in the product. The number of decimal places in' a
product is the sum of the number of decimal places in number multiplied.
d. Sometimes it is necessary to insert zero/s in the product when the number of
digits obtained in the product is less than the total number of decimal places in
the factors. (In the example, we need to insert 1 zero.)

3. Fixing Skills:
Find the product.
1. 0.432 x 0.23
2. 0.83 x 35

3. 0.914 x 0.6
4. 0.7 x 46

5. 0.132 x 0.54

4. Generalization:
How do you mentally decimals and whole numbers?
5. Application:
a. Find N in this equation: 0847 x 0.69 = N
b. The product of 86 and 0.249 is ____.
IV. Evaluation:
Find the product.
1. 0.67 x 0.24
2. 34 x 0.293

3. 0.518 x 0.65
4. 0.92 x 57

5. 0.39 x 0.764

V. Assignment:
1. 0.57 x 0.24
2. 0.442 x 26

3. 65 x 0.179
4. 0.392 x .78

5. 0.827 x 0.36


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