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Decide to Change Today

Icebreaker: What if you had to change an organ or a member from your body, which one would it be?
Key verses: Jeremiah 17:9-10, 2Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 12:12-13.

The triumphant life is obtained by good decisions, and the first step for change is to examine ourselves and to be determined, allowing God to bring these changes, that will bring blessings to our lives and our families. There is three
fundamental steps if we want to change.


Evaluate where we are failing.

a) Do a Stop: In this life its not only about thinking, reacting and analyzing; But it also consists of pausing and
reflecting on our life and making the necessary changes.
b) Lets be honest with ourselves: Our honesty shouldn't just be measured with our decisions alone, but with the
rule of the word of God.


Determined to Change

a) Sincere repentance: In Luke 15:17 we have a scene full of drama; the prodigal son, who at the same time is the
key that we must use to achieve a sincere change.
b) He touched the heart of his Father: The process of a sincere repentance is not complete if we do not stir up the
heart of God and gives us his answer.


Recognize that without God we are nothing

a) Live the word of God: It doesn't matter much if we have heard the word of God, or how much we have read it,
the most important thing is how much are we living it?
b) Change of direction: If we are going to walk let it be in the paths of the Lord. Is our path leading us to eternal
life? If you're not sure, the perfect way and secure is called Jesus Christ.


To make changes in our lives, sometimes we have to analyze our current situation and change our direction, on other
occasions we have to make wise decisions, or we have to ask for forgiveness, no matter what our situation is lets act


1. Why is it important to evaluate our failures?

2. What do we need to take in consideration when we determine ourselves to make changes in our lives?
3. Why is it important to recognize that without God we are nothing?

1) This Friday Women Vigil after the CG.
2) Saturday: Bible College in ACW
3) Sunday Holy Supper 7:30 am.
4) We continue with 21 days of fasting.

Declaration of Mission
Win the lost with evangelism
Confirm the new converts with expertise and love
Disciple members through guardians
Send the leaders to reap the harvest

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