NO. 15 - People Vs Aposaga - FINAL

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PEOPLE vs APOSAGA, GR. No. 32477, October 30, 1981
The accused was convicted of the crime of Murder for killing Jose Barranda
and was sentenced to suffer the penalty of death. They filed an appeal contending
the credibility of the testimonies of the prosecutions witnesses.
Did the prosecution failed to prove the guilt of the accused beyond
reasonable doubt?
Even though it was clearly observed that the testimonies of the two
eyewitnesses may have suffered inconsistencies, it refer only to minor details which
are not sufficient to destroy their credibility.
As reiterated, the Supreme Court has held that where the issue is credibility
of the witnesses, appellate courts will generally not disturb the findings of the trial
judge, who heard the witnesses themselves and observed their manner of
testifying, unless he has plainly overlooked certain facts of substance, that if
considered might affect the result of the case.

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