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Gifted and Talented

Definition & AB Educ. Code

Demonstrated or potential abilities to show exceptionally high capability in specific disciplines, intellect, or
creativity. Students who are advanced in one area or in many areas and exceed the expectations of parents or
of the school curriculum in specific areas or development are described as gifted. (5% of students are gifted)
Code 80
Characteristics &/or
Observable Behaviours

Work quickly
Generate explanations,
theories, ideas and
Show curiosity and/or
strong interests.
Does not work well in
normal classrooms
May have accompanying
disabilities (Autism
Have great vocabulary,
fluency, memory, insight,
reasoning, observation
skills, problem-solving
skills, imagination and
Be highly self-directed and
Be unusually perceptive of
or sensitive to feelings
and expectations of others
Seem intense in
expression or feelings of
justice and/or empathy
perfectionism and high
task commitment
Seem out of synch with
age-mates or prefer the
company of adults.
Very sensitive, emotionally
and even physically

Teaching Strategies & Resources

Tiered assignments- Teacher prepares

a range of distinct assignments, from
simple to complex, focusing on key
learning outcomes. Once gifted
students complete the required part,
they can move on to more complex
Ability Grouping- students work with
their intellectual peers on a regular
basis in or outside the classroom. This
could mean having gifted students
spend part of the day with a different
grade level for enrichment.
Mentor Programs- gifted students
apply their knowledge hands-on, in
real-life settings under the supervision
of an adult.
Authentic Problem Solving- Students
apply their knowledge and skills to
problems that are significant in their
own lives.
Telescoping- Gifted students can do
two curricula in one year.
Open Ended Assignments- Students
are given options for completing and
deciding how far to take their learning.
Let your child follow his or her passion.
Some childrens intensity may lead to
immersion in a passion to the exclusion
of all else
Participating in their own SMART goal
setting helps students who are gifted
to practise higher-order and
metacognitive thinking.
Open-ended questions invite critical
and creative thinking, and nurture the
development of students capacities to
frame their own questions.
Independent projects offer challenge
and engagement for students who
need academic enrichment.
Advanced Placement (AP): Students

Links &/or
Class Coursepack
(Chapter 3- Exceptional
Students: Learning and

participate in senior high school

courses that follow the prescribed AP
program and students who
successfully complete examinations in
the program may apply for advanced
credit or placement at post-secondary

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