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Katie Oller

Cranberry Thanksgiving: Family Traditions and Diversity

I. Purpose:

The purpose of teaching this multicultural lesson plan on traditions to students

is to create well rounded and culturally competent students that are aware of
diversity. In this lesson, students will also learn the definition of the word
tradition, provide examples of traditions in their families, and be able to
distinguish differences between traditions in different families to understand
diversity. This is a multicultural lesson because students will identify different
ways that families can celebrate holidays and create traditions unique to their
own family that differ from other families around them.
History and Social Science, Civics
2.12 The student will understand that the people of Virginia
a) have state and local government officials who are elected by voters;
b) have diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions, make
contributions to their
communities, and are united as Americans by common principles.

II. Objectives:
Given a worksheet and pencil, the student will be able to recognize and
describe at least two examples of traditions that their own family has with
100% accuracy.
III. Procedure: Includes three components
a. Introduction
To begin the lesson on traditions, I will ask students to join me at the carpet
for a read aloud. I will bring in the book entitled Cranberry Thanksgiving to
introduce students to the concept of traditions. This book will be a good hook
to introduce an example of what a tradition may look like in a family, and will
open up my conversation with my students to compare their family traditions
to the ones shown in this book. After reading the book, I will lead a discussion
with the whole class asking questions for comprehension about the book such
as what activities did the grandma and granddaughter do every year for
thanksgiving? did they invite anyone to spend time with them on this
special day?. I will also ask multicultural questions such as what is the
character doing differently for Thanksgiving than your family does?
b. Development
After reading aloud the book to my students, I will ask everyone to return to
their seats and write on the board the definition of the word traditions, which
can be defined as cultural activities, events and beliefs that are passed down
from generation to generation. I will explain to the students some examples of

the different traditions that families have across the nation to represent diversity.
I will also write on the board a word bank for students to reference to when
working on their worksheet with words like thanksgiving, tradition and family
After explaining to students what the word tradition is and providing an
example, I will ask students to draw a picture of one kind of food that they feel
is special that their family has eaten each year for thanksgiving (other than
turkey!) I will also verbally ask various students who is invited to come for
Thanksgiving at their home, and what kinds of activities they do with their
guests. This will help me get an idea of the diversity within the classroom.
While students are working on their drawings, I will be walking around the
room assessing and observing each students drawing. (Kinesthetic)
Once students are finished with their drawings, I will select 5-7 students with
diverse drawings to come to the front of the classroom to show the rest of the
class what kinds of things their family eats during Thanksgiving. I will also ask
the students to talk about who they spend Thanksgiving with, and what kind of
activities are going on during Thanksgiving in their household. I will ask the
students at their seats what is different and what is similar about each students
drawing, and how their experiences are different and similar on Thanksgiving
day. (Visual/auditory)
c. Summary
To wrap this lesson up, I will have students complete a worksheet describing
what kinds of traditions they have in their household (these traditions can be
non-Thanksgiving related). The worksheet will also ask questions about how
many people are in their family, and what language is spoken at home.
I will provide the definition of the word traditions still written up on the board
for any students that are struggling, and write an example of a tradition that I
have with my family, which will demonstrate an idea of what I am expecting
them to do on their own.
A bonus question will be provided on the worksheet for advanced students
who finish early. The bonus question will ask students to explain one tradition
they would want their family to have. This will challenge students to think
outside of the box and brainstorm some traditions they may have heard in
class that they liked.
IV. Materials needed for the lesson
Cranberry Thanksgiving by Devlin Wende
Worksheet on Traditions
White board and markers

V. Evaluation Part A:
The formal assessment of the content the students just learned will be through
the worksheet on traditions completed during the summary section of the
procedure. I will assess the students knowledge after they complete the
worksheet on traditions. The students should be able to understand the
definition of the word traditions and will show examples from their personal
life. In this lesson, students will also begin to learn about diversity, even with
in the walls of their classroom. I do not have a formal assessment to test
students on their knowledge of diversity, but I will be informally assessing
them through the conversations that we have about diversity during the class
VI. Evaluation Part B: (Post-lesson assessment and reflection of the lesson to be completed
after the lesson has been taught)
Did the students meet your objectives?

How do you know?

Did your lesson accommodate/address the needs of all your learners?

What were the strengths of the lesson?

What were the weaknesses?

How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?

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