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Katie Oller

Tedu 426
Read Aloud Lesson Plan



The purpose of this read aloud is to demonstrate fluency while
I am reading for my students. Through reading aloud, they will
get an idea of how a reader should express emotion while
reading text, and also when a reader correctly stops or pauses
during reading. Through my lesson, the students will build on
their comprehension skills by answering and critically thinking
about the questions I will be asking them about predictions
and problems and solutions. Students will also build their
vocabulary by listening to a new story, and learn new words
and meanings in context.
2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of
fictional texts.
o a) Make and confirm predictions.
o b) Relate previous experiences to the main idea.
o c) Ask and answer questions about what is read.
o d) Locate information to answer questions.
o e) Describe characters, setting, and important events in
fiction and poetry.
o f) Identify the problem and solution.
o g) Identify the main idea.
o h) Summarize stories and events with beginning,
middle, and end in the correct
o sequence.
o i) Draw conclusions based on the text.
o j) Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and
passages with fluency, accuracy,
and meaningful expression.
Given a picture walk, students will write a one or two
sentence prediction before reading about what will happen in
the text with 80% accuracy.
Given more information from the text, students will edit and
revise their original predictions during the reading with 80%
Given a worksheet on problems and solutions, students will be
able to identify and describe after the reading what the
problem and solution was in the text with 80% accuracy.


Before the read aloud begins, I will keep my students in their

seats and read the title Scaredy Squirrel to them. I will ask
students to raise their hands and orally tell me about a time
that they were scared and how it made them feel. I will only
call on 4-5 students in order to move the beginning part of the
lesson forward. Once I have gathered responses from
students, I will begin a picture walk around the room, showing
students various pictures in the book. After all students have
seen the pictures, I will ask them to jot down predictions on
their worksheet of what they think will happen in the book
based on the title and pictures I have shown them. Once
finished, I will ask a few students to share with the class what
they predict will happen in the book.
After sharing, I will begin the read aloud. I will walk around the
room so that each student can see while I am reading. I will
stop at the middle of the book, on page 20 to ask the students
to revise their prediction and make conclusions about what
has happened so far in the book. I will ask a few students to
share with me a conclusion they have made about Scaredy
Squirrel and about what is happening in the book. After this
discussion, I will instruct them that good readers make
observations and can use clues in the book to make
predictions about what will happen next in the text. Students
will write down their new revised predictions. Once the
students have completed this, I will continue reading.
After I am finished reading, I will have students go back to
working on their worksheet where there are boxes to fill in on
problem and solution. I will ask for my students to identify
what the problem is in the book, the solution to the problem,
and steps that were taken in the solution to solve the
problem. I will ask students to share once they have finished
writing down the problem and solution, comparing what
students said was the problem, and what they said was the
solution. I will also verbally ask students to tell me if their
predictions came true. I will have a whole class discussion
with the students to tell them that good readers make
predictions and use clues in context to help them figure out
what is going to happen in the story.
For struggling students, I will write on the board before the
final activity an example of what a problem and solution are.
The example that I will write on the board will be: ProblemCindy cant find her jacket. Solution- she asks her father to
help her find it. This will be a good example to show students
what a problem and solution may look like.



Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt

Worksheet on Scaredy Squirrel
White board
Dry erase markers
Evaluation Part A
For the before lesson, I will informally assess my students
knowledge based on their oral responses and written
responses of what their prediction is. I will know if they
understand what a prediction is and how to make one based
on how relevant their prediction is compared to the picture
walk and title.
During the lesson, I will be able to evaluate my students
knowledge based upon their oral responses and alterations of
their predictions. If the students have changed their
predictions on what has been read in the book, and the new
predictions are relevant to the context, I will know that my
students understand how to use context to alter their
After the lesson I will be able to evaluate my students based
on their oral responses and written responses of problems and
solutions. If my students responses align with what is
happening in the book and they use context clues to be able
to come up with the problem and solution, I will know that my
students understand this concept.
Evaluation Part B
After completing my lesson plan and having the students fill
out the worksheet, I went back through to see how well my
students comprehended the lesson. After going through the
worksheet, I determined that my students had met my
objectives. I determined this by ensuring that students
understood at least 80% of the material on the worksheet. To
do this, students had to write a prediction that was related to
the picture walk that I did before the read aloud, and also to
change or revise their prediction halfway through the book. If
both of these predictions were related to the text, the
students understood the idea of a prediction. After my read
aloud, if my students were able to brainstorm what the
problem and what the solution were in the book, they
understood the concept of problem and solution, and using
context clues in the book to figure out what they were.
One of the strengths of my lesson was the book I chose.
Scaredy Squirrel turned out to be a hit! There was even a
perfect spot in the book to pause and revise predictions, and
my students were practically jumping off the carpet to change

their prediction to what they thought was going to happen

next. I also had many students that wanted to participate in
discussion of the book and contribute their ideas to the group.
One weakness that I had in the group was gaining control and
reining them back in to the read aloud. Since many students
were so excited to share, it got a little out of control and
students were not being respectful of each other.
To improve some of these flaw in the lesson, next time I might
try to brainstorm a different way for students to share. I think
one great way for them to share with someone is to use
SuHuPu (stand up, hand up, pair up). Although there will be
more students talking at once, each student will be heard and
will be able to share with another student their thoughts. This
will also solve the problem of not having enough time for
students to share. Since I was on a tight schedule, some
students were not able to share with the whole class and got
frustrated, but I incorporated a SuHuPu into the lesson, each
student would be able to share.

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