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Miss Badean
Chemistry, Water, and pH Quiz (Chapter 2)

AP Biology

1. What are the 6 elements that comprise most living systems?

2. Which two biotic processes are responsible for cycling oxygen and carbon within all ecosystems?

3. What are the two characteristics of water that enable it to have many unique functions and enable
life to exist?

4. Identify one of waters unique functions (special properties) and provide a biological example of
how each property helps to support life. (In other wordsWhat is so special about waterand specify
an example of how this characteristic helps organisms to survive)

5. Solution A has a pH of 5 and Solution B has a pH of 8. Contrast these solutions in terms of their
[H+] concentrations. (BONUS: identify other differences between these two solutions)

6. If the [H+] of a solution is 10^-5, what is the pH of the solution? Is this acidic, basic, or neutral?

7. If the [OH-] of a solution is 10^-4, what is the pH of the solution? Is this acidic, basic, or neutral?

8. A solution that has equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions, which level of the pH scale would it
have? Provide an example of a solution with this pH.

9. What is physiological pH?

10. Why is it important that there are buffers in our blood?

11. What is the difference between an observation and an inference?

12. Identify 1 trace element and explain why it is needed by the body.

13. How did you do on this quiz?

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