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Miss Badean

Science 7A

Heart Dissection Lab - Pre Lab

Directions: Answer all questions in COMPLETE sentences. Be sure to identify and and all sources
you use to help you come up with your hypotheses.

What is the purpose of this lab? (2 sentences)


Summarize the procedures of this lab. (2-3 sentences)



Hypothesis #1: Are sheep hearts a good representation of what a human heart looks like? (at
least 3 sentences)



Hypothesis #2: Humans, all other mammals and birds, have a heart with 4 different
chambers. There are some organisms, including reptiles and amphibians that have a 3 chambered

heart. The diagram below pictures these two types of hearts. Which type of heart is more efficient
at circulating oxygen around the body? (at least 4 sentences)
Diagram 1:

Sources Used:

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