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In times past there lived a king and queen, who dearly wanted a child. They
somehow were both fertile and were considering adoption or surrogacy. But one day
while the queen was bathing, a frog somehow found its way inside the room out of
the blue and heard the yearnings of the family and granted them their wish and said
Thy wish shall be fulfilled. At some point over the span of a year, thou shalt bring a
child, either a boy or a girl depending on the X and Y chromosome development, in
this world. And as the frog foretold, so it happened; and the queen miraculously
bore a healthy and fair looking baby daughter since aesthetics shouldnt be
prioritized over health. The King was very much surprised and happy about this
phenomenon that he threw a feast to honor the miracle bestowed upon them not
because they were royalty but because of the fact that they were able to conceive a
child given their ordeal. The king invited not only his closest friends and relatives
but also the whole kingdom and the thirteen wise men and women of the kingdom
because gender shouldnt be

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