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Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Kifle Page

University of Manitoba

Narrative Path
Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Yohana Kifle
Visual Literacy A01
Professor Scott Barham
November 4th, 2014

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Kifle Page

Yohana Kifle
Professor Scott Barham
Visual Literacy A01
February 22, y
Stanley Park, Vancouver BC
Canada is a nation which has always been characterized for its rich bounties of ecological
diversity, its dichotomy of both technologically advanced metropolitan splendour and purely
rugged terrains infused with the purest of natures essence. Like its lands, Canadians have
incorporated this zeal of variety that has become so synonymous with the Canadian identity to
form one of the most diversified societies amongst the world. Each city, from Brampton to
Brandon serves as a mosaic of colors and stories collected from every corner of the globe. One
particular area of Canada that historically served as a representation of her richness of ecological
diversity is a place referred to as, Stanley Park.
Stanley Park serves as one of the most famous landmarks of British Colombia, a site
that has been recognized as a national historic location. Stanley Park serves as a green oasis in
the midst of one of Canadas most heavily built urban landscape of Vancouver (Vancouver Parks
& Recreation, 2014). Located at the doorstep of Vancouver city, it serves as an ecological breath
of fresh air from the chokehold of polluted urbanization. Stanley Park is located right in between
of Vancouver Island as well as West and North Vancouver, allowing it to settle on the beach of
English Bay (Vancouver Parks & Recreation, 2014). Every year, tourists from all over the

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

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world graciously flock to Stanley Park as a means of escaping the concrete jungle to experience
the endless beauty of dense forest on doorstep of one of Canadas Largest Metropolises
(Vancouver Parks & Recreation, 2014).
When one is asked to picture Stanley Park, a romanticized vision of one of the most
globally recognized embodiments of natural splendour can be envisioned. Pictures of lush rolling
green hectares of West Coast Rainforest painted in royal shades of natures most coveted jades
can be witnessed. Further exploration into this mesmerizing territory can reveal stretching peaks
of mountainous glory, fortified by crests of rich silver ice. Stanley Park also offers an
astoundingly majestic 8.8-kilometer view of English Bays sapphire waters. Entrenched in these
visions of ecological marvels are the residents of Stanley Park. These residents are comprised of
the wildlife and various insects that harmoniously co-exist in this territory. Visitors to this park
are fortunate enough to be able to entertain thoughts of dense forestry, mountainous terrain and
wildlife all in one encounter.
Along with its access to scenic views of water, mountains, sky, and majestic trees along
Stanley Park's famous Seawall, it also offers features that can be of importance for people of all
ages and interests. Stanley Park features kilometers of trails for those who are inclined to
physical activities that include biking, hiking, jogging or simply walking in the midst of natures
splendor. It also contains historical landmarks that would be of interest for any great practitioner
of Canadian heritage by providing the very essence of the stomping grounds of one of her first
peoples. Furthermore, Stanley Park serves as a cornucopia for cultural depictions of ancient art
and sculpture such as the extensive totem poles on display. For those who enjoy swimming or

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Kifle Page

boating activities in their leisure time, the English Bay serves as an oasis of potential water
Perhaps one of the most intriguing features of Stanley Park is how accessible it is to
Canadian citizens living in an urban setting. Located in the heart of Vancouvers west end, there
are endless options of transportation (Vancouver Parks & Recreation, 2014). One need not travel
hours to some remote location in the middle of no-where when they have the option of taking a
break from the urban sprawl to seek the utopia of ecological serenity, located in the heart of the
city. There are essentially many opportunities to visit such an enchanting place regardless of the
need to travel by foot, bicycle, public transit as well as car since it does provide public parking
for its visitors. The park even provides the luxury service of tours on trolleys for those who may
wish to witness a more compressive or informed portrayal of the park or are physical impaired
and require assistance getting around. The universality of this park makes it a dream for those
who wish to escape from the mundane urban existence but may not have the time to travel
In conclusion, one could argue that Stanley Park serves as the perfect sight of Ecological
preservation in the face of metropolitan domination. It presents a haven for not only wildlife that
have been dispossessed in the face of urbanization, but as a serene sight of tranquility for those
wishing to escape the day to day headaches that the technologically driven world have provided
us with. It provides a mutual cohesion of remarkable landscapes, pristine water bodies, and
preserves wildlife populations with cultural displays of art and recreational activities.

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Kifle Page

City Passports | Travel Guides With History, And Great Deals At Attractions (City Passports |
Travel Guides With History, And Great Deals At Attractions)
Ernie's Travels (: Vancouver's Stanley Park)
Some of the top attractions in Vancouver and more gold for Canada (Cheryl Youngs Blog)
By Dr. Sean Kheraj, Department Of History, University Of British Co. Historical Overview of
Stanley Park (n.d.): n. page. Web.
Getting Here and around the Park." Get to Stanley Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

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