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Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Tree of Life


- Story: You are a forest creature who has just been born from a tree of life, one of the
many giant oak trees around the world that give birth to a vast array of creatures.

- You wander your new wonderful world, discovering its magical mysteries and hidden

- Kill monsters and collect their essence to bring back to your tribe so your village can
stay alive.

- Roam around with friends and explore amazing places and hidden secrets.
- Monsters drop clothes, weapons, and items that the player can collect. and sell at
nearby places for money

- Discover places like the Mystical forest, Dusty Dessert, Blue shade lake, Hickory
Hills, Nixon Vally

- Main cities will be stationed in each area, as a capital. The towns will be stationed
around them.

- Villages will be around the towns, players will spawn in a village.


- There are some trees that spawn evil and hostile creatures, but when killed, their
magical dust-like essence can be harvested into energy in the form of a crystal.

- When the player is killed, their bodies explode, turning into essence that flies back to
the tree he was born from. The essence is recycled creating a new life form in a
reincarnated type of system.

- Life trees are big, standing so tall that you can see them in the distance of the region
your in as giant shadows in the distance.

- If a life tree ever gets cut down some how, the region the tree was in will be left alone.
Once someone from that region dies, their essence wont have any were to go to, so
it will disintegrate into the air. Once everyone from that region dies, the land will

Sunday, October 12, 2014

deteriorate and eventually be a barren wasteland. It will take hundreds of years for a
new life tree to be old enough to support life.

- Parents that want to start a family travel to their regions world tree with a small egg
that the mother has produced after conception. Once at the tree the parents attach
the egg to long tentacle like stems in these flower like plants hanging from the ceiling
in the birthing chamber of the life tree. The plant will then close with the egg inside
and begin to fertilize the egg using the recycled essence it received in order to bloom
in the first place.

- There are special areas in the tree that are reserved for upper level species. Like
Gods born to lead Regions, those individuals are call region leaders. Once one region
leader dies his essence is recycled and it takes 5 years for another one to be born. If
the Region leader is murdered, the person that killed him will die too, when their
essence releases into the air, the challengers will go to the tree, and the losers will
vanish into nothing, taking his lineage along with him.

- Animals will naturally know were to find their world tree. Like a bird knowing were its
nest is. Most animals try to live as close to the tree as possible. When animals want
to have children, they do the same process the upper species does, only they go to a
smaller chamber were the birthing plants are on the floor instead of the ceiling.

- In the rare event that twins are born from the birthing plant, The pod will turn blue, as
some sort of message to warn the surrounding pods that it needs more room to grow.
Its also a good indicator to the parents as well.

- Not every pod is fertilized by parents. In the event that a pod doesnt get fertilized in 3
years, it will either use the essence it has to create and fertilize its own egg, or it will
shrivel up and die. It will then take 1 year for the pod to fully grow again. When a pod
creates its own egg, the process takes much longer than usual. The pod will then turn
a greenish color and grow closer to the ceiling then the floor, because it doesnt have
all the components it needs to grow correctly.

- There are special life trees that grow in oceans. These trees grow in order to support
sea life, they are smaller in size compared to the land life trees so there are more per

- Birthing chambers in ocean life trees are stationed under ground so the babies that
are born can swim out to sea with their parents.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

- Much like animal instinct. A mother knows when her child is going to be born. She will
naturally arrive either 1 day or hours before the child is born. However most of the
time the child ends up waiting for the mother to arrive.

- Players are born in what is known as the Hunter class chamber. This is for the
creatures that are born with special abilities. These Hunters are also known as
Guardians, depending on which moral path the player takes. If the player has killed a
minimum of 3 players and 5 NPCs he will be classified as a Hunter. Same goes for
when the player has healed other players and NPCs.

- The pods in the Hunter chamber do not require eggs in order to fertilize. The essence
it uses is strong enough to create and fertilized its own egg, and giving the baby
additional essence that goes into the powers it learns throughout its life. altho players
are born as children not babies because the essence they are born from is so
powerful an rich, that the pod immediately skips the baby stage of development.

- The game takes place in the dragon controlled country of Caleum, in the world of
Asteasia. The creators of Asteasia are the twin goddesses Aria and Gladice. Aria is
the goddess of darkness, destruction, and despair and gladice is the goddess of
light, order, and happiness. Now dont be fooled, they are ting and yang right down to
their very core. So Gladice uses her peer to blind, discourage, and control people.
While Aria, uses her power to absorb the darkness, so her followers and life peaceful
and happy lives.

- The twin gods created Caleum so the powerful dragon race wouldnt have to live in
the shadow of the failed human race down below. Despite Caleum and Asteasia
sharing a planet, they are two entirely separate worlds.

- In the first century that life roamed, the essence was strong enough to share the gift
of magic to every pod that bloomed, but has life expands the amount of essence
given to each pod goes down, but there is a way that essence can be created.

- Stationed around the globe there are secret tombs that house the worlds first

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