Journal 3, Present & Represent Analysis

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20 February 2015, Part two

Critical Analysis
Presentation and Representation
1) I chose the article, Zombie and Terrorists because I like how the author used his
tone, speaking directly to the reader and with humor. The author addressed the
questions to the readers, himself and even directly responded to himself. He
described satirically the actions and reactions of people to the zombie apocalypse.
Neil smoothly changed the theme about the apocalypse zombie to terrorism.
2) The authors idea is that by using an analogy of a zombie apocalypse we can
better handle and understand how to deal with terrorist groups.
3) The author claims that by both zombies and terrorism you will not survive, you
are going to be killed or eaten, unconditionally. Both terrorist organizations and
zombie hordes are decentralized. He likened zombies to terrorists in that the latter
will just kill and the former will just eat without any consideration. Zombies
cannot be dealt with rationally in any way whatsoever, and neither can terrorists.
4) The author of the article chooses zombies to represent terrorism because their
actions and behaviors are similar to each other.
5) I could adapt the reading through dance. Because dance can have a unique
connection between dancer and viewer. Dance can represent not only life but also
struggle and difficulties. Dance can demonstrate many hidden qualities, such as
feelings, that you are unable to put on to paper. Obviously the costumes can have
a huge effect and the similarities between the two groups, zombies and terrorists
can be acted out. Some of the constraints on representation would be that not all
viewers might able to interpret the messages. Some likenesses between zombies
and terrorists may not be able to be shown. The field of dance has a limited
audience, not everyone goes to those kinds of performances.
6) The main ideas I was presenting in Art and Culture in the age of Zombies, our
remix, are consumerism and escapism. I used text from all 5 assigned articles as
well as the one of my choice and remixed them to create the assignment. I
chose passages that directly drew similarities between zombie characteristics and
the issues of consumerism and escapism. Some of them were quite direct in

showing these ideas. The thoughts were not really my own as this was a remix
as requested. I chose these particular ideas because I can identify with that
problem myself. Being able to see it in myself allows me to see that it is also very
common around me.
7) I found helpful feedback from both people in my work group. Graemes
comments advised me to be more clearly with my paper and to name the author.
In Richaels comments I was able to figure out that I chose the wrong article for
my journal that encourages me to pay more attention to detail and the instructions
for the assignment.

21 February 2015, Part three

Field Journal
Poem: I Shopped With a Zombie
Habit, consuming,
George Romero really knew.
What we are used to,
shopping malls, can we not think?
Are we just zombies today?

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