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Odd and Even numbers Term 1

Stage 1, Stage 2




Stage 1 / 2 Odd and even Numbers. 2 Lessons

2 weeks
Detail: 1 Lesson Per Week

Unit overview
Students will investigate odd and even numbers and apply their knowledge to complete odd and even number patterns.


Assessment overview

Mathematics K-10
MA1-8NA creates, represents and continues a variety of patterns with numbers and objects
MA2-8NA generalises properties of odd and even numbers, generates number patterns, and completes simple number

For: Are students able to determine odd and even numbers.

As: Discovering the patterns in odd and even numbers and
checking odd and even numbers on 100's chart.
Of: Continue and complete odd and even number patterns
(forwards and backwards). Describes how number patterns
are made.

sentences by calculating missing values

MA1-1WM describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions,
materials, diagrams and symbols

MA1-2WM uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems

MA2-1WM uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas


Teaching and learning

Stage 1 - Patterns and Algebra 1

model and describe 'odd' and 'even' numbers using counters paired in two rows
Stage 2 - Patterns and Algebra 1
Investigate the conditions required for a number to be even or odd and identify even and
odd numbers (ACMNA051)
model even and odd numbers of up to two digits using arrays with two rows
compare and describe the difference between models of even numbers and
models of odd numbers (Communicating)

Lesson 1
Modelled - On the Smart Board, model how to separate a group of items into 2 to determine if the
number is odd or even.
Guided - Provide students with a number and ask them if it is odd or even. Choose students to
investigate their answer on the smart board.
Independent - In pairs, provide students with whiteboards/markers and counters. Using the counters,
investigate if numbers are odd or even and record their findings on the whiteboard.

describe and generalise the conditions for a number to be even or odd

Stage 1 - Patterns and Algebra 1

Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with
objects (ACMNA018)
identify and describe patterns when skip counting forwards or backwards by ones,
twos, fives and tens from any starting point
represent number patterns on number lines and number charts
recognise, copy and continue given number patterns that increase or decrease, eg
1, 2, 3, 4,
20, 18, 16, 14,
describe how number patterns are made and how they can be continued

Lesson 2
Modelled - Complete Odds and Evens - Cards activity on Rainforest Maths. Using a Large Class
100s Chart identify these off and evn numbers. Discuss the pattern of odd and even numbers.
Guided - As a class, complete Odds and Evens - Patterns activity on Rainforest Maths. Choose
Different students to complete the number patterns. Provide 2 100s charts for students to glue into
books. Highlight all odd numbers on 1 chart and all even numbers on the other (can be done on 1
chart using 2 different coloured highlighters)
Independent - Have students complete odd and even number patterns in workbooks using the
highlighted 100s charts to help them.

Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.


Teaching and learning

(Communicating, Problem Solving)

recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong
(Communicating, Problem Solving)
make connections between repeating patterns and counting, eg a 'three' pattern
and skip counting by threes (Communicating, Reasoning)
describe the pattern created by modelling odd and even numbers
Stage 1 - Patterns and Algebra 2

Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements (ACMNA035)

describe a number pattern in words, eg 'It goes up by threes'
determine a missing number in a number pattern, eg 3, 7, 11, __, 19, 23, 27
describe how the missing number in a number pattern was determined
(Communicating, Reasoning)
check solutions when determining missing numbers in number patterns by
repeating the process (Reasoning)
Stage 2 - Patterns and Algebra 1
Describe, continue and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or
subtraction (ACMNA060)
create and continue a variety of number patterns that increase or decrease, and
describe them in more than one way
model, describe and then record number patterns using diagrams, words or
ask questions about how number patterns have been created and how they can
be continued (Communicating)

Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.

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