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Overview Of The Given
In this assignment an algorithm is discussed relevant to issues
that are important according to biological point of view. This
algorithm finds the protein complexes from large interaction
networks . By knowing the protein complexes we can predict the
function unknown function protein ,new function for function
known protein and can help us to understand the certain
biological issues.
Summary :
In a network a protein represents a node and an edge is
represented by interaction This algorithm is of polynomial time
complexity O(N^3) ,where N is the number node implemented
by java programming.
The proposed algorithm is based on following four parameters:
1) Density of the cluster(protein complex)

d= |E|/|E|(max) =2*|E|/|N|*(|N| -1)

The value of density should be equal to the to our desired
value .
It tackles every cluster in the graph and removes them one
by one until there is
a single edge left in remaining graph.
2) Weight of an edge : It is the common number of neighbor
between two nodes. Time complexity of finding weight of
graph is O(N^3) which can be reduced to O(|N|||E|).
3) Weight of a node: It is the sum of weights of edges
connected to the node.
Time complexity of weight of nodes is O(|N^2|).
4) CP(cluster property): If a node is the part of the cluster it
should be connected to reasonable number of edges present
in cluster
i.e d*(|N|-1) edges in cluster.
CP is found by formula : |EC|/d*(|N|) where EC is the number
edges between the node and the cluster. We can threshold
value of CP in the range 0<CP<=1.
The weight of node is used to generate and sort the neighbors.
Before we add a node to a cluster we see priority of that node
which based on two measures
(1)weight of the node between a neighbor and a cluster.
(2)weight of edge of a neighbor and a cluster.
Worst case time complexity for this job is O(|N|*CS),Where CS is
the size of cluster.
This algorithm have been implemented on a network consisting of
287 interactions and 300 proteins , where values of d=0.60 and
CP= 0.50 were given. The algorithm generated 1and size four and
density more than 0.6and size three and density 1.

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