The Four Just Men: Press Release

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Press Release


# Monday 23 February at 9.30 a.m. there will be a peaceful protest outside the Queen
Elizabeth Conference Centre in Westminster where Mr Grayling is organising a Magna Carta
# Protesting will be four men who have been refused compensation even though they have all
been acquitted after being wrongly imprisoned : Barry George , Martin Forman, Victor
Nealon & Sam Hallam.
# The four men will be protesting against the Ministry of Justice's Mr Grayling refusal to us
his discretion to grant compensation - instead he hides behind the obscure wording of an
international treaty that provides minimum obligation in various other countries such as
Rwanda, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.
Background to four wrongly convicted
Barry GEORGE spent 8 years in prison
Grossly exaggerated scientific evidence combined with unreliable identification evidence led
to the original conviction for killing Jill Dando, a crime that he was incapable of committing.
Martin FORAN spent 18 years in prison

Victim of police corruption. Twice fitted up by the West Midlands Crime Serious Crime
Squad. Now free but gravely ill and running out of time to see justice done.
Victor NEALON spent 17 years in prison
Attempted sexual assault. Told by police that there were no crime stains. In fact DNA of
another man eventually discovered. Released with just 46 to rebuild his life.
Sam HALLAM spent 8 years in prison
Convicted of murder. The original police investigation was fatally flawed. Officers failed to
check out his alibi and failed to disclose crucial evidence including mobile phone data and
CCTV footage.
1) The four men are available for interview whilst at the protest - please arrange via Ian
Glenn QC 07771 655280 and
2) Barry Georges sister Michelle is the best advocate of these cases.

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