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Tempered Radicals Last Chapters

Facing challenges

Leslie Armstrong

Tempered Radicals Last Chapters

If I were to take the liberal license of offering an alternative
meaning for the CPS; it would represent challenging people to
solve our students problems or caring people that support
students. I am sure the latter meaning may sound more positive,
but they both have the same meaning. I have endured the four
levels of challenges, but challenges cause growth through
introspection and work.

The Summer of Wipro

I was forever changed after the first phase of the WIPRO Urban
STEM Experience. I came dressed with my suit of ambivalence
and my mind clouded with routine. Tempered radicalism was part
of the curriculum before we were commissioned to read the book.
Breaking out of the ambivalent mind and habits abruptly
produced much anxiety. Learning to effectively collaborate,

Tempered Radicals Last Chapters

overcoming the fear of sharing knowledge with others, bringing
self into the fold of teaching ,advancing along the technology
matrix and providing textual content that was eye opening was
demanding. At the conclusion of the Summer of WIPRO, I heart
fully admitted that I mis-educated students for eighteen years. As
an African American educator, that was a heavy weight to bear.
We have a montage of issues that are germane to our cultural
group, but education is the equalizer for all. Providing students
with a level of a substandard of education was not a deliberate
act, but the consequences of my participation are a streaming
video of regret for the tumultuous lives of some of my former
students. I liken my ambivalent actions to the story A Christmas
Carol. All three spirits have visited me and now I am utilizing the
WIPRO experience to repair the educational mistakes that I have
Spiraling back to the feeling and practice of being an ambivalent
educator, teacher leader and STEM coach, the prevalence of
those thoughts and actions ushered in loneliness and hypocracy. I
began to phone my colleagues and excitedly share all that I had
learned and championed the change that I experienced. I was
met and consistently face hypocrisy. For example, I and a very
close colleague had a heated discussion about yet another
prepackaged educational product designed for urban youth. I
stated that she already had the talent and skill set that surpassed
what was in those scripted lessons and I challenged her to amend
those lessons by adding a bit of self into the mixture. Urban
STEM has taught me that bringing out inner talent and
inquisitiveness brings self into the fold. I am the learning,
listening and teaching tool; not a box or book of assembled
educational products. She avoided me for a length of time, but
now we are working collaboratively on a STEM literacy project.
The Mathematicians Lament resulted in conversations that
were thought to be a threat to job security. Being forever

Tempered Radicals Last Chapters

changed propelled me to be proactive and utilize the absorbent
minds of the students to showcase techo-stems and putting self
into teaching. For those individuals that are still resistant, I am
content with pushing the WIPRO agenda and waiting for the
opportunity window to open. I have also begun to work on
alternative modes of communication. Using remote technology to
communicate decreases the conflict between the Who are you
attitude and Armstrongs messages of change crusade.
Its easy for me to escape the grasp of co-optation. We are not
offered merit pay, tenure is not protected, and I am steadily
accomplishing small wins without upsetting the institutional
edicts. At this point in my career, I care more about attaining
degrees that will benefit the education of our students and using
WIPRO stems to enhance our school community.
Gender roles within our school community have not been a
threat because 90% of the staff is female and this is generally the
demographic of most schools. The threat that I encounter
primarily deals with female teachers who seek to be the alpha
dog; not knowing that they need the pack to pull the sled. I
continue to employ and initiate collaborative stems and offer
those individuals a seat at the round table as well. Remember in
King Arthurs court, the round table represents whole not
fractional thinking. Additionally I continue to openly acknowledge
their support and contributions as well and deemphasize my role.
In the previous paper, I mentioned the stigma of being thought
of as a sell out. Many of my colleagues bellow Here comes
administration; when I pass by their classrooms. I treat that as a
comedy act because I dont possess a type 75 administrative
certificate and I can only execute soft-observations for the benefit
of improving teaching pedagogy and classroom culture in regards
to STEM. Loyalty is minimally questioned because of the afore
mentioned criteria as well. Maintaining professionalism is

Tempered Radicals Last Chapters

arduous because it seems that verbiage of the masses allows me
to be accepted, but as I seek to advance my education and
increase the amount of STEM coaching time; I find that language
to be regressive. For example, a teacher stated that a male
student did not have an ounce of mathematical aptitude, but that
same student designed a prototype of a boat that could hold a
weight of fifty pounds without sinking. I did not want to slip back
into that conversation of cant and wont. The evidence was
the artifact that worked to curb that conversation and I chose not
to openly disregard the teachers feelings as well.
The flame of teaching is dwindling, but WIPRO has added a few
logs to keep light where there was darkness. I know that I am
capable. I no longer fear success. I have eyes and actions that
reflect possibility. I am stronger now because Urban STEM
provided options.

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